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Why Do Limey Brits Live In Thailand

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What about the taffs...they can't be happy that you left them out. :o

All Taffs, are oblivious of what is written in TV, because, after 30 years of hanging our heads in shame, we are either returning to the green, green grass of home or at least ensuring we have enough of the readies to travel to the Millennium stadium and other grounds to sing “Bread of Heaven” at the top of our voices when Wales, the Six Nations Champions, take to the pitch.

Either that or we are too pissed to care, still celebrating the Glorious Victory, having, at long last, experienced Nirvana.

We are the Great in Great Britain, without a doubt.

Sorry, I didn't mean to leave out Wales. It's just the place that I know least about in Britain so I left it out due to my own ignorance.

"Oh christ, not her again": Hi JackR, nice to talk to you again ,too :D

Edited by kat
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It seems the poms are getting abit of a bashing here.. :D

superbowl - :D :D :D what a waste of time!

Best thing that ever happened in the Superbowl was JJ's mammary exhibition.

Looked a little saggy to me... :o

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Funny,I thought it was called English...from...England :o

That what they teach in the council estates? Sorry, no.

German: Angeln, Latin: singular Anguls, plural Anglii --> Old English: Englas --> Englisc --> English.

Anglish |

Saxonish |

Jutish |

Latin | --> British English --> American English --> American English

Greek |

Old Norse |

Norman |

Over time the evolutionary improvements of American English are managing to penetrate British, for example, computer program, not programme. There’s far to go. :D

You may wish to discover how this evolution might have occurred. Begin with Cornwallis' surrender in 1781:


Send a picture of Noah Webster to your favorite Brit lexicographer and suggest that he find out who he was:


Demand that his improvements be incorporated into all new dictionaries. Attend rallies; organize demonstrations. :D

Edited by JSixpack
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Funny,I thought it was called English...from...England :o

That what they teach in the council estates? Sorry, no.

German: Angeln, Latin: singular Anguls, plural Anglii --> Old English: Englas --> Englisc --> English.

Anglish |

Saxonish |

Jutish |

Latin | --> British English --> American English --> American English

Greek |

Old Norse |

Norman |

Over time the evolutionary improvements of American English are managing to penetrate British, for example, computer program, not programme. There’s far to go. :D

You may wish to discover how this evolution might have occurred. Begin with Cornwallis' surrender in 1781:


Send a picture of Noah Webster to your favorite Brit lexicographer and suggest that he find out who he was:


Demand that his improvements be incorporated into all new dictionaries. Attend rallies; organize demonstrations. :D

I recall an amusing sign outside a carpet shop in the old part of the town of Taif -Saudi Arabia:

English Spoken - American Understood


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OK, the revised final list:


1. To enjoy a climate wherein they may display their tattoos, bald heads, and protruding bellies without fear of catching cold;

2. To escape the necessity of having deeper relationships with those like themselves;

3. To be able at last to place in trivia contests by competing among other Brits of comparable intelligence and education;

4. To ensure that all video screens are turned to mindless, boring "footie," so to numb the brains of expats of other nations;

5. To teach non-native speakers of English awkward pronunciations of words like "aluminum" before Yanks can teach them better ones;

6. To abandon further unsuccessful attempts to learn Received Pronunciation, if indeed any attempts ever were made;

7. To pose as experts among those to whom they are unintelligible, thus freely to make uninformed yet seemingly authoritative pronouncements upon every conceivable subject;

8. To stab one another in the back without fear of suffering any important consequences, given that so many are pensioners or living off investments;

9. To tout the supposed superiority of Orthodox British food products such as Branston Pickle and HP Sauce by bemoaning their absence elsewhere;

10. To meet Yanks and express their sincere gratitude that they are able to speak English rather than German.

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OK, the revised final list:


1. To enjoy a climate wherein they may display their tattoos, bald heads, and protruding bellies without fear of catching cold;

2. To escape the necessity of having deeper relationships with those like themselves;

3. To be able at last to place in trivia contests by competing among other Brits of comparable intelligence and education;

4. To ensure that all video screens are turned to mindless, boring "footie," so to numb the brains of expats of other nations;

5. To teach non-native speakers of English awkward pronunciations of words like "aluminum" before Yanks can teach them better ones;

6. To abandon further unsuccessful attempts to learn Received Pronunciation, if indeed any attempts ever were made;

7. To pose as experts among those to whom they are unintelligible, thus freely to make uninformed yet seemingly authoritative pronouncements upon every conceivable subject;

8. To stab one another in the back without fear of suffering any important consequences, given that so many are pensioners or living off investments;

9. To tout the supposed superiority of Orthodox British food products such as Branston Pickle and HP Sauce by bemoaning their absence elsewhere;

10. To meet Yanks and express their sincere gratitude that they are able to speak English rather than German.

oh dear oh dear...not another "we are the best" yank are you? :o

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OK, the revised final list:


1. To enjoy a climate wherein they may display their tattoos, bald heads, and protruding bellies without fear of catching cold;

2. To escape the necessity of having deeper relationships with those like themselves;

3. To be able at last to place in trivia contests by competing among other Brits of comparable intelligence and education;

4. To ensure that all video screens are turned to mindless, boring "footie," so to numb the brains of expats of other nations;

5. To teach non-native speakers of English awkward pronunciations of words like "aluminum" before Yanks can teach them better ones;

6. To abandon further unsuccessful attempts to learn Received Pronunciation, if indeed any attempts ever were made;

7. To pose as experts among those to whom they are unintelligible, thus freely to make uninformed yet seemingly authoritative pronouncements upon every conceivable subject;

8. To stab one another in the back without fear of suffering any important consequences, given that so many are pensioners or living off investments;

9. To tout the supposed superiority of Orthodox British food products such as Branston Pickle and HP Sauce by bemoaning their absence elsewhere;

10. To meet Yanks and express their sincere gratitude that they are able to speak English rather than German.

#10 ain't too politically correct, Sixpack...but well done on the list! :o

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OK, the revised final list:


1. To enjoy a climate wherein they may display their tattoos, bald heads, and protruding bellies without fear of catching cold;

2. To escape the necessity of having deeper relationships with those like themselves;

3. To be able at last to place in trivia contests by competing among other Brits of comparable intelligence and education;

4. To ensure that all video screens are turned to mindless, boring "footie," so to numb the brains of expats of other nations;

5. To teach non-native speakers of English awkward pronunciations of words like "aluminum" before Yanks can teach them better ones;

6. To abandon further unsuccessful attempts to learn Received Pronunciation, if indeed any attempts ever were made;

7. To pose as experts among those to whom they are unintelligible, thus freely to make uninformed yet seemingly authoritative pronouncements upon every conceivable subject;

8. To stab one another in the back without fear of suffering any important consequences, given that so many are pensioners or living off investments;

9. To tout the supposed superiority of Orthodox British food products such as Branston Pickle and HP Sauce by bemoaning their absence elsewhere;

10. To meet Yanks and express their sincere gratitude that they are able to speak English rather than German.

Why would football numb the brains of other expat nations? Most of them have it as their national game, it's just the Yanks that have to be different and play a bastardised version of rugby, and a pathetic, girly one at that. Why the need to wear all that padding? H3ll, without the cheerleaders and the poxy jingles throughout it must be difficult to have to endure a whole match. Aussie Rules is far more entertaining and streets ahead technically.

Regards speaking German, we did fine in fending off three times the amount of planes they had during the battle of Britain and I'm sure we and the Ruskies would have gone all the way without the glory searching Yanks, but sincerely thanks for the money. Btw, didn't the Krauts declare war on you lot?

Kat, you are forgiven for your little quip on belittling Britain as a beautiful island, as being a Yank you probably don't even know where it is let alone knowing what it looks like. :D

You look too deeply into my post about your flag, i.e. tripxcore. Not every comment made about the States is America bashing but if you bash others, i.e. this prick sixpack, you have to expect it back.

Nice to talk to you again though :D

ps - Ireland is not and never was part of Britain, however NI is part of the UK :o, although I suspect your rhetoric is aimed at dear ol' England.

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Why do limey Brits live in thailand?

Answers simple: To annoy the <deleted> out of you lot.


here are 10 reasons why English hate the UK and love Thailand

1= you get taxed to much and pay to much national insurance

2=congestion charge if you drive in London

3=you cant park your car without getting clamped or a parking ticket

4=petrol price are a joke

5= the hospitals are set back in the dark age people dieing from MSRA

6= council tax at your home .crazy

7= the women are as rough as anything give or take 1 or 2

8= road tax for driving and parking at your home

9=most food is rubbish

10= you cant get a property for less than 200 grand in London

11=Tony Blair is a murderer .who runs England

how much more do you want ?

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#10 ain't too politically correct, Sixpack...but well done on the list! :D

Gotta give credit to Silvio Berlusconi, PM of Italy. In his speech to the Italian Parliament just now, referring to certain historical events, he said, " we . . . give thanks to the Americans for protecting us from tyranny . . . ."

Thanks Boon Mee! :D Thought it might be good for a laugh and to get some discussion going. Throw out a little red meat, so to speak. :o

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#10 ain't too politically correct, Sixpack...but well done on the list! :D

Gotta give credit to Silvio Berlusconi, PM of Italy. In his speech to the Italian Parliament just now, referring to certain historical events, he said, " we . . . give thanks to the Americans for protecting us from tyranny . . . ."

Thanks Boon Mee! :D Thought it might be good for a laugh and to get some discussion going. Throw out a little red meat, so to speak. :D

This subject material will certainly generate "red meat"! :D

You know, the whole world loves to take the piss out of America and Yanks (we're also called Septics in some circles) but I've noticed that when the tables are turned - man O man can you ever see the red-ass coming out! :o

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"Why would football numb the brains of other expat nations? Most of them have it as their national game, it's just the Yanks that have to be different and play a bastardised version of rugby, and a pathetic, girly one at that. Why the need to wear all that padding? H3ll, without the cheerleaders and the poxy jingles throughout it must be difficult to have to endure a whole match. Aussie Rules is far more entertaining and streets ahead technically."

Rugby? Rugby? I don't know about soccer but I can tell you about the orgins of rugby. It became a routine around your king's suppertime. He'd toss a bone out the window and you all would pounce.

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"Why would football numb the brains of other expat nations? Most of them have it as their national game, it's just the Yanks that have to be different and play a bastardised version of rugby, and a pathetic, girly one at that. Why the need to wear all that padding? H3ll, without the cheerleaders and the poxy jingles throughout it must be difficult to have to endure a whole match. Aussie Rules is far more entertaining and streets ahead technically."

Rugby? Rugby?  I don't know about soccer but I can tell you about the orgins of rugby.  It became a routine around your king's suppertime.  He'd toss a bone out the window and you all would pounce.


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The map is a perfect template for trimming the kitty.


Looks like a <deleted> of a place

MMM and also the birthplace and home of Ricky Ponting, current captain of Australian Cricket team soon to inflict another humiliating hiding on the Brits in the upcoming test series.,Expect a huge influx of Brits fleeing their homeland in shame.

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"Why would football numb the brains of other expat nations? Most of them have it as their national game, it's just the Yanks that have to be different and play a bastardised version of rugby, and a pathetic, girly one at that. Why the need to wear all that padding? H3ll, without the cheerleaders and the poxy jingles throughout it must be difficult to have to endure a whole match. Aussie Rules is far more entertaining and streets ahead technically."

Rugby? Rugby?  I don't know about soccer but I can tell you about the orgins of rugby.  It became a routine around your king's suppertime.  He'd toss a bone out the window and you all would pounce.

:o Please take a bow :D

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#10 ain't too politically correct, Sixpack...but well done on the list! :D

Gotta give credit to Silvio Berlusconi, PM of Italy. In his speech to the Italian Parliament just now, referring to certain historical events, he said, " we . . . give thanks to the Americans for protecting us from tyranny . . . ."

Thanks Boon Mee! :D Thought it might be good for a laugh and to get some discussion going. Throw out a little red meat, so to speak. :D

This subject material will certainly generate "red meat"! :D

You know, the whole world loves to take the piss out of America and Yanks (we're also called Septics in some circles) but I've noticed that when the tables are turned - man O man can you ever see the red-ass coming out! :D

:o No, but you red necks don't like it when the tables are turned do you. Go and read the Yank thread on this subject.

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"Why would football numb the brains of other expat nations? Most of them have it as their national game, it's just the Yanks that have to be different and play a bastardised version of rugby, and a pathetic, girly one at that. Why the need to wear all that padding? H3ll, without the cheerleaders and the poxy jingles throughout it must be difficult to have to endure a whole match. Aussie Rules is far more entertaining and streets ahead technically."

Rugby? Rugby?  I don't know about soccer but I can tell you about the orgins of rugby.  It became a routine around your king's suppertime.  He'd toss a bone out the window and you all would pounce.

:o Not bad for a septic actually.

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Someone recently sent this;


Love to watch sports on the idiot box.


Love to watch sports in stadiums so they can fight with other fans.


Prefer to actually engage in sports rather than watch them.


Spell words differently, but still call it "English."


Pronounce their words differently, but still call it "English" (of course;)


Spell like the Brits but pronounce rather like er, Canadians.


Are afraid to walk the street of their large cities at night.


Are unafraid to walk the streets of their cities.


Sensibly stay home at night instead of going out.


Tend to think that guns are very cool, and fun too.


Aren't quite sure how they work. Safer and easier to make them illegal.


Don't even allow their Bobbies to have em.


Have produced alot of the best "American" comedians.


Tend to think that these people are actually American!


Have produced many great comedians, but Americans ignore them because they don't understand subtle humour.


Seem to think that poverty & failure are morally suspect.


Seem to believe that wealth and success are morally suspect.


Seem to believe that wealth, poverty, success and failure are inherited.


Can be indignant about being mistaken for Americans when abroad.


Sometimes encourage being mistaken for Canadians when abroad.


Can't possibly be mistaken for anyone else when abroad.


Encourage immigrants to keep their old ways, and avoid assimilation.


Encourage immigrants to assimilate quickly, and dump their old ways.


Encourage immigrants to go to Canada or America. :o

Edited by bahtandsold
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A tough group of players because they don't wear pads? I think that's true. But heck, it's tradition man! Goes back to when they played naked. Bloody taxes! ...(Isn't that a rugby cheer?) :o

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somehow rather i knew someone will start this thread :D


So we've had Aussies, Yanks, and now Brits... :D

Gotta admit, TV is entertaining at times. :D

Whos next? Kiwis? Canadians? French?

I think the French have been done. Kiwis or Canadians?

Britain is possibly the world's most beautiful island ... but the food certainly ain't crap ...

Well, at least these comments are funny.

I don't think that the british are whingers.... it is just that we like to grumble a lot. We don't really take it to heart .. but other nationalities see it as whinging because that's what it would be in their country. Having a grumble is just a way of saying hello how are you. We will grumble about everything: weather too cold, or too hot; Americans; French; British; food, governments, tax, football, supermarkets, the cat, the goldfish, ... It's probably comparable to Thai's always talking about food.

This is mostly true, except for not taking it to heart. I love British humor, and I enjoy the company of many Brits. But at the same time, the English can be some of the most hateful, meanest ######s on the planet.

But, personally, when the Great Day comes, I would rather have my Karma calculated on the basis of the negative points earned for supporting Communism, than those earned by defending the wealthy who flee from paying taxes in the democratic country I call my own.

I despise those who support the half-brains who write diatribes denigrating so-called foreigners and immigrants in our Great British society.

And I loathe these pecuniary parasites who feel the need to criticise, in the vilest manner, those who have not been as fortunate as themselves.

Apart from that, I’m quite a nice guy, really.

Great post. I totally agree. I really do not understand people who villify genuine refugees. Unbelievable.

I could post the Unoin Jack but wouldn't want to be seeing as getting on my high horse...Illuminati

I had every right to put that flag up there and defend my country as everyone was coming down on Americans for senseless reasons beyond our control. Normally, you would never see me even talking about America at all, let alone defending it. As the times go on though, I will no longer tolerate people labeling me or my compatriots as war-mongers, conservative neo-cons, loud-mouthed and ignorant just because of a government that I have no control over and didn't vote for. If you have had personal problems with an American before then you had problems with a HUMAN BEING that just happened to be American. Where they were born has little to do with anything. All Americans are not how you are generalizing and I certainly am not.

You will never see me criticizing England or any other country for the many flaws that it may possess, and no matter which country you come from, it is flawed no matter what you say. What good is it going to do anyone to point out the things that you feel are negative about a place? Will it change anything? Hardly. If someone were to ask me about England, I would feel inclined to tell them about all the things I like about the place and not the things I don't like. I like how a majority of the English are well-mannered. I like how you have betting parlors everywhere and its not frowned upon. I like puddings very much. You see, it's not so hard to be positive is it?

If you want to be a negative jerk-off all your life than that's you perogative. If so, I still want you to kiss my Red, White and Blue A**!!!!!!!!!!!


What a typical yank! You've just proved the point to a tee that someone else made earlier about Yanks not being able to laugh at themselves. I have many American friends but it's the country's attitude as a whole that gets up the world's nose. Lighten up jerk-off! and in your own words you can kiss MY red, white and blue ass.

You see, the issue here, is that your comment was not funny or made in jest. It was just a mean-spirited jab which you then tried to pass off as humor. You have proven no point except for the fact that you enjoy bashing Americans. And you have proven this point by revealing your reasoning that Britian is one of the most beautiful islands in the world :D

*(Sorry to the Scots and Irish, which is why I have a problem applying everything to "Britain").

Oh christ, not her again :D

Just like to say this post used the "quotes" beautifuly. Well done. Seems to of reached the limit now :o

Edited by RamdomChances
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