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Two Foreigners Arrested For Heroin Possession


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I keep reading this <deleted>, make it all free and there will be no criminals, no crime, no prison. Apply this to all drugs, of course. we end up with with a world full of spaced out, or pissed up, addicts, destroying themselves and everyone around them. But of course, me and you keep working to support their free drugs and re-hab programs.

Well if that's what you want, you pay for it. Personally, I believe in self responsibility. Countries make laws to restrict the damage done, not always wisely, but that's how democracy works. You want to break those laws, and get my sympathy, you're bang out of luck.

Also, if you want people to respect your views, learn how to spell.

No, you do not believe in self responsibility. If you did you would be for the decriminalization of the drugs and then allow people to make up their own minds as to use or not. I would still not be spaced out. You think it being against the law is what made me not use? It sure didn't stop many friends (close or distant ones). They still made that choice. Difference is, if they are caught in the wrong country their hole lives are ruined. (Not everyone that uses are lost causes or deep junkies. Most user are people you will meet in every day life and you have no idea about it.)

Oh, and when complaining about a users spelling, made sure not to make your own. :) It's generally written 'rehab', not 're-hab'. :D

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Again, a verry bad promotion for Thailand.

In normal countriy (europe) this woud never comes in the news. :)

They are still not guilty and you, The Nation, are you sure that not the police put the drogs in the luggage?

And please "The Nation" do not send all the time such stupid and rassist ariticles as news.

.... i know "mei kautschai" ...; i am no Thai and no US.... as Pratschdigdog?

Just pray that their lives will end early in jail so they do not have to suffer that ...

Sorry, shame on you

Sorry, but it would be in all newspapers in any European country. Maybe not in Holland, but it’s not a very bad promotion for Thailand. It’s very bad for all foreigners who decided to live and work here. Indeed, it has to be proofed that they’re guilty.

Have you ever heard about the “Nigerian Connection” in Thailand? Normally they bring a lot of cocaine to your country, that’s why Nigerians are on a kind of blacklist, not because of the color of their skin.

This stuff is pretty cheap in Pakistan, and people make a fortune destroying other peoples’ lives. I guess they’ll have a long time to think about what they did wrong and they won’t do that again. No shame for your country.


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I am working in Nigeria now and it amazes me that any country would allow anyone from here to enter their country without closely monitoring their activity. If Bangkok wanted to clean things up a bit, they only need to go to soi 5 and gather them up. The streets are full of Nigerians that are clearly not on vacation. This is not meant to say that every Nigerian is bad. I work with a few that are quite nice. Overall I would say that this country, Nigeria, is an absolute disaster. I am often stopped by police and greeted cheerily only to be asked for money to support their weekend activities. Thiese people only know corruption. Even the nice ones I work with have to partake in the corruption because it is everywhere here. They just simply refrain from it when they are with me. Is this racism? Maybe. I believe it is more of an admission that I don't trust anyone from this country. I even had to pay the Ambassador a $500 U.S. bribe under the table to sign my visa which was legitimate. She just wanted the cash. This was on top of the visa fees. I say this again. This place is corrupt!

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and i thought all those nigerians in bangkok where only there sight seeing :D

Yeah, didn't you know, you have to be from Nigeria to sell drugs. :)

Haha.. I don't know how many times people have to get caught and sentenced to life, before drug dealers stop trying to walk through the airport with sh*t loads of Columbia's finest!!

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Haha.. I don't know how many times people have to get caught and sentenced to life, before drug dealers stop trying to walk through the airport with sh*t loads of Columbia's finest!!

Yep, you would reckon that if life imprisonment or execution was going to stop people, it would have done so by now.

But strangely enough, it hasn't.

I wonder if it is worth trying another way :)

ps I don't think the drugs which are the subject of the OP have originated from Columbia.

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Sadly, it's often only the 'mules' that get caught whilst the ringleaders remain free and at large. Typically the 'mules' are un-educated and from poor backgrounds. The lure of some fast cash is too much for them to resist and even if they do, there is always someone else more than willing to take the risk.

But, at the end of the day un-educated or not, "you play with fire, you should be prepared to get burnt"!!!

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It is unbelievable how stupid People are, they just want give up. I think all these People that are getting caugth with drugs be it here or elswhere must be braineless, well Merry Christmas.

I'm not too sure if these particular stupid people will enjoy their first Christmas in the thai monkey house.....apparently theres not much christmas turkey :)

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^Well jack, you can just keep wondering, because it aint ever gonna happen, irregardless of how much tripe you and your mates serve up online.

Say "NO" to drugs Jack, its simple. :D

I have a better idea - Say "NO" to neverdie..............now, how can I fit "simple" into this sentence, to round it off :)

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^Well jack, you can just keep wondering, because it aint ever gonna happen, irregardless of how much tripe you and your mates serve up online.

Say "NO" to drugs Jack, its simple. :)

You are wrong.

While history shows us that mankind surely is prone to make stupid decisions regarding on how to govern people, many times the errors are corrected over time (to be replaced by others, no doubt).

One just has to have hope. Otherwise you might just give up on everything.

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Put these people out of business and legalise it.

You can buy anything you want drug wise from the hundreds of Nigerians who are now in the process of detroying the Soi 3 area of bangkok...Where the hel_l are the Thai Police. This is becoming a very serious problem...How do these people get into this country and continue to stay here selling drugs and running the black prositues on Sunkhumvit Road from Soi 3 to Soi 5 .. Wake up Thai Police and politicians before it's too late

Variety is the spice of life.

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I keep reading this <deleted>, make it all free and there will be no criminals, no crime, no prison. Apply this to all drugs, of course. we end up with with a world full of spaced out, or pissed up, addicts, destroying themselves and everyone around them. But of course, me and you keep working to support their free drugs and re-hab programs.

Well if that's what you want, you pay for it. Personally, I believe in self responsibility. Countries make laws to restrict the damage done, not always wisely, but that's how democracy works. You want to break those laws, and get my sympathy, you're bang out of luck.

Also, if you want people to respect your views, learn how to spell.

No, you do not believe in self responsibility. If you did you would be for the decriminalization of the drugs and then allow people to make up their own minds as to use or not. I would still not be spaced out. You think it being against the law is what made me not use? It sure didn't stop many friends (close or distant ones). They still made that choice. Difference is, if they are caught in the wrong country their hole lives are ruined. (Not everyone that uses are lost causes or deep junkies. Most user are people you will meet in every day life and you have no idea about it.)

Strange that no one mentions or has responded to my post about alcohol. Too much cognitive dissonance for everyone? ALCOHOL IS BY FAR THE WORST DRUG.

Oh, and when complaining about a users spelling, made sure not to make your own. :) It's generally written 'rehab', not 're-hab'. :D

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I keep reading this <deleted>, make it all free and there will be no criminals, no crime, no prison. Apply this to all drugs, of course. we end up with with a world full of spaced out, or pissed up, addicts, destroying themselves and everyone around them. But of course, me and you keep working to support their free drugs and re-hab programs.

Well if that's what you want, you pay for it. Personally, I believe in self responsibility. Countries make laws to restrict the damage done, not always wisely, but that's how democracy works. You want to break those laws, and get my sympathy, you're bang out of luck.

Also, if you want people to respect your views, learn how to spell.

No, you do not believe in self responsibility. If you did you would be for the decriminalization of the drugs and then allow people to make up their own minds as to use or not. I would still not be spaced out. You think it being against the law is what made me not use? It sure didn't stop many friends (close or distant ones). They still made that choice. Difference is, if they are caught in the wrong country their hole lives are ruined. (Not everyone that uses are lost causes or deep junkies. Most user are people you will meet in every day life and you have no idea about it.)

Oh, and when complaining about a users spelling, made sure not to make your own. :) It's generally written 'rehab', not 're-hab'. :D


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I keep reading this <deleted>, make it all free and there will be no criminals, no crime, no prison. Apply this to all drugs, of course. we end up with with a world full of spaced out, or pissed up, addicts, destroying themselves and everyone around them. But of course, me and you keep working to support their free drugs and re-hab programs.

Well if that's what you want, you pay for it. Personally, I believe in self responsibility. Countries make laws to restrict the damage done, not always wisely, but that's how democracy works. You want to break those laws, and get my sympathy, you're bang out of luck.

Also, if you want people to respect your views, learn how to spell.

Amen to that. People who smuggle drugs are fully aware of the risks they are taking. As for Nigerians and Africans in general, they have it pretty rough in Asia, whether they are troublemakers or not. I remember being in Hong Kong about a year ago in an all night bar, and the place was rousted by about 20 HK police officers. They went straight for the Africans seated at the bar; numerous cops walked right by me and never even so much as made eye contact. The Africans were required to produce their passports, as it is required in HK to have it on you when you are out and about. They didn't and the cops took them back to their hotels to produce them. I almost never carry my PP on me anywhere when I am out and about, and have never had a problem. Paint me black, and it's a different story. Ask the Thai ladies what they think about Africans and you'll usually get a variety of negative responses. So there are issues both ways. I have also been randomly stopped twice while in a taxi by the BIB. I was searched, pockets emptied, etc. Clean as a whistle. Doesn't bother me; it's their country and we are guests.

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Put these people out of business and legalise it.

You can buy anything you want drug wise from the hundreds of Nigerians who are now in the process of detroying the Soi 3 area of bangkok...Where the hel_l are the Thai Police. This is becoming a very serious problem...How do these people get into this country and continue to stay here selling drugs and running the black prositues on Sunkhumvit Road from Soi 3 to Soi 5 .. Wake up Thai Police and politicians before it's too late

One way to chase these vermin out of here is when you are approached by them, yell out so lots of people can hear, "you want to sell me drugs???!!!" Then tell them to FO, spit on their shoes and hassle them right back. Most of these cretins are cowards and will turn tail and run. If they are not afraid of the cops, then maybe they will get the message when normal, regular type people on the street chase them away.

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^Well jack, you can just keep wondering, because it aint ever gonna happen, irregardless of how much tripe you and your mates serve up online.

Say "NO" to drugs Jack, its simple. :D

I have a better idea - Say "NO" to neverdie..............now, how can I fit "simple" into this sentence, to round it off :)

Simply spit it out jack, no point trying ur political clap trap online here, your not getting my vote.....Society needs to get tough with people who deal with, produce or take drugs, stop messing around, come down so hard on these grubs they dont know what hit them......Simple!~

Say "No" to drugs Jack, people that adhere to my advice will find their lives turn around, ideally those who didnt take my advice would suffer for it. Still Simple. :D

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Bringing heroine to Thailand does not make much sense... I am sure the supply lines here are pretty good organized, and of course they never catch the really big fish. 700 gr is a lot for one person (I guess) but I am sure it is not enough to 'feed' all the junkies in BKK for even 1 day!!!

Typical a case of 'som nam na'. May they learn their lessons in BKK Hilton (and get some better contacts :) )

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^Well jack, you can just keep wondering, because it aint ever gonna happen, irregardless of how much tripe you and your mates serve up online.

Say "NO" to drugs Jack, its simple. :D

I have a better idea - Say "NO" to neverdie..............now, how can I fit "simple" into this sentence, to round it off :)

Simply spit it out jack, no point trying ur political clap trap online here, your not getting my vote.....Society needs to get tough with people who deal with, produce or take drugs, stop messing around, come down so hard on these grubs they dont know what hit them......Simple!~

Say "No" to drugs Jack, people that adhere to my advice will find their lives turn around, ideally those who didnt take my advice would suffer for it. Still Simple. :D

Each time I read one of your posts on this subject nd, "simple" is the first word that springs to mind.

And the next word is simplistic, closely followed by illogical. :D

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No doubt Jack, your one of these text book hero types, sitting behind your office desk, couple of uni degrees under your belt, all the theory behind you, no practical experience, afterall you've never actually been out and dealt with the druggies, hands on, but you are an expert, just ask yourself.

When you've walked in the shoes of myself or one of my collegues, lets see where you pathetic lets legalise it all rubbish theories stand then, until then flame me all you like, afterall its the only thing you know how to do.

You think you can just legalise all these illicit drugs and not have any more problems, change the legislation and everything else just disappears, magical. :)

Goodnight text book hero, I look forward to your next cuddly addition of 'lets change the world & do it the Jackspratt way'.

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Ever notice that a thread like this brings out the "legalize it" and the problems will go away crowd? They are also the first group that will line up to crusade against the various mafias in Thailand like the tuk tuks. Know where I'm going now? If the drug trade was legalized, we'd see the same situation as what is in place with the tuk tuks and jet skis etc. Oh sure, they will say, sell it in approved government shops, control it etc. Hello? Earth to space people. TIT. Do you think that such a program could be run in Thailand? They can't even run a proper traffic enforcement police operation without there being extortion in some areas. So please, how about thinking such positions through before saying if you could wave your little magical faerie wands and make it so. This is the real world and I don't want to have to walk through war zones with competing tuk tuk driver types shooting it out as they compete for drug peddling turf.

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No doubt Jack, your one of these text book hero types, sitting behind your office desk, couple of uni degrees under your belt, all the theory behind you, no practical experience, afterall you've never actually been out and dealt with the druggies, hands on, but you are an expert, just ask yourself.

When you've walked in the shoes of myself or one of my collegues, lets see where you pathetic lets legalise it all rubbish theories stand then, until then flame me all you like, afterall its the only thing you know how to do.

You think you can just legalise all these illicit drugs and not have any more problems, change the legislation and everything else just disappears, magical. :)

Goodnight text book hero, I look forward to your next cuddly addition of 'lets change the world & do it the Jackspratt way'.

The pyromaniac-in-chief now calling for the fire extinguisher.

Goodnight indeed. :D

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Ever notice that a thread like this brings out the "legalize it" and the problems will go away crowd? They are also the first group that will line up to crusade against the various mafias in Thailand like the tuk tuks. Know where I'm going now? If the drug trade was legalized, we'd see the same situation as what is in place with the tuk tuks and jet skis etc. Oh sure, they will say, sell it in approved government shops, control it etc. Hello? Earth to space people. TIT. Do you think that such a program could be run in Thailand? They can't even run a proper traffic enforcement police operation without there being extortion in some areas. So please, how about thinking such positions through before saying if you could wave your little magical faerie wands and make it so. This is the real world and I don't want to have to walk through war zones with competing tuk tuk driver types shooting it out as they compete for drug peddling turf.

Threads like this bring out all sorts of "crowds", including those who try to raise red herrings to divert the debate by about 180 degrees.

Thinking an issue through certainly has advantages. For example, why would there be "war zones" and "drug peddling turf" (what nice hyperbole) if the stuff could be obtained cheaply and safely in a controlled manner?

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Ever notice that a thread like this brings out the "legalize it" and the problems will go away crowd? They are also the first group that will line up to crusade against the various mafias in Thailand like the tuk tuks. Know where I'm going now? If the drug trade was legalized, we'd see the same situation as what is in place with the tuk tuks and jet skis etc. Oh sure, they will say, sell it in approved government shops, control it etc. Hello? Earth to space people. TIT. Do you think that such a program could be run in Thailand? They can't even run a proper traffic enforcement police operation without there being extortion in some areas. So please, how about thinking such positions through before saying if you could wave your little magical faerie wands and make it so. This is the real world and I don't want to have to walk through war zones with competing tuk tuk driver types shooting it out as they compete for drug peddling turf.

Threads like this bring out all sorts of "crowds", including those who try to raise red herrings to divert the debate by about 180 degrees.

Thinking an issue through certainly has advantages. For example, why would there be "war zones" and "drug peddling turf" (what nice hyperbole) if the stuff could be obtained cheaply and safely in a controlled manner?

Ohh not the old 'hyperbole' comment again. Jack, you need new material. Why is it people like you always seem to come up against people that are actually out there, doing the job, the job you no doubt would be too scared to do? :)

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Ever notice that a thread like this brings out the "legalize it" and the problems will go away crowd? They are also the first group that will line up to crusade against the various mafias in Thailand like the tuk tuks. Know where I'm going now? If the drug trade was legalized, we'd see the same situation as what is in place with the tuk tuks and jet skis etc. Oh sure, they will say, sell it in approved government shops, control it etc. Hello? Earth to space people. TIT. Do you think that such a program could be run in Thailand? They can't even run a proper traffic enforcement police operation without there being extortion in some areas. So please, how about thinking such positions through before saying if you could wave your little magical faerie wands and make it so. This is the real world and I don't want to have to walk through war zones with competing tuk tuk driver types shooting it out as they compete for drug peddling turf.

Threads like this bring out all sorts of "crowds", including those who try to raise red herrings to divert the debate by about 180 degrees.

Thinking an issue through certainly has advantages. For example, why would there be "war zones" and "drug peddling turf" (what nice hyperbole) if the stuff could be obtained cheaply and safely in a controlled manner?

Ohh not the old 'hyperbole' comment again. Jack, you need new material. Why is it people like you always seem to come up against people that are actually out there, doing the job, the job you no doubt would be too scared to do? :D

You promised you were going to bed. :)

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