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Two Foreigners Arrested For Heroin Possession


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I think it's highly unlikely there's one member posting on this thread who doesn't have a relative who's taken an illegal substance at one time or another. So the hang-em-high brigade should take a dose of humility before spouting nonsense about something quite clearly very few people posting on this thread understand. Would you be saying hang-em when it's your son, nephew or cousin? They committed a crime and they should be punished but morally they are no more guilty of a crime than a brewery or a cigarette manufacturer.

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May they spend the rest of their days taking it in the bum at the Bankok Hilton.

Why - what harm have they ever done you?

Show some compassion.

Exactly. No harm to any of the name calling, hating nitwits here.

Meanwhile, the US military guards the poppy fields of Afghanistan, record crops now, and get labeled "heros" most of these name callers would salute.

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May they spend the rest of their days taking it in the bum at the Bankok Hilton.

Why - what harm have they ever done you?

Show some compassion.

Maybe I am too hard a person, but never did I have compassion, feel sorry or regret the wasted life for any substance abusers. This is one malady, that is entered into by free will. Naturally the same goes for drug producers, distributors, smugglers, etc. I entirely support governments of all countries having death penalties for drug related crimes.

No sympathy, no compassion from me. :)

The last three US presidents used hard drugs and marijuana in their youth: "wasted lives"??? Had they been caught, they should have been killed for it??

You think you are showing some intelligence here...Some "moral" superiority? You are not.

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May they spend the rest of their days taking it in the bum at the Bankok Hilton.

Why - what harm have they ever done you?

Show some compassion.

Exactly. No harm to any of the name calling, hating nitwits here.

Meanwhile, the US military guards the poppy fields of Afghanistan, record crops now, and get labeled "heros" most of these name callers would salute.

"By the late 1990s, Afghanistan was supplying 70 per cent of the world's opium. Then, in 2000, the Taleban government banned poppy cultivation and UN and US drug agencies determined that this led to an almost total - 96 per cent - reduction in acreage devoted to the crop in the 2001 growing season."


Under British and American administration opium production has reached record levels. Makes you think but you'll need a brain first.

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Put these people out of business and legalise it.

I suppose we should just legalise everything that is illegal then :) . It doesnt take long for the sillyness to start, does it.

I suppose we should just legalize everything with no victim...and end the smug superiority some feel without cause.

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May they spend the rest of their days taking it in the bum at the Bankok Hilton.

Why - what harm have they ever done you?

Show some compassion.

Maybe I am too hard a person, but never did I have compassion, feel sorry or regret the wasted life for any substance abusers. This is one malady, that is entered into by free will. Naturally the same goes for drug producers, distributors, smugglers, etc. I entirely support governments of all countries having death penalties for drug related crimes.

No sympathy, no compassion from me. :)

You can say that about everything including smoking, drinking, gambling even making more money than you need!....the list goes on. I do hate sanctamonious people who presumably are able to resist every temptation in life - no doubt you share everything you have to help feed the starving and hungry as well. Or do you spend your income on unecesary things like most people - buying an iphone (just an example), when you could instead feed a child with no hope, is in itself "giving in to temptation".

People do things for reasons - even greed is an evil created and promoted by mankind - you are not "successful" unless you make lots of money - no wonder so many people turn to profitable crime - because there often is no honest way for them to become "successful". Do you live in some ivory tower - Do you really believe that people choose to become drug addicts, alcoholics, get lung cancer from smoking, become rapists, child molesters etc - do you really believe that people choose a path in life where they know that sooner or later they will end up in Jail?. Please look back at your own life before you answer that and ask yourself if you have ever been in the desperate situtaion of feeling that you have no control over your life?

When we lose compassion for ALL our fellow beings - then we lose the one thing that seperates us from animals. Do not mistake compassion for softness - it is now wrong to justly punish people for committing crimes - but when you begin to rejoice in that you have in my view lost the plot!

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"Legal Business and Illicit Trade are Intertwined

There are powerful business and financial interests behind narcotics. From this standpoint, geopolitical and military control over the drug routes is as strategic as oil and oil pipelines.

Moreover, the above figures including those on money laundering, confirm that the bulk of the revenues associated with the global trade in narcotics are not appropriated by terrorist groups and warlords, as suggested by the UNODC report. In the case of Afghanistan, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that a mere 2.7 billion accrues as revenue within Afghanistan. According to the US State department "Afghanistan drug profits support the Taliban and their terrorism efforts against the United States, its allies and the Afghan government." (statement, the House Appropriations foreign operations, export financing and related programs subcommittee. September 12, 2006)

"However, what distinguishes narcotics from legal commodity trade is that narcotics constitutes a major source of wealth formation not only for organized crime but also for the US intelligence apparatus, which increasingly constitutes a powerful actor in the spheres of finance and banking. This relationship has been documented by several studies including the writings of Alfred McCoy. (Drug Fallout: the CIA's Forty Year Complicity in the Narcotics Trade. The Progressive, 1 August 1997).

In other words, intelligence agencies, powerful business, drug traders and organized crime are competing for the strategic control over the heroin routes. A large share of this multi-billion dollar revenues of narcotics are deposited in the Western banking system. Most of the large international banks together with their affiliates in the offshore banking havens launder large amounts of narco-dollars.

This trade can only prosper if the main actors involved in narcotics have "political friends in high places." Legal and illegal undertakings are increasingly intertwined, the dividing line between "businesspeople" and criminals is blurred. In turn, the relationship among criminals, politicians and members of the intelligence establishment has tainted the structures of the state and the role of its institutions including the Military."


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Opium Poppy Cultivation in Afghanistan

Year Cultivation in hectares Production (tons)

1994 71,470 3,400

1995 53,759 2,300

1996 56,824 2,200

1997 58,416 2,800

1998 63,674 2,700

1999 90,983 4,600

2000 82,172 3,300

2001 7,606 185

2002 74,000 3400

2003 80,000 3600

2004 131,000 4200

2005 104,000 3800

2006 165,000** 6100**

Source: United Nations,


Then read how western media lies about what's happening to paint the Taleban as a drug organization but the lily-white US administration is working to eradicate opium crops! It would be a joke but 99% of muppets who read this rubbish in the West believe it.


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May they spend the rest of their days taking it in the bum at the Bankok Hilton.

Why - what harm have they ever done you?

Show some compassion.

Neerman I have an understanding of your outlook, but unfortunately, heroin is at least as an insidious drug as alcohol if not more so.

I appreciate you may have some first hand experience dealing with users in your past life. Junkies need help with their health problem, but others in the chain of supply do not deserve being treated as humans they are in the same class as rabid animals, deserving the same fate.

Those that transport and distribute it do not deserve compassion, they need to be made examples of to deter others.

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Drug dealers, importers, exporters deserve a swift trial before they are hung from the nearest gallows.

Watch it, with talk like that JackSpratt will be in here shortly to condemn you a member of the thai visa hang em high brigade :)

No need for me to condemn him - he does it out of his own mouth.

If you have a spare moment nd, can you please post a short dissertation on the overwhelming successes of the current prohibition policies. :D

By success, I don't mean the ongoing gorging of the prohibition industry (read law enforcement/courts/prisons) on the illicit drugs teat. Not to mention the traders.

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Put these people out of business and legalise it.

I suppose we should just legalise everything that is illegal then :) . It doesnt take long for the sillyness to start, does it.

As usual nd, you have hit the nail right on the head - although in this case, you probably didn't realise it :D

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I would seriously rather blow my brains out at point blank range then get caught in Thailand with a load of drugs. They don't f-k about here, your going to wish you was dead after 6 months in a Thai Monkey House. I'm no saint but smuggling is the biggest NO NO ever in my view.

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There are powerful business and financial interests behind narcotics. From this standpoint, geopolitical and military control over the drug routes is as strategic as oil and oil pipelines.

Which is why drugs will not be legalised.

These people have too much influence over the law makers to allow a lucrative source of income to be removed

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I keep reading this <deleted>, make it all free and there will be no criminals, no crime, no prison. Apply this to all drugs, of course. we end up with with a world full of spaced out, or pissed up, addicts, destroying themselves and everyone around them. But of course, me and you keep working to support their free drugs and re-hab programs.

Well if that's what you want, you pay for it. Personally, I believe in self responsibility. Countries make laws to restrict the damage done, not always wisely, but that's how democracy works. You want to break those laws, and get my sympathy, you're bang out of luck.

Also, if you want people to respect your views, learn how to spell.

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May they spend the rest of their days taking it in the bum at the Bankok Hilton.

Why - what harm have they ever done you?

Show some compassion.

Neeranam, I have a lot of respect for you and hold your views in the highest esteem but we have to remember these drugs, and any drugs moved worldwide, are destined for the end users. Now I know a lot of people are from the "their choice, their funeral" camp but we have to realise that drug pushers target the vulnerable, the niaive, the uneducated. High amongst the target groups are youths and children who are easily influenced and swayed by peer pressure. Amongst those "targets" may be your children, and those of many of us, and we may never even know about it until we are called to the hospital emergency room.

Whilst I would not advocate the death sentence for such people they should not be treated as members of the human race. Drug runners are not always the hapless little mules they are portrayed to be, they know what they are doing and should be treated accordingly.

Whether they should "take it up the bum" is a subject for the prison authorities to address.

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I keep reading this <deleted>, make it all free and there will be no criminals, no crime, no prison. Apply this to all drugs, of course. we end up with with a world full of spaced out, or pissed up, addicts, destroying themselves and everyone around them. But of course, me and you keep working to support their free drugs and re-hab programs.

Well if that's what you want, you pay for it. Personally, I believe in self responsibility. Countries make laws to restrict the damage done, not always wisely, but that's how democracy works. You want to break those laws, and get my sympathy, you're bang out of luck.

Also, if you want people to respect your views, learn how to spell.

....spell....and punctuate

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Bringing heroin to Thailand is like bringing sand to the beach.

"NOT" The only thing that is brought to the Beach, is butts. Bringing herion is like taking a ham sandwich and ants to a Picnic.


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Penalties for possessing, using, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Thailand are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences under harsh conditions and often heavy fines as well. Thailand also has a death penalty for serious drug offenses and has executed convicted traffickers. I hope these two get the Death penalty to help set the bar high against this trafficking!!!

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I keep reading this <deleted>, make it all free and there will be no criminals, no crime, no prison. Apply this to all drugs, of course. we end up with with a world full of spaced out, or pissed up, addicts, destroying themselves and everyone around them. But of course, me and you keep working to support their free drugs and re-hab programs.

Well if that's what you want, you pay for it. Personally, I believe in self responsibility. Countries make laws to restrict the damage done, not always wisely, but that's how democracy works. You want to break those laws, and get my sympathy, you're bang out of luck.

Also, if you want people to respect your views, learn how to spell.

So Mick are we to assume that as you seem to support the current system, you are also happy to pay your share of the costs of that system? Or have you opted out?

Those costs being far greater, of course, than would be the case under an alternative. :)

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I think it's highly unlikely there's one member posting on this thread who doesn't have a relative who's taken an illegal substance at one time or another. So the hang-em-high brigade should take a dose of humility before spouting nonsense about something quite clearly very few people posting on this thread understand. Would you be saying hang-em when it's your son, nephew or cousin? They committed a crime and they should be punished but morally they are no more guilty of a crime than a brewery or a cigarette manufacturer.

Fortunately for me with all the family now deceased this is easy for me. Your wrong. Having said that, if any of those scoundrals were alive I would be the first one to hang the lot of them, theiving no good rellies :):D

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How can one that would indicate disapproval of a criminal and selfish act act in the same sentence advocate for illegal criminal acts as well? Either one is for law, order and justice consistently or one is not.

May they spend the rest of their days taking it in the bum at the Bankok Hilton.

Rape is not amusing. What does it say about a person that finds the forced insertion of a penis into an unwilling person's rectum acceptable? Think about it. I would be more worried that a person who thinks rape is ok was walking the streets. Perhaps this is a sexual fantasy. However, it really is quite creepy.

And to those that want to bring up the issue of the heroin crop in Afghanistan. The fact of the matter is that the Taliban has always allowed the cultivation because it kept various warlords happy and it was those warlords that could make or break the Taliban. The money siphoned off goes along way in paying for the various dueling factions. Human vbeings are greedy, whether they are in a turban, dashiki, hotpants or a singlet.

it may surprise some to know that most of the heroin makes it way to Europe, Turkey and Iran. North America still sources most of its heroin from the Golden Triangle. All about logistics. Iran wants the trade stopped just as much as anyone else because of the damage being done to its communities.

And everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I would hope that people in here have enough respect for the concepts of law and order and justice to allow a fair trial and not go on the statements of the local police which have a credibility problem. Maybe these 2 are guilty, but let's have a trial first before they are executed. Thanks.

Edited by geriatrickid
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