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Fish Spas Popping Up Everywhere In Chiang Mai


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Wow, Donnyboy! Where is that full-body fish spa? Looks interesting. Unhygenenic yes, but interesting. Plus your photo proves that the fish spa craze isn't just another scheme to extract baht from foreigners. Most of the guys on this forum would enjoy the scenery at that fish spa.

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Ooh look: http://www.yourdoctorfishspa.com/

only 175SGD!!...cheaper than some tickles...do they only do feet? Can they be deep fried once reached their sell by date??

Cannibalism lite?

I think you are on to something here. Total immersion fish tanks.

If they're eating dead cells, why do they limit it to the feet and hands? I suspect that I may have dead cells all over my body - some in my head as well. :)

Does it work on the old John thomas as i have some hard skin on there.

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Wow, Donnyboy! Where is that full-body fish spa? Looks interesting. Unhygenenic yes, but interesting. Plus your photo proves that the fish spa craze isn't just another scheme to extract baht from foreigners. Most of the guys on this forum would enjoy the scenery at that fish spa.

Do the fish eat through the costumes too ?..............this thread is really hotting up

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full-body treatment has been available in china for years. the hot springs resort of anning just outside of

kunming has a series of specialty springs where they dump in various allegedly healthy or at least trendy

condiments. you got your green tea bath, your rose petal bath, your milk bath, your sea salt bath, and of

course the fish bath.

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<br />
Anyone know what kind of fish they are and where to get them??
<br /><br />Piranhas, perhaps?<br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

from wikipedia:

Doctor fish is the name given to two species of fish: Garra rufa and Cyprinion macrostomus. Other nicknames include nibble fish, kangal fish, little dermatologists and doctorfishen; in non-medical contexts, Garra rufa is called the reddish log sucker.

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Cleanest my hands and feet have been for ages. Took the kids on the Kings birthday holiday as it was free for the day, kids loved the novelty of it. Wouldn't pay the prices they were asking for the regular times though. A tad steep i would say. Give it 12 months they'll all be gone or on the way out, unless they drop their prices drastically.

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Wow, Donnyboy! Where is that full-body fish spa? Looks interesting. Unhygenenic yes, but interesting. Plus your photo proves that the fish spa craze isn't just another scheme to extract baht from foreigners. Most of the guys on this forum would enjoy the scenery at that fish spa.

sorry to say, but the pics were pulled from google :)

no doubt it wont take long before we get one thou

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Ooh look: http://www.yourdoctorfishspa.com/

only 175SGD!!...cheaper than some tickles...do they only do feet? Can they be deep fried once reached their sell by date??

Cannibalism lite?

I think you are on to something here. Total immersion fish tanks.

If they're eating dead cells, why do they limit it to the feet and hands? I suspect that I may have dead cells all over my body - some in my head as well. :)

Does it work on the old John thomas as i have some hard skin on there.

personally, i wouldnt have a fish nibble on my bits :D

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<br />
Anyone know what kind of fish they are and where to get them??
<br /><br />Piranhas, perhaps?<br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

from wikipedia:

Doctor fish is the name given to two species of fish: Garra rufa and Cyprinion macrostomus. Other nicknames include nibble fish, kangal fish, little dermatologists and doctorfishen; in non-medical contexts, Garra rufa is called the reddish log sucker.

So then they're not a new thing to Thai spas after all. :)

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Let me see if I understand this right. People don't wash their feet. They think it is better to soak their feet in water that 50 other people have soaked their feet in prior to their foot bath. They think it makes their feet softer and cleaner. They will pay money for this.

I think this idea is right up there with candy that explodes in your mouth. I'm just waiting for the "fish 1-N-1" virus to start. What is someone with HIV places their feet in the water and the fish get "fish HIV" and then pass it on to the next customer? Soon monks will be blessing the fish and placing them in little round containers to wear around your neck and someone will buy those too. Maybe people will start paying to switch underwear with other people. This is such a bad idea on so many levels with the "stupid" level being on top.

I can soak my feet in water for free and have they will be softer. I can wash my feet at home for free and they will be cleaner. Why should I care what people do with their money. However, this does sound like a health hazard that should be looked at by city health officials. Dumb idea or not it should be regulated....to a point.

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Let me see if I understand this right. People don't wash their feet.They think it is better to soak their feet in water that 50 other people have soaked their feet in prior to their foot bath. They think it makes their feet softer and cleaner. They will pay money for this.

no, most go to get their dead skin eaten, not cause they dont wash their feet and wish to have them cleaned

I can soak my feet in water for free and have they will be softer. I can wash my feet at home for free and they will be cleaner. Why should I care what people do with their money. However, this does sound like a health hazard that should be looked at by city health officials. Dumb idea or not it should be regulated....to a point.

you can stay home and drink coffee for free also, people go out and might want to try things or may prefer a fish spa, who really cares.

i dont see many deaths coming from Fish 1N1, i say no regulation required, this fad will die in a few years imo, or it start a whole new revival in the spa industry

city health officials would be better to spend their time on the food establishments around town and check them for food hygiene etc


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While this gimmick is hot why dont the City fathers top up the moat with more water and a few million,feet sucking, fish.Imagine the publicity that would create, a fish led Chiang mai ,economic recovery, spin offs galore , Lanna cushions , towels,photographers , where are you Ian, cerfificates of participation . Reps from Guinness Records, food vendors. What better way to make friends and meet people you never ever wpuld have thought you would meet. Of course before Songkram they will have to drain the whole lot out .We wouldnt want fish and dead skin thrown over us would we ?

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Its one of the answers to unemployment. When this hits the skids, the market for large glass??? tanks and small fish will go into a dive. Better than many business ventures, overhead low, can eat the labor. I am waiting for someone to put one of these ventures on wheels, with a few of the little plastic chairs and get out among the crowd.

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With the electrical cords/light etc displayed think I will pass on that one. Hygiene would be the furthest thing on the mind of anyone waiting for this accident to happen. Not if, but when it happens, a special committee can be formed for fish spa safety. Wouldn't miss a day in this country just to observe and listen to the leading entrepreneurs.

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If you do indulge in the biting fishies, I have a tip for you. Go for a place with INDIVIDUAL tanks for each customer. Avoid places with GROUP tanks. The reason for this is the fish will go for the most tasty feet, the feet with the most dead skin. If someone else is the yummy one, you will be cheated with few fish. If it is you, it will be embarrassing to have all the fish at your feet and ignoring the others.

BTW, I think passing HIV this way would be very unlikely.

Edited by Jingthing
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"RNA viruses DO survive on fish for about 5 minutes"

eg: cold virus. HIV. Hep, etc. (dont quote me, do your own research)




Fish Tuberculosis

see: http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/manage...fer_FishTB.html

I am one of the unfortunate people who caught this Mycobacterium marinum. I had a cut on my finger and cleaned the fish tank. In December 2002, I first noticed a small bump on the inside of the middle knuckle on my left index finger. I thought I had jammed my finger. The lesions grew, became purple, and spread around the knuckle. An orthopedic surgeon operated about the first of April 2003, and opened my finger and took a culture. He failed to get the culture to grow, so it couldn't be identified. I was on an oral antibiotic, cephalexin. Two weeks later the pus started pouring out of the wound. I went to the doctor the next day and was put in the hospital and started on intravenous vancomycin. I was in the hospital five days, then sent home with a pic line, and continued the treatment at home for another two weeks. In the meantime, I was going to hydrotherapy to keep the wound draining.

Two weeks later the nodules were still growing, the pus was worse, and my finger was swelling and looking deformed. I was put back in the hospital and started on biaxin and euthambutol. The hand surgeon operated on my finger, and gave me about a 50% chance of not losing it. She cut it down both sides and the back, and on into my hand where it was spreading. I took hydrotherapy twice a day, and was hospitalized for 13 days. The cultures came back with a diagnosis of acid fast bacillus; the infectious disease doctor thought it was water-borne from a fish.

After being discharged, I am continuing my medication for at least 6 months. My finger is deformed and will need plastic surgery when the infection is entirely gone. The bacterium destroyed my tendons and joint in the infected finger.

Edited by whiterussian
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Has anyone given a thought to how the fish are treated or what becomes of them? Or is it just me?

I say that this counts as cruelty to animals in the name of profit and should be banned.

I would be interested to know what species are these fish and what is their natural enviroment? Does anyone know?

Edited by BigWheelMan
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Looks like some posters skipped my earlier post, so here goes again:

google this: Garra rufa hepatitis

here is the link to the original file: http://www.knabberfische.at/knabberfische/...gical_study.pdf

"Potential Microbial risk of Garra rufa (doctor fish)"

The key phrase in the conclusion to my mind is:

" A transmission of human pathogen virus by the vector (carrier) Garra Rufa (Doctor fish) can be excluded IF the pause between two applications takes more than 15 minutes "

How i read it:

" Hepititis, HIV infection etc is possible IF the infected feet are within 5-15 minutes swim from your open dermatitis blisters "

University of Veterinary Medecine - Vienna - Austria

As for disposal of the fish, I bet they would be nice in a light tempura batter, quick fried, and served with a twist of lemon.

p.s: I'm rather saddened by this research, as I have psoriasis, but I aint gonna stick my skin into a broth of Chiang Mai feet fluid.

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I had a go yesterday, I'll be back.

I wouldn't have the treatment if I had an open wound for sure.

The water in the fish spa's was cleaned by UV light.

That's the same water treatment as new swimming pools. All the dead cells are eaten by the fish... not floating in the tank..

Customers are made to wash and dry their feet before treatment and the tanks can accommodate 2 people

I consider this environment far more hygienic than a pool, shower, or restaurant food.

Just walking around the street would be riskier.

Edited by piewarmer
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