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Just thought of something. Not one single person here seems to have anything good to say about BPH. Isn't there anybody prepared to stand up in their defence? Perhaps BPH should take note of that fact.

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sorry to hear about this incident, I guess it just confirms the desparation and the levels some locals will stoop too for a few thousand baht - motr than likrly to feed a drug habit.

As for BHP - If I had been able (which it seems you where) I would have got up and walked out telling them to stick their treatment up their arse

you are living in pattaya and some may be tourists, this crime happened on Thai streets commited by thai citizens, thai treatment should be free if the authorities cannot provide adequete protection for people in this holiday city for it's visitors, you where mugged twice.

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I do not see much point in continuing this discussion. It seems that you are the perverbiable pesimist whilst I on the other hand am an optimist. You say things can change but then only for the worst. If we were all like you then nothing would change and we would all be living in the dark ages. I feel sorry for you. You have a very bleak outlook on life. I reckon the only thing we will ever agree on is "to disagree." But as always you are entitled to your opinion and to voice it. Just as I am.

You seemed to have overlooked one vital point.

We are not Thais, we are farangs - guests in their country, most of us having to obtain permission year by year, to stay here, in spite of the fact that some of us have been living and contributing to this country for over half our lives.

What we say, what we do and what we think matters not a jot to the Thais. This their country and they will run it their way, and if we try to tell them they are mistaken or misguided , their perverse, often anti farang nature will encourage them to do the very opposite, just to piss us off.

So it doesn't matter if I am a pessimist or an optimist, I tell things as I see them.

I do love this country, and I do love the Thais, because for most of them they are merely brainwashed pawns at the beck and call of the power cliques who have controlled this country for decades.

As I said in a previous post this country is a 'flawed paradise', but it is still a great place to live, and I am very happy here, so while I appreciate your sentiments, I implore you not to feel sorry for me, for it is totally unnecessary.

If you understand and accept things as they are, and not waste your energy trying to change things, you too would be happy and content like me. :)

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Just thought of something. Not one single person here seems to have anything good to say about BPH. Isn't there anybody prepared to stand up in their defence? Perhaps BPH should take note of that fact.

The last tine we had a "BPH bashing thread", there was a mysterious, new poster who suddenly appeared out of the blue and rubbished every poster who dared to criticize the hospital and denied over and over that they had these reprehensible policies.

he was very erudite and picked holes in every post that in any way criticized PBH. he also became very hurtful and personal in his manner of response.

There was little doubt in our minds that this guy was a representative of the hospital, because they do read this forum, and usually react very strongly, as we are their customer base.

Needless to say, the thread was closed, and the defending poster never appeared again on Thai Visa.

All good fun, if it wasn't so tragic.

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sorry to hear about this incident, I guess it just confirms the desparation and the levels some locals will stoop too for a few thousand baht - motr than likrly to feed a drug habit.

As for BHP - If I had been able (which it seems you where) I would have got up and walked out telling them to stick their treatment up their arse

you are living in pattaya and some may be tourists, this crime happened on Thai streets commited by thai citizens, thai treatment should be free if the authorities cannot provide adequete protection for people in this holiday city for it's visitors, you where mugged twice.

Not sure that I was able to walk out as you suggested. I do recall trying to stand at one point to go to the bathroom and remember falling back into the bed. People do tell me that in my state of deleriousness I apparantley refused initially to get in the ambulance and later in the hospital refused treatment. Of course sense (money) prevailed at the first and my wishes overridden. But I have no recollection of that or the second instance. As I must have been in a state of shock for some hours after the incident what I said or did should not be taken into account as I was probably not in full control of my faculties. The best interest of the patient is what should have been taken into account. The fact that I was traumatised, delirious, possibly ranting and raving should have been ignored by the hospital staff. And surely they must be trained in that.

There is no way that any authorities anywhere in the world can guarantee 100% protection for its visitors. So I am not advocating a free policy. What I am advocating is a change in the "no money no treatment" rule that BPH seems to operate. To leave me with an open head wound for a number of hours is just not kosher. There has to be a viable alternative. And that is what I'm asking for. Something that would satisfy both parties, the injured and the hospital coffers.

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Just thought of something. Not one single person here seems to have anything good to say about BPH. Isn't there anybody prepared to stand up in their defence? Perhaps BPH should take note of that fact.

The last tine we had a "BPH bashing thread", there was a mysterious, new poster who suddenly appeared out of the blue and rubbished every poster who dared to criticize the hospital and denied over and over that they had these reprehensible policies.

he was very erudite and picked holes in every post that in any way criticized PBH. he also became very hurtful and personal in his manner of response.

There was little doubt in our minds that this guy was a representative of the hospital, because they do read this forum, and usually react very strongly, as we are their customer base.

Needless to say, the thread was closed, and the defending poster never appeared again on Thai Visa.

All good fun, if it wasn't so tragic.

It was not my intention to create a BPH bashing thread. Read my first post and you will see that. I find it a shame that BPH are incapable of entering this forum with constructive comments. If all they can do is be hurtful and personal then perhaps this thread should too be closed to them. Personally I would just like to see some viable alternative to the current "no money no treatment" policy. Nothing more nothing less. And if they deny that it exists why was I treated in such a manner. An apology or explanation would suffice and be good PR for them. But judging from what you say happened in the last thread of this kind they are not interested in that and are only the *** *** *** that people seem to be calling them here.

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I do not see much point in continuing this discussion. It seems that you are the perverbiable pesimist whilst I on the other hand am an optimist. You say things can change but then only for the worst. If we were all like you then nothing would change and we would all be living in the dark ages. I feel sorry for you. You have a very bleak outlook on life. I reckon the only thing we will ever agree on is "to disagree." But as always you are entitled to your opinion and to voice it. Just as I am.

You seemed to have overlooked one vital point.

We are not Thais, we are farangs - guests in their country, most of us having to obtain permission year by year, to stay here, in spite of the fact that some of us have been living and contributing to this country for over half our lives.

What we say, what we do and what we think matters not a jot to the Thais. This their country and they will run it their way, and if we try to tell them they are mistaken or misguided , their perverse, often anti farang nature will encourage them to do the very opposite, just to piss us off.

So it doesn't matter if I am a pessimist or an optimist, I tell things as I see them.

I do love this country, and I do love the Thais, because for most of them they are merely brainwashed pawns at the beck and call of the power cliques who have controlled this country for decades.

As I said in a previous post this country is a 'flawed paradise', but it is still a great place to live, and I am very happy here, so while I appreciate your sentiments, I implore you not to feel sorry for me, for it is totally unnecessary.

If you understand and accept things as they are, and not waste your energy trying to change things, you too would be happy and content like me. :)

I fully understand my position here. I waited some 20 years to gain my yearly visa. Age was the only thing holding me back. But none of that takes away my or your right to have our say. If that was the case then this forum would have been closed down many years ago. I praise the Thais for allowing freedom of speech in most things. Royalty, deformation, slander being the few, and too me acceptable, exceptions.

Sorry but what we say does matter a jot to the Thais. Face saving sometimes seems the sole occupation of them. Remember the fuss they made when Longman's printed a fairly nasty comment about Thailand. The big budget that was produced for the TAT to try and regain its face among the international tourism industry. Those are just a few examples. Of course the Thais will run this country their way. It is after all their country. But that does not mean they are not subject to or don't take notice of outside opinion. How many times has the US government got what they wanted by threatening sanctions of some kind like rice quotas. It happens everywhere.

I too love Thailand and the Thai people. If I didn't would I still be here. But to call them "brainwashed pawns" is something you'll never find me doing. I have too much respect for them and their ability to rise out of whatever mess they may feel they are in.

I am content and happy here...whatever gave you the impression I wasn't.

But none of this distracts from my right under freedom of speech to request a viable alternative to the "no money no treatment" rule applied by some hospitals. I have said previously that I believe the directors of BPH to be fully capable of coming up with a solution. That is what this thread was about. Not prostitution, not anything else. Just that one thing. If you wish to continue these off topic remarks may I suggest you move them to a different thread.

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That is what this thread was about. Not prostitution, not anything else. Just that one thing. If you wish to continue these off topic remarks may I suggest you move them to a different thread.

This is disingenuous in the extreme - you are becoming ever more like the people you are defending. You know full well that my reference to prostitution was made in the context of my contention that it is the main money earner in this town and therefor attracts a great deal of low 'lifes', many of whom may resort to mugging farangs in quiet, out of the way spots, such as happened to you and your friend.

If you thought that I was off topic, why did you bother to debate the point with me?

Your sensitivity to this reference tells us more about you than it does about the subject under discussion. When you can't win your point, bash the messenger.

But in a spirit of goodwill and reconciliation, and in recognition of the fact that you may still be suffering the after effects of your deplorable head injury, I will try my best to desist from further comment, in what after all, is 'your thread', :)

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That is what this thread was about. Not prostitution, not anything else. Just that one thing. If you wish to continue these off topic remarks may I suggest you move them to a different thread.

This is disingenuous in the extreme - you are becoming ever more like the people you are defending. You know full well that my reference to prostitution was made in the context of my contention that it is the main money earner in this town and therefor attracts a great deal of low 'lifes', many of whom may resort to mugging farangs in quiet, out of the way spots, such as happened to you and your friend.

If you thought that I was off topic, why did you bother to debate the point with me?

Your sensitivity to this reference tells us more about you than it does about the subject under discussion. When you can't win your point, bash the messenger.

But in a spirit of goodwill and reconciliation, and in recognition of the fact that you may still be suffering the after effects of your deplorable head injury, I will try my best to desist from further comment, in what after all, is 'your thread', :)


I think the bang on the head has started to have an effect on him. Head injuries often cause aggressive outbursts, so be careful now

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Not only B.P H.

I was knocked down by a bus in New Orleans 1992.Collar bone sticking out and bad head/face wounds.My girlfriend had to go from Tulane hospital back to hotel and back to show my travel insurance before they would do anything.I have no recollections at all and only know of events from my g/f.

BTW.Tulane made such a mess of 'resetting' my collar bone that I was immediately taken into hospital on the day I arrived back in England [2 weeks later,]and operated on the next morning.to reset my collar bone which was sticking out like the hunchback of Notre Dame after Tulane's messy job, paid for with first class insurance.My lawyer said forget about suing Tulane as there is about a 100 year waiting list.

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It would be good if some of the local press (Howard, where are you now?) would put a story like this on the frontpage so perhaps someone who can and will make a difference learns about it.

The way hospitals here, particularly BPH, would be cause for criminal lawsuits in the west.

Sorry to say, it really wouldn't make any difference. A few years ago, maybe some of you remember, a friend of mine was involved in a very bad accident and was taken to BKK hospital in Pattaya. He was fully employed and had insurance, but was refused treatment because he had no I.D. or money in his pockets. He was unconscious, and was transferred to chonburi where he died en route, for the lack of blood. This was front page news in the Pattaya People paper, with a headline titled How Much Is A Life Worth. So you see doesn't make any difference. If you have no I.D. or money BHP will refuse treatment.


Yes I remember this incident only too well. I stopped to offer what help I could to the conscious victim. I waited with him until the ambulance arrived and checked where he was being taken. I was relieved when told BPH as all I knew of the place was the advertising: And that looks really professional and dare I say caring? I followed the ambulance up the Sukhumvit to double check he was indeed going to BPH and would be OK.

The following week I read what had happened to the guy and I cant describe the feeling. To this day I wish I had accompanied him to the hospital. I made the mistake of assuming a human life is of worth and that everyone else was on the same page, sadly I was wrong and apparently a life here is measured by the contents of your pocket at the time and nothing else.

I was new at the time, clueless. I wish I could turn back the clock given what I now know.....

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It would be good if some of the local press (Howard, where are you now?) would put a story like this on the frontpage so perhaps someone who can and will make a difference learns about it.

The way hospitals here, particularly BPH, would be cause for criminal lawsuits in the west.

Sorry to say, it really wouldn't make any difference. A few years ago, maybe some of you remember, a friend of mine was involved in a very bad accident and was taken to BKK hospital in Pattaya. He was fully employed and had insurance, but was refused treatment because he had no I.D. or money in his pockets. He was unconscious, and was transferred to chonburi where he died en route, for the lack of blood. This was front page news in the Pattaya People paper, with a headline titled How Much Is A Life Worth. So you see doesn't make any difference. If you have no I.D. or money BHP will refuse treatment.


If there was a front page like that EVERY time they pulled this stunt it might eventually make a difference.

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BPH is a business not a hospital, in the time I have been in Thailand they have very cleverly increased prices at an alarming rate, from what I can see in 5 years evenything has doubled each year, I'd love to know who the business group is behind this chain

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The only good thing to say about BPH is that it's there.

Sharks they may be and certainly no friend of the poor and needy, but better that big lot is filled by an organization that may save your life one day rather than a construction yard and a garage.

If i have the choice, i.e. I'm conscious and able to get an hour down the road, I would never use them. However, if pulled off the road and by some miracle my wallet has not been " liberated ", I'll take them every day of the week if they keep me or a member of my family breathing.

Edited by suiging
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Bangkok Hospital Pattaya is not all bad, last year our grandson was admitted to Pattaya Memorial with a case of food poisoning, 2 nights room + all meds, nurse etc 36,000 baht. We had to pay and then our insurance reimbursed us in about 4 days (AIA).

Now the same little bugger has just been in BHP with the same complaint, this time 3 nights + meds, nurse etc........31,000 baht, in BHP we pay nothing as AIA has an office there, as for signing in that could not be simpler, they just swipe the AIA card and off you go, takes seconds only.

I am not a great fan of BHP as i feel they are a complete rip off with their prices, but this just shows that they are none worse than the rest.

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I am not a great fan of BHP as i feel they are a complete rip off with their prices, but this just shows that they are none worse than the rest.

Indeed, in fact in today's Bangkok Post there was a letter from somebody who came across a medical emergency in Patpong and asked somebody to call a hospital. The hospital, with the word Christian in it's name, would do nothing unless the caller would act as a guarantor for the cost of any possible medical treatment, seemingly expecting anybody coming across a medical emergency to be prepared to meet the bill in the event the victim was unable to do so. It's not surprising that anybody coming across such an emergency would simply turn the other cheek.

Whilst you cannot expect any or organisation to work for nothing what ever happened to compassion, medical ethics and a duty of care?

You are of course right in saying that they all as bad as each other.

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