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Ideas For Farang Businesses In Chiang Mai


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Sawasdee Khrup, TV Friends,

We enjoy the recent, and still active thread, "Another One Bites the Dust" launched by Khun SansaiSam : Bites the Dust : here, but thought it might be interesting to also crowd-source our collective wisdom/brain-damage with some brainstomping about ideas for new businesses that might be particularly suitable for farangs living in Chiang Mai.

Perhaps Khun Vibe and the "Think Tank" could offer some ideas ?

So let's toss out a few :

1. combination garufa-rufa fish-nibble-leg salon with oxygen bar : start soon because peak demand may lie in the next few months as we all choke on either pollution or statistics.

2. body-body bungee-jump swinging massage : farang and choice of partner, in skin-tight vinyl suits oiled in coconut oil, are swung to and fro (while simultaneously being rotated, and turned end-over-end) in a great arc suspended above a lake from a height of a hundred meters or so; the finale of the massage is the farang is then bungee-dropped (the famous "happy ending"), and allowed to dangle in the air until the bill is paid.

3. homeless eco-touring : the farang can, for one day, live the life of a Chiang Mai "sailang," or refuse collector : peddling a three-wheeled contraption around and going through garbage. Includes a night in a cardboard shelter surrounded by mangy dogs.

We look forward to hearing your ideas.

best, ~o:37;

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Khun orang37,

Its too bad that you think its an amusing subject, when the reality is, a lot of Farang here are strugging to find a means to survive. Sad to see all that brain power of yours squandered on useless posts.


Farang here struggling to find a mean of survive should seriously re-consider their stay in Thailand. There is no social security here that could help them the way it would happen back home!

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not the reaction i guess orang was looking for, some folk on here are way too serious.

Yea it sounds like they are to full of them selfs. May be next season we will see them on the street corner ringing the bell. Ops forgot have to have a work permit for that. :)

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not the reaction i guess orang was looking for, some folk on here are way too serious.

Yeah, well, its a serious subject, as I do have friends that have to "watch their money", and some only have enough to survive for a set amount of time. I feel fortunate that I can stay here without any issues, but not everyone is in my position. I would like to see my friends thrive and succeed, as I am sure we all would.

it's only common sense anywhere in the world to watch the pennies, due diligence for anyone who starts a business here is top priority, with limited new opportunities in thailand, the gamble is extreme, if folk take that gamble. unfortunately it's rough and smooth, as it has been since the year dot.

so your friends who only have a set amount of money to survive, surely the consideration to live here under those circumstances must have been taken before they got here?

think very hard before you do it!

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Khun orang37,

Its too bad that you think its an amusing subject, when the reality is, a lot of Farang here are strugging to find a means to survive. Sad to see all that brain power of yours squandered on useless posts.


Farang here struggling to find a mean of survive should seriously re-consider their stay in Thailand. There is no social security here that could help them the way it would happen back home!

So, instead of someone pursuing a way to earn a living, you are suggesting that they return to their mother country to go on social assistance?? Wow, talk about smothering the life out of someone. When I was 20 years old, I arrive in Singapore and had $500 to live off of, this was 11 years ago. I stuck it out and then caught my break, and its been smooth sailing since. So to tell those that want to stay, to go "home" and be happy with welfare is a terrible thing to say, IMO.

I am always looking for ideas for the wife to earn extra income. At the moment she is a sponsor of Thia Visa, her company, Latex Innovations, sells 100% natural latex mattresses and toppers, as the beds here are way to hard for most Farang. She earns 10K-20K per month, but if she had 2 or 3 of these small businesses pulling in the same amount, she would then have a nice little river of funds coming in, and would be able to quite her "day job".

Ideas to earn income are all around, but to see them one sometimes needs help from others to see their own skill sets. One can not always see the forest through the trees....

You should read my post again!

And again someone struggling to find a mean to survive have serious questions to ask themselves! Or maybe the words you used (in bold letters) are too strong to describe the real situation!

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We live in a funny wee town, I know many Thai and farang owned businesses who had their best year yet last year...and of course those who didn't make it. It seems as though there were no rhyme nor reason. But, and I will probably get booed here, the businesses that I saw prosper were basicaly solid sound busineses based on good solid principals and not flash-in-the-pan types. Some bars did really well in spite of recession for instance by strategising, cutting costs well ahead of time, streamlining without culling quality and service. In my feild, for instance, look at one of my competitors, Compass, they did very well last year by the looks of thigns and I think its because they have a solid product. Other mags didn't fare so well. I am not being unfeeling towards though who suffered or failed - there are some industries which suffered because of reasons beyond their control, and I really do feel for them. I am just saying it is odd and very interesting to see who made it and why...good lessons to us all.

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not the reaction i guess orang was looking for, some folk on here are way too serious.

Yea it sounds like they are to full of them selfs. May be next season we will see them on the street corner ringing the bell. Ops forgot have to have a work permit for that. :)

Never seem to be let down by the level of ignorance here. People that have nothing good to say or add always try to bring others down. Pathetic.

The OP was having a laugh and un fortunately this thread got hijacked as happens so often by other self serving individuals. Some of you you need to take a chill pill. :D

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Khun orang37,

Its too bad that you think its an amusing subject, when the reality is, a lot of Farang here are strugging to find a means to survive. Sad to see all that brain power of yours squandered on useless posts.


Farang here struggling to find a mean of survive should seriously re-consider their stay in Thailand. There is no social security here that could help them the way it would happen back home!

So, instead of someone pursuing a way to earn a living, you are suggesting that they return to their mother country to go on social assistance?? Wow, talk about smothering the life out of someone. When I was 20 years old, I arrive in Singapore and had $500 to live off of, this was 11 years ago. I stuck it out and then caught my break, and its been smooth sailing since. So to tell those that want to stay, to go "home" and be happy with welfare is a terrible thing to say, IMO.

I am always looking for ideas for the wife to earn extra income. At the moment she is a sponsor of Thia Visa, her company, Latex Innovations, sells 100% natural latex mattresses and toppers, as the beds here are way to hard for most Farang. She earns 10K-20K per month, but if she had 2 or 3 of these small businesses pulling in the same amount, she would then have a nice little river of funds coming in, and would be able to quite her "day job".

Ideas to earn income are all around, but to see them one sometimes needs help from others to see their own skill sets. One can not always see the forest through the trees....

That"s a nice vibe you give here.thanks

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I am always looking for ideas for the wife to earn extra income. At the moment she is a sponsor of Thia Visa, her company, Latex Innovations, sells 100% natural latex mattresses and toppers, as the beds here are way to hard for most Farang.

Vibe did what all of us that need an income should do. He looked for a product that he could supply that was needed here and was not being supplied at a reasonable cost and brought it to our attention with excellent marketing skills.

There are so many services and products that no one bothers with so that they can open yet another 7/11 or lousy restaurant or coffee shop that is just not needed anymore.

I have one of Vibe's toppers and it is so good that I threw out my mattress - even though I have Rhumatoid Arthritis and am in constant pain with a normal mattress. Vibe is an inspiration to all of us looking to run a business here.

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Doppa, and Khun GotLost,

Thanks for your kind thoughts in your posts : but, not to worry; we would be in deep trouble, indeed, if we had any expectations that launching a post would lead to any type of outcome on TV CM. For us, that's part of the "fun," : that not knowing whether your "baby" will turn out to have gills, wings, or scales.

We do believe a sense of humor will get you through times of small money, better than small money will get you through a time of no sense of humor, but that's just our belief. Your mileage may vary.

Be happy ! We love you ! Nisaragadatta wrote : ""Wisdom tells me I am nothing; love tells me I am everything : between the two, my life flows."

best, ~o:37;

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There are threads that start low where the level of discourse goes steadily further down. Then there are threads meant to be frivolous and fun where the level of discourse goes up—right up the arse.

I didn't know you could get away with arse on thai visa :) one to remember

I've inadvertently discovered that you can trip up American software by using English.

Quick! before they rectify it...arse, arse, arse, arse...

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Farang here struggling to find a mean of survive should seriously re-consider their stay in Thailand. There is no social security here that could help them the way it would happen back home!

100% with you all the way on that.

One business idea I came up with some time ago was a beigel bar.

Small permises coffee bar sort of place, that serve beigels with all types of fillings and perhaps a beigel takeaway.

I think it would be a roaring success providing that the bakers had the expertise to be able to bake the beigels in the correct way.

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Bagels will sell, but Bake and Bite has decent ones as does Art Cafe. Also, Art cafe/Deecheeso cream cheese is not bad in my opinion, although I'm not crazy about some of their other cheeses.

I do think that a shop that specialized in bagels would do well though, if the bagels were better quality than what is available already, that would help a lot.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Well I thought the OP was funny! I must be in a good mood today :)

My suggestion for a business: set up a social club for foreigners living in the city and wannabees. You can make money from organizing events for them and also selling services such as insurance, travel opportunities, real estate, legal services, household and gardening services, medical care etc to your members........ sweet! The key to success is to make sure everyone thinks it's a club rather than a business :D

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not the reaction i guess orang was looking for, some folk on here are way too serious.

Yeah, well, its a serious subject, as I do have friends that have to "watch their money", and some only have enough to survive for a set amount of time. I feel fortunate that I can stay here without any issues, but not everyone is in my position. I would like to see my friends thrive and succeed, as I am sure we all would.

It is not easy to start a busniness in Thailand. Firstly you have to do/make something that people need, and are willing to pay a decent price for. 

Then it's all the paperwork and bureaucracy it takes to get it registered. It is very time-consuming and expensive. You have to rent premises from where to run the business, help from lawyers, accountants etc. Then you have to do the marketing, at that is also quite expensive. Then it takes time, before the company is known, and start to make some money.

My wife have started two business the last few years. On each, she has spent about 1 million Baht, before she made her first profit, after about 6-8 months. ((URL's removed per forum rules))

It is not easy, but of course I wish you friends all the luck, and I hope they have success.

Edited by lopburi3
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I work in Washington DC and there is a tour company called DC Ducks. They drive you around in an old military duck and part of the tour is via the river. Could do the same in CM or any place with a large body of water next to it or running through it.

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not the reaction i guess orang was looking for, some folk on here are way too serious.

Yeah, well, its a serious subject, as I do have friends that have to "watch their money", and some only have enough to survive for a set amount of time. I feel fortunate that I can stay here without any issues, but not everyone is in my position. I would like to see my friends thrive and succeed, as I am sure we all would.

oh gawd almighty.

so just because people in your circle of influence are on struggle street the rest of us should make sure the world is bereft of any humour.

let us know when they gave moved up in the food chain so we can break out the happy faces.

as if you and your struggling friends are the only ones who have ever done it tough.

gawd a bet it is a fun filled sunday afternoon picnic with you lot.

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