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Well the old phone has been running hot today, concerning the present events in all these countries, and i would just like to say my 3 cents worth

I do not agree with everything the Thai Governement has done over the last week, and I sure do not totaly support President Bush in what he has done with his power, but I do believe that they all deserve the respect for the Position they hold.

I am a guest in this country so I repect those that are in power, Right or wrong Bush is the President of the most powerful country in the world and should have the respect given to him, I did not vote for the Australian Prime Minister but I will give him my respect as long as he holds the position, so to those Green radicals and all the stupid kids that have nothing better to do than cause trouble on the streets in Canberra I say to my government

Send them here to Thailand for 12 months and let them see what real poverty is and wake up to them selves.

No chance they are cushy university students who have it all given to them on a silver platter, and would know the difference between a hard days work and a joint.

Thailand still backward but oh so beautiful, why do so many retiries want to stay here.?

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Never heard such bullsh*t...Bush and his Australian and Thai lapdogs are importuning blackguards using a perceived 'terrorist threat' to further their political agendas and are beneath contempt. I reserve my disrespect for the uninformed idiots that voted for them.

With regard to student protesters in Australia and their supposed lack of vision they don't have to come to 'Asian' Asia to find poverty...they got plenty of that back home on aboriginal settlements...


hey, c'mon SVB...don't be such a puss. We can exercise our language skills, have some fun and reveal US hegemony for what it is all at the same time...

okay tutsi... you got me.

( but I thought we already did hegemony to death?  :o)


to those Green radicals and all the stupid kids that have nothing better to do.....Send them here to Thailand for 12 months and let them see what real poverty is and wake up to them selves

Surely you mean send them here to wake up to the sounds of Khao San Road, or to a hangover after a full moon party on Samui?  That's the last bloody thing we need.

Cool - with this thread we can try and cross Hegemon brawl with the Farang Bum saga - excellent.



I think GWB has done a great thing - he's left Asia and gone back home now right ???

(bit bitter cos i canceled a wifey run cos of APEC etc)


Guest IT Manager
I thought the statements made by the backsides of the two senators was an honourable one. Pity Bob Brown didn't drop his daks and moon the prick.

Tutsi, I used to think the ugliest (worst representative) American was the American tourist. ???

Yes, we must have that beer in Dec. It is time for a serious intervention. :o


SoCal...why don't you relax? As a flag waver there will always be someone that you ain't gonna like on a chat line like this one. On a previous thread you got pissed because you thought that I was getting personal re: something you said. Now you doing the same.

Chill out...we just talking here...no reason to get annoyed...

Ugly American?... you really think that I might look like Brando?...so bitchen...

I coulda been a contenda...


perceived 'terrorist threat'

i think its a bit more than just a perceived threat and as such,those who feel threatened have every right, to consider and implement  preventative measures and share intelligence.

only the americans have the money,balls,arrogance,staying power and stomach for the fight.

good luck to them and all who sail with her.

the fact that they are also furthering their political cause is ,i believe,incidental to the wider picture.

i believe that, in this matter,the americans are spot on with their foreign policy.


Tutsi- So let me get this right. You have the constitutional right to say whatever moronic thing you please, but I do not have the right to critique you? Huh, going to have to ponder that one.

Hey, most the world hates Americans, and if you were French, German, Saudi, etc., I would leave you alone. Fact is your posts are not insightful, but enciteful. You ponder that one. So why don't you quit being a follower, jump off the band wagon, and lead? Maybe then, I will stop waiving the flag, and let you do it for awhile.

Relax: 1) What was the f 'in  :o for in my last post? 2) I'll tell you what somebody in the south told me once "I'm cool as gravy." We can both ponder that one, as I have no clue.

C'mon don't you enjoy the dance a little? You are one of my favorite posters, you bitch'in Brando want to be. :cool:


Taxexile- If I could only buy you a beer. A good and rational man indeed.

Contrary to what some think, I am not really pro-Bush, Iraq, or any of that. My honest opinion is that Iraq was never about oil, WMD, etc., but the ego of men. Well, now that it's done, supose the least we can do is see it through. All this crap about the Evil Empire leaves me wondering if we are talking the U.S., or the Yankees.

PS, and between you and me. Americans are not arrogant, but self-righteous. There's a difference, albeit both negative.


Hey you twits put down your ego's and get back to the subject of this question

God you go on like cackling old hens

We live in a democratic world and if the majority vote someone into power they deserve the respect the poition gives them, and if you don't like the heat in the kitchen get out,

So untill they vote Bush out he should be given the respect he deserves as the democraticlly voted leader

My self I'm not to keen on him or his policies in fact i can take him or leave him, and prefer the later, but as a politician he made the green idiots look like what they are, a bunch of radical idiots out for a stir.

Oh yes I see, My Thai friend here just brought this to my attention, they are like some of you guys.

Putting down the 100 ft pole I stop typing


Respect? Sure, if any of these guys crosses my path, I will stand up. Real respect is something, however, that must be earned. More respect to the US, giving any new president 100 days before critisizing.

You vote for and elect 'your' Prime Minister, President or whatever you name the office and expect they do the job. In doing the job they serve you.

As for the APEC-meeting, expensive as it was, my vote goes to Thaksin. He made a great show, accepted that Mr. GWB turned away from the subject of economy, got for Thailand the non-NATO-alliance and in his own words "they will bring investments".

So after all, Thaksin deserves my respect for doing a job he promised to do, to run the country as CEO. Take their money, smile and be happy. Once over, take a holiday. Does this not sound familiar to all the other stories we here in here, only this time the sick buffalo... oh forget it.

OzzieMan, sorry not much I can say about your Prime Minister this time in LoS. Back home a few demonstrations. Why not? To whom it may concern might watch CNN.


I agree Ozzie, all those two politicians in Australia showed was they lacked self discipline.  There are about 10 posters on here that have the same problem.  If you don't agree with someone no need to curse and ridicule them.  Thats not anyway to treat someone even if it is an anonymous forum.  Its a great thing you started and have going here, but why ruin it.

To often a thread is ruined with various !@#$%^ from both sides throwing threats, curses and insults around.  This I think is a waste of space and effort IMHO.  The thing I think the forum loses more of from this type of stuff is the mild mannered poster that never comes back.  Who knows what ways they could have contributed or who they could have helped had they stayed.  I like the opinions of everyone in the world its what makes it interesting.


When you feel you want to lash ot think of her, sorry ladies don't have a male stripper.  Relax, have a smoke, a drink, a cup of coffee, something.

Keep it real!


Gee Wizz

I had a whole lot of things to say

Took one look at the Rolling Stone picture in the last listing and forgot the lot.

The mind boggles, the girl in the pic standing up in parliment house does a strip in front of Bush and he say's


"Rolling Stone your a stress buster"

Now where did I put that beer


LOL@Nat, you were certainly a looker.  No shame in doing it for the money or free for that matter  :o

A question Nat since you are a girl and would know, are women allowed to go topless in Thailand?  The pool at the hotel next to my apartment is eye level so I cannot help but see the goings on whenever I pass by.  Well, the last three days there are these 5 girls that have been sunbathing and swimming topless.  I thought that was a big no no in Thailand?  Are the people working at the pool just to shy to say anything?  Or is it a "up to you" kinda thing?  My misses cannot stop looking LOL, just keeps saying "farang bah mach" and giggling like a schoolgirl.

Keep it real!


Thanks Rolling Stone that's how I tried to justify it also  :o

In regards to topless bathing, in my experience (personally I don't do it) going topless is a no no and very disrespectful. However it tends to happen particularly in the touristy areas. Seen it quite a bit on popular islands, but never seen anyone told to cover up - which doesn't mean it's acceptable. I spend most of my time on koh samet and never seen anyone doing it there. It is one of those things where "it's up to you" to find out what's acceptable in another culture.

...very disrespectful. However it tends to happen...

Now we are back to the subject, respect.

I live in BKK next to a 4-star tourist - hotel. Lots of guest do go topless. My only problem, they seem to be around the age of "I don't care anymore"  :o

So my respect goes to any grandmother who puts on a blouse or a towel.

Well the old phone has been running hot today, concerning the present events in all these countries, and i would just like to say my 3 cents worth

I do not agree with everything the Thai Governement has done over the last week, and I sure do not totaly support President Bush in what he has done with his power, but I do believe that they all deserve the respect for the Position they hold.

I am a guest in this country so I repect those that are in power, Right or wrong Bush is the President of the most powerful country in the world and should have the respect given to him, I did not vote for the Australian Prime Minister but I will give him my respect as long as he holds the position, so to those Green radicals and all the stupid kids that have nothing better to do than cause trouble on the streets in Canberra I say to my government

Send them here to Thailand for 12 months and let them see what real poverty is and wake up to them selves.

No chance they are cushy university students who have it all given to them on a silver platter, and would know the difference between a hard days work and a joint.

Thailand still backward but oh so beautiful, why do so many retiries want to stay here.?

So if Hitler was your leader, you would respect him ? I guess you are the reason so many people got killed in death camps during WW2. See, germans were just respecting their leader by doing nothing. People like you make me sick.

Never heard such bullsh*t...Bush and his Australian and Thai lapdogs are importuning blackguards using a perceived 'terrorist threat' to further their political agendas and are beneath contempt. I reserve my disrespect for the uninformed idiots that voted for them.

With regard to student protesters in Australia and their supposed lack of vision they don't have to come to 'Asian' Asia to find poverty...they got plenty of that back home on aboriginal settlements...

Beautifully spoken. Perfect hit.

perceived 'terrorist threat'

i think its a bit more than just a perceived threat and as such,those who feel threatened have every right, to consider and implement  preventative measures and share intelligence.

only the americans have the money,balls,arrogance,staying power and stomach for the fight.

good luck to them and all who sail with her.

the fact that they are also furthering their political cause is ,i believe,incidental to the wider picture.

i believe that, in this matter,the americans are spot on with their foreign policy.

You are not being serious here, aren't you ? that foreign policy is a total joke. It's just pouding on the chest from the Chimp in the WH.

The US will surrender sooner or later to those terrorists, it's a war they can't win and they know it. They are just buying time. It will be as successful as the war on drugs if you catch my drift.

Hey you twits put down your ego's and get back to the subject of this question

God you go on like cackling old hens

We live in a democratic world and if the majority vote someone into power they deserve the respect the poition gives them, and if you don't like the heat in the kitchen get out,

So untill they vote Bush out he should be given the respect he deserves as the democraticlly voted leader

My self I'm not to keen on him or his policies in fact i can take him or leave him, and prefer the later, but as a politician he made the green idiots look like what they are, a bunch of radical idiots out for a stir.

Oh yes I see, My Thai friend here just brought this to my attention, they are like some of you guys.

Putting down the 100 ft pole I stop typing

Bush was not voted "leader" of the world by any world bodies or institutions. Where do you get all those weird ideas ? how old are you son ?



You see this hat, men of Uri!  It will be put on a high column, in the middle of the village, and

this is the sheriffs will and and opinion:

Same respect to be given to the hat as if the man be there.

One should honor the hat with bended knee and with bowed head -

That's how the king wants to recognize the obedient.

Life and personal riches of who despises the commandment

belong to the king.

Above is an excerpt from Schiller's Willhelm Tell, the national hero of Switzerland. He refused to obey above request to pay respect to the hat in lieu of the person.

Reported to the "sheriff" he was forced to shoot an apple from his favorite son's head, if he missed son or apple he would be killed. "Sharp-shooter" he was he split the apple in two, his life to be saved. Questioned by the 'sheriff' why he brought two arrows, he admitted the second one was to kill the sheriff if he killed his son instead of hitting the apple.

Above is a bit a fairy tale explained in easy English. However, it shows respect is not to be given to people who do not deserve it.

Later the free citizens of Uri founded Switzerland. The rest is history.

Butterfly, you are rough today but I agree 'Stop the beginnings'.


Shame Shame Shame .......   Rolling Stone

This should never be done, unthinkable, disgusting

But I need another opinion so can we have the address of the hotel as a few of us need to just pop over and take this under deep consideration over an hour or so and a few beers

So if Hitler was your leader, you would respect him ? I guess you are the reason so many people got killed in death camps during WW2. See, germans were just respecting their leader by doing nothing.

Did you have any choice in the matter

So now we all agree but called it compulsory respect

See your right off the subject with your quick to smart agression

You had no choice to Respect Hitler, it was good for your health, but you did not have to agree with him, and i think the majority of germans did not support him but what choice did they have.

So you have now confirmed my comment

Respect is something you give for different reasons

Now if you do not support your leader do it at the ballot box, and just in case you didn't know, once hitler gained power the german people did not have this option

So if Hitler was your leader, you would respect him ? I guess you are the reason so many people got killed in death camps during WW2. See, germans were just respecting their leader by doing nothing.

Did you have any choice in the matter

So now we all agree but called it compulsory respect

See your right off the subject with your quick to smart agression

You had no choice to Respect Hitler, it was good for your health, but you did not have to agree with him, and i think the majority of germans did not support him but what choice did they have.

So you have now confirmed my comment

Respect is something you give for different reasons

Now if you do not support your leader do it at the ballot box, and just in case you didn't know, once hitler gained power the german people did not have this option

I don't know, would you respect a Chimp with a suit and call him Boss ? I guess some people can.


Guest IT Manager


Had no idea you knew my wife that well....

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