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the household's pregnant cat will give birth soon and I have to get her neutered...looking for a facility in the Kanchana-Nakom Pathom-Suphanburi-Ayutthaya area...

she'll be nursing the kittens for a few weeks then they're goin' down the wat with a bag of cat food and I want to have mama cat fixed before she goes into estrus again...how soon will that be after she stops nursing?

if I can't get her fixed then she'll be stayin' at the wat wid her kittens :)



Tutsi, from reading up, most sources say that cats can become pregnant as soon as 10 days after giving birth, so best to keep her out of the way of any Toms. But, usually they come into heat again 4 weeks after giving birth.

According to this site the vet recommends:

Although a cat can be spayed at any point, it is best to wait until the litter of kittens is weaned. The mammary glands and uterus will be much small then, making the spay easier and safer. Specifically, six to ten weeks after giving birth your cat can be spayed

As for the kittens, they will most likely be fully weaned at 12 weeks. If separated sooner, they are prone to illnesses etc as the mothers milk contains fatty acid and other good stuff to help the kittens grow and their immunity etc. May I please suggest in that weaning period that you put out flyers (and even a post here) to try find them a home, rather than send them to the local Wat.

Good luck.


Any vet will do it, and it shouldn't be expensive. It's an easy operation (I've seen it done streetside in Hong Kong, but I wouldn't exactly recommend that; the cat survived, though).


yeah, but...does anyone know of a vet around here (as indicated in the original post)? I can order a computer RAM upgrade an' have it delivered without havin' to move from my chair but there ain't no place to get a cat neutered?...sheesh :D

ms eek, if I post flyers on telephone poles or on here then the local dog fighting fraternity will take the kittens and give them to their beasts fer practice :D

well, I still got time; momma cat has been stakin' out my downstairs area as a birthing location an' I expect t'be tripping over kittens at any moment...I discovered a lethal looking slingshot device (with an arm brace) in the work bench area of the house that will serve for discouraging any tomcats...got lotsa monitor lizards out the back that will be happy with their remains as well(I hate tomcats :) )...just gotta keep momma cat inside...

thanks for all the replies thus far...


the other , somewhat less pleasant alternative which vets do here in israel is the hysterectomy while the cat is pregnant with kittens (or bitches with pups)-- kills two birds with one stone , so to speak. not sure thai vets will do that. our non religious vets will perform this. the religious ones refuse to spay/neuter. i did it to my bitch when she got backyarded a few years ago, adn we didnt want 9+ boxer mixes tossed in to the woods by stupid new owners. i actually helped and it wasnt pleasant but , actually, many of the vets say to let the female get pregnant and then bring her in for the operation. it prevents the mistake of having the animal spayed in estrus and therefore creating difficulties (heavy bleeding) .

so even if she gets knocked up again, see if someone will do a full hysterectomy. that is very important since i went thru the trauma of one of our vets doing an overectomy on a queen only to hae her abort the next day (he didnt check for some reason... it was horrible for me and for the young girl owner, adn teh cat.)




We've had 2 cats which for some reason couldn't give birth. In both cases the vet cut the by now dead kittens out and neutered the cats. My wife is in the don't do it camp, as I will be neutered in the next life. :)


well, I ain't afraid of no 'next life' mumbo jumbo :) ...looks like I gotta take the cat to BKK to get the job done if no one can suggest a vet out my way...could always just leave the cat at the wat with the kittens but then I'd probably be banned from the cosmos forever :D

btw, the wife says that animal 'doctors' around here don't do cats...is this usually true in smaller provincial/district areas?


well...I guess I can have the wife ask a local guy if there is a cat friendly vet in changwat suphan; need to get up to the big tescos or macro to get in sum supplies anyway...ran out of olive oil 2 weeks ago...

the cat has been hovering and last night I found her on the bed next to my sleeping 7 y.o. niece and hissed 'get outta here goddamit...yew ain't havin' yer litter where I'm supposed to sleep godammit...'...I wish she would make up her mind about the location as when I get up I haveta look to see if she's still around and not in self imposed about-to-give-birth feline sequestration...

makes me nervous :)

Any vet will do it, and it shouldn't be expensive. It's an easy operation (I've seen it done streetside in Hong Kong, but I wouldn't exactly recommend that; the cat survived, though).

Suggest a more careful search for vet than this comment. We had two cats fixed by a vet in Phong Khon. Results he worked for about 2 hours on the first one and gave it back to us dead. Another hour and a half he gave us the second one back and she has since had several litters. Right now we have the results of her latest batch consisting of 4 kittens. Of course the vet charged for both surgeries, enough said?


The Animal Hosp at the faculty of veteinary medicine at Mahidol Salaya. Cheap and reliabkle quality.

Only open Mon-Fri from I think 8 or 8:30 until 4 or 4:30 and need an appointment in advance for surgery. Suggest brining her there and getting her on the schedule as soon as practical.

I have never personally seen a mother cat with nursing kittens go into heat as early as 4 weeks, I don't think it is at all common. I've usually waited until 5-6 weeks after birth to neuter a Momma since the kittens will have to go un-nursed for a day. Of course if the kittens don't make it for wahetever reason then all bets are off and run, don't walk, to get her neuutered.

I trust your comment about the fate of the litter was in jest. If not, not only will you incur the terrible karma that awaits all those who wrong a Cat but both Eek and I will personally hex you....HISSSSSSS

The Animal Hosp at the faculty of veteinary medicine at Mahidol Salaya. Cheap and reliabkle quality.

Only open Mon-Fri from I think 8 or 8:30 until 4 or 4:30 and need an appointment in advance for surgery. Suggest brining her there and getting her on the schedule as soon as practical.

I have never personally seen a mother cat with nursing kittens go into heat as early as 4 weeks, I don't think it is at all common. I've usually waited until 5-6 weeks after birth to neuter a Momma since the kittens will have to go un-nursed for a day. Of course if the kittens don't make it for wahetever reason then all bets are off and run, don't walk, to get her neuutered.

I trust your comment about the fate of the litter was in jest. If not, not only will you incur the terrible karma that awaits all those who wrong a Cat but both Eek and I will personally hex you....HISSSSSSS

:):D oh,....but what am I gonna do wid all dem cats? Plus we got the 8 month old grandson who's crawlin' up a storm and shouldn't be around cats...oh, booo hooo... :D

I s'pose I could go to BKK for the neutering...add that to the list of planned activities: MiL to the eye doctor; me to the dentist to get my split tooth extracted; to the frame shop to get my Raft of the Medusa matted and framed; to Foodland/Villa to load up on falang food supplies, etc., etc., etc.,...the cat will haveta recuperate after surgery inna cardboard box while we get the rest done...oh, de pain ob lebben :D


try posting in central thailand forum and see if there are any vets in nearby provinces. then you could drop the cat off on your way to bangkok and pick her up on your way back :)

The Animal Hosp at the faculty of veteinary medicine at Mahidol Salaya. Cheap and reliabkle quality.

Only open Mon-Fri from I think 8 or 8:30 until 4 or 4:30 and need an appointment in advance for surgery. Suggest brining her there and getting her on the schedule as soon as practical.

I have never personally seen a mother cat with nursing kittens go into heat as early as 4 weeks, I don't think it is at all common. I've usually waited until 5-6 weeks after birth to neuter a Momma since the kittens will have to go un-nursed for a day. Of course if the kittens don't make it for wahetever reason then all bets are off and run, don't walk, to get her neuutered.

I trust your comment about the fate of the litter was in jest. If not, not only will you incur the terrible karma that awaits all those who wrong a Cat but both Eek and I will personally hex you....HISSSSSSS

:):D oh,....but what am I gonna do wid all dem cats? Plus we got the 8 month old grandson who's crawlin' up a storm and shouldn't be around cats...oh, booo hooo... :D

I s'pose I could go to BKK for the neutering...add that to the list of planned activities: MiL to the eye doctor; me to the dentist to get my split tooth extracted; to the frame shop to get my Raft of the Medusa matted and framed; to Foodland/Villa to load up on falang food supplies, etc., etc., etc.,...the cat will haveta recuperate after surgery inna cardboard box while we get the rest done...oh, de pain ob lebben :D

Very irresponsible and definately not a cat lover.Are you thai ?????????????/

try posting in central thailand forum and see if there are any vets in nearby provinces. then you could drop the cat off on your way to bangkok and pick her up on your way back :D

oh...darlin'...can you start the thread please?...I haveta go lay down :)

Salaya is in Nakhorn Pathom. I wouldn't think that bad a drive from Suphanburi?

izzat right?...then that answers my original question...easy to get there from here... :D

now, if I could only figure out what to do wid de small cats to avoid eternal buddhist damnation and the wrath of western witchcraft... :)

Salaya is in Nakhorn Pathom. I wouldn't think that bad a drive from Suphanburi?

izzat right?...then that answers my original question...easy to get there from here... :D

right near buddhamonthon. Buddhamonthon Soi 4 to be precise. Go into the Mahidol campus & look for the vetenirary building. You won't find cheaper and they are very, very good.

now, if I could only figure out what to do wid de small cats to avoid eternal buddhist damnation and the wrath of western witchcraft... :)

LOVE them and SERVE them, tutsi.....! OR ELSE...........!

Very irresponsible and definately not a cat lover.Are you thai ?????????????/

thai? who, me?...sure :D ...I like to shop at Villa market where I can find packaged somtam in the 'exotic foods' section at 300baht per pint...


:):D oh,....but what am I gonna do wid all dem cats? Plus we got the 8 month old grandson who's crawlin' up a storm and shouldn't be around cats...oh, booo hooo... :D

Take the grandson to the Wat :D

:):D oh,....but what am I gonna do wid all dem cats? Plus we got the 8 month old grandson who's crawlin' up a storm and shouldn't be around cats...oh, booo hooo... :D

Take the grandson to the Wat :D

sheryl, eek...execrate that individual! :D

I could go to BKK for the neutering

um, tutsi, isnt that a bit, um, drastic-- going all the way to bangkkok... im sure u can get neutered right in the village; u know , they do it to buffalos also... a shot of lao khao, a snip, some cauterization if needed, and thats it...

to siggie: chill out, everyone is jesting, cause if not, the love the cat contingency will get their claws out and , i quote sheryl:

Eek and I will personally hex you....HISSSSSSS




I'm cool with Mahidol Salaya in Nakorn Pathom as Sheryl advised, about a 40 min. drive from my house. Finding a vet close by for the neutering was the primary purpose for this thread and that has now been achieved...threats upon my mortal soul by the TV 'weird sisters' (ain't that what they were called in Macbeth?) fer not looking after baby cats notwithstanding :)

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