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Noisey Neighbors


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New neighbors upstairs. Everytime they move their chairs the whole ceiling shakes like an earthquake. They probably don't even know. Can't sleep. What are my options?

Buy some floor/chair pads at Home Pro and

1. Visit them in my best clothes, best smile, and my walking Thai dictionary. Explain the problem, hand them the pads, and offer to help.

2. Send the walking dictionary up ther alone so they can chat without unwelcome foreigners around.

3. Find the building maintenance engineer. Slip him 500 baht, hand him the pads and ask him to take care of it.

4. Move

Thanks in advance for the help.

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What would you do in your home country (US) if your downstairs neighbor complained about you moving your chairs??, which is keeping you awake?

Maybe its not chairs that are moving if you are a normal bed time person.

Go upstairs and say you heard a party and ask if you are invited?

If neighbors are of your interest slip them 500 baht.

Ask to move in or them move in with you.

The possibilities are out there if you will just think outside the box.

Happy holidays.

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I had a neighbor playing loud music, screaming at his GF and also at the TV. This was after living in a place quite peacefully for 5 years.

I moved out after 3 letters of complaint to the management.

I finally received a letter from the owner apologizing for his late reply and his staff's inaction, and that after having been living there for 5 years with no other complaints they would take this seriously and look at asking the offending party to move out should he make any further excessive noise (for the benefit of the next person who takes the apartment).

I would suggest that the best thing to do in this circumstance is to take a bottle of wine and the pads and ask if they could apply them, and explain why.

If that doesn't work the only realistic option is to move and take your chances in another condo.

It seems as though there are a lot of threads recently about noisy neighbors... luckily this one is simply down to building design and not ignorant neighbors.

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yeah, fookin loud neighbours, mine both work at Club Boesche in Pattya, ones a doorman and his missus works the Bar, they get home about 4am and put the fuc_king stereo on flat bikkies, drives me wild.... on the weekends i wait till the music stops, then i crank mine when i finally get out of bed, i have a largish separate subwoofer that i place right against the ajoining wall....only took 3 months, i rarely here their stereo anymore.

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Good ear plugs come to mind, otherwise take Phil Connors suggestion. You're in Thailand... it's noisy.

This topic reminds me of an old Playboy magazine comic of a bunch of partying hotel people that were complaining to a guy and his girlfriend who were having noisy sex. I wish I had saved and copied that comic.

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On my floor in my condo it has suddenly gone noisy and this is because the noise is from new tenants... they are what i call poodles.

(mid - so wannabe hi-so young 20s) clip clap trotting in high heels and short skirts.. (lovely to look at, makes me drool :) )

They are very polite when we pass each other in the lifts/corridor.

I phoned security about their loud music one night... it was turned off instantly.

Talking loudly walking down the corridor..(t'other night i opened my door after they woke me up at 2am) and shouted(not angry but loud)..... i'm sleeping why are you making so much noise (but in Thai and polite)... they said they were sorry. (just thinking their police / army colonel dads are probably planning my death now :D )

Basically the problem is they are young and so are unaware of what they are doing...you know typical teenage blinkered behaviour with no idea of their actions and causes.

Anyway, point to my post is that your neighbours probably have no idea they are causing you so much grief and would be embarrassed if they knew..why don't you get your walking dictionary to write a nice polite letter and pop it under the door...no confrontation needed..

If it continues, well time to take appropriate action either put up or move.

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On my floor in my condo it has suddenly gone noisy and this is because the noise is from new tenants... they are what i call poodles.

(mid - so wannabe hi-so young 20s) clip clap trotting in high heels and short skirts.. (lovely to look at, makes me drool :) )

They are very polite when we pass each other in the lifts/corridor.

Basically the problem is they are young and so are unaware of what they are doing...you know typical teenage blinkered behaviour with no idea of their actions and causes.

I bet you're posting this stark <deleted> naked aren't you mate? :D

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yeah, fookin loud neighbours, mine both work at Club Boesche in Pattya, ones a doorman and his missus works the Bar, they get home about 4am and put the fuc_king stereo on flat bikkies, drives me wild.... on the weekends i wait till the music stops, then i crank mine when i finally get out of bed, i have a largish separate subwoofer that i place right against the ajoining wall....only took 3 months, i rarely here their stereo anymore.

I tried that and it worked on that particular occasion. But I also had a word with the other neighbours and the poo yai and a quiet word from them later stopped it recurring. All is OK now.I found having a direct word with the neighbour and trying to reason the matter did not work on its own.

Thais as a generalisation don't take kindly to suggestions from farang. And even Thais usually get someone else - an older person perhaps - to be the intermediary. They prefer no direct conflict.

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Good ear plugs come to mind, otherwise take Phil Connors suggestion. You're in Thailand... it's noisy.

This topic reminds me of an old Playboy magazine comic of a bunch of partying hotel people that were complaining to a guy and his girlfriend who were having noisy sex. I wish I had saved and copied that comic.

I agree Ian. It's Thailand . It's noisy.

But there are practical things one can do if one is living in these situations and that is what I suggested in my last post.

If a tourist comes for a week and it's noisy that is one thing. Longer term solutions need and can be found.

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I think many of us are experiencing noise problems right now, many people are on holiday from work and are partying "like it's 1999".

Two nights ago, the tone-deaf howlings of a bunch of pissed-up karaoke singers began in the neighboring moobaan. It continued on last night, and will obviously repeat tonight. I hope that it will finish by Monday, but I think it's just another aspect of t.i.t.

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I bet you're posting this stark <deleted> naked aren't you mate? :D

Aye, guilty as charged ! I'm not paranoid but i did a quick sweep for hidden cameras :) Now off too google some more w.mict.go.th banned web sites ... Thai hi so uni girls :D that does it every time....

Edited by sanook2me
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I am in a house, but had the same thinng really loud music at 3 am 4 am, I talked to the neighbors several times, threw shit at their walls nothing worked, Finally I went to the owner of my house and said I was moving because of them, my owner phoned that houses owner and to my suprise the next week those loud asses where evicted.

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I bet you're posting this stark <deleted> naked aren't you mate? :D

Aye, guilty as charged ! I'm not paranoid but i did a quick sweep for hidden cameras :) Now off too google some more w.mict.go.th banned web sites ... Thai hi so uni girls :D that does it every time....

Oops! Missed one of those cameras, mate! post-21740-1262245100_thumb.jpg

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I am in a house, but had the same thinng really loud music at 3 am 4 am, I talked to the neighbors several times, threw shit at their walls nothing worked, Finally I went to the owner of my house and said I was moving because of them, my owner phoned that houses owner and to my suprise the next week those loud asses where evicted.

Generally, at least in our area, owners appreciate farang tenants because they take good care of the property and are not trouble-makers. I even had my rent lowered 20% after the first year as an appreciation gesture from my landlord.

Consequently, I would highly suggest taking MyPhuktLife's advice (going to the owner) as a first-line of defense against this problem. If that doesn't work, then move. The owner will probably regret it as he/she will lose a higher-caliber tenant and may have to deal with a problem tenant from there on.

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I bet you're posting this stark <deleted> naked aren't you mate? :D

Aye, guilty as charged ! I'm not paranoid but i did a quick sweep for hidden cameras :) Now off too google some more w.mict.go.th banned web sites ... Thai hi so uni girls :D that does it every time....

:D I hear you brother!

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