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Recomendations For A New Monitor


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My Ageing Monitor is on its last legs, the screen is about to die on me, stuff is all blurry and the text on screen appears to bleed into each character... its been on the way out for a while now, developing a few problems along the way... its time to throw the old thing out.

So... I wanna buy a new one...

I want a large a screen as possible, it has to have a good (low) refresh rate for gameing (2-3ms is about right), its gotta look sexy as well... oh, and it has to be for sale in either Pantip or Fortune :)

What is the largest screen on the market right now? 26"? 28"?

Is it worth getting a TV to use as a monitor instead? (Consider Refresh rate!) I have a very large computer desk, so i can easily fit a big screen on there :D

So, before i trundle off down to Pantip to take a looksee at what they have, i'd like to gather feedback and suggestions from people here :D

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The sexiest monitor I've seen yet is by miles the Samsung P2370 23" Ultra-thin LCD

It's not as big as the dimensions you are talking about, but it sure as h*** look awesome. And 2ms response time should be sufficient for most things.

Probably too thin for them to put USB ports on this one as well.

Edited by regedit
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Ive read these large screens (24" and up) running high resolutions with a low refresh rate are very taxing on graphics cards, infact they seem to eat big $$$ cards at an alarming rate, is this why gamers go for multiple big $$$ cards running in crossfire mode (or what ever its called these days) ???

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Yeah that's part of the reason for dual GPUs.

Crossfire is dual ATI cards and SLI is dual nVidia cards.

I think 23" is just about the biggest suitable for a regular desktop monitor, if you get it bigger you need to have the monitor standing quite far from yourself for it not to appear to huge (in my opinion). For example the biggest iMac models, in my eyes they are supposed to stand in the middle of a huge table and then you sit at least a meter from it with your wireless keyboard+mouse, but maybe that's just me :)

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That one does look nice... but i just can't help feel i want something bigger...

anything bigger than a 30" i would go for the Apple Cinema 30" or the Dell 3007

and depending what games ur playing ur prob looking at to get a ATi 5970 card :D so ur maybe looking at 120K baht to spend :)

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I've had a 24" HP LCD for a few years now and have been looking for a 30" LCD to work alongside the HP (will keep the HP in "Portrait mode" for web and Outlook use)

Has anybody seen a 30" LCD monitor (not TV) for sale in any shops in Bangkok?

Just got a fancy new Gaming PC that can handle 2,560x1,600 resolution games

Wolife - I'd avoid getting a TV to act as your main monitor as the max res is limited 1900x1080 (1080p)

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I've had a 24" HP LCD for a few years now and have been looking for a 30" LCD to work alongside the HP (will keep the HP in "Portrait mode" for web and Outlook use)

Has anybody seen a 30" LCD monitor (not TV) for sale in any shops in Bangkok?

Just got a fancy new Gaming PC that can handle 2,560x1,600 resolution games

Wolife - I'd avoid getting a TV to act as your main monitor as the max res is limited 1900x1080 (1080p)

there's the Apple 30" and Dell 30"

or if u would really like u could also order the Eizo from Japan :)

Edited by spacemunk
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I've got a pretty meaty card - altho its getting a little old now it still handles everything ive thrown at it - i have a GeForce 9800 GX2 (Dual GPU) - so im not overly worried about it :)

30" would be good - i'll have a scout around Pantip and Fortune inbetween Xmas and New Year

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I've got a pretty meaty card - altho its getting a little old now it still handles everything ive thrown at it - i have a GeForce 9800 GX2 (Dual GPU) - so im not overly worried about it :)

30" would be good - i'll have a scout around Pantip and Fortune inbetween Xmas and New Year

Mate if you see a 30" LCD please let me know

Don't want to mail order, far prefer to buy from a shop here

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Samsung has a wide range of professional monitors in big sizes.

For example: Samsung 320MXN-P 32" LCD (my google search did not give any english results from samsung.com) the price is around 44,000 baht and is sold in Thailand.

Or you could go all the way and get the deluxe model Samsung 820TSn 82" Touchscreen LCD "only" 3.8 million baht :)

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I suggest you go to the shops and have a look at the screens you are considering. Your own eyes do not lie (most of the time).

Ask them to hook up a PC or laptop to the screens so you can test the settings and output, preferably side by side. You are after all considering to buy a quite expensive piece of equipment.

Please consider a LED display. Generally speaking they have higher contrast, better colours and lower power use. Make sure it is not edge lit, but fully back lit.

You could consider dual or triple displays as well if you sit quite near the screen. a 30"+ at 0.5 meters could be straining.

And for those stating that large monitors require a fast VGA card:

You are partially wrong. In 2D, there is no difference in "speed" whatsoever between a ATI x1700 (or any VGA card from 3-4 generations ago) and a top of the line current generation card. None.

If you want the Aero effects in Win Vista or Win 7, most VGA cards on sale from ATI and nVidia will do. Stay away from Intel/SiS/other VGA cards for this purpose.

The difference in 3D is apparent when you try to run your games (or whatever fullscreen 3D program you decide to run) at native resolution. If you lower the resolution to a multiple of the native resolution ratio (to minimize blurring) you are again fine with a slower VGA card. Most 2560x1600 LCD's output decently at 1280x800 in games.

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First, be advised I'm not a gamer--strictly internet research/communications and document processing.

Last week just bought a Samsung 23" wide LCD (model #2333) for a very reasonable 5,000B. 5ms refresh rate. The salesperson said the difference between 2ms and 5ms was negligible. I'm very happy with it. Bought a dual-monitor vga card and now run my old LCD Samsung (17" square) with it also.

Got so much cyber desk space now, I'm giddy. :)

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Perhaps too small for the OP but here are the test results from 2 internet magazines on 22" screens

Best HP 2159M

2nd LG Flatron W2253V

3rd ACER H223HQ

If somebody interested send me a PM,I will send you the details of the test results (in french......)

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Just to let you all know that i ended up buying a 25" HP Monitor for 14,000b. I hunted around Pantip but nobody had any large screens, ended up finding two shops selling the HP's one at 15,000 and one at 14,000.

Its a good screen, looks tidy/neat and is crystal clear. Its HD so doesnt quite goto the resolutions that Ian_B is after, but its fine for what i need :)

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