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Pattaya Takeover By Russians


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Another issue for Russians is visas. Most countries wont issue to them without at best a lengthy process. Thailand, Egypt and Turkey are notable exceptions. All have huge tourism business with Russia.

 Very good point.

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I put this on another thread,but I suppose it belongs on this one as it includes the Russians.

Perhaps some of this is true,but it is the "type "of person who is now coming here in droves.The Russians traditionally will not spend the equivelent amount of money a westerner will,look at Goa,now a Russian takeover there,a bottle of vodka or two,a few loaves of bread then on the beach all day occupying a shackholders sunbeds,no trade for the owner,the place is ruined,same in the evening,local cheap restaurants filled with Russians drinking their own bottles brought into the restaurant.The Indian same-same,looks aghast at what he sees,will not join in the spending arena,just huddle together in their own commune/hotel and the Thais know it that is why they do not want the Indians here,and on a personal level nor do I,having had masses of dealings with them over the years.

I just hope Pattaya keeps its image,but its hard to see it happening.

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I just hope Pattaya keeps its image,but its hard to see it happening.

Pattaya has an image? Pray tell <deleted> is that?

The Indians are aghast that there's some other group that has perfected their own frugality (one coke with 3 straws please!)

As for the Goan 'invasion' and little 'collectives' of amiable Russians getting together on the beach... that's how it all started here all those years ago.

Edited by NanLaew
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hehe, funny thread! :)

i didn't see lot of replies from russians in this thread, so will try to clear some points from my "russian" view :D

1. pattaya - is not just a 'family' destination in RU - it's also a second (after egypt) cheapest winter destination from any part of Russia, and according to the price/quality - it is the best choice for lots of people. this means, that in pattaya come all kind of russians - some of them nice and polite, some other - complete <deleted>. that also means, that it is the destination for all kind of wealth - cheap tourists come in the same charter flight with those, who are ready to spend 50-100K baht per day.

2. russians will never drink in the pubs/bars/etc. except some restaurants. the reason are simple - there are no culture to drink with a people, you doesn't know, and the drinking is usually processed with a friends. again - westerner come to bar, get a drink and have a nice talking with someone, or at least to get insinde into the bar athmosphere. most of russians don't see a reason to drink in the bar, as they DON'T need a talking with someone, and they don't see a reason sit and drink in this weird place. their choice is a restaurant, preferably with the live music - eat, drink, and get some fun with the friends. simply this is another culture. some of them also don't see a reason to sit in the bar, while they can enjoy the beer, sitting on the beach.

and well, i can say only 1 thing - russians are all different, like any other nation, so if you see any complete russian c@nt - just know, that somewhere else you can find a nice person. :D

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Well put. Excellent comment. Your last line can apply to EVERY nationality. I read people's rants about American's. Same applies. There are good apples and bad apples. And don't confuse a government with it's people. There are many bad governments around the world that have absolutely great people.

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hehe, funny thread! :D

i didn't see lot of replies from russians in this thread, so will try to clear some points from my "russian" view :D

1. pattaya - is not just a 'family' destination in RU - it's also a second (after egypt) cheapest winter destination from any part of Russia, and according to the price/quality - it is the best choice for lots of people. this means, that in pattaya come all kind of russians - some of them nice and polite, some other - complete <deleted>. that also means, that it is the destination for all kind of wealth - cheap tourists come in the same charter flight with those, who are ready to spend 50-100K baht per day.

2. russians will never drink in the pubs/bars/etc. except some restaurants. the reason are simple - there are no culture to drink with a people, you doesn't know, and the drinking is usually processed with a friends. again - westerner come to bar, get a drink and have a nice talking with someone, or at least to get insinde into the bar athmosphere. most of russians don't see a reason to drink in the bar, as they DON'T need a talking with someone, and they don't see a reason sit and drink in this weird place. their choice is a restaurant, preferably with the live music - eat, drink, and get some fun with the friends. simply this is another culture. some of them also don't see a reason to sit in the bar, while they can enjoy the beer, sitting on the beach.

and well, i can say only 1 thing - russians are all different, like any other nation, so if you see any complete russian c@nt - just know, that somewhere else you can find a nice person. :D

Well spoken, good explanation about the drinking behavior of Russians (never thought about it actually) and a polite answer from our "Red" Russian friend Denismsk :D ;

well done! :)


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Another issue for Russians is visas. Most countries wont issue to them without at best a lengthy process. Thailand, Egypt and Turkey are notable exceptions. All have huge tourism business with Russia.

I disagree

Visa-free countries for Russians && visa at the airport:


Antigua and Barbuda





Bosnia and Herzegovina



Vietnam (is. Fukuoka)


Hong Kong


Dominican Republic









China (some border cities, Hong Kong)















Cook Islands


Western Samoa




Singapore (only transit flights - 96 hours without a visa)




Turks and Caicos







Croatia (until 31 October 2009)


Sri Lanka


South Korea (Jeju is., transit in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan)


Edited by Gik
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BTW worst peoples i ever meet in pattaya were brits.

Like to tell us why!!!

cant just go around having a go at my pom mates like that.

Got a lot of respect for the brits, they drink me and the rest of us Oz boys under the table any day. Respect!!!!!!!!!!! even if they do all look like pricks with ears!!!!!!!!

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BTW worst peoples i ever meet in pattaya were brits.

Like to tell us why!!! :)

cant just go around having a go at my pom mates like that.

Got a lot of respect for the brits, they drink me and the rest of us Oz boys under the table any day. Respect!!!!!!!!!!! even if most of them look like pricks with ears!!!!!!!! :D

Edited by Firestarter
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Firestarter, given the closeness of association between Aussies and Brits, when you say:

Got a lot of respect for the brits, they drink me and the rest of us Oz boys under the table any day. Respect!!!!!!!!!!! even if most of them look like pricks with ears!!!!!!!!

could you perhaps find a fitting anatomical analogy for what an Aussie might look like - with ears? :)

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Think of it another way, if it wasn't for some european countries unquenchable thirst for natural gas and oil , those Russians wouldn't be taking your precious sunchairs away. It should give some of you folks a warm feeling knowing that your homelands distributed their wealth to the lovely Russians. At least they don't say thank you by calling you evil and going boom in public places. :) These are your dearest business partners, so please make nice and say thank you for the affordable energy that powers the continent.

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Another issue for Russians is visas. Most countries wont issue to them without at best a lengthy process. Thailand, Egypt and Turkey are notable exceptions. All have huge tourism business with Russia.

I disagree

Visa-free countries for Russians && visa at the airport:

well, it's not a good idea i think to go on holiday to the countries like Afghanistan, which is, yes - visa free. :) the most of the popular tourist destinations, like Spain, Italy, etc require a visa, which can be get, by providing tons of papers, like a bank statement, and others. also, the embassies of these countries usually located in Moscow and St Petersburgh only, so, that means, that some of the people from for ex. Syberia have to spend a lot of money (up to 150-200 EUR) and a lot of time (1-2 weeks) to get their visa issued by using the travel agencies.

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Me and the Missus stayed at the Dusit resort a few years back, couldnt get near the pool for Russians, we didnt stay, (my review and photos got deleted from trip advisor)they were loud and very drunk, the Thai staff werent happy

I have met Russians away from holiday resorts, they are okay, but god, they drink like fish and it dont affect them (they dont want a fight after a few beers (or vodka's) like some

I dont have a problem where they go, I daresay, I'll bump into them where ever I go, along with other Brits, Aussies, septics, Germans, Poles, latvians, and why not, they are all finding out what is out there,

At least some are out there with their families and some are trying to get some kind of dress sense, god help em if they look to some of the Brits for ideas

But if you look at any race, there is good and bad among them all, dont tar them all with the same brush

(I met a few different races on the wall in Berlin, my first time I had ever met East Germans,, Russians, Yanks, French, Geordies, Jocks I thought they were great, it werent till years later I met the other kind, I prefered the guys I met on the wall, we all were just doing a job, we didnt want to be there, and we all moaned at each other about it, we just wore different uniforms, I went to a visit over the wall, they had buger all, even worse than the Haitians now, but they were nice people, dunno what they are like now though, seems to me, the more you get, the more you want)

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  • 10 months later...

I'm finally leaving Pattaya next week. Moving up to Udon Thani and not going to come back to this dump for some time..

Biggest positive about leaving this place is... there's no Russians, Indians, or Iranians up there to bug me!

Bye! :)

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It's absurd to expect tourists here to speak Thai. Many Thais are learning tourist Russian. Problem getting solved. If this "invasion" continues and increases of course the flavor will change here. Personally, I enjoy balanced diversity and wouldn't be happy about any one foreign nationality dominating the scene here. That domination does appear to be happening with the Russians. I prefer not to dwell on the negative stereotypes of the Russians. Consider the positive stereotypes. Many of them dress in amusing, odd ways, and their young men and women are often stunning. Their language is kind of sexy, and to my ear, it goes down easier than German or Chinese. Borscht. It's your friend. I could go on.

Edited by Jingthing
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I find that the Russian women are very fit ,but run to seed quickly. As for their manners ,they are terrible ,so rude and just push you out of the way ,as happened to us the other week as i was ordering at a restaurant one just pushed me out of the way and started pointing at something on the menu to the girl ,my wife told her in Thai that we were residents and if she did not finish serving me first we would never come back ,so the girl just ignored the woman .

But i do believe that the Chinese are the tightest ,wont spend anything

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One post deleted, please read the following Thai Visa rule:

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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One post deleted, please read the following Thai Visa rule:

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Yes there are stacks of Russians in Pattaya. So what. Who cares really. They are on holidays having fun. Good luck to them. I think they are generally well behaved and they seem to stick to themselves in their groups.

Whichever you look at it, Russians and their families are an improvement on the lager louts from the UK that wander around Pattaya with their shaved heads, tatoos and boorish loutish behaviour.

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