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Is Thailand Inundated With Farang


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I have been here awhile. In the past, I would go to places like The Mall Bangkapi and there would be a few farang faces here and there but not very common at all. Now, its almost comical. You could pick any restaurant in the place, walk in and you will see a dozen farang faces (usually with the same sort of Thais). You would think you were in Central Chitlom or MBK. You will even see farang families with little farang kids in fairly far out places where you would not normally see farang frequently. For example, Central Bangna - Its a crappy shopping mall in an Industrial area on the side of a freeway and you go there right now and I promise you will see half a dozen farang children running around - How in the world did their parents end up in Bangna?

Also, I hate to say this, perhaps its a product of the World's bad economic state, but there seem to be an unusual number of penny pinchers. I am noticing more and more farang hanging out the windows of public buses in Bangkok. It used to be really funny when you'd see that, now you see it everyday. Anyone else observing this?


More farang everywhere, in every nook and cranny.

An even drearier bunch of farang than in the past.

They seem to keep the same company in terms of the types of Thais they hang out with.

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I know disgusting isn't... Like bird sh1t :D surely not farang kii nok :)

The time of being the only walking, talking, disco dancing all in one farang entertainment machine has long since past...

Actually.. sometimes i forget i am a farang (not thinking i am Thai either) but think we are the same...the same as you would back home...not even think about looking different.. Then when i see a farang i get all excited and remember thats how i look... :D

Yes, we are everywhere now....! ...Can't remember going anywhere around the outskirts of BKK without not seeing one of us...

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The Ops observations are entirely correct.

Thailand does seem to be becoming a haven for Western economic refugees, due to it`s lax entry policies and non-enforcement of the employment and land ownership laws.

Sooner or later the crap will hit the fan for many of these people when the Thai authorities decide to clamp down in real terms regarding the visa regulations and begin looking into the business affairs of foreigners living here and it will mean a tightening up and more restrictions on those ex-pats already living here.

Letting too many of these economic refugees into the country is bad news all round for everyone and like a dose of bad flu, they will be difficult to get rid of.

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I guess I am just a Central Business District Rat.

I don't venture to places like The Mall Bangna often. Usually its for a friend/family/school reunion type of thing or because we had to visit some government agency way out of the way.

I go to a place like The Mall Bangna and I am just wondering how in the world did so many farang locate themselves there?

Its on the side of a busy highway, rofl.

I actually sort of admire these farang. I could never go this local. I would have never even found the Mall Bangna. Just driving on the highway to go there I was intimidated and here are dozens of farangs who managed to adapt to the "Thai Bus Lifestyle" either out of economic necessity or adventure or I really don't know. I am looking forward to hearing from someone.

Edited by TheJoker12
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This topic sounds rather racist to me.

It reminds me of the way white rednecks talk about Asians in America or ignorant Brits talk about Pakistanis in the U.K.

In other words, I find it sickening.

Inundated? What, are white people insects?

Edited by Jingthing
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This topic sounds rather racist to me.

Yesterday while walking through Central (not Bangna) some girls were handing out leaflets for a Banks credit card as i walked past and they saw i was a farang they instantly withdrew their extended arms with the leaflet in.

You know i felt violated as if i wasn't worthy... is this racism...? I ask because i am not sure if its racism or just they assume that a farang does not have the right visa/passport/residency whatever to have a Thai credit card.... so just to prevent any hassle they don't offer you the leaflet....

Do any TV farangs have a Thai bank credit card?

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Well you snobs! I live in Bang Na because my office is located on Srinakarin road and if you describe Central Bang Na as a crappy shopping mall in an industrial area off the freeway, there is something sadly amiss with your thinking. Central Bang Na is a six storey shopping center with a cinema complex on the sixth floor, a water slide park on the roof and the same mix of shops you will find in Siam Paragon or Central Chidlom. I don't recall seeing too many penny pinching farangs on my regular shopping visits there, nor do I take kindly to your condescending reference to "the same sort of Thais" or "the types of Thais they hang out with". Clearly you have lived in your ivory tower for too long and have developed a disdain for all Thai women that would lower themselves to associate with a farang.

Get over yourself pal !!

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The Ops observations are entirely correct.

Thailand does seem to be becoming a haven for Western economic refugees, due to it`s lax entry policies and non-enforcement of the employment and land ownership laws.

Sooner or later the crap will hit the fan for many of these people when the Thai authorities decide to clamp down in real terms regarding the visa regulations and begin looking into the business affairs of foreigners living here and it will mean a tightening up and more restrictions on those ex-pats already living here.

Letting too many of these economic refugees into the country is bad news all round for everyone and like a dose of bad flu, they will be difficult to get rid of.

Won't there be a barrage of whinging and whining on here when that happens.

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This topic sounds rather racist to me.

It reminds me of the way white rednecks talk about Asians in America or ignorant Brits talk about Pakistanis in the U.K.

In other words, I find it sickening.

Inundated? What, are white people insects?

No JT, that would be infested! Inundated refers to water. Just a bad choice of words by the OP as well as a rather jaded and racist post. Indicating the OP's belief that he alone should be allowed to tread the streets of Bangkok and the rest of us riff raff should go home. :)

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The Ops observations are entirely correct.

Thailand does seem to be becoming a haven for Western economic refugees, due to it`s lax entry policies and non-enforcement of the employment and land ownership laws.


I think that is stretching the point a little bit. I am sure that there are a number of "economic refugees" in Thailand, however to suggest that Farangs from developed Western countries are "Economic refugees" is nonsensical.

As for the other points on lax entry policies, non-enforcement of employment and land ownership laws, what's your point in relation to the OP's post?

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This topic sounds rather racist to me.

Yesterday while walking through Central (not Bangna) some girls were handing out leaflets for a Banks credit card as i walked past and they saw i was a farang they instantly withdrew their extended arms with the leaflet in.

You know i felt violated as if i wasn't worthy... is this racism...? I ask because i am not sure if its racism or just they assume that a farang does not have the right visa/passport/residency whatever to have a Thai credit card.... so just to prevent any hassle they don't offer you the leaflet....

Do any TV farangs have a Thai bank credit card?

I do. At KTB.

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Oh! I just noticed that the OP joined TV today and already has 18 posts! I wonder if they are all as trollish as this one appears to be? Been here a while OP? I would have thought if that was the case you may have adjusted your attitude to more of a live and let live one!

Edited by midasthailand
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Inundated? What, are white people insects?

No, I did not imply that they were doing anything wrong. The nature of my post was that of amusement.

But in regards to the ability to 'go local', it is insect like, and not in a negative way. What I mean is, these days, wherever you go in Thailand you are going to see farang. And I mean anywhere. Used to be, you go to some out of the way suburb and there are a few farang sprinkled here and there. Now, they are sleeping on bus stop benches, hanging their heads out of bus windows, riding around with their infants perched on the front of their motorbike, yammering in Isaan about the cost of fish sauce.

And yes, that is funny. They have gone completely local!

OK, and btw, Bangna is like the ugliest place on the planet. Central Bangna is located on the side of a highway. A highway. Its a highway Mall!

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I have been here awhile. In the past, I would go to places like The Mall Bangkapi and there would be a few farang faces here and there but not very common at all. Now, its almost comical. You could pick any restaurant in the place, walk in and you will see a dozen farang faces (usually with the same sort of Thais). You would think you were in Central Chitlom or MBK. You will even see farang families with little farang kids in fairly far out places where you would not normally see farang frequently. For example, Central Bangna - Its a crappy shopping mall in an Industrial area on the side of a freeway and you go there right now and I promise you will see half a dozen farang children running around - How in the world did their parents end up in Bangna?

Also, I hate to say this, perhaps its a product of the World's bad economic state, but there seem to be an unusual number of penny pinchers. I am noticing more and more farang hanging out the windows of public buses in Bangkok. It used to be really funny when you'd see that, now you see it everyday. Anyone else observing this?


More farang everywhere, in every nook and cranny.

I'm not sure what country you where brought up in , but I started my life in the UK where the nationalities that came to this country where there to enjoy a better life with there family . not sure how the visa or the citizenship works now but how many different FARANGS foreigners live there now.

Same for Australia this country covers all nationalities so seeing a asian family shopping in the markets in Wanneroo , doesn't mean they are in the wrong place they may enjoy honest shopping.

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Sounds like a bunch of you feel persecuted for some strange reason.

The Thai Immigration Laws are very lax, so I don't think you have anything to worry about.

When I think of Bangna, I think of Charles Dickens. Of dust and coal and misery. Of the Industrialization of a City. Its just funny that you have so many farang living there. I guess its Darwinism. People doing what it takes to survive.

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I'm not sure what country you where brought up in , but I started my life in the UK where the nationalities that came to this country where there to enjoy a better life with there family . not sure how the visa or the citizenship works now but how many different FARANGS foreigners live there now.

Same for Australia this country covers all nationalities so seeing a asian family shopping in the markets in Wanneroo , doesn't mean they are in the wrong place they may enjoy honest shopping.

These last few years has seen a staggering influx or penny pinching farang. That is not a bad thing. It is just an observation. I am sorry if that observation offends you in some way! That was not the intention.

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What, is Bangna not excessively ugly and Industrial?

Is the Mall Bangna not on the side of a busy highway?

Are there not farangs riding the bus?

What am I doing wrong here people?

You want to flame me for making factual observations? Please do refute me with some photos displaying the beauty of Bangna.

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What, is Bangna not excessively ugly and Industrial?

Is the Mall Bangna not on the side of a busy highway?

Are there not farangs riding the bus?

What am I doing wrong here people?

You want to flame me for making factual observations? Please do refute me with some photos displaying the beauty of Bangna.

I would flame you for making implying that there is something wrong with riding the bus. I drive 2 cars but still like to ride on the bus sometime depending on my destination, what's the problem with that?

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What I mean is, these days, wherever you go in Thailand you are going to see farang. And I mean anywhere. Used to be, you go to some out of the way suburb and there are a few farang sprinkled here and there.

Thailand is a whole lot bigger than Bangkok.

Try venturing out of the big city once in awhile and you will find many places that rarely if ever have falangs even passing through in a car let alone stopping and staying for awhile.

And yes there are more and more expats arriving and even where I live I have seen a occational Western person (one about every other week) other than myself in a mirror. :)

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What, is Bangna not excessively ugly and Industrial?

Is the Mall Bangna not on the side of a busy highway?

If you go past the mall a few km, then take a left, then drive straight for while you'll enter another side of Bangna with loads of students, open air markets, police housing complexes, bars and karaokes etc. so I would say it's not all ugly and industrial.

Edit: plus hardly any farangs.

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by the way - one of the most expensive universities attended by some of Thailand's richest is in the Bangna area


anyhow, OP I think people agree with you that there are expats in all parts of Bangkok, and yes there seem to be more of them

and yes some expats use the bus.

(but what people dont appreciate is the condescending tone suggesting that people who frequent that area are lesser than those that frequent malls in the CBD?)

since we all agree, Im now closing this thread

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