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Why The Overrepresentation Of Brits In Thailand?


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But, it's mainly the cold.

That's a good point too. At least in America you can travel from digging yourself out of a snow drift to lounging on the beach without having to pack a passport. You're still in your own country.

:) ..so, what are you doing in Khon Kaen ?


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Two farangs in my mooban, me and the Italian guy across the soi. He speaks about 10 words of English, same in Thai, and my Italian is limited to vino, grappa, and spaghetti. Oh, forgot PIZZA, preferably from the local PIZZA Company outlet at Klong 10.

Seeing as my German was (and still is) limited to stuff I picked up from war comics when I was a lad like "Achtung Spitfire!" and "Gott In Himmel!" interacting with him was limited to a wave as I drove past.



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Haha That is the one thing I miss about Belgium... French fries served with a choice of 40+ different sauces. And I mean, real fries, not the scrawny Mc Donalds ones. :D

You're raping the language Nicolas. :D They're called: Patates Frites

Only the Americans speak of French Fries, since WWI (yes: First) when they tasted the Patates Frites for the first time....and what do they know about "our" Patates Frites?

The UK English speak of "Chips".

Oh....my...the rape of languages and originals :)

LaoPo :D

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Still, one of the most sucessful newspaper ads that Thai International ever ran, was run in newpapers in Chicago, Illinois.

It happened to coincide with a spell of very cold Artic air from Canada moving down into the U.S. Temperatures were in the teens (fahrenheit) with about a 30 mile an hour wind coming off the lake. It was bitterly cold weather.

It simply showed a young Thai girl on the beach, wearing a bikini. The caption simply said, "January 5th, Pattaya, Thailand". The Thai flights were full for a month after that ad.


They should run those ads again.....

Oh wait, maybe not enough girls anymore; all taken ? :D


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The discussion about the various versions of fried potatoes here must be one of the most amazing attempts for a thread hijacking.



When the alternative is surrender to the xenophobe English immigrant-bashers, you have to give credit where credit is due.

I personally think that Scottish chip shops are the best in the world, thanks to the Italian influence, I believe. Oh, I could just go a haggis pudding supper right now.

I also like scalloped potatoes. Or freshly dug new potatoes, boiled and buttered.

Is there any mightier vegetable than the potato?


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It makes me laugh reading all these posts from so-called "True Brits" who go and live in Thailand bemoaning the weather in UK- when most Thais I have met would love to see the Snow and feel the cold.

Then there are those who complain about the "foreigners" - and they become foreigners in someone else's land ? Or they have a go at the "Nanny" state which is just code for being closet conservatives - after all you couldn't get more of a Nanny state than Thailand ( you try saying anything against the Monarchy ) and as for Gordon Brown - I suppose you lot would prefer David Cameron and his Bullingdon Club Bufoons - Rich Fat Boys the lot of 'em. I suppose you old school expats who dream of the old country might have to swallow humble pie when you get seriously sick and see the medical bills they charge Farangs and have to go back with their tails between their legs to get serious medical treatment on the NHS - completely free. Most Thais would love to have THAT kind of Nanny state - in fact most countries including the US would LOVE to have a "Nanny" state like that!

GET REAL you untrue "True Brits" why do you think the Thai girls wanna marry you and love you long time..eh? eh?

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Another one...... Too many immigrants ..... so he emigrated

Told you the 'lefties' would be here.

While I've seen writings of them on ThaiVisa, I don't think that I've never actually met a British conservative in Thailand. Certainly I've met plenty of British racists, and plenty of British football hooligans, and plenty of British who leftists who read the Guardian daily and think that their shit doesn't stink, but I don't think that I've ever met an honest to goodness British conservative. Since I kow that they do exist in the UK, I had thought that perhaps they simply don't go to Thailand.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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It makes me laugh reading all these posts from so-called "True Brits" who go and live in Thailand bemoaning the weather in UK- when most Thais I have met would love to see the Snow and feel the cold.

Then there are those who complain about the "foreigners" - and they become foreigners in someone else's land ? Or they have a go at the "Nanny" state which is just code for being closet conservatives - after all you couldn't get more of a Nanny state than Thailand ( you try saying anything against the Monarchy ) and as for Gordon Brown - I suppose you lot would prefer David Cameron and his Bullingdon Club Bufoons - Rich Fat Boys the lot of 'em. I suppose you old school expats who dream of the old country might have to swallow humble pie when you get seriously sick and see the medical bills they charge Farangs and have to go back with their tails between their legs to get serious medical treatment on the NHS - completely free. Most Thais would love to have THAT kind of Nanny state - in fact most countries including the US would LOVE to have a "Nanny" state like that!

GET REAL you untrue "True Brits" why do you think the Thai girls wanna marry you and love you long time..eh? eh?

Nope,Id prefer Nick Griffin.

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your post reply sums it up for me, as l have had similar stuff happen, well done. It's those of us that are in or have been in the thick of it that understand what's happened to England

While I dont agree on your love of the V8...I do agree with you here :)

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I'm English and currently live and work in England. However, it is my intention to retire to Thailand when the time comes.

Although my wife being Thai is a big factor in this decision, the reason is mainly economic. Unless there is a massive change in world economics and exchange rates, my UK pensions (both state and personal) will go a lot further in Thailand than they will in the UK, especially without winter fuel bills to worry about.

But, to be honest, were I not married to a Thai, I doubt that I would have considered it!

I can never understand the attitude of those who are immigrants in one country complaining about immigration to their home country. If you have the right to emigrate, why do you want to stop others from doing so? If you hate immigrants so much, why are you one?

Incidentally, the 2001 UK census figures show that 92.1% of the UK population are white (source). It will be interesting to see how much, if any, this has changed when the 2011 results are published.

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I can never understand the attitude of those who are immigrants in one country complaining about immigration to their home country. If you have the right to emigrate, why do you want to stop others from doing so? If you hate immigrants so much, why are you one?

Have you been to Croydon lately?

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7by7 , it is not the colour of their skin that matters , it is the cut of the cloth in which he is clothed , in ten years there has been a massive brain drain from the UK , the immigrant replacements have not supplimented this loss , on the contrary , they are bleeding social services .

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Have you been to Croydon lately?
Yes, often; and I live in a town with a high immigrant population: although most of those 'immigrants' were born here!
.... in ten years there has been a massive brain drain from the UK , the immigrant replacements have not supplimented this loss , on the contrary , they are bleeding social services .
So, for example, all those immigrant doctors and nurses working in the NHS contribute nothing? What about the less qualified immigrants that take the low paid jobs Brits aren't interested in; do they contribute nothing?

FYI. all immigrants to the UK are subject to the same proscription on claiming and receiving public funds as, for example, the Thai wife of a British citizen is.

In other words, immigrants are not draining social services dry for the simple reason that they are unable to claim anything!

Neither of you has answered my questions; so I'll ask again:-

If you have the right to emigrate, why do you want to stop others from doing so? If you hate immigrants so much, why are you one?

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It makes me laugh reading all these posts from so-called "True Brits" who go and live in Thailand bemoaning the weather in UK- when most Thais I have met would love to see the Snow and feel the cold.

Then there are those who complain about the "foreigners" - and they become foreigners in someone else's land ? Or they have a go at the "Nanny" state which is just code for being closet conservatives - after all you couldn't get more of a Nanny state than Thailand ( you try saying anything against the Monarchy ) and as for Gordon Brown - I suppose you lot would prefer David Cameron and his Bullingdon Club Bufoons - Rich Fat Boys the lot of 'em. I suppose you old school expats who dream of the old country might have to swallow humble pie when you get seriously sick and see the medical bills they charge Farangs and have to go back with their tails between their legs to get serious medical treatment on the NHS - completely free. Most Thais would love to have THAT kind of Nanny state - in fact most countries including the US would LOVE to have a "Nanny" state like that!

GET REAL you untrue "True Brits" why do you think the Thai girls wanna marry you and love you long time..eh? eh?

NHS hospital? You have to be joking. If I wanted to die of an MRSA infection I would be in the UK right, not getting 5* medical treatment when and where I want it for a very reasonable price!


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I'm English and currently live and work in England. However, it is my intention to retire to Thailand when the time comes.

Incidentally, the 2001 UK census figures show that 92.1% of the UK population are white (source). It will be interesting to see how much, if any, this has changed when the 2011 results are published.

If a mainlander can -easy- find data since 2001....a Brit could also, couldn't he ? :)

Wasn't 007 British ? :D

Population Estimates

August 2009


There's more if you want:



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It makes me laugh reading all these posts from so-called "True Brits" who go and live in Thailand bemoaning the weather in UK- when most Thais I have met would love to see the Snow and feel the cold.

Then there are those who complain about the "foreigners" - and they become foreigners in someone else's land ? Or they have a go at the "Nanny" state which is just code for being closet conservatives - after all you couldn't get more of a Nanny state than Thailand ( you try saying anything against the Monarchy ) and as for Gordon Brown - I suppose you lot would prefer David Cameron and his Bullingdon Club Bufoons - Rich Fat Boys the lot of 'em. I suppose you old school expats who dream of the old country might have to swallow humble pie when you get seriously sick and see the medical bills they charge Farangs and have to go back with their tails between their legs to get serious medical treatment on the NHS - completely free. Most Thais would love to have THAT kind of Nanny state - in fact most countries including the US would LOVE to have a "Nanny" state like that!

GET REAL you untrue "True Brits" why do you think the Thai girls wanna marry you and love you long time..eh? eh?

What makes me laugh is your post, very droll.

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Maybe outside of London, England is still England (in parts).

But on a recent business trip over there I had a Polish guy open his car door on to mine in the car park and then proceed to give me a hard time when he had parked there after I had.

I had a Turkish guy in a restaurant take offence to me for some reason and start ranting at me in Turkish, I had an Indian guy give me a hard time as I was trying to get out of a very congested car park and finally had another Polish guy in the hotel try to speak Polish to me because he thought I might understand it.

I think I was there for 2 days before I spoke to a native Brit.


your post reply sums it up for me, as l have had similar stuff happen, well done. It's those of us that are in or have been in the thick of it that understand what's happened to England.

Same here i was threatened with violence on 2 seperate occaions in a week by Pakistanis in Rotherham in 2009 in the space of 10 days, as i was merely walking down the street it was clearly due to my hideously white skin colour. If i had beat them up id have been the one up in court on a racial violence charge.

Thing is not many Brits here have Thai citizenship, they are merely just visiting for a long time, but there is a huge differene between Brits moving here and marrying a Thai and intergrating into the community (to varying extents) then the ghetto areas in the UK that are full of alien cultures where theyve made it unsafe for a indigenous person to walk through purely because of their skin colour.

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"In other words, immigrants are not draining social services dry for the simple reason that they are unable to claim anything!"

Best joke Ive heard all day :) , so let me guess anyone jumping off one of the many lorries who turns up in the UK thru the channel tunnel etc gets NOWT right???

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7by7 , it is not the colour of their skin that matters , it is the cut of the cloth in which he is clothed , in ten years there has been a massive brain drain from the UK , the immigrant replacements have not supplimented this loss , on the contrary , they are bleeding social services .

I've always relied on immigrants to do the work that other people would not; mending watches, bicycles...

Or to bring in skills to compete when we cannot produce enough skilled men of our own - plumbers, electricians....

I feel lucky and proud to have grown up in a country where people could come and exercise their trade to help it be the great nation that it still is.

You can see the effects of the brain drain already - some of our most innovative spelling can be found on Thai Visa...

If people would stop grizzling and think how they could perhaps give a little back to the country that reared and educated them - although re-reading the quote above, I can see how some might feel short-changed.... - but if they could think a little bit more about contributing instead of taking...(I know how that's going to come back...

"I worked hard for sixty years and fought in Khartoum and Crimea and two opium wars so don't talk to me about contributing..I fought shoulder to shoulder with King Arthur at Saltley Gate and I was with him at Orgreave so don't talk to me about contributing..."

I look forward to it already, but I fear the response will be a disappointing repudiation of the so-called brain drain.


I really would prefer to stick to the chips...

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Same here i was threatened with violence on 2 seperate occaions in a week by Pakistanis in Rotherham in 2009 in the space of 10 days, as i was merely walking down the street it was clearly due to my hideously white skin colour. If i had beat them up id have been the one up in court on a racial violence charge.

Thing is not many Brits here have Thai citizenship, they are merely just visiting for a long time, but there is a huge differene between Brits moving here and marrying a Thai and intergrating into the community (to varying extents) then the ghetto areas in the UK that are full of alien cultures where theyve made it unsafe for a indigenous person to walk through purely because of their skin colour.

I think his post says it all.

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Brits have always travelled en masse hence how we created civilised society in US, Canada, Aus, NZ etc.... , plus since the 80s everyone who is anyone has gone on foreign holidays any many stayed in that place it just so happens that Thailand has been the choice of the last 10 years.

What id like to know is why are there so many Nigerians in lower Sukhumvit or is that racist?

Price!! But I m wondering why so many and what are they doing? or is that racist too?? and it seems to have increased dramatically in the last 3 -4 years.

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"In other words, immigrants are not draining social services dry for the simple reason that they are unable to claim anything!"

Best joke Ive heard all day :) , so let me guess anyone jumping off one of the many lorries who turns up in the UK thru the channel tunnel etc gets NOWT right???

Correct; not legally, anyway. Illegals can't even work. If found, then they can be returned to their country of origin (although I'd be the first to admit that the system for doing so is far from perfect).
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"In other words, immigrants are not draining social services dry for the simple reason that they are unable to claim anything!"

Best joke Ive heard all day :) , so let me guess anyone jumping off one of the many lorries who turns up in the UK thru the channel tunnel etc gets NOWT right???

Aye lad!! Alternatively they could try to claim something and get put in a detention centre for being an illegal immigrant.

You've been reading too many tabloids. By and large immigrants come to work and make money, not to claim freebies - that's an area mostly reserved for the 2% of Brits who are lazy and stupid.

Why we are getting sucked into all this on a website that is supposed to be about Thailand defeats me. Good candidate for closure

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After discussing with a few of my western friends, and a few thai people as well,

two main themes come to mind:

(1) Cost! A Brit, or almost any westerner for that matter, can take all his retirement

funds and retire here like a god - have a big house, a new car, cheap beer, cheap food

(2) Girls! Where else can a 50-60 year old fat, balding man sleep with 17 years old girls,

have girls all over him when he walks past a bar, get massages for $5 from ladies,

have a live in girlfriend and have a few gigs or mia nois on the side, and all for a few hundred

quid a month? Definitely not in the UK, no young girl would ever look at the old fart, but

here westerners are like gods (or so they are made to feel by the bar girls), all because

they have some cash.

Funny & sad at the same time - peace out

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Why we are getting sucked into all this on a website that is supposed to be about Thailand defeats me. Good candidate for closure

Didnt the OP ask why there are so many Brits in Thailand?

The posters were merely answering that question.

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I'm English and currently live and work in England. However, it is my intention to retire to Thailand when the time comes.

Incidentally, the 2001 UK census figures show that 92.1% of the UK population are white (source). It will be interesting to see how much, if any, this has changed when the 2011 results are published.

If a mainlander can -easy- find data since 2001....a Brit could also, couldn't he ? :)

Wasn't 007 British ? :D

Population Estimates

August 2009


There's more if you want:



I am aware of the documents you have linked to; but they don't contain a population breakdown by ethnicity.

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'7by7' date='2010-01-03 23:08:21' post='3242319']

Have you been to Croydon lately?Yes, often; and I live in a town with a high immigrant population: although most of those 'immigrants' were born here!

. in ten years there has been a massive brain drain from the UK , the immigrant replacements have not supplimented this loss , on the contrary , they are bleeding social services .So, for example, all those immigrant doctors and nurses working in the NHS contribute nothing? What about the less qualified immigrants that take the low paid jobs Brits aren't interested in; do they contribute nothing?

FYI. all immigrants to the UK are subject to the same proscription on claiming and receiving public funds as, for example, the Thai wife of a British citizen is.

In other words, immigrants are not draining social services dry for the simple reason that they are unable to claim anything!

Neither of you has answered my questions; so I'll ask again:-

If you have the right to emigrate, why do you want to stop others from doing so? If you hate immigrants so much, why are you one?

I personally never said I hate immigrants , neither did I say I wanted to stop others from immigrating , that leaves you with one to 'Toe your line ' .

Offspring born to immigrants are NOT immigrants , they are the children of immigrants , so the high population of those immigrants you refer to are not , in fact , immigrants , they are citizens .

My thoughts and impressions about immigrants in the UK , could possibly be completely different to those I currently hold , had I remained in England and not migrated to Canada in the sixties .

I also have nothing predudicial to say about the UK , it was where I was educated and brought up with good values and mainly the reason I am who I am at this present time in my life . I have merely been commenting on the many posts I have read and the expats I have conversed with on the current state of the UK , your post struck me as being rather out of line to what so many others have said , but , only by posting our personal thoughts do we stand a chance of learning things from differing perspectives , try not to take things so much to heart , especialy when you are also considering emmigration yourself , in my book , not for one of the most plausable reasons .

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I am aware of the documents you have linked to; but they don't contain a population breakdown by ethnicity.

OK; are you saying the UK authorities are even slower than in Thailand if they can't provide real statistics since 2001....? :)

I'm half joking half serious on this.....


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