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Where Do You Feel Mexican Food Would Best Be Categorized?


Where do you feel Mexican food would best be categorized?  

72 members have voted

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Interestingly, in the US food nationality classifications, Mexican is grouped under ETHNIC cuisines. This would include a huge array of international cuisines, such as Ethiopian, Peruvian (another non-western cuisine from the western hemisphere), all Asian cuisines, Russian, etc., etc. The non-ethnic cuisines are the western EUROPEAN based cuisines including American. Now, this is getting kind of blurred in parts of the US where Latinos are the majority.

BTW, this is another good reason for classifying under INTERNATIONAL here. Who knows Mexican food better than Mexicans and Americans? For Mexicans, it is their national food, for Americans, Mexican is ethnic. Not western. So international here is equivalent to ethnic (but not Thai because we are in Thailand).

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Personally I think farangpub is a good place for this particular topic. :)

That's where it is.

So we don't need to run a poll JT? Good.

Huh? I took your meaning to be that you were talking about THIS thread, which is a poll thread. So, never mind, oh cheeky one.

BTW, a certain poster asked why the TOTAL votes is 3 votes higher than the recorded votes. I believe the reason for that is because the system here counts NULL votes. If you want to view the results WITHOUT voting, you must record a NULL vote. I think when you do that, you no longer have the option to record an actual vote. (One vote per member.)

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we got to stop this funny bizniz and have just two subforums: thai food and non-thai food and have ongoing threads for mexican cuisine like Random Posts or the Hotbum/Good Ass Thread in Bedlam...yew could doll it up with lotsa fotos too...

I ain't much qualified to judge about Thailand as I don't live in BKK and the only decent mexican meal that I've had in the past 20 odd years was at a cafe in Santa Cruz, CA in 1999 at 8 in the am...chorizo an' eggs, rice an' beans and a stack of fresh corn tortillas, they didn't have no Superior beer, unfortunately...some farm worker types lounging in the background..

how many mexican food related threads are active on TV at the moment?

I agree with your suggestion, That if there is to be any changes, To be fair to all concerned. That there only be two food forums,

Thai Food

Non-Thai foods

As This Forum is Thailand Based.


This is the best idea by far and I am not starting my own thread either!

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Jingthing, I am tired of playing your silly childish discriminatory games, you can have this forum as you and others have set up the poll to favor your position.

I will no longer post in the Mexican food forum, once it is moved. You can play your games, but I also can chose not to play them. I do not go to restaurants, I make my own Mexican food, I do not need this forum for any reason other then to respond to the misconception that you all referred to as authentic Mexican food.

Discrimination is just that, there is no other way to address it , I have let Thai Visa know of my objection to this (sic) poll. if they accept it then, thats OK but I will not be playing in it.

You standard response is "sour Grapes" but what I do with my grapes is my own business.


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Jingthing, I am tired of playing your silly childish discriminatory games, you can have this forum as you and others have set up the poll to favor your position.

I will no longer post in the Mexican food forum, once it is moved. You can play your games, but I also can chose not to play them. I do not go to restaurants, I make my own Mexican food, I do not need this forum for any reason other then to respond to the misconception that you all referred to as authentic Mexican food.

Discrimination is just that, there is no other way to address it , I have let Thai Visa know of my objection to this (sic) poll. if they accept it then, thats OK but I will not be playing in it.

You standard response is "sour Grapes" but what I do with my grapes is my own business.


There is no such thing as a Mexican food forum here. Nor does this poll have anything to do with a Mexican food forum.

The poll is about MEMBER PREFERENCE for where topics about Mexican food would best fit under the currently existing organization here. The EXISTING western food forum or the EXISTING international food forum. That's it.

If rational discussion is "playing games" to you, well, I can't help you. Charges of discrimination are inflammatory and totally false.

This poll is 100 percent objective, completely based on the current text of the food forum categories. There is NO bias whatsoever in the design of this poll. So happy cooking.

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we got to stop this funny bizniz and have just two subforums: thai food and non-thai food and have ongoing threads for mexican cuisine like Random Posts or the Hotbum/Good Ass Thread in Bedlam...yew could doll it up with lotsa fotos too...

I ain't much qualified to judge about Thailand as I don't live in BKK and the only decent mexican meal that I've had in the past 20 odd years was at a cafe in Santa Cruz, CA in 1999 at 8 in the am...chorizo an' eggs, rice an' beans and a stack of fresh corn tortillas, they didn't have no Superior beer, unfortunately...some farm worker types lounging in the background..

how many mexican food related threads are active on TV at the moment?

I agree with your suggestion, That if there is to be any changes, To be fair to all concerned. That there only be two food forums,

Thai Food

Non-Thai foods

As This Forum is Thailand Based.


This is the best idea by far and I am not starting my own thread either!

I respect your opinion, but I disagree.

This should illustrate it.

Imagine a forum for expats from India in the USA.

Lets say they had a food area.

These are Indians.

What foods would they most be interested in, do you reckon?

1. Indian (they are from India)

2. American (they are in America)

3. All other international cuisines

Back to Thai visa. This being an ANGLO board for expats in Thailand, the vast majority of the members here are from western countries, and of those, most are from English speaking western countries.

Same logic, westerners in Thailand talking food, the most relevant food categories--

1. Western food (these are Westerners in Thailand)

2. Thai food (we are in Thailand)

3. All other international cuisines

There aren't many POPULAR cuisines common in Thailand that aren't entirely obvious where they fit, western, or international. Mexican is probably the most popular such cuisine, and thus the poll. There is no right or wrong answer. It is a matter of organization convenience. A minor editorial decision. There seems to be a de facto mod decision made up till now to put Mexican in western. I say this because I have seen Mexican topics MOVED by mods from International to Western. It's OK if it stays there. However, if as this poll indicates the majority of people who care enough to vote think a better fit is actually international, well, I would suggest that's where the Mexican topics should go.

Followup to the last post ... why is Mexican food selected for this poll? EASY. Because it is POPULAR and because there are very good reasons to categorize it in EITHER western OR international. So I thought it useful to poll for the majority preference.

Why is there not a poll for FRENCH? That's obvious.

Why is there not a poll for BURMESE? That's obvious.

etc. etc. etc.

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There seems to be a de facto mod decision made up till now to put Mexican in western. I say this because I have seen Mexican topics MOVED by mods from International to Western. 

Actually, it was not so much a decision made by any mods, but by the initial Mexican food thread-starters.  As the initial threads were started in the Western Food forum, at least one other Mexican food thread was moved from International so as to keep them all in one forum.

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There seems to be a de facto mod decision made up till now to put Mexican in western. I say this because I have seen Mexican topics MOVED by mods from International to Western. 

Actually, it was not so much a decision made by any mods, but by the initial Mexican food thread-starters.  As the initial threads were started in the Western Food forum, at least one other Mexican food thread was moved from International so as to keep them all in one forum.

OK. However, I do know there is a mod active on the food forums who has strong feelings that Mexican cuisine is western. I know this because he has expressed them.

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This is to put members on notice, I do not accept Unsolicited messages, the one that was sent ,I labeled it as Spam and it was deleted.

I also do not add friends from other than persons that are personally acceptable to me .

Thank You


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This is to put members on notice, I do not accept Unsolicited messages, the one that was sent ,I labeled it as Spam and it was deleted.

I also do not add friends from other than persons that are personally acceptable to me .

Thank You


The forum offers two useful tools you may find useful. (I know I do. :) ) They are the Ignore User Posts and Ignore User PM option. Just in case you weren't aware.

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You can vote as much as you want but as far as I am aware there are no plans to start yet another subforum. Live with it guys, its hardly earth shattering.

As for other posts, please do not bring your personal issues into the forum. Use the PM function or use the ignore user and block user function and there will be no issues. cheers.

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Thank you. This poll demonstrates that the majority want Mexican classified as international. So why not implement this change of policy?

Since when is moderation dictated by member polls? I would imagine that no single mod has the right or the power to make such a decision.

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Thank you. This poll demonstrates that the majority want Mexican classified as international. So why not implement this change of policy?

Since when is moderation dictated by member polls? I would imagine that no single mod has the right or the power to make such a decision.

The scope of the decision implied by this poll (whether Mexican topics should be placed in the international or western food forums) is so MINOR that I do think a single mod could indeed implement their will. This poll is only a way for members to make their PREFERENCE known on a small issue. If the majority will is enforced or not, is ultimately up to whether the mods here want to listen to that preference, or not. I have NEVER said that any poll dictates mod decisions, OK?

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You can vote as much as you want but as far as I am aware there are no plans to start yet another subforum. Live with it guys, its hardly earth shattering.

As for other posts, please do not bring your personal issues into the forum. Use the PM function or use the ignore user and block user function and there will be no issues. cheers.

The content of this poll has NOTHING to do with creating a new subforum.

While this thread is bumped, if you haven't voted already, please do so. The question is very limited. It is simply do you feel the WESTERN food forum OR the INTERNATIONAL food forum (both exist now) is the BEST FIT for threads about Mexican food?

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This being an ANGLO board for expats in Thailand, the vast majority of the members here are from western countries, and of those, most are from English speaking western countries.

JT, English is the medium of communication here, but that does not make it an 'Anglo' forum. It is a multicultural forum with many members who hail from non-Anglo backgrounds.

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This being an ANGLO board for expats in Thailand, the vast majority of the members here are from western countries, and of those, most are from English speaking western countries.

JT English is the medium of communication here, but that does not make it an 'Anglo' forum. It is a multicultural forum with many members who hail from non-Anglo backgrounds.

Most are from English speaking countries. Anyone who reads this board knows this without any doubt. Of course, there also many people here from western Europe. However, seriously, how many active Russians, Indians, Iranians, Brazilians, do we have here, etc.? A tiny percentage.

Back to the topic. I understand you have spent a lot of time in Mexico. To Mexicans, Mexican food is their national food. From their perspective, of course Mexican would not be categorized as international or "ethnic" as it almost always is categorized in the USA. These categorizations are influenced by the PERSPECTIVE of the audience.

The overwhelming focus of this site is for expat foreigners in Thailand. Most of the expats using this board are indeed westerners. So it is logical that the three main food categories would be Thai, Western, and International.

BTW, I agree of course Mexico is in the western hemisphere. I agree that Mexico is a western country. I merely feel the FOOD of Mexico fits better in the category of International rather than Western, in the context of the existing categories on this site.

Also, the RESULTS of this poll show the majority agree with me on this.

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You can vote as much as you want but as far as I am aware there are no plans to start yet another subforum. Live with it guys, its hardly earth shattering.

As for other posts, please do not bring your personal issues into the forum. Use the PM function or use the ignore user and block user function and there will be no issues. cheers.

The content of this poll has NOTHING to do with creating a new subforum.

While this thread is bumped, if you haven't voted already, please do so. The question is very limited. It is simply do you feel the WESTERN food forum OR the INTERNATIONAL food forum (both exist now) is the BEST FIT for threads about Mexican food?

Hate to burst your bubble jing, but if I had my way (and I won't) there would be two forums, thai food and not thai food :)

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You can vote as much as you want but as far as I am aware there are no plans to start yet another subforum. Live with it guys, its hardly earth shattering.

As for other posts, please do not bring your personal issues into the forum. Use the PM function or use the ignore user and block user function and there will be no issues. cheers.

The content of this poll has NOTHING to do with creating a new subforum.

While this thread is bumped, if you haven't voted already, please do so. The question is very limited. It is simply do you feel the WESTERN food forum OR the INTERNATIONAL food forum (both exist now) is the BEST FIT for threads about Mexican food?

Hate to burst your bubble jing, but if I had my way (and I won't) there would be two forums, thai food and not thai food :)

If that is way it is decided, so be it. In any case, that is NOT the way it is now. This poll right here is related to how things are NOW.

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we got to stop this funny bizniz and have just two subforums: thai food and non-thai food and have ongoing threads for mexican cuisine like Random Posts or the Hotbum/Good Ass Thread in Bedlam...yew could doll it up with lotsa fotos too...

I ain't much qualified to judge about Thailand as I don't live in BKK and the only decent mexican meal that I've had in the past 20 odd years was at a cafe in Santa Cruz, CA in 1999 at 8 in the am...chorizo an' eggs, rice an' beans and a stack of fresh corn tortillas, they didn't have no Superior beer, unfortunately...some farm worker types lounging in the background..

how many mexican food related threads are active on TV at the moment?

I agree with your suggestion, That if there is to be any changes, To be fair to all concerned. That there only be two food forums,

Thai Food

Non-Thai foods

As This Forum is Thailand Based.


This is the best idea by far and I am not starting my own thread either!

This may be the first time that sbk and I have ever agreed on anything. :D

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A love Mexican food, regardless of how it is categorised. My choice of Mex restaurant in Bangkok is Coyote on Soi Convent in the Silom area. I understand it is run by a British guy, and has Thai chefs - but that doesn't detract from the excellent food. I spent a lot of time in Mexico in the 1980's, so I think I know good mex.

I did once wander into another mex place on the corner of Pat Pong, I think it was called Patties or something. Anyway I didn't stay long.

Mexican food has to be international, since it's formulation has so many different origins and influences. Anybody else got a favourite mex I should be trying out? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mexican is Western food IMO. Maybe some think otherwise because most Mexicans are short and brown? :)

What did Europeans eat before Marco Polo brought pasta from China and the early explorers of the Americas brought all that other stuff someone listed above?

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Mexican is Western food IMO. Maybe some think otherwise because most Mexicans are short and brown? :)

What did Europeans eat before Marco Polo brought pasta from China and the early explorers of the Americas brought all that other stuff someone listed above?

My opinion on this has nothing to with physical appearance of some Mexicans. Maybe some others feel that way, I don't know. You can flip your point though. Maybe some think it should be called Western out of some overly sensitive desire to be politically correct and not risk being thought some kind of racist for their opinion on a cuisine's characteristics.

BTW, to repeat, in the US, which has many many Mexicans Mexican food is categorized as ETHNIC FOOD, which corresponds very closely to what we are classifying as INTERNATIONAL here. Western European food there is not categorized as ETHNIC. I am not saying American standards should always trump, but it is Americans who know Mexican food better than any other nationality in the world, except Mexicans. And to Americans, Mexican food is ETHNIC. Certainly NOT western.

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Mexican is Western food IMO. Maybe some think otherwise because most Mexicans are short and brown? :D

What did Europeans eat before Marco Polo brought pasta from China and the early explorers of the Americas brought all that other stuff someone listed above?

My opinion on this has nothing to with physical appearance of some Mexicans. Maybe some others feel that way, I don't know. You can flip your point though. Maybe some think it should be called Western out of some overly sensitive desire to be politically correct and not risk being thought some kind of racist for their opinion on a cuisine's characteristics.

BTW, to repeat, in the US, which has many many Mexicans Mexican food is categorized as ETHNIC FOOD, which corresponds very closely to what we are classifying as INTERNATIONAL here. Western European food there is not categorized as ETHNIC. I am not saying American standards should always trump, but it is Americans who know Mexican food better than any other nationality in the world, except Mexicans. And to Americans, Mexican food is ETHNIC. Certainly NOT western.

Yes, but we are not in Mexico or the US mate. :):D

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