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Doing Some Work For A Foreign Company

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I'm going to stay in Thailand for a couple of months based on a Non-Immigrant-O (my husband is retired). My company allows me to work at any place I can achieve an internet connection to forward work results. So can I work in Thailand for a foreign company that pays me in foreign country (in this case Germany). The reason for my question is that I will have to carry two laptops with me, one for working and a private one, as I'm not allowed having private things done on the "company laptop", it has restricted internet capabilities too. What will happen, if I have to declare why I'm carrying two laptops? Will it cause problems if I say one is for work and one private?

Any advice appreciated.


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I have travelled with two lap tops on a number of occasions - However, I have never had my back searched and only once had it scanned upon entering Thailand via Bangkok Airport.

You could always simply say that they are both your own. i.e. you keep all your music photos and personal files on the one, and you use the other simply for surfing the internet thus keeping your personal equipment safe.

Maybe someone can give precise information on your customs status when bringing in two laptops but I imagine it's a relatively normal situation.

Edited by richard_smith237
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Yes I know that all work requires a work permit. That's why my focus is on what to tell if being asked why I carry two laptops.


This is what I was thinking of, telling that carrying two is for safety reasons.

Do I have to declare them for customs? What if I don't. Can they seize them? I don't want to risk loosing one.

Any more experience made being in the situation to explain why having two laptops in your travelbag?

Thanx you guys for responding.


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I don't think you need to worry. If asked just tell truth - that you need 1 for work & 1 for private. Firstly you very unlikely to be checked at all and even if you are it is only an xray check. I would be very surprised if customs would be concerned that you are carrying 2 used laptops.

I have passed through customs at Suvarnabhumi at least 50 times and have barely spoken a word to a customs officer.

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No ptoblem carrying two laptops. I have done it myself. If asked just say you brought one for upgrade/repair as it is cheaper here. No one will ask though.

Certainly don't mention work. It probably won't matter but never give someone an excuse to ask questions.

As for working for you conpany over the internet, many people do that when travelling. Carry on as normal, just better if you don't talk about it.

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That sounds like the most practical option. Certainly I'm not going to work in my (extended) holidays. I was just worrying if customs could take away one of the laptops or ask for a tax and a fine. Hope that I'll be lucky and nobody will ask at all.



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cant imagine why you should be concerned. you are not working in Thailand, nor are you taking Thai jobs. Neither are you being paid here.

as for the laptops, people i know travel with more than 2, and the only person ever stopped just had to show they were all used, not clean.

if customs were vaguely interested a windows setup new computer wizard may cause a problem, but it will never get to that.

you are worried over a bit of a non-issue.

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Q1: So can I work in Thailand for a foreign company that pays me in foreign country (in this case Germany).

Q2 ...you are aware work is not allowed without a work permit regardless of where or if any pay?

No problem. In order for you while you are physically in Thailand to be allowed to log on to your company’s intranet, say for example to answer customer service inquiries or to forward work as mentioned above, your company must provide you with a work permit. That will entail the creation of a Thai subsidiary capitalized at 2 million baht with 25% paid in capital; the hiring of at least 4 Thai employees and most likely office space in which to house them; hire lawyers to handle your Thai subsidiary company formation and certified auditors and accountants to handle the tax forms and other filings required; and the payment of annual taxes based on your salary level paid in Thailand… and since you’ll probably be renting an office to house the 4 Thai employees, the company will be required to pay rent and probably have to pay for some liability insurance… high-speed ADSL line …. Maybe an interior decorator…

... or else like Maynard G. Krebbs, never say the word 'work'.

Edited by jazzbo
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