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After all the usual posts criticising Truevisions service (justifiably most times), I would just like to comment on a recent piece of good service for once.

My receiver just decided to give up the ghost last week so I took it to the Truevisions shop in Chiang Mai near Siam TV. There was a table ready to test for problems. The assistant agreed that it was not working, took it into the back office and returned with a new receiver. He connected it, tested it out, and changed the settings to English for me. I signed to acknowledge receipt, and was back in the car in 10 minutes or so.

Nice to get decent service without all the usual "face-saving" excuses and hassle.


Speaking of good service, twice I have taken defective products back to Big C here in upcountry Thailand. I have always been treated with the utmost of courtesy and professionalism: one time resulting in a CHEERFUL refund, the second time resulting in politely pointing out my error in trying to operate the device. They train their staff well!


The problem is, that it looks like this reseivers do not meet a good standart.

I am sure that they have to change reseivers every day.

In the last 5-6 years UBC/True had to change my reseivers at least 5-6 times.

I live a long way from the UBC central office and i have to say, they came every time in 24 hours (from may 100 km) for 400 Bath expresscharge . :)

Did you by any chance get a new smartcard as well?

Yes, a new smartcard and a new remote control. The old receiver was 12 years old so it had given me good service.

Did you by any chance get a new smartcard as well?

Yes, a new smartcard and a new remote control. The old receiver was 12 years old so it had given me good service.

Did you get a zeta card? You can check that, it's written on the back of the card.

If yes, test if the card still works in another receiver (from a friend or whereever) and let us know!

If yes, test if the card still works in another receiver (from a friend or whereever) and let us know!

The zetas work fine in the DM boxes if set up correctly.

Did you get a zeta card? You can check that, it's written on the back of the card.

If yes, test if the card still works in another receiver (from a friend or whereever) and let us know!

No, can't find Zeta written on the card, front or back


I’ve always had good er.... reasonable service from UBC here in BKK. Two months ago our reception stopped they came the next day and replaced the receiver, remote, and set it all up. The new receiver shows channels different and has more features than the old one. If my wife calls they have her pull the smartcard in and out pull the power plug out and all that crap when I call just tell them I’ve done all that and what the tech to come out.tongue.gif


This is an example of a zeta card.

"They" say that these cards can and will be married to the receiver in the near future, so once that has happened the card won't work in another receiver.

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