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many of the little breeds of dog yap and yap all day and could drive even a saint to distraction

How do you know that as a fact?

Were you there?

Sometimes I get sick of the replies on TV.

3 years ago I had my dog poisoned.

We lived in a closed community: 1 gate in, same gate out.

Our house was at the other end of the community.

Early morning the dog was allowed out and so were other dogs from neighboring houses.

Most of the dogs were kept most of the time behind people's house gates.

Nothing wrong to let them out playing a bit? A minority of dogs would be allowed out all day.

A nearby neighbor had 3 dogs, further away one even had 5 poedels, a bit over the top.

All barking when some motorbike came along.

Now tell me, who visits a closed community except people living there, not many.

I recall a garbage collector who dared fumbling into the garbage bins at 5.30am, causing a barking concert and waking up the neighborhood.

Some neighbor complained to the cops who told the man to refrain visiting our community before 7am.

So it seems my dog was the first who found some food sniffing around.

5 cats died that morning, other dogs were saved by vets.

I don't think my dog was targeted, but the 3 dogs next door's who's barking all together was horrendous.

We were 3 months away from moving to our new house where the dog would have had 1 rai of land to run around and never had to get out.

Bastards who dropped poison on the street :)

I still feel very angry when I read how some people think poisonning peoples dog's is acceptable

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many of the little breeds of dog yap and yap all day and could drive even a saint to distraction

How do you know that as a fact?

Were you there?

Sometimes I get sick of the replies on TV.

Yes I think we can agree this is a FACT!

No one stated it as fact in this case, but i would give you odds on.

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I think that pretty much everyone here agrees that poisoning dogs is a very bad thing to do. But owners need to be responsible also. If I was a neighbor and had to listen to dogs barking at all hours...well...it would drive me crazy for sure. I wouldn't poison them, for sure, but would hope the owner would be responsible and quiet his dogs down.

And yes, that breed is well known to be "talkative." Most small dogs are talkative, especially if they are allowed to be come the pack leader and develop small dog syndrome. This is easily resolved, but needs to be accomplished by the owner to alleviate this problem.

Dogs can not train nor protect themselves....only we can do that by being responsible dog owners.

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many of the little breeds of dog yap and yap all day and could drive even a saint to distraction

How do you know that as a fact?

Were you there?

Sometimes I get sick of the replies on TV.

I still feel very angry when I read how some people think poisonning peoples dog's is acceptable

I stand by what I said. "many of the little breeds of dog yap and yap all day and could drive even a saint to distraction". I know this from experience. Having said that, nowhere in my post condones the use of poison. I have a dog myself and I could not think of a more horrible way to die. It sickens me. The problem is that not everyone is an animal lover and would not think twice about poison if a neighbouring dog was yapping away ad infinitum like some of them do.

My dog howls when the icecream cart comes round, barks when the newspaper is delivered, and makes strange noises of pleasure (not a bark or a howl, more like trying to talk) when I return from work and friends he knows come round. BUT the rest of the day he is quiet and is not a nuisance to others.

I do not believe the Norwegian family will receive much help, despite their sad loss.

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For those that might discount the risks of tossing poisoned food about, I draw your attention to the health literature in regard to children, especially toddlers. They have a habit of putting things in their mouth including dirt. Some of these poisonous residues linger for a long time and can taint the environment around them. Although not a strong likelihood, who wants their kid to make the annals of pediatric medicine with such a case? There is also the trauma of a child finding a beloved companion in agony or suffering. Hardly the stuff of bravery. Poison is one of those things that keeps on giving.

I whish they would have done it to the huge bunch of +18 flee infected soi dogs who terrorize our street, attack people on motorbikes and kill my cats, instead of doing it to your privately owned puppies.

If anyone out there wants a free soi dog, then please come get them at Naklua Soi 16/3. I will even pay you 1000 baht for each dog you take with you.

(unfortunately I dont have the heart to poison animals, not even soi dogs)

18 dogs @ 1000 baht.Will check the soi out and if i decide to do the work i get 18,000 baht.Are these dogs flea infected or sick as i will have no compulsion to decapitate them and say i thought they had rabies.Poison is too cruel but other methods are better

If you were really serious, then pay to spay and neuter the animals. You will find that the animals will be less aggressive and non breeding. As they will be the resident soi dogs, they will keep other soi dogs away. Otherwise, a very sad commentary for the two of you. I find it odd that if I could deal with psychos trying to kill me in Indonesia, that you brave boys cannot deal with a pack of unhappy canines.

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