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Tuk Tuk Driver Attacks Elderly Parents

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A co-worker of mine's parents, brother and sister in law were parking near Kata Palm Hill Resort when a tuk tuk driver told them they could not park there. They got out, looked around, no yellow markings on the ground, no tuk tuk designated signs, clearly public parking.

They parked and began to remove things out of the trunk to go to the beach when the tuk tuk driver came at them with a large piece of wood. He beat the elderly people, broke the arm of the brother, injured the legs of the sister in law. Everybody had to go to the hospital.

Police report made. No action taken. I would like to have contact with the Phuket Gazette to get a bigger reaction. Please pm me.

This has to stop.


Is this the same people I saw a report of yesterday ??

Be warned.. You will now get members on here saying its all fantasy and made up.. After posting how my elderly mother got threatened on beach Rd as well as much speculation it was fake.

Contact the local papers. See if they have the balls to run the story ??


I presume you mean Kata Palm Resort, or do you mean Palm Hill Resort (in Kata).

I agree there was most probably no action taken against the perpetrator, but how can you be sure there was no action taken?


So he single handily beat up 4 people? at a hotel that does not exist on a hill where someone parked to go to the beach as we know that is where all the beach parking is. Was there more then one of them? I do know that they are guarding the entrance by Peach Hill and Aspasia and question anyone doing a pick up there.

I am not saying I don't believe it I am just saying the facts need to be correct


Unless this story is confirmed and gets some press coverage, the only repercussion will be a light warning passed on to the Kata/Karon tuk tuk mafia boss. Lets hope it gathers some steam. Even someone who questions the story's validity has to admit it's very possible scenario. It is a common practice for tuk tuk/taxi drivers to deem any old part of the roadside is "theirs" whenever they feel like it. I have been told to move under no uncertain terms on numerous occasions. If you ignore them, at a minimum, tires are slashed and paint scratched . Sounds like they upped the ante. The online Phuket news source which cannot be named seems to have no fear running these kind of stories. Pm sent. These thugs need to be dealt with.


Press coverage would help, preferably with some graphic photos of the injuries. Need to do that soon though. As well as PG, contact the other Phuket English language press organ (they appear to be more proactive at reporting stories the tourist industry would rather not hear about).

Additionally, if the people involved have a Consul (Honorary or otherwise) here in Phuket, get them to make contact, and demand that this incident be brought to the attention of the Governor.

I presume you mean Kata Palm Resort, or do you mean Palm Hill Resort (in Kata).

I agree there was most probably no action taken against the perpetrator, but how can you be sure there was no action taken?

I apologize, I might have gotten the name of the hotel incorrect.

Truth to the matter at this point, yes the tuk tuk driver took a large piece of wood to four people, two of them women, two of them elderly, in Kata.

At this point the BIB in Chalong do have the perp and PG is on the story.


If anyone on this forum has ever had a run-in about parking (as I have) where the tuk-tuk mafia in Phuket has taken over parking spaces, you will have no doubts about the veracity of the OP's story. These guys are indeed aggressive and seem to delight in confronting tourists with a nasty attitude.

The lot of them should be thrown out of the tourist areas of Phuket and their business given to the songthaews and taxis. Too bad the BIB and other Thai authorities seem to ignore this dark cloud that hangs over the tourism industry in Phuket. Only God knows how many tourists have left Phuket with a bad taste in their mouths, determined never to return, as I have.


If it had been my family I would have hired some more Thais to go down and beat the guy responsible till he was a bloody mess.. Much easier to settle it the Thai way than waste time with papers and the police... 5-10,000 baht is a small price to pay...For that sort of cash the BiB would prolly have gone down and given the guy a hiding in person.. No questions asked.

So he single handily beat up 4 people? at a hotel that does not exist on a hill where someone parked to go to the beach as we know that is where all the beach parking is. Was there more then one of them? I do know that they are guarding the entrance by Peach Hill and Aspasia and question anyone doing a pick up there.

I am not saying I don't believe it I am just saying the facts need to be correct

Fact is: a tuk tuk scumbag attacked TOURISTS ......or do you insist someone made up a story like that?

who ever tried to park a private car only close to the tuk tuk guys knows what happend, I do!....Mr.Man obviously doesnt.

I want see you even with four other men starting a fight with a SINGLE tuk tuk driver :)

seems there are people here which still belive in elfs and dwarfs happy land.........


from PHUKET GAZETTE Tuesday 29-12-2009 14:54

PHUKET: Chalong Police are on the hunt for a man presumed to be a ‘tuk-tuk / taxi driver’ who allegedly set upon a French family with a beach umbrella in the Kata area of Phuket on Saturday evening.

The family, an elderly couple on holiday with their 44-year old son, his wife and their three children, aged 14 months, seven and nine, claim they were attacked when they parked their rented car along the Kata Beach road.

The family claims they were confronted by a man outside the Karon Municipality offices, at the southern end of Kata Beach.

He was aggressive and told them to move the vehicle, the family said.

After checking the area for no-parking signs, and seeing none, the family refused to move their car and began unloading their beach items.

Moments later, the man returned and assaulted them with the shaft of a beach umbrella, breaking the 44-year-old man’s arm. The 68-year-old father also sustained numerous bruises in the attack.

Many people saw the incident, which occurred at about 5pm, but no-one went to the family’s aid, the victims claimed.

The family escaped in their car, stopping at the Kata Palm Resort to recover from their ordeal. Staff at the resort alerted paramedics.

The family reported the attack to police on Sunday. Today, Chalong police invited the victims to study police file photos of known criminals in the area of the attack.

The victims have apparently identified their attacker and police are believed to be tracking him down.

Phuket's public transport shortcomings have been been the subject of bitter complaints from local residents and foreign tourists for at least a decade.

The complaints have intensified sharply this month, to the point where public outrage could culminate in mob action by victims of the system.

Following publication of a story by the Phuket Gazette on Dec 12, in which taxi drivers were alleged to have threatened and verbally abused staff and tour company representatives at the four-star Centara Karon Resort, the Gazette Online's Phuket Forum saw the first in what has turned out to be several hundred complaints from angry local residents and foreign tourists.

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