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I happen to think WE TV is a pretty good deal, especially if you compare it to those crooks at UBC ( a bit harsh I know, but come on) Just wondering if anyone knows if the BBC is coming back or do we have to live with those fascists at FOX (ha ha) News?

Edited by sk1max
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I;m not familiar with FOX NEWS, but after watching a few shows at random over the past few days, it appears that their mission is to discredit and constantly put down the Obama government. A bit like the New Red Shirt Channel on WETV.

I wasn't aware such one-sided media coverage was allowed in a democracy. I guess propaganda is too stronger a word, but from what i've seen, it does seem pretty extreme in its bias reporting. Maybe i just caught a handful of bad programs, and as time goes on perhaps there will be more variety and less bias on political reporting overall.



Edited by Drew Aitch
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Maybe i just caught a handful of bad programs, and as time goes on perhaps there will be more variety and less bias on political reporting overall.



No Drew, Fox News does not improve and there will not be more variety or less bias. That is Fox News. WYSIWYG

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The very point of democracy is the freedom of expression!!

Wouldn't be very democratic if all stations that dominated the TV airwaves had a political bias towards a single party as they do in communist China or North Korea. I agree that 'programs' on 'stations' should be free to report a mixture of bias views in order to arouse debate, but a whole station dedicated to influencing those who view it seems to be a bit over the top in a democracy. There's certainly seems to be no room for open debate on FOX News.

Perhaps we could have a 24/7 station dedicated to putting down black Africans, or religion, or women's rights etc Such bias shows are aired on variety channels of course as part of a 'variety package' which hears from all sides, but these 'programs' do not dominate, but are more a part of, an overall discussion on 'bigger picture' issues.

Oh well, if this is a FOX thingamajig's main purpose it to win over the Republican vote, then i guess it's time to remove it from the favourites list. There's nothing more boring than watching a bunch of fanatics constantly put others down in an attempt to make themselves look better, and feel more superior.



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Sawasdee Khrup TV Friends,

The coming of Caribou Barbie (Palin) to FoxNews reminds us of the famous saying by the radical young American Black activitist Rap Brown in the 1960's : "Violence is as American as cherry pie."

Note : Rap went on to become a convert to Islam while doing time in Attica; re-naming himself "Jamil Abdullah al-Amin" : then he moved to Atlanta, became widely known for his work on cleaning up drug abuse among young Black teenagers, and then murdered a police officer (wounding another) seeking to serve a warrant on him for failure to appear over a speeding-ticket, and impersonating a policeman (Rap showed an honorary badge given to him by the city of Atlanta, it is said, as an attempt to get out of a speeding citation), and is now in the most maximum-security prison of the US government for life.

Khun Drew Aitch wrote re Fox News :

I wasn't aware such one-sided media coverage was allowed in a democracy. I guess propaganda is too stronger a word, but from what i've seen, it does seem pretty extreme in its bias reporting. Maybe i just caught a handful of bad programs, and as time goes on perhaps there will be more variety and less bias on political reporting overall.

Yes, Khun Drew, American tv media allows about anything and everything except a totally bare human female breast, or full frontal human male nudity (for that you need cable), or human people really making love, straight or gay (violent sexual assault and simulated rape is standard fare in tv drama in America).

On-air cannibalism of actual physical human flesh, with famous chefs competing with each other for large prizes by preparing their speciality dishes like "runaway-child-on-crack-cocaine remoulade," is still out, we believe, but "reality tv shows" take up the slack there, we read, throwing bozos and bimbos into large houses and filming what happens : NYT on 'Jersey Shore' MTV program

Fox News and its founder/guru Roger Ailes are in many ways a modern parallel to the great newspaper magnates of the earlier twentieth century, the Hearst dynasty, for example : in terms of influence and ability to define political debate. Depending on a given American's pollitical persuasion, they might perceive that influence as being defined as "sensationalism in the service of yellow journalism" or "truth in reporting."

While one wonders if Ailes could actually start a war, as the Hearst patriarch is alleged (debated by scholars as to what his actual influence on the Spanish-American set-to over Cuba was) to have done, the scope of his influence on defining the American political right is fascinating. See : NYT on Ailes, Murdoch New Republic Article : Ailes as Howard Hughes

My human once had a powerful dream involving Sarah Palin, a bikini bathing suit of material taken from an American flag, her hunting rifle, and a dead moose; if this thread gets interesting enough, perhaps he will reveal it.

best, ~o:37;

< orang37 has been tv-less by choice for over a year, and doesn't watch internet video, but does read transcripts of certain American tv programs like "Meet the Press," and does "follow news" on, mainly, the NY Times, BBC, and CNN websites, with an occasional glance at DrudgeReport to see what the American right is fascinated by, and an occasional visit to Al Jazeera (English) to get an idea of the Islamic world's POV. He also enjoys reading "critical essays" that touch on culture and politics in his former homeland, America (Corporate Occupied Mallburgerland), on a variety of sites ranging from Salon, to Atlantic Magazine, even, rarely, that right-wing citadel of neo-conservative neo-brainerism, the New Republic's site >

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I;m not familiar with FOX NEWS, but after watching a few shows at random over the past few days, it appears that their mission is to discredit and constantly put down the Obama government. A bit like the New Red Shirt Channel on WETV.

I wasn't aware such one-sided media coverage was allowed in a democracy. I guess propaganda is too stronger a word, but from what i've seen, it does seem pretty extreme in its bias reporting. Maybe i just caught a handful of bad programs, and as time goes on perhaps there will be more variety and less bias on political reporting overall.



I think propaganda is an appropriate word. At one time there was a distinction between their news and opinion shows, but from the little I've seen lately that distinction is gone--they only show negative assessments of the Obama administration and positive assessments of his opponents. They also are very loose with the facts, omitting or changing events that don't support their view. What's disturbing is the large number of people who eagerly accept this propaganda.

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I;m not familiar with FOX NEWS, but after watching a few shows at random over the past few days, it appears that their mission is to discredit and constantly put down the Obama government. A bit like the New Red Shirt Channel on WETV.

I wasn't aware such one-sided media coverage was allowed in a democracy. I guess propaganda is too stronger a word, but from what i've seen, it does seem pretty extreme in its bias reporting. Maybe i just caught a handful of bad programs, and as time goes on perhaps there will be more variety and less bias on political reporting overall.



Propaganda is not too strong a word. That is exactly what it is; a propaganda channel of the right wing of the American government. You did not just catch "a handful of bad programs". It is like that 24 hours per day.

Fox Cable News became popular around the time I left America; at the start of the Iraq War. The arm chair Generals "talking heads" were grossly exaggerating how many Iraqi soldiers were being killed on a daily basis. Every retired tank commander General suddenly had a new gig working for Fox. The Fox News reporters were doing a great job of convincing Americans how justified and necessary the war was. It was all propaganda put on by Bush's buddy Rupert Murdoch.

I never fell for any of it. I haven't seen it in many years.

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The BBC is pretty much FOX News backwards. Both are pushing their own agenda, and neither is very honest about it, but at least if you watch both networks you get two sides of most issues.

The BBC has great documentaries, but the newscasters are wooden and the production amateurish, but it is fine in small doses.

FOX is a lot more fun. But some of the nuts that do opinion pieces are too far out there. However, they do invite liberal guests on to argue with them.

As far as FOX putting down liberal politicians, think of all the things that liberal stations have said about George Bush. FOX never sinks that low.

I want to be somewhat entertained when watching TV, and do some reading on the Net for real news. The New York Times web site is all free after holding out for many years.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I have a pretty good solution to the changing news channels on cable tv. I download my news off the internet via a free program called Miro. You can google it--- I get the programs I want. they have over 1500 news programs ranging from BBC--American--Australian--Canadian etc.. best of all its free. the program does a great job of managing the downloads and organizing them. Highlight of my week was an American announcer telling the windbag Rush Limbaugh to @#$%#$^& himself.... :) where I am from your license would yanked...

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FOX never sinks that low.

We TV has added FOX because it's message is cheap. Although there are a lot of Expats that enjoy it and believe it.

FOX doesn't pretends to be a news station. News stations report news in an unbiased context. Let's call a spade a spade. (To speak in a language they, at FOX, can understand.)

To be more on topic, I think We TV is a great deal but at that low price you get what you get. Al Jazerra and FOX Entertainment.

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The BBC is pretty much FOX News backwards. Both are pushing their own agenda, and neither is very honest about it, but at least if you watch both networks you get two sides of most issues.

The BBC has great documentaries, but the newscasters are wooden and the production amateurish, but it is fine in small doses.

FOX is a lot more fun. But some of the nuts that do opinion pieces are too far out there. However, they do invite liberal guests on to argue with them.

As far as FOX putting down liberal politicians, think of all the things that liberal stations have said about George Bush. FOX never sinks that low.

I want to be somewhat entertained when watching TV, and do some reading on the Net for real news. The New York Times web site is all free after holding out for many years.

Well each to his own. I find those reading the news on the BBC to be intelligent , articulate and the women far from wooden.Amateurish ?The news is presented with no distractions and cliches , some of us like that. The BBC tends not to go for sensationalism leaving it that to their friends on CNN, Fox and the English tabloids. Fox is fun ?? well depends on your sense of humour I guess.I've heard Fox described in a variety ways but fun is a new one on me.

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FOX never sinks that low.

FOX doesn't pretends to be a news station. News stations report news in an unbiased context. Let's call a spade a spade. (To speak in a language they, at FOX, can understand.)


Actually the hard news on CNN, BBC and FOX is virtually the same.

It is mostly the commentators that spin stories in favor of their particular political vision and none of the networks have more than one or two token commentators from the other side of the fence.

FOX News may not be fair and balanced, but you can say exactly the same thing about their competitors.

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For those interested in the Scifi and Universal channels, I found a website with their schedule.

Just one small glitch, the program schedule is 1 hour ahead.



Finally something positive... :)

BTW, what channel in the new WeTV lineup for SciFi and Universal?

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FOX never sinks that low.

FOX doesn't pretends to be a news station. News stations report news in an unbiased context. Let's call a spade a spade. (To speak in a language they, at FOX, can understand.)


Actually the hard news on CNN, BBC and FOX is virtually the same.

It is mostly the commentators that spin stories in favor of their particular political vision and none of the networks have more than one or two token commentators from the other side of the fence.

FOX News may not be fair and balanced, but you can say exactly the same thing about their competitors.

I disagree. During the 2004 Presidential campaign, the last time I saw a significant amount of Fox News, they were telling out right lies about John Kerry. The closest the other networks came to doing that to George Bush was when his status with the Texas Air National Guard was misreported, a result of sloppy fact-checking, not intentional misreporting. It still cost a major newscaster his job. No one has ever been fired from Fox News for their fabrications.

I agree no news station is perfect, but Al Jazeera comes much closer to being "fair and balanced" than Fox News.

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For those interested in the Scifi and Universal channels, I found a website with their schedule.

Just one small glitch, the program schedule is 1 hour ahead.



Finally something positive... :)

BTW, what channel in the new WeTV lineup for SciFi and Universal?

Here the lineup of relevant channels for me. The 1st number is the official channel for wetv. The 2nd number is the one I get on my tv.

18 28 We Movie 18( Sub - Title )

19 29 We Movie 19 ( Sub - Title )

20 30 Sci Fi Channel

21 31 Universal Channel

23 34 Stream movies after 9PM

29 40 Crime & Investigation Network

35 46 Aljazeera

36 47 Bloomberg

70 HBO

72 Star Movies

22 Cartoon Network

24 35 Kids Co Channel

25 Sound Ha Channel

26 37 EARTH Live Channel

27 News Explorer ( Wild Life )

28 Wild Life and History Channel

32 People Channel

33 Nation Channel 24 - Hour news station

34 Fox News Channel

37 News From Australia

38 France 24 Channel

39 T.V. Program from French

40 NHK Japan News & Entertainment

41 CCTV4 News & Entertainment from China

42 Z music Music & Variety from India

43 B-sides Channel

50 Money Channel

52 health 24 hr.

54 One Variety Live Channel

00 Chiang Mai Live Music & Documentary

12 Star Cinema Movies

13 Movies Hits

14 Sun Movies

15 Media Channel


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70 HBO

72 Star Movies

I should be so lucky! Perhaps there are different packages for WETV? There's certainly no HBO or Star Movies on my little lot :) Anyone else got these?


No. I don't have HBO or Star Movies and they aren't mentioned on their web-site (wetv.co.th/en_channel). 

There is a Star Cinema channel which is a movie channel dubbed in Thai and shouldn't be confused with Star Movies, which was a part of Star TV (and as such was crap).

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