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Is there anywhere you can buy homeopathy with out seeing a doctor here? I have been taking it for 15 years and did not bring arnica perhaps the most impt remedy. I find it ridiculous that i would pay 4000 b for her to give me it.My dr in NY is 2000b and it is over the counter in most contires in the world. Thanks for any info.

  • 1 year later...

Homeopathy is no more effective than plain water.

THere is no scientific evidence at all that it works.You would be better spending your money on a bottle of water from a seven-eleven and eating a small lump of sugar. - don't waste your money.

Furthermore if a medical doctor recommends homepathetic treament I"d suggest that you seriously consider changing your doctor she jas some highly questionable beliefs or ethics.


homeopathy is a complete fraud. Please see James Rhandi youtube expose on this.

He's actually offering a million dollars to anyone who can come up with a clinical trial that demonstrates any efficacy of such things as homeopathy.<div><br></div><div> It astounds me how the general public continues to give credence to this quackery, which has been shown to be totally useless again and again. </div><div><br></div><div>Actually it doesn't surprise me - but it still annoys me.</div><div><br></div><div>.</div><div>PS -  if think it's "harmless" - or you need a bit more convincing take a look at this site...........

What's the harm?

<div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"></div></div>


Sorry - the weird stuff is the result of an edit which TV occasionally does this with - I have reported it but they don't seem to be able to stop it from happening.


Nobody understands the placebo effect but all agree it works.

I'm afraid you really don't understand do you?your statement is incorrect but it also shows you don't understand the processes of verifying or proving a treatment.

The placebo effect is well researched and can be scientifically proven to take effect.Many, many trials have shown this.Homeopathy on the other hand in many many trials has FAILED to show any benefit.


Arnica is more commonly used as a herbal treatment in a cream or such like and has been used effectively for hundreds of years for bruises sprains wounds etc

It can be used homepathically but there have as other posters have mentioned been recent studies that suggest it may have very little effect.


Supplementary, Complimentary, Alternative Medicines = SCAMS!

Homeopathy is proved useless.

Most herbal remedies are useless too

It seems the some posters don't even know what pseudoscience or quack philosophy their medication is meant to be - how little they seem to care about the real efficacy of what they are wasting their money on.

What the gullible fail to realise is the huge amount of money and misinformation that is behind this stuff nowadays. Much of it can be sold without a medical licence and also doesn't attract food hygiene regulations either!

Here's the wikipedia quote on

Arnica montana

"A scientific study found that the application of topical arnica had no better effect than a placebo in the treatment of laser-induced bruising.[10] Reputable bodies such as the Royal Society of Medicine have also found arnica tablets to be "no better than placebo" in treating bruising and swelling. The RSM suggests that its claimed benefits could be due to positive selection bias and that tests such as the previously mentioned study that supposedly prove its efficacy could perhaps be false due to factors such as methodological limitations."


Thread closed in keeping with Health forum rules against aggressive attempts to promote or denounce "alternative" forms of treatment.

Please review these rules before posting again.

Re OP's original inquiry: I don't think so. Homeopathy is not in common use in Thailand, most consumers and practitioners are expatriate. Doubt you can buy this here.

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