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Cancelled We Tv


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In my opinion, changes were for the better. Got the US news station FOX which is actually more entertainment than news. BBC was okay and I'm sure the Brits will miss now not having a Brit news station.

With a former background in investigations/law enforcement I'm into channels like CI which I can really relate to. I would prefer to see some different sports other than cricket (does anyone actually know what the hel_l is going on with this game?) and football, which I prefer to call girlie ball.

All in all for the price, I can live with what's available and hope they just add to what's now available instead of dropping some of the channels that are now worth watching.

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I'd actually forgotten how hilarious Fox News can be......... does anyone ever get work with a respectable news station after working for them? Sorry to lose BBC and Deutsche Welle (English as well as German language programming - and always so earnest). But France 24 actually starts to look promising - all English language from what I've seen so far. Ausnet is IMO more valuable than some here seem to think - some very good documentaries originated by BBC and PBS (see http://australianetwork.com/guide/week_thailand.htm ) as well as interesting variations on news coverage. Sci Fi channel also suits me. The two English language movie channels are still available (so I can get my nightly double-fix of "24"). Universal may also offer some useful movie options. Sorry for those who will miss out on their sports coverage - but, for me, I have no trouble getting off to sleep without it.....

Overall thoughts - wish it hadn't changed but could be a lot worse.

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It's pretty simple:

WeTV saves X dollars on licensing fees by eliminating some channels. They lose Y dollars of revenue when a few farang cancel their service. Do the math. They already did.

That said, CNN is shiit, no better than Fox News. I like BBC but if you told me I'd have to pay extra to keep it, I'd pass. They kept Bloomberg, and Al Jezeera is just fine. The new Universal station is better than any of the old movie stations. All in all, imho, I'm happy with the changes.

i didnt think they paid any licensing fees

a friend invited me over to his hotel to watch one of the games in the super 14 rugby games once on wetv, the game started with the usual commentary stuff and team anaylsis, and when they were about to kick off the feed stopped and the tv went blank, all other channels were ok :) needless to say, i dont rely on wetv for any games i want to watch

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Well, in a spirit of fairness...I decided to actually peruse all the WeTV channels tonight. From 0-99, back to 0.

Doesn't look so bad. Disclaimer: I don't pay a farthing for WeTV; it is provided free in my apt bldg.

As I don't pay a satang for the service....nyaak nyaak nyaak :)

So, you come up with TV Monde, Fashion !!, some Weird Crime and a bit of Sport (you hope) and think it's "not so bad".You mean it could possibly be worse? And you pay zero. I don't think it would be a bargain unless they paid you.

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I would prefer to see some different sports other than cricket (does anyone actually know what the hel_l is going on with this game?) and football, which I prefer to call girlie ball.

On cricket, cracking game if you care to study the rules/nuances of pitch, bat and ball, although, granted, bit too tough to get to grips with for your average Yank/European. On football, that's funny as that's exactly what I call Yank football, what with the girlie padding n all. Mind you, don't they also use gloves to catch the ball in baseball, sorry rounders? :)

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It's pretty simple:

WeTV saves X dollars on licensing fees by eliminating some channels. They lose Y dollars of revenue when a few farang cancel their service. Do the math. They already did.

That said, CNN is shiit, no better than Fox News. I like BBC but if you told me I'd have to pay extra to keep it, I'd pass. They kept Bloomberg, and Al Jezeera is just fine. The new Universal station is better than any of the old movie stations. All in all, imho, I'm happy with the changes.

i didnt think they paid any licensing fees

a friend invited me over to his hotel to watch one of the games in the super 14 rugby games once on wetv, the game started with the usual commentary stuff and team anaylsis, and when they were about to kick off the feed stopped and the tv went blank, all other channels were ok :) needless to say, i dont rely on wetv for any games i want to watch


That's exactly how licensing fees work, but in your case you can't blame WETV. WETV may, or may not, pay a licensing fee to the station you were watching, but the station did not pay a licensing fee to the rugby league to broadcast the matches. That's exactly how it works with baseball too. I can use internet radio to listen to the station that broadcasts the games I want to hear for free in the US, but as soon as the pitcher is about to throw the first pitch to start the game, the station immediately switches to a repeat of some call-in radio from the day before.

We rarely watch more than an hour or two of TV a day, but since the switch to new channels, my wife hasn't shut it off.

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I just got through to WETV and told her if the old channels don't come back, me and at least a hundred other people would cancel their service, as nothing worth watching anymore.

She said it was a license problem. I pointed out that has never been an issue in the past. She said she would look into it.

So if you all start calling now something might get done; 053 418720 is there number.

An interesting idea, but bear in mind that the 'licence problem' is probably the fact that they don't have licenses for anything they were showing (or at least anything worth watching) . Why do you think it was so cheap?


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About a month ago I went to the WETV office in the old city to pay the bill and asked if they had any "special deals" if I paid for several months in advance. They had an offer where you could get a years' worth of service for the price of 10 months, so I paid up figuring it would save me a trip to their office every month.

I went home and told Hubby, figuring he might be upset with my unilateral decision since he's the prime TV viewer in the family and a real news junkie. He said, no, he wasn't upset; WETV's mix of channels was just fine. It was a good value for the money. But, he pointed out that since I'd just paid for a year in advance then they would probably file bankrupcy the next week and there'd be no refund.

Well, so many changes at once are a bit disturbing, but at least it isn't bankrupcy. He rather likes Al Jezeera for it's non-western perspective and watches Bloomberg the most. He supplements his TV news with downloads from MSNBC, so I think that Fox is going to be a real concern for me. I don't want his health to suffer as his blood pressure rises watching that garbage. Of course, he won't simply turn off the TV, he'll watch Fox and get angrier and angrier. I wonder if I can get WETV to block that channel for us?

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I would prefer to see some different sports other than cricket (does anyone actually know what the hel_l is going on with this game?) and football, which I prefer to call girlie ball.

On cricket, cracking game if you care to study the rules/nuances of pitch, bat and ball, although, granted, bit too tough to get to grips with for your average Yank/European. On football, that's funny as that's exactly what I call Yank football, what with the girlie padding n all. Mind you, don't they also use gloves to catch the ball in baseball, sorry rounders? :)

While I consider rugby and Australian football the best team sports to watch for its action and physical toughness, I would hardly call American football a girlie game.

Even with the padding, when you got guys with the size and strength they possess hitting each other like they do, it's no comparison to the wimpy soccer players who weight 150 pounds soaking wet. Compare the injuries suffered by both sports and maybe you'll change your thinking on this.

I'd love to put a team of any pro soccer team into a steel cage with a pro American football team and see who makes it out alive. Wouldn't be the sissies who flop on the ground everytime someone puts their hands on one of their shoulders would it?

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Ahhhh...it's all OK.

WeTV is a company that has a perfect right to switch their programming.

I feel for my German friends (and I have a few) who miss the excellent DW channel that was chopped. I watched it too.

I note the addition of the French 24 channel; excellent world news in English.

Wonderful that they put Fox News, next to Al Jazeera! Any person with an IQ above 92, will see which is a news channel, and which is agitprop.

This is very typical where I come from. I had Cox cable in Orange Co., CA for a long time. 15+ years.

They have a perfect right to change their lineup of offered channels, pricing, etc.

That is why I never prepay a long period of service, or ever program a TV remote. Wasted money and effort.

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Interesting to see how minds work.

Seems farang consensus is they have the right to change the channels (which of course they do - although slightly dodgy when they have been pushing the pre pay option). Plus of course don't like it so will cancel it.

All my Thai friends seem to be way more cynical - the consensus saying "pressure " from UBC.

Although having had WETV for many years this sudden massive change in channels is totally unprecedented. It certainly gets you thinking as to what might be behind it.

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A couple weeks ago, I was about to cancel WETV. With the recent changes, I'm finding it interesting again. The only channel I will miss is BBC. They have added several interesting, to me, new english language channels and Bloomberg is still there. I'm liking it.

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At this moment, Sky news has changed to Fox and BBC has changed to Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera has changed to a Red shirt channel .......

Stay tuned , because it could just be the lad in the control room is bored and playing with the remote. :)

Just re-checked - practically every channel has either  moved or changed!! There are Two Supersport channels at this moment, and the 2 movie channel have moved and changed!? 

There is more entertainment now in figuring out what channels are left and where have they moved to and what the new channels are, than there ever was in actually watching them. :D

:D :D My husband gets back from BKK late tonight - this is really going to give him a headache!

No ,he will probably still have a big grin on his face after visiting ''After School '' in Bangkok . :D ( i know he is a regular to the naughty school boy corner of the bar ) . :D

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WETV for 350bht is goof value for money, unlike the robbing MOFO's at TRUE! They pulled the same stunt with BBC entertainment when that disappeared a while back and you have to pay the pleasure of at least 1500bht per mth to be screwed by them!

Good sports coverage, can't show the English premier league LIVE as TRUE have the rights, but they do show some delayed coverage and some highlights. From my sources in the media thay have done a deal with TRUE to show the F.A Cup live though :)

They show the cricket (Which UBC don't) F1, Rugby, La Liga, Italian football via supersport and now the Coca Cola Championship is Live on the "Football Plus" channel as well as French football.

Movie selection is far better than the constant re-runs on STAR and HBO now we also have some good drama on Universal and Sci-Fi channels and some "Interesting" documentaries on the CSi channel. Channel V has also replaced MTV which is far better as MTV was originally Chinese, Channel V seems to have more English content.

Losing BBC and CNN is a bit of a stinker, still now in 2010 getting news via these sources off the 'Net isn't difficult!

(If you can't receive all the channels listed, whether you are in a condo that provides it for free or a private customer, simply auto tune your T.V to receive the new line up)

Edited by bangkok blue
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It's pretty simple:

WeTV saves X dollars on licensing fees by eliminating some channels. They lose Y dollars of revenue when a few farang cancel their service. Do the math. They already did.

That said, CNN is shiit, no better than Fox News. I like BBC but if you told me I'd have to pay extra to keep it, I'd pass. They kept Bloomberg, and Al Jezeera is just fine. The new Universal station is better than any of the old movie stations. All in all, imho, I'm happy with the changes.

i didnt think they paid any licensing fees

a friend invited me over to his hotel to watch one of the games in the super 14 rugby games once on wetv, the game started with the usual commentary stuff and team anaylsis, and when they were about to kick off the feed stopped and the tv went blank, all other channels were ok :) needless to say, i dont rely on wetv for any games i want to watch


That's exactly how licensing fees work, but in your case you can't blame WETV. WETV may, or may not, pay a licensing fee to the station you were watching, but the station did not pay a licensing fee to the rugby league to broadcast the matches. That's exactly how it works with baseball too. I can use internet radio to listen to the station that broadcasts the games I want to hear for free in the US, but as soon as the pitcher is about to throw the first pitch to start the game, the station immediately switches to a repeat of some call-in radio from the day before.

We rarely watch more than an hour or two of TV a day, but since the switch to new channels, my wife hasn't shut it off.

perhaps i should have mentioned that in the previous weeks before the tv went blank, wetv had broadcast all the other s14 rugby games, so we were led to believe that it would continue

if wetv knew supersports (where wetv gets its live rugby games from)were to pull the live game, why would they show the commentary from the game location and build up to the live game before?

it probably is value for money as stated above from others, but i would rather have something more reliable when it comes to rugby :D

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We like the new line-up. Watched a couple of movies yesterday and Hubby admits that Fox is rather entertaining. It's a good deal for 350/month -- less if they still have their discounted pay-in-advance offers. Plus, they updated their movie schedule on their website. I always check that every morning to see if there's going to be something interesting for the day.

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Interesting to see how minds work.

Seems farang consensus is they have the right to change the channels (which of course they do - although slightly dodgy when they have been pushing the pre pay option). Plus of course don't like it so will cancel it.

All my Thai friends seem to be way more cynical - the consensus saying "pressure " from UBC.

Although having had WETV for many years this sudden massive change in channels is totally unprecedented. It certainly gets you thinking as to what might be behind it.


I've cancelled and restarted my account every time I'm away for more than a month. I always have to ask about special deals. They've never "pushed" the pre-pay option to me.

I hope the UBC "pressure" continues, if that's why they've upgraded the service.

"It certainly gets you thinking as to what might be behind it."

---------------- I've got much better things to think about.

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I would prefer to see some different sports other than cricket (does anyone actually know what the hel_l is going on with this game?) and football, which I prefer to call girlie ball.

On cricket, cracking game if you care to study the rules/nuances of pitch, bat and ball, although, granted, bit too tough to get to grips with for your average Yank/European. On football, that's funny as that's exactly what I call Yank football, what with the girlie padding n all. Mind you, don't they also use gloves to catch the ball in baseball, sorry rounders? :)

While I consider rugby and Australian football the best team sports to watch for its action and physical toughness, I would hardly call American football a girlie game.

Even with the padding, when you got guys with the size and strength they possess hitting each other like they do, it's no comparison to the wimpy soccer players who weight 150 pounds soaking wet. Compare the injuries suffered by both sports and maybe you'll change your thinking on this.

I'd love to put a team of any pro soccer team into a steel cage with a pro American football team and see who makes it out alive. Wouldn't be the sissies who flop on the ground everytime someone puts their hands on one of their shoulders would it?

they would kill the pro american football team in a ''top hairstyle competition'' thou :D

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Interesting to see how minds work.

Seems farang consensus is they have the right to change the channels (which of course they do - although slightly dodgy when they have been pushing the pre pay option). Plus of course don't like it so will cancel it.

All my Thai friends seem to be way more cynical - the consensus saying "pressure " from UBC.

Although having had WETV for many years this sudden massive change in channels is totally unprecedented. It certainly gets you thinking as to what might be behind it.

The only pressure I heard about was perfectly reasonable. A couple of years ago WETV were showing Premier League football through Supersports South Africa whilst UBC were paying quite a lot I imagine, for the sole rights to broadcast it it in Thailand.

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We like the new line-up. Watched a couple of movies yesterday and Hubby admits that Fox is rather entertaining. It's a good deal for 350/month -- less if they still have their discounted pay-in-advance offers. Plus, they updated their movie schedule on their website. I always check that every morning to see if there's going to be something interesting for the day.

I LOVE Fox News. wub.gifThe girls are cute and they have a lot of nuts like Sean Hannity and Glen Beck on there fighting with their guests. Bill O'Reilly is actually interesting and fairly sensible. Is it hard news? No, but it is entertaining as heck and who watches TV for hard news? I much rather read a few newspapers on-line and get in depth articles and watch TV for fun.

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I LOVE Fox News. ... snip ...

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun UG,

Well, if you are going to watch Fox News a lot, may we suggest you make sure you have the proper diet to go with that channel : Fox News Diet

Of course if you are taking Vicodin or similar every hour-on-the-hour, or yaa baa, you may not need the special diet.

To really be in the "Fox" lifestyle, however, we suggest you must have a pickup truck with a shotgun rack to go road-raging in style.


best, ~o:37;

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