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i just moved in a house and there are a lot (maybe 25 geckos) living in here :D

there shit is everywhere on the walls on the ground...

any ideas how to get rid of the mojority of them..i dont mind some but this is too much

PLEASE no "funny' answers, you can tell your thai wife she will be kind enough to laugh about your jokes :)

thanks for serious answers


Two bits of debate for you as per your feline suggestion. True, tabby likes small green things that move around but tabby can't go up the wall nor walk on the ceiling , hmmm.

My Thai wife suggest that you select music that is offensive to geckos and they will move out voluntarily. She suggest that bad, nasty rap will do it.

As for me, I recommend the old fashion way. A long stick with a larger flat surface on one end. If you can't reach them resort to a slingshot or a large bore weapon of your own choosing. I have the same gecko problem and have tried all these remedies. They all work, I guarantee it.


geckos are common family additions in tropical zones.

I have a new home but also have geckos living already... just keep them as they will prey on insects inside your home.

(at least the lizards and tokays stays out)


Chaindrite is highly toxic also to humans and the other animals, so be careful to use it home sparingly.

if your walls are dirty from poo, probably you need to decorate them - while doing so clear the clutter, move the furniture from the walls and spray the room for a few hours. After that paint and clean.


Reduce the insect population and the geckos will move outside,

must be a hole or somewhere bugs are getting in,

exterior illumination also helps to attract bugs for the geckos outside of the house.


'Reduce the insect population and the geckos will move outside'. This is not true for all insects - quite the contrary if we are talking about ants (they are insects aren't they?).

When your home gets invaded by red ants the geckos disappear. My TW says that red ants attack and eat geckos, not sure whether that is true although of course all ants will eat dead tissue. It is certainly true that they disappear almost overnight.

My TW prefers the home to have external red ants but has bowed to my pressure to exterminate them and return law and order to the little suckered feet fellows. It means I have to go on gecko pooh patrol with the brush every morning!

As an aside the red ants invaded our new house 3 times, returning after only a week, and were exterminated 3 times. We have now been clear for a month - I'm beginning to think ants have some kind of communication or instinct ability for their community to accumulate knowledge of unsafe areas. It's horrible spraying them; as they run around in a panic they seem to bump up against each other and stop to communicate. I'm sure they are saying - 'shit - run its the final Armageddon'. (PS have not had a Chang for a couple of days - honest!)


There's an old saying in the Philippines:

If you don't have gechos then something bigger than them is eating them

Just some suggestions:

They eat ants and small bugs so that means you have their kind of food in your house or they wouldn't be there. You probably have big spiders too. Get rid of their food by cleaning out cracks in the walls and floors and seal them with paint or whatever, keep your cupboards and countertops clean, spray for termites if you see them, and keep an outside light on at night to attract the flying bugs there which will lure your gechos out there. Maybe others have some ideas too..........

They don't eat the small red ants I think which we have tons of right now and the big red ants don't come in the house.



thanks for all the answers

it seems like after i stay here a couple of days the problem came down to a normal thai house population of geckos...everyday i play them some nasty music and hang out in the house, and it seems they dont like that

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