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Why Do Limey Brits Live In Thailand

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Did you hear about the bigot who hates all things English? He makes a good living in the concreting business, because almost everything in the city depends on this industry. It’s just a pity that reinforced concrete was invented by W.B. Wilkinson in Newcastle, England.

Our bigot’s home uses electric power generated by steam turbines, which were invented by Sir Charles Parsons. Many of his home appliances use electric motors, which were invented by Londoner Michael Faraday. These range from vacuum cleaners, the invention of Englishman Hubert Booth, to sewing machines, invented by Englishman Charles Weisenhall back in 1755.

Not all of his appliances run on electric motors, though. There’s his microwave oven, based on the magnetron invented by Sir John Randall and Dr H A H Boot at Birmingham University. Or his modern central heating unit, designed by Englishman A H Barker. Even his TV set, the brainchild of Englishman Shelford Bidwell, while its production depended on the invention of the cathode-ray tube by London physicist Sir William Crookes.

All these things reminded our bigot too much of England, so he turned on his radio for news from some country more to his liking. It didn’t help much though, because he remembered that satellite radio transmitters are powered by fuel cells invented by the English chemist Francis T Bacon.

He thought of expressing his frustration by writing an angry letter. But it wouldn’t go anywhere without the postal system, created in London by Sir Rowland Hill. That is, unless he chose to send his letter by e-mail on a computer – the brainchild of Englishman Charles Babbage.

Our bigot briefly considered getting away from it all, flying off to some remote place with nothing to remind him of English genius. But then he recalled that modern jet aircraft engines were designed by English test pilot Sir Frank Whittle.

He decided to do some home chores. So he thought of washing the dishes – but his sink is stainless steel, invented by Englishman Sir Harry Brearly. And some of his utensils are made of plastic, the brainchild of Birmingham professor Alexander Parkes.

Desperate to avoid the brilliance of the English, he headed out of doors – passing on the way out his modern WC, designed by Londoner Alexander Cummings. The lawn was a bit overgrown because he couldn’t bring himself to use a lawn mower, originally designed by Edwin Budding of Gloucestershire. That’s why he scraped himself, and was briefly glad that his tetanus shots were up to date – until he remembered that immunisation was discovered by Dr Edward Jenner, another Gloucestershire man.

All this contact with things English might well give him a heart attack. It’s just as well that he’s been fitted with a cardiac pacemaker, the invention of English surgeon W H Walshe.

Perhaps by this stage our bigot is secretly wishing that he could have a transfusion of good Anglo-Saxon blood. Well, it can be arranged – thanks to James Blundell, who pioneered blood transfusions at Guy’s Hospital, London. But whether that would turn him into a creative Englishman is another question altogether.

nuff said!

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Desperate to avoid the brilliance of the English, he headed out of doors – passing on the way out his modern WC, designed by Londoner Alexander Cummings.

I thought the toilet was invented by a guy name Sir Thomas Crapper? :o:D

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Desperate to avoid the brilliance of the English, he headed out of doors – passing on the way out his modern WC, designed by Londoner Alexander Cummings.

I thought the toilet was invented by a guy name Sir Thomas Crapper? :o:D

Myth: Thomas Crapper invented the toilet.

Fact: No one in the know about Thomas Crapper would ever make this statement. In his research, Grabowski has created a detailed history of Crapper's business life. The man holds nine patents: Four for improvements to drains, three for water closets, one for manhole covers and the last for pipe joints. Every patent application for plumbing related products filed by Crapper made it through the process, and actual patents were granted.

The most famous product attributed to Thomas Crapper wasn't invented by him at all. The "Silent Valveless Water Waste Preventer" (No. 814) was a siphonic discharge system that allowed a toilet to flush effectively when the cistern was only half full. British Patent 4990 for 1819 was issued to a Mr. Albert Giblin for this product.

There are a couple of theories on how Thomas Crapper came to be associated with this device. First, is that Giblin worked for Crapper as an employee and authorized his use of the product. The second, and more likely scenario, says Grabowski, is that Crapper bought the patent rights from Giblin and marketed the device himself.

Cheers, :D

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Someone recently sent this;


Love to watch sports on the idiot box.


Love to watch sports in stadiums so they can fight with other fans.


Prefer to actually engage in sports rather than watch them.

. . .

:o Did you see this Revocation of the Declaration of Independence from a few years ago? If not read it and the reply:



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Could we please get one thing straight.

When speaking about Brits, Scottish and Welsh are included.

I think this thread should be about limey English.

Am I limey, being a Scot?

Am I a Pom?

When in Australia, most people tend to talk well about the Scots, same as the Yanks I meet.

Why would the English want to live here?

A better topic would be, "How do we keep the :o English from living here"!

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Could we please get one thing straight.

When speaking about Brits, Scottish and Welsh are included.

I think this thread should be about limey English.

Am I limey, being a Scot?

Am I a Pom?

When in Australia, most people tend to talk well about the Scots, same as the Yanks I meet.

Why would the English want to live here?

A better topic would be, "How do we keep the :o  English from living here"!


Sorry mate, I'm afraid that you're one of us :D

Taken from the Concise Oxford Dictionary 10th Edition:


· n. (pl. Limeys) N. Amer. & Austral., chiefly derogatory a British person.

– ORIGIN C19: from lime2 + -y1, because of the former enforced consumption of lime juice in the Brit. navy.

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Why would football numb the brains of other expat nations?

You're sitting in an international bar and the tellie is turned to something w/ at least a modicum of content, maybe just some headlines, and then suddenly--it's time for Barrow vs. Vauxhall Motors! The Brits in bar, who are in fact in the minority, somehow always manage to get the channel changed and duh! It just seems year-round, too.

Why the need to wear all that padding? H3ll, without the cheerleaders and the poxy jingles throughout it must be difficult to have to endure a whole match.

Obviously for the same reason that boxers wear gloves. It's rough as h e l l, a true "contact sport." Without padding, a player would have a very short career indeed. The best way for you to understand would be to see whether you can survive just one game yourself w/ some serious players while you are not wearing padding. :o

Part of the appeal of American football lies in the anticipation during a grinding phase and then finally being rewarded w/ some spectacular play that seems almost godlike. Of course, that play may never come :D, in which there's another game on another day eh.

Glad you appreciate the cheerleaders. Pity they can't go topless. Might get a bit cold though, stiffen up the silicone.

I'm with you on the poxy jingles. And advertising that piss water beer, too! But wasn't Paul McCartney on recently?

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Sorry mate, I'm afraid that you're one of us 

Taken from the Concise Oxford Dictionary 10th Edition:


· n. (pl. Limeys) N. Amer. & Austral., chiefly derogatory a British person.

– ORIGIN C19: from lime2 + -y1, because of the former enforced consumption of lime juice in the Brit. navy.

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Sorry, but it had to come. I know it's the wrong thread but I'll bung it in the Yank one as well in case someone misses it.

Top ten reason why Yanks live in Muang Thai:

Because half of their population is either in jail or loopy and they don’t want to get caught.

Because they think the Thais don’t mind their over-bearing, decibel crunching dribble and are unaware that they are cringing and thinking ‘get me outta here!’

They want the Thais to teach them how to add tones to their words because are sick of all sounding robotic and the same.

Fed up with having to tip large sums of Greenback for dire, predictable food and having to actually endure sitting next to another American.

Are astounded at the sheer quantity and quality of beer available here – Chang, Singha, Leo – compared with their own meagre offering.

Bored of Hip-hop, Grunge and Country & Western and find the Thai karaoke half-hour far more listenable.

Finally come to the conclusion how utterly boring and nonsensical their 3 main sports are and want to watch the premiership on UBC.

Because their history can be written on the back of a matchbox and they want to see what a real culture is like, not born out of convict musings.

Highly embarrassed by their country’s dealings with the rest of the world and live here under the guise of Canadians, while only showing their virtual faces on TV.

Oh, and last but not least, to get away from large females...or males.


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"How do we keep the :D  English from living here"!

Here's a good one, Jimmy; why don't you lot bugger off and leave us in peace? :D Jockstar's alright though because he's a star :o

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Why would football numb the brains of other expat nations?

Why the need to wear all that padding? H3ll, without the cheerleaders and the poxy jingles throughout it must be difficult to have to endure a whole match.

Obviously for the same reason that boxers wear gloves. It's rough as h e l l, a true "contact sport." Without padding, a player would have a very short career indeed. The best way for you to understand would be to see whether you can survive just one game yourself w/ some serious players while you are not wearing padding. :D

Part of the appeal of American football lies in the anticipation during a grinding phase and then finally being rewarded w/ some spectacular play that seems almost godlike. Of course, that play may never come :D, in which there's another game on another day eh.

Rugby Union and Rugby league players are able to survive without helmets :o

I can understand that yanks don't understand or like cricket, but why does a football game last for 4 hours?:D

Ice Hockey is good though :D

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Why would football numb the brains of other expat nations?

Why the need to wear all that padding? H3ll, without the cheerleaders and the poxy jingles throughout it must be difficult to have to endure a whole match.

Obviously for the same reason that boxers wear gloves. It's rough as h e l l, a true "contact sport." Without padding, a player would have a very short career indeed. The best way for you to understand would be to see whether you can survive just one game yourself w/ some serious players while you are not wearing padding. :D

Part of the appeal of American football lies in the anticipation during a grinding phase and then finally being rewarded w/ some spectacular play that seems almost godlike. Of course, that play may never come :D, in which there's another game on another day eh.

Rugby Union and Rugby league players are able to survive without helmets :o

I can understand that yanks don't understand or like cricket, but why does a football game last for 4 hours?:D

Ice Hockey is good though :D

i try to understand cricket, looks intresting, and i agree, football does take too long to play, thats why i enjoy the real football (i. e. UEFA) where a 90 minute games lasts just that 90 minutes

love hockey, played all my life (all 22 years :D )

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Sorry, but it had to come. I know it's the wrong thread but I'll bung it in the Yank one as well in case someone misses it.

Top ten reason why Yanks live in Muang Thai:

Because half of their population is either in jail or loopy and they don’t want to get caught.

Because they think the Thais don’t mind their over-bearing, decibel crunching dribble and are unaware that they are cringing and thinking ‘get me outta here!’

They want the Thais to teach them how to add tones to their words because are sick of all sounding robotic and the same.

Fed up with having to tip large sums of Greenback for dire, predictable food and having to actually endure sitting next to another American.

Are astounded at the sheer quantity and quality of beer available here – Chang, Singha, Leo – compared with their own meagre offering.

Bored of Hip-hop, Grunge and Country & Western and find the Thai karaoke half-hour far more listenable.

Finally come to the conclusion how utterly boring and nonsensical their 3 main sports are and want to watch the premiership on UBC.

Because their history can be written on the back of a matchbox and they want to see what a real culture is like, not born out of convict musings.

Highly embarrassed by their country’s dealings with the rest of the world and live here under the guise of Canadians, while only showing their virtual faces on TV.

Oh, and last but not least, to get away from large females...or males.


You are totally correct on all your points. Good for you! We Septics are the worst. We suck! We should have never been born! Great to hear your opinions. I wish I had never had a chance to be born. I've always wanted to be like you but alas.. Please tell me what I can do to improve myself. You are my muse and I will listen to anything you say because you remind me so much of another guy who hated others. hum.. what was his name..Hisler..Hister..oh yeah, Hitler. :o

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Sorry, but it had to come. I know it's the wrong thread but I'll bung it in the Yank one as well in case someone misses it.

Top ten reason why Yanks live in Muang Thai:

Because half of their population is either in jail or loopy and they don’t want to get caught.

Because they think the Thais don’t mind their over-bearing, decibel crunching dribble and are unaware that they are cringing and thinking ‘get me outta here!’

They want the Thais to teach them how to add tones to their words because are sick of all sounding robotic and the same.

Fed up with having to tip large sums of Greenback for dire, predictable food and having to actually endure sitting next to another American.

Are astounded at the sheer quantity and quality of beer available here – Chang, Singha, Leo – compared with their own meagre offering.

Bored of Hip-hop, Grunge and Country & Western and find the Thai karaoke half-hour far more listenable.

Finally come to the conclusion how utterly boring and nonsensical their 3 main sports are and want to watch the premiership on UBC.

Because their history can be written on the back of a matchbox and they want to see what a real culture is like, not born out of convict musings.

Highly embarrassed by their country’s dealings with the rest of the world and live here under the guise of Canadians, while only showing their virtual faces on TV.

Oh, and last but not least, to get away from large females...or males.


You are totally correct on all your points. Good for you! We Septics are the worst. We suck! We should have never been born! Great to hear your opinions. I wish I had never had a chance to be born. I've always wanted to be like you but alas.. Please tell me what I can do to improve myself. You are my muse and I will listen to anything you say because you remind me so much of another guy who hated others. hum.. what was his name..Hisler..Hister..oh yeah, Hitler. :o

Hey, c'mon, cheer up Popeye :D:D:D

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Sorry, but it had to come. I know it's the wrong thread but I'll bung it in the Yank one as well in case someone misses it.

Top ten reason why Yanks live in Muang Thai:

Because half of their population is either in jail or loopy and they don’t want to get caught.

Because they think the Thais don’t mind their over-bearing, decibel crunching dribble and are unaware that they are cringing and thinking ‘get me outta here!’

They want the Thais to teach them how to add tones to their words because are sick of all sounding robotic and the same.

Fed up with having to tip large sums of Greenback for dire, predictable food and having to actually endure sitting next to another American.

Are astounded at the sheer quantity and quality of beer available here – Chang, Singha, Leo – compared with their own meagre offering.

Bored of Hip-hop, Grunge and Country & Western and find the Thai karaoke half-hour far more listenable.

Finally come to the conclusion how utterly boring and nonsensical their 3 main sports are and want to watch the premiership on UBC.

Because their history can be written on the back of a matchbox and they want to see what a real culture is like, not born out of convict musings.

Highly embarrassed by their country’s dealings with the rest of the world and live here under the guise of Canadians, while only showing their virtual faces on TV.

Oh, and last but not least, to get away from large females...or males.


You are totally correct on all your points. Good for you! We Septics are the worst. We suck! We should have never been born! Great to hear your opinions. I wish I had never had a chance to be born. I've always wanted to be like you but alas.. Please tell me what I can do to improve myself. You are my muse and I will listen to anything you say because you remind me so much of another guy who hated others. hum.. what was his name..Hisler..Hister..oh yeah, Hitler. :o

Hey, c'mon, cheer up Popeye :D:D:D

Okay, maybe too serious! Jamesons works in mysterious ways. Imagine whirled peas. :D

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I moved away from the UK because i hated the way the politics were heading, i could no longer justify paying my(huge amount of) tax's into a system that supported war and murder in the name of oil for a certain country (note country not people) that i wont mention as of course that would be bashing and i wouldnt want to do that. I have had 15 years of great times in Thailand and as i had spent a good half of my adult life interacting and living in LOS it seemed the natural choice as a place to move too. Of course then i was totally unaware that there were as many idiots living here as there were back in UK... that is till i found TV... so now i feel right at home again listening to all the biggots from many countrys raving high and low on any subject they know little about. When i first found TV i thought great, some where to get information from, some where to exchange views. Now i consider it very much like a bad soap opp. There are of course many who would feel the urge to post more often if it were not for the fact that what ever you said wasn't going to be ripped apart, mis understood, understood but belittled etc etc. I remember the post where every one ripped into the back packers as if they were the lowest of the low, but believe me i would rather sit in a bar and talk to a BP who has a possitive outlook on what they are doing, naive but possitive on the whole, than sit in a bar full of expats who feel supperior to all, who's general experience tend to extend to little more than the bar and a job where they are payed 3-4 times the local rate and sit around stabbing everyone in the back.

Ok generalising aside, i dont care what country you come from, i dont care how you spell or pronounce a word, but for christ sake is it not possible that we all just relax enough to get on just long enough to kick the shit out of the French as a group? :o after all if it were not for the french the US would never have won its war of independance!

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I moved away from the UK because i hated the way the politics were heading, i could no longer justify paying my(huge amount of)  tax's into a system that supported war and murder in the name of oil for a certain country (note country not people) that i wont mention as of course that would be bashing and i wouldnt want to do that. I have had 15 years of great times in Thailand and as i had spent a good half of my adult life interacting and living in LOS it seemed the natural choice as a place to move too. Of course then i was totally unaware that there were as many idiots living here as there were back in UK... that is till i found TV... so now i feel right at home again listening to all the biggots from many countrys raving high and low on any subject they know little about. When i first found TV i thought great, some where to get information from, some where to exchange views. Now i consider it very much like a bad soap opp. There are of course many who would feel the urge to post more often if it were not for the fact that what ever you said wasn't going to be ripped apart, mis understood, understood but belittled etc etc. I remember the post where every one ripped into the back packers as if they were the lowest of the low, but believe me i would rather sit in a bar and talk to a BP who has a possitive outlook on what they are doing, naive but possitive on the whole, than sit in a bar full of expats who feel supperior to all, who's general experience tend to extend to little more than the bar and a job where they are payed 3-4 times the local rate and sit around stabbing everyone in the back.

Ok generalising aside, i dont care what country you come from, i dont care how you spell or pronounce a word, but for christ sake is it not possible that we all just relax enough to get on just long enough to kick the shit out of the French as a group?  :D after all if it were not for the french the US would never have won its war of independance!

here here :o:D:D

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Did you hear about the bigot who hates all things English? He makes a good living in the concreting business, because almost everything in the city depends on this industry. It’s just a pity that reinforced concrete was invented by W.B. Wilkinson in Newcastle, England.

Our bigot’s home uses electric power generated by steam turbines, which were invented by Sir Charles Parsons. Many of his home appliances use electric motors, which were invented by Londoner Michael Faraday. These range from vacuum cleaners, the invention of Englishman Hubert Booth, to sewing machines, invented by Englishman Charles Weisenhall back in 1755.

Not all of his appliances run on electric motors, though. There’s his microwave oven, based on the magnetron invented by Sir John Randall and Dr H A H Boot at Birmingham University. Or his modern central heating unit, designed by Englishman A H Barker. Even his TV set, the brainchild of Englishman Shelford Bidwell, while its production depended on the invention of the cathode-ray tube by London physicist Sir William Crookes.

All these things reminded our bigot too much of England, so he turned on his radio for news from some country more to his liking. It didn’t help much though, because he remembered that satellite radio transmitters are powered by fuel cells invented by the English chemist Francis T Bacon.

He thought of expressing his frustration by writing an angry letter. But it wouldn’t go anywhere without the postal system, created in London by Sir Rowland Hill. That is, unless he chose to send his letter by e-mail on a computer – the brainchild of Englishman Charles Babbage.

Our bigot briefly considered getting away from it all, flying off to some remote place with nothing to remind him of English genius. But then he recalled that modern jet aircraft engines were designed by English test pilot Sir Frank Whittle.

He decided to do some home chores. So he thought of washing the dishes – but his sink is stainless steel, invented by Englishman Sir Harry Brearly. And some of his utensils are made of plastic, the brainchild of Birmingham professor Alexander Parkes.

Desperate to avoid the brilliance of the English, he headed out of doors – passing on the way out his modern WC, designed by Londoner Alexander Cummings. The lawn was a bit overgrown because he couldn’t bring himself to use a lawn mower, originally designed by Edwin Budding of Gloucestershire. That’s why he scraped himself, and was briefly glad that his tetanus shots were up to date – until he remembered that immunisation was discovered by Dr Edward Jenner, another Gloucestershire man.

All this contact with things English might well give him a heart attack. It’s just as well that he’s been fitted with a cardiac pacemaker, the invention of English surgeon W H Walshe.

Perhaps by this stage our bigot is secretly wishing that he could have a transfusion of good Anglo-Saxon blood. Well, it can be arranged – thanks to James Blundell, who pioneered blood transfusions at Guy’s Hospital, London. But whether that would turn him into a creative Englishman is another question altogether.

nuff said!

mmm, You forgot cricket, cant play it but sure invented it :o

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Did you hear about the bigot who hates all things English? He makes a good living in the concreting business, because almost everything in the city depends on this industry. It’s just a pity that reinforced concrete was invented by W.B. Wilkinson in Newcastle, England.

Our bigot’s home uses electric power generated by steam turbines, which were invented by Sir Charles Parsons. Many of his home appliances use electric motors, which were invented by Londoner Michael Faraday. These range from vacuum cleaners, the invention of Englishman Hubert Booth, to sewing machines, invented by Englishman Charles Weisenhall back in 1755.

Not all of his appliances run on electric motors, though. There’s his microwave oven, based on the magnetron invented by Sir John Randall and Dr H A H Boot at Birmingham University. Or his modern central heating unit, designed by Englishman A H Barker. Even his TV set, the brainchild of Englishman Shelford Bidwell, while its production depended on the invention of the cathode-ray tube by London physicist Sir William Crookes.

All these things reminded our bigot too much of England, so he turned on his radio for news from some country more to his liking. It didn’t help much though, because he remembered that satellite radio transmitters are powered by fuel cells invented by the English chemist Francis T Bacon.

He thought of expressing his frustration by writing an angry letter. But it wouldn’t go anywhere without the postal system, created in London by Sir Rowland Hill. That is, unless he chose to send his letter by e-mail on a computer – the brainchild of Englishman Charles Babbage.

Our bigot briefly considered getting away from it all, flying off to some remote place with nothing to remind him of English genius. But then he recalled that modern jet aircraft engines were designed by English test pilot Sir Frank Whittle.

He decided to do some home chores. So he thought of washing the dishes – but his sink is stainless steel, invented by Englishman Sir Harry Brearly. And some of his utensils are made of plastic, the brainchild of Birmingham professor Alexander Parkes.

Desperate to avoid the brilliance of the English, he headed out of doors – passing on the way out his modern WC, designed by Londoner Alexander Cummings. The lawn was a bit overgrown because he couldn’t bring himself to use a lawn mower, originally designed by Edwin Budding of Gloucestershire. That’s why he scraped himself, and was briefly glad that his tetanus shots were up to date – until he remembered that immunisation was discovered by Dr Edward Jenner, another Gloucestershire man.

All this contact with things English might well give him a heart attack. It’s just as well that he’s been fitted with a cardiac pacemaker, the invention of English surgeon W H Walshe.

Perhaps by this stage our bigot is secretly wishing that he could have a transfusion of good Anglo-Saxon blood. Well, it can be arranged – thanks to James Blundell, who pioneered blood transfusions at Guy’s Hospital, London. But whether that would turn him into a creative Englishman is another question altogether.

nuff said!

mmm, You forgot cricket, cant play it but sure invented it :o

i know along with rugby, golf, football,badminton, tennis, table tennis, modern boxing, darts, hockey, billiards, rounders.

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know along with rugby, golf, football,badminton, tennis, table tennis, modern boxing, darts, hockey, billiards, rounders.

Wait a minute, golf was not invented by the English!

That's right! It were them "See You, Jimmies" from up north! :o

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know along with rugby, golf, football,badminton, tennis, table tennis, modern boxing, darts, hockey, billiards, rounders.

Wait a minute, golf was not invented by the English!

sorry, I thought the heading was 'limey Brits live in Thailand'!!!!!!!!! :o

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QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2005-05-06 22:05:17)


know along with rugby, golf, football,badminton, tennis, table tennis, modern boxing, darts, hockey, billiards, rounders.

Wait a minute, golf was not invented by the English!

sorry, I thought the heading was 'limey Brits live in Thailand'!!!!!!!!!

No worries mate.

Between us Brits we have made a few important inventions. Whisky, TV, Telephone etc etc.

Without these, I gues I wouldn't be posting this now, as there wouldn't have been a computer yet without us Scots!

Edited by Neeranam
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Kat, you are forgiven for your little quip on belittling Britain as a beautiful island, as being a Yank you probably don't even know where it is let alone knowing what it looks like. :D

You look too deeply into my post about your flag, i.e. tripxcore. Not every comment made about the States is America bashing but if you bash others, i.e. this prick sixpack, you have to expect it back.

Nice to talk to you again though :D

ps - Ireland is not and never was part of Britain, however NI is part of the UK :o,  although I suspect your rhetoric is aimed at dear ol' England.

No, I'm just in agreement that Ireland is a beautiful island. I've never been to Wales, so I don't like to make statements about which I know nothing about - unlike many others on this thread :D Bye-bye JackR.

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QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2005-05-07 15:24:41

sorry, I thought the heading was 'limey Brits live in Thailand'!!!!!!!!! [/quote)

No worries mate.

Between us Brits we have made a few important inventions. Whisky, TV, Telephone etc etc.

Without these, I gues I wouldn't be posting this now, as there wouldn't have been a computer yet without us Scots!

And I guess you should stress that without WHISKY you might not be posting this, to make a statement like the one above :D However, that is opening a whole other can of flame wars that has been done ad nauseam on this forum. But I do think that Scots in general get short shrift when it comes to credit in Britain.

As for dear ol' England JackR, I guess it's still dear, especially to Englishmen who think it is the center of every invention and country on "the Island".

Nice talking to you too :o But I'll stand by my offer to buy you a pint when I meet you.

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But I do think that Scots in general get short shrift when it comes to credit in Britain.

As for dear ol' England JackR, I guess it's still dear, especially to Englishmen who think it is the center of every invention and country on "the Island".

Nice talking to you too  :o  But I'll stand by my offer to buy you a pint when I meet you.

Oh I don't know, we may have said cheers to the Scots once for nicking their oil :D

You really are a darling, Kat; even after all this to and fro bashing...tongue-in-cheek of course. Definitely take you up on the pint. Are you in Bangers? Are you married? :D

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:o Thanks JackR. Sometimes I just feel like I'm in a Rodney King moment, you know, like, "why can't we all just get along?"

Anyway, what's a pint between friends, opponents, TV members, or a limey and a septic :D

No, I'm not married, and yes, I live in Bangers.

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Yes, we all seem to be jumping down each others' throats unnecessarily. I, for one, will try and make an effort to improve my virtual manners; mind you, having ol' Bruce in a not-too-happy mood as an avatar doesn't really set the scene for a happy conversation :D. I'll look for a smiley one.

I'm up north in CMai but may be down your neck of the woods sometime next week. If so, I'll give you a shout.

Take care

ps - I'm married but don't tell anyone :o

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