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Legal help/advise wanted, please read and consider

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I lived in Thailand since I was 21. a couple of years ago we (my son of 5yrs now) were forced to leave. A business partner from Hong Kong started bullshit (my excuses for the language here). He knew who to bribe and so I got into trouble. At the time I just had enough and left the country. But since the police had an accusation against me I can't go back. So now that I really start to miss Thailand (vivid memories, dreams, longing feeling and such) I want to try AGAIN to right the wrong. But so far lawyers didn't have any effect, and I can't afford to use a huge international lawfirm. So anyone with family/friends connected to the law, please consider to ask them if/how they can help. Or just give me some friendly advise?????? I want the whole thing of the table, of the records. I can't take the risk of just trying to enter with another passport, or change my name. The smallest risk for this to resurface is to big since I'm the single father of a five year old. Hope you understand my dillema. You can e-mail me at [email protected]
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm Dutch (from the Netherlands or some people call it Holland), and no I was not deported. I paid bail at Bang Rak (near Silom Rd.) got my papers back and quickly left the country. Again, I spend a night at the station and had to consider my and my son's future as single parent. I wanted to do the correct thing, but the police-officer had my whole administration, spoke very friendly with the accusing lawyer, and as far as I was concerned was on the payroll. And indeed all the papers that showed that I was right did not show up again. Previously I worked for the Netherlands embassy as local consular officer and I can be glad that a friend of mine showed up the same evening to help me arange bail. Hurray for mobile phones. The history was that I started working for a Hong Kong/Singapore company that wanted to set up internet-ticketing in Thailand. They had investment for this as a loan from another investment company. Even though I warned them that Thailand wasn't ready for large scale e-business at the time and that they should see it as a long term investment they appearantly made a mistake they realized later. So in order to write of the losses who better to blaim then the local GM. Anyway, it comes down to the fact that I miss Thailand, and I want to give my son the opportunity to see his country of birth (he's look-krung: Netherlands/Thai)

I hope that anyone out there can help me, please e-mail me at [email protected].

Sorry for the delay in this reply, I'm currently working as a restaurant manager in the USA and were short a manager so I have to jump in a lot.

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