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I would not have any problems about a response if it were not in Thailand. Thailand is not like anywhere else and Thai women are not like women anywhere else in some things. Feet is one of those things. It is a big sign of dominance to get a guy to do things to a Thai woman's feet. Not so in the West. I heard one middle aged Thai woman bragging to the others during a lunch break one day that her boyfriend used to do all sorts of things to her feet.

In the West picking your nose is a bad thing. Not in Thailand with up country women.

It is the height of ill manners to serve one guest before another at dinner in the West. In Thailand this is done even at fine restaurants.

So there is a difference.

It seems so far that I have gotten a couple of responses from men who had foot contact in public locations with Thai women.

At the meeting we don't wear shoes. Me socks her barefoot. So this is up close and personal.

Just get on with it and stop twittering,sort of getting quite perverse now!

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Can confirm.

On the bus back home recently, long conversation with 30 something chick in seat behind. Even after we'd established I avoid relationships she spent the rest of the 11 hour journey with her toes jammed in the fold of the seat, wiggling them against my rear.

It was quite annoying.

Can confirm.

On the bus back home recently, long conversation with 30 something chick in seat behind. Even after we'd established I avoid relationships she spent the rest of the 11 hour journey with her toes jammed in the fold of the seat, wiggling them against my rear.

It was quite annoying.

Let one rip, would have given her the message loud and clear.

Can confirm.

On the bus back home recently, long conversation with 30 something chick in seat behind. Even after we'd established I avoid relationships she spent the rest of the 11 hour journey with her toes jammed in the fold of the seat, wiggling them against my rear.

It was quite annoying.

Let one rip, would have given her the message loud and clear.

Given the perilous condition of my lower bowel on that day, might have got a bit more of a shock.


I don't know much but in Thai culture you never point with the foot, or show the sole of your foot, it is considered rude. When you sit you put your legs behind you so the sole of your foot is not facing out but behind. I am trying to learn about appropriate behaviour as I am coming to live in Thailand. Im surprised that your getting footsie action.

I don't know much but in Thai culture you never point with the foot, or show the sole of your foot, it is considered rude. When you sit you put your legs behind you so the sole of your foot is not facing out but behind. I am trying to learn about appropriate behaviour as I am coming to live in Thailand. Im surprised that your getting footsie action.

I dunno. Maybe her toes were cold, it was quite chilly.


The worst thing you can do in Thailand is touch a person with your foot.

If you really want to piss off a thai lady use your foot to get her attention.

That said I find they like to have their toes kissed and sucked, but NEVER will return the favor.

Why must such questions be asked?? You simply don't touch a human being in Thailand with your foot anywhere on their body. The foot is the lowest part of the body, the most unclean.

Touching a thai with your foot is like playing with yourself in farang culture, it shows that your a sick person.

I don't know much but in Thai culture you never point with the foot, or show the sole of your foot, it is considered rude. When you sit you put your legs behind you so the sole of your foot is not facing out but behind. I am trying to learn about appropriate behaviour as I am coming to live in Thailand. Im surprised that your getting footsie action.

I think that the OP is alluding to this also, but asking for confirmation that there are exceptions. I can state quite clearly that it has happened to me on several occasions, Were the women well educated?, yes, had they spent much time overseas?, no. I have had the footsie thing 5 times in the last 4-5 years, but never in the 24 years prior to that, So maybe Thai women are watching too much cary grant and David niven movies. But in all the instances where it did happen (two embarassingly enough with wives of friends) It was definately intentional. Also as previous posters have pointed out there were other signs as well. Funny because I never really considered myself a "Hansum man" (although my wife would disagree, and constantly embarasses me by telling all and sundry how Lor Lor her Tilak is). I would say to the OP if you want it go for it, because they made the first move, but make sure it was a move !!


No wonder Thai people think Farangs are strange.

You are asking advice from total strangers on an anonymous internet forum, about a situation that could change your life !

Think about it.

Then you will get the usual posts alluding to the education of the woman that you dreampt up, of course, she will be less educated than the Masters Degree toting GF's or Wifes of ThaiVisas members, of that you can be sure.

I have lived in Thailand for many years, and I have never met many Farangs with HISO western educated Thai women, but on anonymous internet forums it seems to be the norm, the standard that we should all aspire to.

Why are rich Thai women from influential powerful families attracted to members of an anonymous internet forum.

The claims that you see here are totally ridiculous.

No wonder Thai people think Farangs are strange.

You are asking advice from total strangers on an anonymous internet forum, about a situation that could change your life !

Think about it.

Then you will get the usual posts alluding to the education of the woman that you dreampt up, of course, she will be less educated than the Masters Degree toting GF's or Wifes of ThaiVisas members, of that you can be sure.

I have lived in Thailand for many years, and I have never met many Farangs with HISO western educated Thai women, but on anonymous internet forums it seems to be the norm, the standard that we should all aspire to.

Why are rich Thai women from influential powerful families attracted to members of an anonymous internet forum.

The claims that you see here are totally ridiculous.

I don't know any of the posters on this thread. So I can't vouch for their voracity. In general it has been my experience that as education rises so does kink.

It seems rich people have more leisure time and leisure time leads to experimentation. I don't think Paris Hilton is an anomaly.

When I was a kid I went to a lot of debuts. That's what they call them in the North of the US in the South they call them cotillions. Young women are introduced to polite society. They have stag lines. Young men with tuxedos and proper upbringing are lined up to make sure the young ladies always have a dance partner. They were the wildest parties I went to as a teen. They made typical high school dances seem tame. The young men and women who went to the high society dances went to private or prep schools and not public schools. I think the words are reversed in Britain.

When I got older I found that high school principals were among the top of women's professions that were up for adventure. Followed closely by nurses.

That has roughly been my experience in Thailand. I like nurses and teachers. Most of them seem to have some kind of advanced degrees.

These women are not my choice for living partners because I don't like the social responsibilities that go along with them I work and I write and that takes up most of my time. I have little left over to make all the commitments a high so lady would require.

So my life is separated from work and home. When I go out to a work related function I leave my farmers daughter at home. She understands and my business associates understand.

I don't doubt that men who live and work in Thailand and speak passable Thai would have experiences with upper class women. The ladies choices would be narrow with Thai men. Everybody talks too much.

Over dinner a month ago a friend told me he had met an acquaintance of mine. She was such a hi so woman working on her PHD and VP of a major Thai company in Bangkok. He said she was being very friendly towards him. I was quite surprised because she has a long term Swiss girlfriend and I had always assumed because she had a girlfriend and made no secret about it that she was a lesbian. But one never knows in Thailand. I don't see much forethought or afterthought about temporary liaisons here. Labeling another's experience as totally ridiculous because they don't match your own I think is a bit too much.

Whether they do or not is definitely not the question here. A greater question should be whether or not a friend should trust you with their wife, trophy or no trophy?

No, it was the question, and a good question it was.

I think it is a very good corollary question that you pose though. But to be fair, I think the OP's angle was more about interest in Thai atitudes... but a few posters have answered thus too.

Thus far I agree with Ian, and with the suggestion that she was indeed making the opening gambit.


Some great posts no definate answer so try another one Were can I watch Womans beach volleyball or schoolgirl NETBALL and what about womens BLOW football

Some great posts no definate answer so try another one Were can I watch Womans beach volleyball or schoolgirl NETBALL and what about womens BLOW football

Definitely not in Surrey.

Why not try Thailand? :)

Some great posts no definate answer so try another one Were can I watch Womans beach volleyball or schoolgirl NETBALL and what about womens BLOW football

Definitely not in Surrey.

Why not try Thailand? :)

The flasher's mac wouldn't look right.

I don't know much but in Thai culture you never point with the foot, or show the sole of your foot, it is considered rude. I am trying to learn about appropriate behaviour as I am coming to live in Thailand.

In my experience you'll find that unless your foot is blatantly pointed at another person people aren't going to take any notice at all.

Is this thread an audition for some retro comedy club in the Catskills? I asked a reasonable question. How about a reasonable answer! The foot is used to send discreet messages in the West. I don't think it is in Thailand. True or False? And PLEASE leave out any references to people or clubs involved in prostitution. That is not a part of this question.

I think you need to wake up. Try to realise the difference between your wishful thinking and reality


I also realize there are very few differences between Western women and Thai women and most of the differences pointed out on Thai Visa are examples of the males inexperience with women of any nationality.

It is easy when an inexperienced person is confronted with a question to resort to barroom humor to deflect his ignorance and try to identify the person asking the question with the same level of ignorance as his own.

However in this instance I have asked a simple question. It is fact that Western women use under the table foot signals to transmit messages when the eyes or a nod of the head might be observed by other people.

This happened to me frequently in the West but it has never happened in Thailand. I am wondering if it is my stereotyping of Thai women as not using feet because of cultural norms or perhaps Thai women do use feet in contradiction of cultural norms to send messages.

I remember when exiting a crowded tuk tuk years ago and lifting my leg over a Thai woman's head she went nuts at my behavior. Ever since then I have carefully watched where I put my feet, including using them to point or otherwise message things that would be normal in other countries but taboo in Thailand.

I think that your posts paint you as being very inexperienced with women and thus your belief that if a woman brushes your feet with her feet that they must want you.

You seem to me to be the type that when you walk into McDonalds and the girl serving you asks if you want fries with that, you would instantly believe she must be flirting with you.

Your accusations of people being inexperienced with women because they call you on your delusions also shows that you do know deep down inside that women do not want you but your fragile ego can not handle this.

I wonder how many other everyday situations in which you interact with the fairer sex you convince yourself that they want you. An air hostess bringing you a meal on a flight perhaps? The possibilities are endless.

Remember too just because you visit bars in Thailand and all the girls jump you does not mean all Thai women want you


The OP hasn't said anything about eye contact during this bit of footsie. <deleted>? You didn't look at the lady in question when this was happening? He also says 'bump' in a follow up post which is way short of what the Canadian bosses old lady did. THAT was footsie.

Now if there was no effort to catch the perps eye then we can only assume that it may well have been accidental touching and that the OP has either high expectations or a low threshold of excitement.

Is this thread an audition for some retro comedy club in the Catskills? I asked a reasonable question. How about a reasonable answer! The foot is used to send discreet messages in the West. I don't think it is in Thailand. True or False? And PLEASE leave out any references to people or clubs involved in prostitution. That is not a part of this question.

I think you need to wake up. Try to realise the difference between your wishful thinking and reality

I also realize there are very few differences between Western women and Thai women and most of the differences pointed out on Thai Visa are examples of the males inexperience with women of any nationality.

It is easy when an inexperienced person is confronted with a question to resort to barroom humor to deflect his ignorance and try to identify the person asking the question with the same level of ignorance as his own.

However in this instance I have asked a simple question. It is fact that Western women use under the table foot signals to transmit messages when the eyes or a nod of the head might be observed by other people.

This happened to me frequently in the West but it has never happened in Thailand. I am wondering if it is my stereotyping of Thai women as not using feet because of cultural norms or perhaps Thai women do use feet in contradiction of cultural norms to send messages.

I remember when exiting a crowded tuk tuk years ago and lifting my leg over a Thai woman's head she went nuts at my behavior. Ever since then I have carefully watched where I put my feet, including using them to point or otherwise message things that would be normal in other countries but taboo in Thailand.

I think that your posts paint you as being very inexperienced with women and thus your belief that if a woman brushes your feet with her feet that they must want you.

You seem to me to be the type that when you walk into McDonalds and the girl serving you asks if you want fries with that, you would instantly believe she must be flirting with you.

Your accusations of people being inexperienced with women because they call you on your delusions also shows that you do know deep down inside that women do not want you but your fragile ego can not handle this.

I wonder how many other everyday situations in which you interact with the fairer sex you convince yourself that they want you. An air hostess bringing you a meal on a flight perhaps? The possibilities are endless.

Remember too just because you visit bars in Thailand and all the girls jump you does not mean all Thai women want you

I wish I had less experience with women. I think I would be a better person all around if I had less experience with women. As it is, I have 3 ex wives and four daughters, that I know of.

One of the reasons I have 3 ex wives is my experience with women. My wives all thought that I should stop my experiences with other women when I got married. It would have been a good idea I admit but unfortunately that lady at McDonald's really was flirting with me. It was at the McDonald's in Rayong. She is the short lady that brings your food out if it is not ready when you order.

And that stew was really a lot of fun. You know they have layovers on international flights and have nothing to do at night. Most of the time they are bored stiff.

I hope this won't break you up but I don't drink so I don't go into bars much. I asked at the beginning of this thread if we could avoid comments about bar girls. There is too much of that here.

Frankly bar girls speak too much English and I rarely go out with a Thai woman who speaks English. It is my way of improving my Thai language ability.

Before my last marriage ended in the US we went to a Psychiatrist for marriage counseling. I let my wife pick the Doctor. She chose a female against my advice. We had an initial paperwork session to fill out the insurance forms. The Doctor was $200 per hour and that was 10 years ago. I thought too expensive as my insurance only covered $160. Anyway, between the paperwork in the outer office and the counseling in the Doctor's office the lady shrink had unbuttoned a button on her blouse. In the office when she asked if I had any questions before we started the session I asked her if she unbuttoned her blouse for me or my wife. You can imagine the rest of the session did not go well.

Sometimes I am really envious of gay guys. I think they have less experience with women than I do. I have a lot of gay friends and business associates and they seem happier and better adjusted than I.

I keep thinking I should try lady boys but one hears so many negative things about the genre that it is scary.

There is a lady boy cashier at the Lotus I go to that is absolutely stunning and another at the skin care shop on the floor above the Lotus and I have tried every non verbal signal that I know of but get no response. And my girlfriend is getting a little suspicious of us always checking out in the lady boy line with our groceries.

I am, however flattered that with only two posts on Thai Visa that you chose me to write them to. Thanks.

The OP hasn't said anything about eye contact during this bit of footsie. <deleted>? You didn't look at the lady in question when this was happening? He also says 'bump' in a follow up post which is way short of what the Canadian bosses old lady did. THAT was footsie.

Now if there was no effort to catch the perps eye then we can only assume that it may well have been accidental touching and that the OP has either high expectations or a low threshold of excitement.

I have known the woman in question for three years so we have eye contact all the time.

It used to be a lot more obvious but some co workers made fun of her for always being so close to me a couple of years ago. We were assembling for a photo op and they comment was made to leave room for Fan next to Kelly because she is always there anyway. She backed off a lot after that even to the point of avoiding me. During the past few months she seems to be moving back in touching distance.

Although I know her at work I have never seen her outside of work and have never discussed anything personal with her. In fact I don't know anything of her personal life at all. I only see her one day a week and any overt eye contact may be very obvious to others who I assume are watching us.

The OP hasn't said anything about eye contact during this bit of footsie. <deleted>? You didn't look at the lady in question when this was happening? He also says 'bump' in a follow up post which is way short of what the Canadian bosses old lady did. THAT was footsie.

Now if there was no effort to catch the perps eye then we can only assume that it may well have been accidental touching and that the OP has either high expectations or a low threshold of excitement.

I have known the woman in question for three years so we have eye contact all the time.

It used to be a lot more obvious but some co workers made fun of her for always being so close to me a couple of years ago. We were assembling for a photo op and they comment was made to leave room for Fan next to Kelly because she is always there anyway. She backed off a lot after that even to the point of avoiding me. During the past few months she seems to be moving back in touching distance.

Although I know her at work I have never seen her outside of work and have never discussed anything personal with her. In fact I don't know anything of her personal life at all. I only see her one day a week and any overt eye contact may be very obvious to others who I assume are watching us.

Mate, just send her an email if you are shy about asking her in person.

Failing that invite her to one of those fishy foot cleaning places to see her reaction. If she says yes, I suggest she only has itchy feet, if she says eeewww, then you are in like Flin.


Some great posts no definate answer so try another one Were can I watch Womans beach volleyball or schoolgirl NETBALL and what about womens BLOW football

Definitely not in Surrey.

Why not try Thailand? :)

Not in Surrey? Not any more? Ow.

I still remember me and my 10 and 11 year old mates watching the 14 and 15 year old girls at Malmesbury Road Secondary play netball in their navy blue knickers and white blouses. Our tongues hung out sometimes far enough to pass through the railings. Nobody foamed at the mouth though. Later I graduated to watching the girls from Sutton High School play hockey. All of 60 odd years ago.

I have always thought that beach volleyball was for dyed in the wool pervs, raincoats et al. I have zero interest as the participants all look lezzie to me.

Why must such questions be asked?? You simply don't touch a human being in Thailand with your foot anywhere on their body. The foot is the lowest part of the body, the most unclean.

Touching a thai with your foot is like playing with yourself in farang culture, it shows that your a sick person.

You've just put a lot of massage ladies out of work. My massage lady of long standing gives my feet a good working over as part of her total routine as she was taught during her two year sojourn at Wat Po. At the end of the massage she plays with myself, according to Thai culture, making 'my old man' quite a sick person. I don't think the last bit is part of the authentic Wat Po curriculum.

Some great posts no definate answer so try another one Were can I watch Womans beach volleyball or schoolgirl NETBALL and what about womens BLOW football

Definitely not in Surrey.

Why not try Thailand? :)

Not in Surrey? Not any more? Ow.

I still remember me and my 10 and 11 year old mates watching the 14 and 15 year old girls at Malmesbury Road Secondary play netball in their navy blue knickers and white blouses. Our tongues hung out sometimes far enough to pass through the railings. Nobody foamed at the mouth though. Later I graduated to watching the girls from Sutton High School play hockey. All of 60 odd years ago.

I have always thought that beach volleyball was for dyed in the wool pervs, raincoats et al. I have zero interest as the participants all look lezzie to me.

Outside of Portland OR, USA there is a public beach on the Columbia river called Rooster Rock. Been a long time since I have been there but they used to play nud_e volleyball there. It was fun to watch. Unless you miss the blue knickers and white blouses.

There is a resort outside of Tampa where I know they play every day sans knickers and blouses but I don't think I should list it.

The OP hasn't said anything about eye contact during this bit of footsie. <deleted>? You didn't look at the lady in question when this was happening? He also says 'bump' in a follow up post which is way short of what the Canadian bosses old lady did. THAT was footsie.

Now if there was no effort to catch the perps eye then we can only assume that it may well have been accidental touching and that the OP has either high expectations or a low threshold of excitement.

I have known the woman in question for three years so we have eye contact all the time.

It used to be a lot more obvious but some co workers made fun of her for always being so close to me a couple of years ago. We were assembling for a photo op and they comment was made to leave room for Fan next to Kelly because she is always there anyway. She backed off a lot after that even to the point of avoiding me. During the past few months she seems to be moving back in touching distance.

Although I know her at work I have never seen her outside of work and have never discussed anything personal with her. In fact I don't know anything of her personal life at all. I only see her one day a week and any overt eye contact may be very obvious to others who I assume are watching us.

Mate, just send her an email if you are shy about asking her in person.

Failing that invite her to one of those fishy foot cleaning places to see her reaction. If she says yes, I suggest she only has itchy feet, if she says eeewww, then you are in like Flin.

I don't know her email nor do I know even if she has an email, but I am only three days away from out meeting so I will know soon.


thanks for info BAGWAN I am off to Sutton this after noon but I have got to first find my old grey mac and maybe buy a pair of rubbergloves on the way

Whether they do or not is definitely not the question here. A greater question should be whether or not a friend should trust you with their wife?

No that is not the question. You can start a thread about trusting your wife. I could care less about trusting you with anyones wife. Since this is my thread the question is about feet and not trust.

Yes it is your thread

but it is a public forum and people can answer

freely and how they want

Your follow up posts make me think your bosses

wife is blind and or retarded

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