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Exploding Mobil Phones


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The Thai wife just heard from 4 separate unrelated sources that people have died....... 4 in Chiang Rai and elsewhere when their phone rings and caller has 11 numbers, then something triggers a 'zzz ray?' and the victim literally fries.

I find it hard to believe and tell her that if it were true, then the smart readers of thaivisa will know.....is it true?? or just another urban legend??

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‘Devil Calls’ Cause Exploding Phones

Status: Insane rumor

Panic has struck mobile phone users in India as word spreads of "devil calls" that cause your phone to explode: "People started turning off their handsets after a rumour swept Orissa state of phones exploding like bombs killing their owners when they answered the calls. The random "devil calls" supposedly started Sunday from phones with 11 to 14 digit numbers instead of the regular 10, said an official from India's state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam phone company."

Obviously the rumor is completely bogus, but the theory of the general manager of the phone company in the area is interesting. He speculates that the 'devil call' rumor "could be the handiwork of vested interests to subsequently market anti-virus software for mobile phones." Sounds plausible. (I've never used anti-virus software because it seems to cause more computer problems than viruses themselves do... though I use a Mac, so viruses aren't a big issue.)

I also recall that almost the exact same rumor swept through Nigeria back in July 2004. Somehow it travelled from Nigeria to India.


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The lad just go back from school with the same tale. The teachers warned all the kids and the bride saw it on the news as well. She is convinced that "20 up die in Lampang/Lamphun" :)

From what I understand, the radio news is playing it up like it is the real deal, not an urban hoax. Hopefully the Nation, BKK Post, and the TV News can get everyone back on an even keel.

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It seems that the rumor [or at least the northern branch of it] started in Chiang Rai and is spreading like wildfire all over the north. have heard it from at least 6 or 7 sources and our kids even came home with it. maybe they will slow down their yacking for a while and save me thb.

The first one that wife heard was that the numbers come thru in red......"I have an old fashioned black and white, so I'm safe"....i tells her, but she says 'no matter, it will turn red".

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Yep, had a call from a Thai friend who lives in Phuket - "don't answer your phone if the call is from anyone you don't know - it could be a bomb". I asked how someone i don't know could have planted a bomb in my phone. Didn't get an answer i could understand.

Edited by Netfan
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My wife has received a phone call from her mother/sister/family saying that there are 4 numbers all beginning with 08333 and holding 11 digits. The phone goes red if you answer it and it causes the recipient to have a stroke. Absolutely adamant that this is true. Urban myth? Stupid rumour? Fact?

Edited by ianf
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Well , most of you are out to lunch on this phone thing , I can remember very explicitally having a phone explode all over the apartment .

I had been trying for what seemed like hours to call my then GF whilst sitting in my apartment on Sukumvit soi 22 , the lines to Cambodia were clogged and all I kept getting was the busy signal . I was about half way through my bottle of Sang-Som , so it was still half full , I had placed the phone on the bed whilst I poured myself more of my favourite tranquiliser , just started to add the c/cola and the phone rang , I dropped the bloody coke and it wooshed all across the floor , picked up the phone and some strange voice echoed in my ear , honest to goodness , it exploded all over the place when it hit the wall with a resounding THWACK .

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i heard it only affects dtac and true users

That's not correct. It's only the Apple iphone and only affects True customers who have missed a payment.

Edited by Gary A
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There have been several reported cases of exploding mobile phones, but the cause was identified as a faulty (and sub-standard copy) battery which had short-circuited itself.


This seems to be close to the truth.

I've been warned a few times not to buy cheap mobiles or mobile batteries.

The problem is how to recognize a faulty battery,paying more is not a guarantee of good quality.

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So its confirmed that phones have exploded?

and its confirmed that people have died?

or is this still speculation?

I might stop carrying the phone in my front trouser pocket with the auto answer turned on... I used to think it was funny when people would talk to my old chap until I could get the phone out and to my ear... not phoney (sic) if the phone blew off my old chap, not in the good way... :)

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