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Thaksin's Five Demands In Exchange For Peace


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it's amazing how someone so insignificant in the eyes of posters on here, and indeed in the eyes of the Thai Government can still manage to arouse such passion, maybe he is more significant that people tend to admit to. The guy is constantly in the news, he manages to belittle the current unelected government with his jaunts to cambodia, he manages to get cambodia to basically stick two fingers up to thailand, he manages to have the deputy PM running scared and called state of emergency where the red shirts meet (despite all recent protest being peaceful).

yeah he really has no bargaining power does he? well apart from one known fact that I am not prepared to mention on here

It kinda reminds how sarah (I can see russia) palin is still in the news here in the united states, if you havent heard she is working for FOX(fair and balanced entertainment)news channel. Cambodia is to be taken seriously? I think the current government has handled everything well-giving him very little attention, like Palin the media is what keeps him going and money on his part. If the current government would just take his money and then offer free cell phone cards to the country folks all would be well. Its kinda interesting that the same people who like thaksin, would probably say they thought mr. bush was one of the best leaders the western world has seen, or think palin would be a great future president.

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I was tongue in cheek but I do believe Thaksin,' Democracy is not my goal' Shinawat is one of the most undemocratic Thais to hold recent public office.

I totally agree and it is one of the many many ironies in the recent Thai political saga that a man like Thaksin, wholly undemocratic in his instincts as you rightly point out, should be presented as a standard bearer for democracy.

Oddly enough much the same can be said about Napoleon (though he was man of real genius)

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Wouldnt it be nice to wake up one morning and he's gone .....

Bull#&*%t .. what would then changed ?

the oposite side did also proof very good that they are alot more professional in buying time and successfully wasting it.

there is a much bigger change required as chasing Thaksin .. if you where in his path many years ago .. you would go it too. (i would too !)

even here in this well educated forum ... people buying it ...

here is simply nothing different as some place else ... well thats not true .. something is different,

peoples dont really hide (or not expect someone out there with a IQ higher than a piece of DriftWood) its much more transparent here ... but it happens surely and securely everywhere.

best example: _ALL_ Goverments talking about Smoking kills ... but NONE probhit it .. (arai wah ??)

in the end ... its all about the money ... this includes organised crime, epedemies, Drugs (Alkohol and other) and also politicans drawing attention in order to let peoples NOT focus on the real issues :)

just my Toughts, nothing personal.

Edited by altf4
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I was tongue in cheek but I do believe Thaksin,' Democracy is not my goal' Shinawat is one of the most undemocratic Thais to hold recent public office.

Tongue in cheek, considering the mess that Thai politics has been in, in the last few years, one would have to ask; he is "undemocratic" in comparison with whom? Sondhi, Sonthi, Surayud, Chamlong? 70% of the main protagonists involved haven't even subjected themselves to an election.

He might not be in some peoples opinion a beacon for legality or fair play, but in comparison with that lot, he is a beacon of democracy.

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He gets 97 constitution back

He gets money back

He re-installed as premier

He gets pardon

He gets immunity from all further legal prosecution

Does anyone honestly believe that the army would stand still whilst all of the above occurred?

He might get his money back, but I just cannot believe that the army would ever let him back into politics in Thailand. The country would tear itself to pieces.

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Sad thing is, he really believes Democracy is negotiable. Like, we'll all sit down round a table and bargain over the country's future and justice. How do you bargain with a crook? He'd be better off becoming a Somali pirate - take the whole dam_n country hostage and demand your money back.

And so many people love and respect this guy?

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I was tongue in cheek but I do believe Thaksin,' Democracy is not my goal' Shinawat is one of the most undemocratic Thais to hold recent public office.

I totally agree and it is one of the many many ironies in the recent Thai political saga that a man like Thaksin, wholly undemocratic in his instincts as you rightly point out, should be presented as a standard bearer for democracy.

Oddly enough much the same can be said about Napoleon (though he was man of real genius)

I must note a rare instance of us agreeing on anything.

In this case two things in the same paragraph,

makes me want to look up and see if the sky is really falling.

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Based on reports from his attorney, Thaksin is calling for: the 1997 constitution to be reinstated, all post Sept. 19, 1996 coup criminal court cases to be dropped, the government to dissolve parliament and call for a general election with all parties ceasing outside-parliament movements and accepting the poll results.

It would be acceptable to me to see him get 4 out of 5.

1997 constitution can come back.

Government can be dissolved and an election called.

All shirt colours stop silliness and accept poll results.

All OK.

But the criminal square headed man should go to jail.

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it's amazing how someone so insignificant in the eyes of posters on here, and indeed in the eyes of the Thai Government can still manage to arouse such passion, maybe he is more significant that people tend to admit to. The guy is constantly in the news, he manages to belittle the current unelected government with his jaunts to cambodia, he manages to get cambodia to basically stick two fingers up to thailand, he manages to have the deputy PM running scared and called state of emergency where the red shirts meet (despite all recent protest being peaceful).

yeah he really has no bargaining power does he? well apart from one known fact that I am not prepared to mention on here

Think you should check your facts re "unelected government".

you should check your facts.the prime minister is elected by the parliament and not by direct vote. since abhisit's party won the parliamentary election then they elected him. He was elected although not through popular vote. similar sytem to the electoral college in the U.S.

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None of you know what these 5 demands are or if they are even demands. And yet, there you go quickly waving your farang knows best fingers and condemning the former PM that was overthrown by a military coup. You are relying on a article published in the Nation. mmmkay, get on with your witch hunt/pogrom. Those of us that are not part of the sheep brigade will wait for the actual details.

n the meantime if you need an ecxample of what I mean by sheep, here it is;

I am really surprised just how many Thais actually support this guy following his defection to the enemy. When relations between Thailand and Cambodia are at pretty much an all time low over recent years he decides to work with the Cambodian Government as an advisor. I find that Thais in general look down on the Cambodians, so this can hardly help is popularity.

I think that he maybe negotiating from a position of power because he must have a wealth of information in his head regarding Thai governmental/security issues etc. This information could prove to be damaging to Thailand if it falls into the wrong hands.

Cheers, Rick

Cambodia is an "enemy"? Says who? people in Bangkok looking to distract the poor from their horrid state? Thailand is not at war with Cambodia, nor is Cambodia an enemy of Thailand. It was Thailand that commenced the hostile incursions into Cambodia. Not that this should bother those that need to create an enemy in a a futile attempt to find common ground. If Cambodia is an enemy, then perhaps Thailand needs to break all diplomatic relations and proceed with its phonie war and wait for the Vietnamese and Chinese tanks to roll on through Bangkok. And btw, alot of Thais look down on farangs and many farangs in TV look down on Thais.. What's the point of saying Thais look down on Cambodans?

Edited by geriatrickid
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Yes he was a FORMER P.M.

when he was told his temp job as acting P.M.

would no longer be required.

Not the best way to do it, but he had personally pulled the plug on his being elected Prime Minister,

and his party had cheated so badly and the Election commision was so comp-romised the follow up

election had to be thrown out. He remained lame duck acting PM. and his own men,

Somkid for example, were jumping ship faster than wood chips from a buzz saw.

Not to say this was the way to redo the government,

but only that Thaksin was not a fully elected with mandate P.M. when he was deposed.

He had thrown that mandate away in a fit of ego enhancement

and wish to validate his dodgy sale of Shin Corp to Temasek.

Of course that ill advised sale showed up all the hidden assets and control

he wasn't supposed to have under Thai law, and has lead to this Assets trial,

and all the 5 demands. Position of power, not hardly.

He hasn't had real power for years, not really since late 2005,

he frittered it away super fast through arrogance after his reelection

and dissolving of parliament, which effectively ended he premiership.

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None of you know what these 5 demands are or if they are even demands. And yet, there you go quickly waving your farang knows best fingers and condemning the former PM that was overthrown by a military coup. You are relying on a article published in the Nation. mmmkay, get on with your witch hunt/pogrom. Those of us that are not part of the sheep brigade will wait for the actual details.

n the meantime if you need an ecxample of what I mean by sheep, here it is;

I am really surprised just how many Thais actually support this guy following his defection to the enemy. When relations between Thailand and Cambodia are at pretty much an all time low over recent years he decides to work with the Cambodian Government as an advisor. I find that Thais in general look down on the Cambodians, so this can hardly help is popularity.

I think that he maybe negotiating from a position of power because he must have a wealth of information in his head regarding Thai governmental/security issues etc. This information could prove to be damaging to Thailand if it falls into the wrong hands.

Cheers, Rick

Cambodia is an "enemy"? Says who? people in Bangkok looking to distract the poor from their horrid state? Thailand is not at war with Cambodia, nor is Cambodia an enemy of Thailand. It was Thailand that commenced the hostile incursions into Cambodia. Not that this should bother those that need to create an enemy in a a futile attempt to find common ground. If Cambodia is an enemy, then perhaps Thailand needs to break all diplomatic relations and proceed with its phonie war and wait for the Vietnamese and Chinese tanks to roll on through Bangkok. And btw, alot of Thais look down on farangs and many farangs in TV look down on Thais.. What's the point of saying Thais look down on Cambodans?

With the recent going on concerning the Preah Veah temple I would hardly say that they are best of friends would you? They were exchanges of gun fire last year and some soldiers were injured by land mines if i remember correctly. With reference to my first sentence why would Thais support a man that appears to be advising the Cambodian government, given the circumstances with the temple. This issue is very close to a lot of Thais hearts in my experience. I think that the main stream Thais will be wondering why Thaksin is becoming involved with the Cambodian Government. He is letting them down for what the majority see as an inferior economic nation. That's my point.

Cheers, Rick

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Thaksin also sees himself ,and was quoted, as the Asian version of Nelson Mandela. Delusions of grandeur.

Difference is of course Mandela spent 20 odd years IN prison. Thaksin will spend the same amount of time trying to stay OUT of prison.

Wouldnt it be nice to wake up one morning and he's gone .....my Thai wife tells me

I see what your wife tells you and find it interesting that you're posting from the north of Thailand - it's really interesting that my Thai wife , from way down south , feels exactly the same...

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Thaksin also sees himself ,and was quoted, as the Asian version of Nelson Mandela. Delusions of grandeur.

Difference is of course Mandela spent 20 odd years IN prison. Thaksin will spend the same amount of time trying to stay OUT of prison.

Wouldnt it be nice to wake up one morning and he's gone .....my Thai wife tells me

After being out of power since the coup he seems to be already gone,perhaps nobody has told him yet.

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it's amazing how someone so insignificant in the eyes of posters on here, and indeed in the eyes of the Thai Government can still manage to arouse such passion, maybe he is more significant that people tend to admit to. The guy is constantly in the news, he manages to belittle the current unelected government with his jaunts to cambodia, he manages to get cambodia to basically stick two fingers up to thailand, he manages to have the deputy PM running scared and called state of emergency where the red shirts meet (despite all recent protest being peaceful).

yeah he really has no bargaining power does he? well apart from one known fact that I am not prepared to mention on here

It kinda reminds how sarah (I can see russia) palin is still in the news here in the united states, if you havent heard she is working for FOX(fair and balanced entertainment)news channel. Cambodia is to be taken seriously? I think the current government has handled everything well-giving him very little attention, like Palin the media is what keeps him going and money on his part. If the current government would just take his money and then offer free cell phone cards to the country folks all would be well. Its kinda interesting that the same people who like thaksin, would probably say they thought mr. bush was one of the best leaders the western world has seen, or think palin would be a great future president.

Unrelated posts are not appreciated. Please find a forum of your own and vent on any topic you wish. Otherwise, please try to stay on topic.


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The WHOLE article:

Thaksin's five demands in exchange for peace: his legal adviser

By The Nation

Ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra will not cease his political struggle unless his five demands are met, his legal adviser Noppadon Patama said on Tuesday.

"Thaksin wants to raise awareness on the lack of democracy and will fight along with those tens of millions of people suffering from injustice," Noppadon said alluding the alliance between Thaksin and the red shirts.

To bring about reconciliation, the Democrat-led government and the powers-that-be known as "amartya" must comply with the five demands, he said in reference to the Privy Council.

The five demands are the restoration of the suspended 1997 charter, the blanket amnesty to political offenders under the provisions of the 2007 Constitution, all rival camps to stop activities after the election outcome, the House dissolution and the honest and fair balloting.

Noppadol said the powers-that-be were trying to portray the red shirts as the trouble makers even though they were the real villains who stole power from the people.

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With the recent going on concerning the Preah Veah temple I would hardly say that they are best of friends would you? They were exchanges of gun fire last year and some soldiers were injured by land mines if i remember correctly. With reference to my first sentence why would Thais support a man that appears to be advising the Cambodian government, given the circumstances with the temple. This issue is very close to a lot of Thais hearts in my experience. I think that the main stream Thais will be wondering why Thaksin is becoming involved with the Cambodian Government. He is letting them down for what the majority see as an inferior economic nation. That's my point.

Cheers, Rick

C'mon, the stupidity at the temple was an embarrassment. The conflict was the creation of a bunch of idiots seeking to embarass the government and to redirect attention from their own political problems. Yes, the issue is close to the hearts of Thais, but hatred and a perception of enemies? I don't think so. You are aware of the extent of khmer cultural presence in the region right? Look at the area of Surin and you will see a great many people of khmer ancestory. The term enemy is not one expressed by locals and it is something a detached Bangkok resident might say. I would go one step further: The Thais may look down on the Khmers, make fun of them but they do not call them "enemies". The Thai people as a nation are not looking for war or conflict with their neighbors. How can Mr. Thaksin be seen as letting his country down by helping a nation in need of help when it has been made clear by the powers that be, that Mr. Thaksin is not welcome in Thailand?

The five demands are the restoration of the suspended 1997 charter, the blanket amnesty to political offenders under the provisions of the 2007 Constitution, all rival camps to stop activities after the election outcome, the House dissolution and the honest and fair balloting.

Those are really evil demands especially the one asking that all rivals stop their activities after the election outcome. Basically, he is asking that people stop protesting after an election and that means everyone including his supporters. Honest and fair balloting? Wow, what an unreasonable demand. What is so wrong about these 5 items? You can't have an election without a dissolution of the house. A blanket amnesty would extend to the military coup leaders and yellow shirts as well as Mr. Thaksin's party. I think Mr. Thaksin's shopping list, while unlikely to ever be agreed to, serves to position him as a moderate seeking reconciliation and is a positive attempt to bridge the conflict. The issue is not whether or not he is sincere, but the fact that he has offered a way out of the mess which is better than the continued back and forth bickering. The ball is now in Mr. Abhisit's court . I anticipate that Mr. Abhisit will dither and vacilate for the next month or two as Mr. Thaksin changes the direction of the disagreement and paints Mr. Abhisit into a corner.

Again, Mr. Thaksin has demonstrated his superb political skills and shown up the present government. Mr. Abhisit is like a young English boy in his short grey flannel pants being taught by a boy from a senior form. Welcome to Tom Brown's School Days, Thailand style.

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