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Why Are Thais And Expats Still In The Dark Ages?


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The technology and ideas exist to make Thailand (and the world) a much better place, but we seem to be perpetually " stuck " in the DARK AGES..WHY IS THIS??? is it ALL about $$$ ???

a few examples..

We know pesticides are bad, yet thousands of tons of it are used in LOS and everywhere..the result?...Bees are disappearing at an alarming rate, and Alziemers and cancer in Thailand is accelerating to unprecedented levels..

solution?? buy (and produce) organic foods

We know land mines are bad.. yet millions of them are still being made world wide.. the result?.. to the east of LOS, in Cambodia, the artificial limb businesses are booming

solution?? make love not war

We know the death penalty does not decrease murders in LOS..

solution?? no idea..

We know millions of Thais go basically uneducated, and is this acceptable in today's world??

solution?? share the wealth??

We know....

solution ??

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Historically, and up to present day, the ills of the world {and blame} fall upon the Euro-Christian civilisations. Simple really - not difficult to decipher. :)

Yup just about all of em.

Yep the Whole World can blame Euro-Christian civilization for all that is bad in the World

including but to name a few Electric, Medicine, Light, Combustion Engine, Education, Chemicals, Booze, Cigs, Democracy, Clothes Fasion, and of course Nuclear power, which will also be coming to Thailand soon :D , near to Hu Hin i believe. Any other nasty things the Christian civilization brought upon the World? Oh almost forgot la Plastic Bag and 711. One question I do ask myself is why did the Christian civilization advance at such a fast pace compared to the rest of the World and was it really a good thing? Watching a program about hill tribes the other day and my wife asked, could you live like that? My answer, we all used to live like that so if we knew no better yes.

Could you live like that?

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Imagine what your daily routine would be like without the advancements of the euro Christian cultures.

Thai Visa by paid runners, or smoke signals. Life expectancy of about 40 years, most of your teeth missing, and neither you or your missus would be using soap.

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='Huey' date

post='Yeah and in space no one can hear you fart, so whats the point of this rant ?

Exactly... :)

Is that where all the Thai ladies hang out , heard a rumour they never fart , guess they just move into their own small 'Space ' , sssshhhhhhh .

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Historically, and up to present day, the ills of the world {and blame} fall upon the Euro-Christian civilisations. Simple really - not difficult to decipher. :)

Yup just about all of em.

Yep the Whole World can blame Euro-Christian civilization for all that is bad in the World

including but to name a few Electric, Medicine, Light, Combustion Engine, Education, Chemicals, Booze, Cigs, Democracy, Clothes Fasion, and of course Nuclear power, which will also be coming to Thailand soon :D , near to Hu Hin i believe. Any other nasty things the Christian civilization brought upon the World? Oh almost forgot la Plastic Bag and 711. One question I do ask myself is why did the Christian civilization advance at such a fast pace compared to the rest of the World and was it really a good thing? Watching a program about hill tribes the other day and my wife asked, could you live like that? My answer, we all used to live like that so if we knew no better yes.

Could you live like that?

I might remind you that nearly every one of those items listed above have their origins from non-western cultures and extended to the world. It is curious to observe the conditioned Eurocentric model of comparatives and superlatives as it is seen though social science indoctrination, for if you were to explore what Euro-Western contributions and influence towards world history and world civilisations, you'll find that such Occidental chapters will be way down on the list. Humility would be a better tact, as illusion is so unbecoming.

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I might remind you that nearly every one of those items listed above have their origins from non-western cultures and extended to the world.

Let's put that to the test shall we:

Electricity- Absolutely Western (Franklin and Voltaire) discovery - and without a doubt mathematically and physically described (and hence turned into a technology) by Western scientists - Voltaire, Watt etc

Medicine - A global discovery found in all cultures across all ages - However the scientific analysis of Medicines is a Western development that allows for the properties (beneficial and otherwise) together with the efficacy and repeatability of medicines to be determined - Incidentally demonstrating the wisdom of many 'global traditional medicines' while destroying the myths around others.

Light - The Discovery of the basic physical properties of light was first made by the Ancient Greeks (Reference Ptolemy's books on optics), the Muslim scientist Alhazan developed the first lenses, and Bacon/Newton provided the mathematical descriptions of light, turning science into a technology. - A western Discovery, with a bit of Muslim input but finished off with solid scientific and technological development by a couple of Brits.

Combustion Engine Invented by Francois Isaac de Rivaz - He was Swiss - A Westerner!

Education Education is a wold wide phenomena (for example learning a skill is an education) - but if we say, University Education then the first recorded University is the University of Athens - Western. The first recorded schools are also Greek, but even these days school might not be an education.

Chemicals Chemicals have been used globally across all cultures since the dawn of time - However the development of Chemistry as a Science that can define chemical reactions (predict the existence of the Elements and Design Chemicals) is a western development - Robert Boyle.

Booze - Global

Cigs - Native Americans (technically Westerners)

Democracy - Greek - Western

Clothes Fashion - Global -

Nuclear power - European Discoveries developed into Energy Technology in the UK and US - Western!

It is curious to observe the conditioned Eurocentric model of comparatives and superlatives as it is seen though social science indoctrination, for if you were to explore what Euro-Western contributions and influence towards world history and world civilisations, you'll find that such Occidental chapters will be way down on the list. Humility would be a better tact, as illusion is so unbecoming.

It's curious to see how anti their own culture some people can be in their efforts to demonstrate their credentials as deserving inhabitants on the other side of the Bamboo Curtain from where they started life.

zzaa09, has stated - "nearly every one of those items listed above have their origins from non-western cultures and extended to the world" - In actuality most have their origins in the West and of those that do not, all are global discoveries as much from the West as from anywhere else - Absolutely non are from Thailand.

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I wish Asia would stop trying to emulate the west..

eg: ladies wanting to look 'whiter"

eg: fast food, therefore fat Asians which you hardly saw before

Chinese all want cars, but they say you would need 3 worlds to sustain the ecological footprint of the "west"

..maybe the "dark ages" were not so bad after all..after all.. on this earth today MANY undoubtably feel they are still in " the dark ages".. just look at some of the poor, bare- footed folks on BBK streets, with feet as black as coal..

signed: any solutions??

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Why are expats always in the dark ages you ask? The simple answer is because they are <deleted>. I've recently been taught to take a NEW approach on life. Always look at the negative point of view. It's much easier being a jerk than trying to be nice to people.

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I think your post is rather simplistic.

Pesticides are bad...and good, or aren't you aware of crop pestilence and spoilage? What's your evidence that Alzheimers in Thailand is spreaking at "unprecedented levels" or that it's related to pesticides?

Landmines are bad...as is all war. So I suppose we should have just let the Nazis and Japanese take over the world back in the 1940s. And Cambodia and genocide? War is mean and nasty...and sometimes the only way out.

The death penalty is something I have gone back and forth on several times during my lifetime. Some punishment is designed to be a deterrent, and some is just designed to punish. It's a moral issue and there is no totally easy answer to the issue. I have heard more than one person who is anti-death penalty say that there are -- of course -- exceptions.

Millions of Thais "go basically uneducated", or just not educated in the same way that your are used to in your country? Well, how much wealth have you willingly shared? Given any large contributions to any Thai schools?

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I wish Asia would stop trying to emulate the west..

eg: ladies wanting to look 'whiter"

eg: fast food, therefore fat Asians which you hardly saw before

Chinese all want cars, but they say you would need 3 worlds to sustain the ecological footprint of the "west"

..maybe the "dark ages" were not so bad after all..after all.. on this earth today MANY undoubtably feel they are still in " the dark ages".. just look at some of the poor, bare- footed folks on BBK streets, with feet as black as coal..


Again, very simplistic.

What is this obsession that farang have about Thais wanting to look lighter skinned? How is it any different than the tanning salons and creams used by whites in the west?

And the rest of the world shouldn't be allowed to eat fast food. Kind of reminds me of all the tree-huggers in the U.S. who are raring to save the rain forest in South America, but wouldn't be willing to give up their lifestyles to reestablish forested areas in the U.S. They seem to forget that the rain forest does equal poverty for millions.

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I might remind you that nearly every one of those items listed above have their origins from non-western cultures and extended to the world.

"..Let's put that to the test shall we:.."

I'll put in my 2 satangs...Thomas Crapper.. inventor of the toilet, from England

signed: figures

ps. gunpowder.. invented in China

signed: Ouch

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Why are expats always in the dark ages you ask? The simple answer is because they are <deleted>. I've recently been taught to take a NEW approach on life. Always look at the negative point of view. It's much easier being a jerk than trying to be nice to people..

you're pulling our legs..you are positive and well adjusted, and I am killing time in farang land..

signed: <deleted> are everywhere, and so are the nice guys than own them

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"..I think your post is rather simplistic.

Pesticides are bad...and good, or aren't you aware of crop pestilence and spoilage? What's your evidence that Alzheimers in Thailand is spreaking at "unprecedented levels" or that it's related to pesticides?.."

I agree..this is not one of my finer moments..not that I have ANY..however i recently read about the link between pesticide use and Alzeimers, and it SEEMS to ring true..as does pecticide use and the demise of billions of bees. Of course we cannot believe everything we read.

signed: mai looo

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