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Outlook Email Problem


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I have a portable netbook which I use infrequently for travel.

Problem is that when I ask Outlook to check my 4 email accounts, it ends up downloading

email from the entire time it has not been used and this can take 20 minutes.

I can not find a setting limiting the dates for which it should download mail.

Anyone know how to solve this problem ??

Thanks and Happy New Year to all the ThaiVisa Community


Edited by paulfr
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POP doesn't support downloading emails based on the date. (Not sure about IMAP if you are using an IMAP account)

With POP you would have to tackle the problem on the server side. You could use your primary PC and change your email program's settings 'leave mails on server' (which is probably enabled) and enable the feature 'delete emails after x days'. If you check the inbox the next time all emails older than x days should be removed from the server. Next time you use your secondary PC it will only download emails on the server that is emails since x days.

But of course this way emails will be deleted from the server, make sure this is acceptable for you.


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Follow welo's advice, but may I suggest you set your e-mail client on the Notebook to 'leave mails on server' ?

Good point! If forgot to mention that.

Btw, a completely different approach is using GMAIL to check your POP accounts. This way you have all your emails always accessible from every PC with an online connection. However, it's a different philosophy and not everybody likes it (especially those who mind Google's data collection efforts).


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