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Do Posters On Tv Forums Retain Copyright To Posts ?


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I put in a Google search of Saha Farms Chicken (no quotes) and your TV post on 'Contract Chicken Farming' (that you asked to be removed) came up #6 on page 2... so it is out there anyway whether it is removed or not.

Ok Fine

But it isn't for sale under pretence of forum sponsorship. So yes I would like it removed.

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To answer your question -- and I do see that you provided a lot of detailed info in your post about your operations -- it is certainly possible to have a post removed as they have removed on occasion and not by my request posts of mine (off topic, nonsense, flaming, etc.) so it is well within their discretion to do so ... but that obviously is up to them ...

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if your notion is that -- for privacy or some other reason -- you are willing to post info about yourself on TV and expect that it will remain solely on TV and that it to go no further, sorry

Thats not the point.

The point is that IMO Thai visa should not allow another source to quote me, without first asking me, or letting me know that it will be printed somewhere else with TV's permission.

Common courtesy at the very least is missing.

The thread I started on Chicken farming on the Farming forum has a lot of personal info which I divulged at the request of other members and for other members to benefit.

I would be rather annoyed if TV willingly knew it was going to be published elsewhere without my knowledge.

This site is run by members for members, without members there would not be a TV,

so TV, listen to your members please!

I know this may send your tin-foil hat semantics into overdrive. But you are aware that anything you post on the internet is available for viewing by ANYBODY across THE WORLD?

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and I do see that you provided a lot of detailed info in your post about your operations

Exactly why I would want it removed, It was posted to help members, not realising that it could be sold to a 3rd party.

I will think twice before starting a new thread on here, or anywhere for that matter.

I have been a member for 5 years or so and luckily I have not started to many threads,

However The chicken farm one has to much personal info to be used as the powers that be deem fit.

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and I do see that you provided a lot of detailed info in your post about your operations

Exactly why I would want it removed, It was posted to help members, not realising that it could be sold to a 3rd party.


Who would buy something that's available for free?

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The point is there is to much personal information in that thread, for it to be used outside the forum it was intended to serve.

Hence my request for removal

Had I realised it could be bought, sold, given away, I would have been a little more careful as to my input in the said thread.


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The point is there is to much personal information in that thread, for it to be used outside the forum it was intended to serve.

Hence my request for removal

Had I realised it could be bought, sold, given away, I would have been a little more careful as to my input in the said thread.


If there is a lesson here it must be that you should never give away personal information in your postings, although how anyone would link you in real life back to your monicker Monkeypants is difficult to imagine.

Your song and dance, and muddled thinking on here may be making you a big target for someone who wishes to amusingly quote from internet forums. :blink:

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although how anyone would link you in real life back to your monicker Monkeypants is difficult to imagine.

Obviously you did not read the thread, It had a google map of my place and income details,

which I thought would ONLY benefit TV members if they chose to find a decent income, and still being under retirement age.

The thread was about how to make money if your were under retirement age and wanting to live in Thailand, It wasn't anyway trying to gloat at my achievements, just an other path in which you can live here, without being a teacher.

It was to benefit my fellow farmers and want to be farmers here on Thai Visa.

Sorry for being so open.

And thankyou Thai visa for removing the thread.

Edited by Monkeypants
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I think that this is terrible news for TV members.

I for one will be posting very very carefully from now on, If at all.

And I will certainly refrain from reccomending TV to my friends ans aquaintances.

Bad form Thai visa admin !!!!

Heres the link



Are they a subsiduary of, or have a commercial interest with Thai Visa?

If not, they have clearly infringed the copyrights of both the original poster and Thai Visa.

If the administators wish to retain any credibility they should take action to prevent this happening again

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With or without my knowledge, permission, approval, etc. anybody in this world can copy what I post in any public forum, Google Group, blog, Facebook page, Twitter, etc. and republish it somewhere else and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Monkeypants seems to have made the mistake of using his real name as his member name on ThaiVisa, if Mr. Monkey Pants is his real name. If this is the case and he is now being stalked and fears for his life, he obviously has a valid reason to be concerned. Can he get his member name changed, so that all his posts will show up under the new, fictitious name? I believe there is an email address mentioned in the forum rules for such emergency, support[at]???, I can't be bothered to look it up right now but I think it is there.

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OK this has just stepped up a notch.. Now the Pattaya One rag, is making articles, quoting ThaiVisa forum members and attribbing their username.. And publishing it as news items..

Thats going too far and clearly not within their legal rights. As a media organisation they should know that.

Sue them and see what it gets you. Post your progress here; I shan't be the only one interested in reading it. Oh, I see you were not quoted. Aussiechick was, and Waatwang, Ulysses G, Jingthing, Smellyfarang, SirPaul, Loong, Barry M, Pistolbelt, all gaining fame beyond the confines of the ThaiVisa forum.

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I think you are confusing TV.com with Monkeypants.blogspot.com where you can claim copyright over anything you post and also control who can reply to your posts -- as for your personal info, unless in was in a private memo (PM) it really wasn't personal

Just wanted to point out that PM does not stand for private memo, it stands for personal message.

They are not private.

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OK -- I have seen 'private memo' for PM but 'personal message' is the phrase actually used in the Rules... However the Rule 20:

20) Not to post personal messages from other members, whether in full or in part ... would certainly imply that your PM should remain 'private' not be re-posted in the Public Forum and TTBOMK the search engine spiders do not have access to the 'private' PM data.

Edited by jazzbo
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OK -- I have seen 'private memo' for PM but 'personal message' is the phrase actually used in the Rules... However the Rule 20:

20) Not to post personal messages from other members, whether in full or in part ... would certainly imply that your PM should remain 'private' not be re-posted in the Public Forum and TTBOMK the search engine spiders do not have access to the 'private' PM data.

Yes, correct, the contents of PM's are not to be publicly posted, but they are not private.

I was referring to the aspect that they are viewable by other people associated with the forum.

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BTW I have read the early pages of this topic and in several places I mention that to control copyright, one should set up one's own blogspot or website ... Then refer others to your Profile page and list on that page your URL(s) which is totally within TV Forum rules ... I also mentioned that That is what I do ...

I no longer list my website as I found -- as my efforts expanded -- it necessary to list real world names and references on that website and links to where I have posted on other NGO platforms and publications.

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We cannot read PM's members send to each other, only when a member reports a PM he received do we get a copy of that PM and can it be read by us.

With the Invision software, you are correct in that PM's are not viewable at the Moderator level, but they are at the Admin level:

Category: IP.Board 3.0.x

Short Description:

This application allows you to read members private conversations, delete and join conversations, and set permission levels for admins of whether they can only view conversation titles, or read each conversation.


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On some level people probably can read the PMs. After all, if Admin really wanted to, they could just log in as any user and go into their inbox. And they must be stored in the back-end database on the server somewhere. But, just as IT managers working in a company don't go around reading their boss's emails even though they probably could, on moral grounds they choose not to.

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On some level people probably can read the PMs. After all, if Admin really wanted to, they could just log in as any user and go into their inbox. And they must be stored in the back-end database on the server somewhere. But, just as IT managers working in a company don't go around reading their boss's emails even though they probably could, on moral grounds they choose not to.

With the above linked application, there is no need to scour through databases or log in as anyone else. It's all right there in front of them.

I don't mean to imply that they do, simply that they can.

That information is just as important for members to know as the earlier discussion regarding posts being sent to other websites.

Prudent use of the PM function is wise as it is evident many members often mistakenly believe that they are private. That is the same caveat that regards posting in the public forum.

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But, just as IT managers working in a company don't go around reading their boss's emails even though they probably could, on moral grounds they choose not to.

Correct, I had access to all company email, I never looked at one that wasn't intended for me..... but that is a moral choice, not a universal rule of all IT Managers.

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I put in a Google search of Saha Farms Chicken (no quotes) and your TV post on 'Contract Chicken Farming' (that you asked to be removed) came up #6 on page 2... so it is out there anyway whether it is removed or not.

... Cache is King.

I always thought that "cached" meant that the link was to a copy that your computer saved on your hard disk. I cleared my cache, clicked on the link, and this is what I got:


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I put in a Google search of Saha Farms Chicken (no quotes) and your TV post on 'Contract Chicken Farming' (that you asked to be removed) came up #6 on page 2... so it is out there anyway whether it is removed or not.

... Cache is King.

I always thought that "cached" meant that the link was to a copy that your computer saved on your hard disk. I cleared my cache, clicked on the link, and this is what I got:


No, far from it, your cache is your cache and that mainly contains stuff you haven't written, just stuff you have browsed, there is a much larger cache of everything posted anywhere on the internet residing on multiple servers all over the world, including everything you have written..... and it doesn't belong to you.

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... which is why G-d created Hotmail ... to keep snoopy IT managers at bay ...

Nope, MicroSop created Hotmail as an information gathering source, that just happened to provide a free email service available from which ever computer you happened to be sat at, Google have since refined this process.

Do you seriously think that a system like hotmail provides any sort of privacy, pass a scribbled note under the desk with instructions for the recipient to burn it, that has a chance of being private, the second you start to type on a keyboard and hit the return key, you are logged.

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As per Hotmail in #145 I just meant that the company IT manager does not have access to Hotmail as they might with the company domain email ... and I guess to give you 'Grassy Knoll' guys something to rant about... (OOPS for the Commonwealth crowd The 'Grassy Knoll' in Dallas is from where the conspiracy theorists say JFK was shot and not by LH Oswald)

BTW by 'Cache' I meant cache on Google and other search engines not your internal memory cache

BTW2 There was a topic elsewhere on TV.com (now deleted) about copyright law: This is from The Copyright Law of Thailand:

Part 6.: Exceptions to Copyright

Section 43.

A reproduction of a copyright work by virtue of this Act for the benefit of government service

by an authorized official or by an order of such official which is in

the possession of the government is not deemed an infringement of

copyright; provided that Section 32 paragraph one is complied with.

Note (Paragraph one Section 32):

Section 32.

An act against a copyright work by virtue of this Act of another person

which does not conflict with a normal exploitation of the copyright work

by the owner of copyright and does not unreasonably prejudice the

legitimate right of the owner of copyright is not deemed an infringement

of copyright.

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