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Help, Need Answers On Thailand Vs Other Countries On Some Things


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I have come to see and appreciate that some of you on here and lived and worked in other countries, I just want to get some idea on a basic comparsion in terms of thailand vs other similiar countries. The reason I've never traveled to some of these other countries and just would like some idea but only on the following countries






all in terms of

a. Infrastructure ( roads, sewage, ) better / same / worse than thailand

b. Food ( in terms of cleaniness, lack of diseases ) better / same / worse than thailand

c. Internet / Mobile Phone ( Do they have ADSL, / 3G ) better / same / worse than thailand

d. Local people ( speaking english, friendlyness, attitude towards their own people and towards foreigners / tourists ) better / same / worse than thailand

e. Government ( in terms of getting things down & stability ) better / same / worse than thailand

I just ask because I've never been to these 5 countries and it seems some of you have and I just want an answer to these 5 questions mainly because I'm curious. Some of you say its better than thailand and some have said it worse hopefully this will be more helpful. Just to note though I do travel just haven't been to these countries, Ive been all around thailand, japan, china, new zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore. Look forward to hearing your experiences on this or whatever you can contribute

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From my experience, on the 5 points u asked about, Thailand would come out on top. Better than the other countries.

There are a couple of points u didnt ask about...personal safety/security (very relevant). I believe Thailand is tops there also.

In my opinion Vietnam would rate second overall.

I am sure you will get others with differeing opinions though.

Best way....tour them all and see for yourself.

Good luck and happy travels.

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Viet Nam

Infrastructure - worse than Thailand at present but rapidly improving and will surpass Thailand.

Food - cleanliness? No different than Thailand - Taste? Quality? Variety? Thailand wins (I like spicy food and VN food is very Chinese based.

Internet / mobile 'phone - better than Thailand.

Local people - better than Thailand, they've not yet become jaded by too many foreigners outstaying their welcome. English spoken by most of the younger generation but you have to speak slowly as they have no practice with foreigners.

Government - consistent rules but more expensive tea money.


Infrastructure -a joke

Food - not very good (Filippinos count pizza and hot dog as Filippino food)

Internet / mobile - don't know, they didn't have it when I lived there.

Local people - Great English and a chip on their shoulder that they're not American.

Government - A joke - google Brunei Beauties


Infrastructure - not as good as Thailand but manageable

Food- great but I prefer Thai food

Internet / mobile - don't know, they didn't have it when I lived there.

Local People - great, better than Thailand.

Government - volatile and religious based demonstrations.

Haven't lived in teh other countries mentioned.

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a. Infrastructure All depends where you live in the respective countries.In a few years time Vietnam will be at the top of the list.

b. Food: Thailand because of the variety, followed by Indonesia.

c. Internet / Mobile Phone: Depends upon region of respective country and also your job. If you are given a satellite phone and satellite internet connection, it doesn't matter.

d. Local people: Phillipines because of the proficiency of English and because I am always bigger than them so I can intimidate easier. Also, I find that Pinoys have better personal hygiene. Thais are either super clean or have gooch/snatch odor.

e. Government: Vietnam is the bureaucracy hub of these countries. Everywhere else a bribe can help, but if you do that with the wrong person in Vietnam, off you go to prison. Vietnam is trying to improve the nation with some greedy officials that show up from time to time. Everywhere else it's a business opportunity for officials with the odd official serving the nation's best interest. Just my personal experience there, not a definitive statement, ok.

If you have money, you can live nicely in any of the countries.

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I've worked in all of the listed countries except Indonesia. All of the countries have their own flavor, good or bad, pros and cons.

I think you have to base more facts into the variables asked; for real statistical facts about these countries - check out this


CIA World fact (google this)

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From my experience, on the 5 points u asked about, Thailand would come out on top. Better than the other countries.

There are a couple of points u didnt ask about...personal safety/security (very relevant). I believe Thailand is tops there also.

In my opinion Vietnam would rate second overall.

I am sure you will get others with differeing opinions though.

Best way....tour them all and see for yourself.

Good luck and happy travels.

Hello, everybody. Looking back at OP's questions I would like them applied to Malaysia.

I am going there soon to check it out in terms of an alternative to life in LOS. As much as I like this country and people, I am in principle appalled by the farang phobia of the local laws (never had any problems with Immigration people, or brushes with Law).

Just a metter of principle. No land ownership, Yearly visas, Quorterly reporting, Permits to go, No business activity legally, etc. Overall impression: they need our money, but not us. I think voting by legs is the best way to convey the message.

I will look and decide for myself, but would like to have as much info as possible before I go there. I am thinking of Penang vs KUL. Quality of construction, RE prices, cost of living, economic and political stability, population's phobias/attitudes to farang, etc.

Thanks for any contribution. Happy New Year to all. :)

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I lived in Malaysia for quite a long while. Here's my take:

a. Infrastructure: if you are outside of KL and Penang, it's MUCH WORSE than Thailand. But in KL, Penang and Johor B you may find public transports more useful than Thailand but only cleaner in KL. Everywhere else literally smells. (Malays and Indians use this very weird soap that is very strong)

b. Food. Thailand is better but Malaysia isn't that different. More curry and chinese food variety.

c. Internet / Mobile: cable and ADSL in Malaysia is hopeless. Much worse than Thailand but they have 3G and WIMAX. So in terms of wireless offerings, Malaysia is better.

d. Local People: Quite nice if you don't consider more thefts. And these thieves are quite hard core as well. My house was broken in 2 times in one year with my mom and my sister tied up in the kitchen. Even the security camera unit was stolen. They are dam_n professional so be careful. More snatching as well. Not a good place to walk around at night. But during the day everything seems good just like in Thailand. They are very well-equip at English given that some Chinese and Indians will not speak Malay. Racism is public and the government does practice it. Laws can be very harsh but may apply only to muslims.

e. Government: after the Mahathir everything has gone downhill to the same level as Thailand and demonstrations are quite bad. It's the fight between the Muslim extremists (the opposition) and the mainstream Muslim malay. The Chinese and the Indian has gotten their own parties as well. Bribery is everywhere especially the traffic police. More than Thailand (I bribed a Thai police only twice compared to once a week in Malaysia)

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website:CIA World fact (google this)

Isn't that the definition of an oxymoron?

If all i wanted was just facts then yes I would go to the CIA World Fact, But im' more interested in people's experiences thats why i posted the question

My point was that if you wanted just facts, then you wouldn't rely on what the CIA has to say!!

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