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Sorry I know little about dogs (reptiles is my thing). We have a poodle and my wife had gotten her an injection to prevent pregnancy, however she went into heat. We seen the male dogs following her constantly so my wife takes her to get another injection. A couple months have gone by and we suspect she is pregnant so my wife takes her to the vet to check. Te vet says she is pregnant but will have problems because she was give the injection after conceiving. She will need a c-section and when the puppies are born she may not lactate so we will have to bottle feed the puppies (vet conveniently sells the formula).

This all sounds strange to me, can someone confirm the Vet is correct please.

What bothers me is that despite my wife telling the vet our dog has had male companions she still gave the injection to the dog with testing for pregnancy first!



there is a 'morning after' shot for bitches that have been bred by accident; was this the injection? di the vet feel the pups (did he palpitate her abdomen) or was she ultrasouded or xray'd to see the pups; how far along is she? (when did her heat start, when u first noticed the blood, and then, when did u see dogs actually breed her ? ) could be false pregnancy also.

what poodle? toy? mini?

ive never seen heard of this specific problem before but there's always a first; usually c sections are planned only for the toy breeds or some of the heavy flat face breeds (bulldogs). why does he want to do the c section?

if u see the pups, he can guesstimate the age, and when she should go in to labour. when she starts to be in labour, u can always make the decision to c section, even if it means losing the pups and saving the mother. then u can decide to spay or keep her intact and try for a planned breeding two seasons farther on.

how much is "a couple of months">? bitches gestation is 63 days.

signs of impending birthing: nesting, lowered temperature, restlessness, not eating , enlarged mammary glands...

if u can buy pup milk only right before the birth, and get promise to get refund (or credit for next vet visit) if not opened, then consider buying some; first we need info.

any of the vets here heard of this?



there is a 'morning after' shot for bitches that have been bred by accident; was this the injection? di the vet feel the pups (did he palpitate her abdomen) or was she ultrasouded or xray'd to see the pups; how far along is she? (when did her heat start, when u first noticed the blood, and then, when did u see dogs actually breed her ? ) could be false pregnancy also.

what poodle? toy? mini?

ive never seen heard of this specific problem before but there's always a first; usually c sections are planned only for the toy breeds or some of the heavy flat face breeds (bulldogs). why does he want to do the c section?

if u see the pups, he can guesstimate the age, and when she should go in to labour. when she starts to be in labour, u can always make the decision to c section, even if it means losing the pups and saving the mother. then u can decide to spay or keep her intact and try for a planned breeding two seasons farther on.

how much is "a couple of months">? bitches gestation is 63 days.

signs of impending birthing: nesting, lowered temperature, restlessness, not eating , enlarged mammary glands...

if u can buy pup milk only right before the birth, and get promise to get refund (or credit for next vet visit) if not opened, then consider buying some; first we need info.

any of the vets here heard of this?



Sorry I'm in Nigeria working so I will have to get details from my wife. The injection is suppose to prevent pregnancy. I don't know what kind of poodle. We were not planning on breeding her she is a family pet. I should have had her spay but she was too young. She started to bleed then within days she had suitors following her, this was about 2 months ago. I didn't actually see any dogs breed her but she had a lot of boyfriend with her all the time. I assumed she wouldn't get pregnant because of the injection she was given. What worries me is the vet is out to make money and not thinking about the best interest of our dog. I don't mind paying for whatever she needs but don't want her to have unnecessary surgery either.


BTW the photo was taken Nov 29th.


if u never want to breed her again, u can just get her hysterectomied with pups and all, taken out. up until the day she gives birth more or less. some people will jump at the moral implications but we performed a lot of these type spays around here, including my boxer bitch -- she jumped her gate, got preggers and we had decided any how we want to spay her so we did the full type (not just an ovarian spay-- removing the ovaries only), and since i helped, i saw the pups. its a bit icky but can be done. dont know if thai vets will do this type, and if u all want to do that.

i guess we need more info.




Update: The Vet proceeded to do a C-section and there were no pups. She said the dog had an infected uterus and was not pregnant. She pulled through OK and my wife has her at home, I hope she doesn't have complications.


pyometra. in which case u were really really lucky. the prognosis isnt always so good if not caught in time.



Yup, second that. And it most probably was caused by the injections the dog received before.

Happy for you that your dog is doing well now. :)

  • 2 months later...
Update: The Vet proceeded to do a C-section and there were no pups. She said the dog had an infected uterus and was not pregnant. She pulled through OK and my wife has her at home, I hope she doesn't have complications.

It looks like my Shit Zhu may have Pyometra but they can't say 100% for sure until they cut her open. I am ready to have her spayed anyways, so the timing isn't so bad I guess really.

I was quoted 1200b for a regular spaying, 1700b for special suture. I guess a more beautiful scar???

And if she does have pyometra, than the cost would be roughly 4500-5000b. The list price was 3500-8500 but they gave me a more specific price based on her breed/size. Can anybody, (including the OP) tell me what this type of surgery usually costs? I read that its slightly more complicated that a regular spaying, but the price is multiples higher! Does this sound about right or should I look for a new vet?

BTW; the vet told me that they need to do xrays and blood tests to determine if she likely has it. I said that I wanted her spayed anyways so no need. They insisted on blood tests to make sure her liver and kidneys were good enough to go into surgery. They told my wife that her liver/kidneys are fine, didn't tell about the white cell count indicating the likelihood of her having it. Now reading more about the disease online, I'd say she very likely has it and I need to get this sorted out right away. So what are the typical costs of this operation in Thailand?

Update: The Vet proceeded to do a C-section and there were no pups. She said the dog had an infected uterus and was not pregnant. She pulled through OK and my wife has her at home, I hope she doesn't have complications.

It looks like my Shit Zhu may have Pyometra but they can't say 100% for sure until they cut her open. I am ready to have her spayed anyways, so the timing isn't so bad I guess really.

I was quoted 1200b for a regular spaying, 1700b for special suture. I guess a more beautiful scar???

And if she does have pyometra, than the cost would be roughly 4500-5000b. The list price was 3500-8500 but they gave me a more specific price based on her breed/size. Can anybody, (including the OP) tell me what this type of surgery usually costs? I read that its slightly more complicated that a regular spaying, but the price is multiples higher! Does this sound about right or should I look for a new vet?

BTW; the vet told me that they need to do xrays and blood tests to determine if she likely has it. I said that I wanted her spayed anyways so no need. They insisted on blood tests to make sure her liver and kidneys were good enough to go into surgery. They told my wife that her liver/kidneys are fine, didn't tell about the white cell count indicating the likelihood of her having it. Now reading more about the disease online, I'd say she very likely has it and I need to get this sorted out right away. So what are the typical costs of this operation in Thailand?

I think the whole procedure cost us 2700 Baht plus we had to buy special food :) from the vet for the recovery. Dog is fully recovered so it was worth it.

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