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'done' With Thailand And Locals But Not Wanna Leave Or Even 'stucked Here' ?

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Manila you sound like you need a vacation. Just 3 weeks outta here & I am good for a year.It keeps your attitude on the upside & gets you away from the pitfalls of another country. When you get back you will see things in a new light.

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Manila you sound like you need a vacation. Just 3 weeks outta here & I am good for a year.It keeps your attitude on the upside & gets you away from the pitfalls of another country. When you get back you will see things in a new light.

My cure is to take a trip...anywhere. Maybe someplace you might want to move to. After you scope out this new place...you realize...theres NO PLACE LIKE THAILAND !!!! :)

I can only explain from MPOV but I hope this brings a spring to your step after you have thought long a hard.

1 I am from the UK and when I first left the UK to go live in the US, then China now Thailand I hated every place I moved to and in some ways I do not like Thailand even now after living her for near to 10 years. What made me stay here was work and foremost my future wife. As I met her I was on my way back to the UK, Thailand had just got under my skin too much. What I learned in the forthcoming years was, where you live and your lifestyle is the people around you, friends family, work mates etc.

2 Western work ethics are so important to keep.

The day I left the west for the east, and this was worse in some parts of southern China and Thailand, the work ethic is just.... well there is not one. All sabai sabai, I am not trying to post that this is bad, it is just the way it is, but it is not my work ethic. I still work 10 hours a day but now errr in doors is next to me and we share the burden and have fun doing it. I have seen many a good man fall here and to stop this it is paramount you keep your original work ethic. Thailand is a wonderful country with equally wonderful people, you just need to see through some of the less natural things for us, that most Thai's seem to do as we are 2 different people and very different countries.

3 I would have no problem moving back to the UK tomorrow, asking me to move back to the US or China would have to involve a really big pay packet but I still would. As for the UK I would move back with the same money as I make here in Thailand no problems and I would be just as happy. Due to my work I have to talk to many expats and huge numbers of them sound like prisoners in Thailand as they feel that where they come from is so bad and they just can not go back but they hate so much about Thailand. It seems sad to me. I love my country and I left for work only.

I only hear people pointing out the bad things of there home country and the good of here and as time moves on the bad of here. Let's try it the other way around.

Thailand: Incredible heat mixed withing near to underwater levels of humidity.

UK: Cool Autumn mornings with lavish reds and browns on the trees clean crisp air that when you take a deep breath you can feel it move through your lungs.

Thailand: Rancid sweet cheap bread.

UK: Wonderful cottage loves with a bitter slightly burnt area at the bottom, with a yeasty malty flavor.

Thailand: Worst bottle beer in the world next to the US

UK: Massive selections of cask condition ales with 1000's of flavors and smells.

Thailand: Strawberries that are more expensive than liquid gold and are like sour bon's bon's from a local sweet shop.

UK: Big soft sweet bags of fruitiness that when you walk up a country path you can pick of the tree's for free.

Thailand: Wine that is more expensive than UK gasoline and that tastes near the same.

UK: Wine from around the world and good prices and amazing flavors.

I could write a book like this.

Every country has something amazing to offer you, it is just that you have to know what you like and take advantage of it.

American beer worse than Thai? Such a slam to poor USA and a gross over-generalization. Maybe American "water beers", such as Bud & a few others. But, in America you can find a multitude of good locally produced micro brews and hundreds of imports, which are unavailable in Thailand.

I do agree about the strawberries & the wine. USA strawberries, in the supermarket, same, same as Thailand, unless you live next to the farm.

Strawberries don't grow on trees.

He didnt say they did if you read him carefully

He mentioned strawberries but then went on to talk about fruit.

Hardly worth your kind of riposte


Western work ethics are so important to keep

God. What a depressing thing to read. How many people lie on their death-bed saying "I wish I'd spent more time in the office"? Not many, I'd imagine. Relax. Get high. Get pissed. Ordain. Marry a lady-boy. Become a peasant farmer. Write a novel. Whatever. But don't don't don't keep working for the sake of working. That's a fuc_king terrible curse to be under.

The reason you think it is depressing is because you never learned to "play for a living."

By that I mean doing something (working) that makes you so excited and energized that you would do it even if you were not paid to do it.

Rarely do people make career choices based on that.

And that is why so many of us end up in dull professions and can't wait to "retire."

Some people--a lucky few--actually love what they are doing and never want to retire.

Work = play for them.

Yeah - it's really amazing to think of people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc. - they have all the money in the world, yet they keep working every day. Just think about that! It means they actually enjoy their work more than taking a non-stop trip around the world, staying in 5-star hotels and resorts everywhere they go, eating in the best restaurants, dating the cutest honeys...

Life really seems cruel - you either truly have it all, like those guys, or else you could be utterly miserable, caught in a catch-22 of wanting to be wealthy so you don't have to work, because you can't think of any work you wouldn't hate.

Is it really a choice? It doesn't seem like it. Seems a lot more like luck to me. Or fate, or destiny or whatever.


and tiger woods is really happy??

dumbnewbie, i see ua re still in the grass is greener mode "))

gernontian, :))

btw, here on kibbutz we have several artists of national and one of international fame; but daily, they work in dull boring jobs; reason being , they have to support themselves and us as a community, but they dont take on fun exciting jobs that demand lots of hours or emotional energy. they do work work, and work that allows them to self regulate their hours (yes, even dishwashing/ athgouh laundry is the best cause u can work from 4:00am and finish with plenty time to do art stuff); so doing a boring office job is for the bucks, free time is for fun stuff.

am doing that now. i work in a kitchen, the most strenous thing i do is peel potatoes, work my hours, fun group of people- a very important thing to me-, but when i go home, id ont have to worry about fi a cabbage will give birth at night, or the yams will be stolen. i go home with a clean mind, did my work, no worries. its a bit wiierd after doing 7 years of 24/7/365 with animals which ,for me, was my life/hobby/career. wouldnt know what to do if i retired thought...

get used to living as 'poor' so that when u do buy something 'luxury' u really feel it is that: luxurious. being jaded, all the honey style of living , in the end u also pay a price (how do u know bill gates is really happy?

and yes, its choice. u choose your path in every step u take. u choose to continue or stop everytime something happens. it may be luck that u get a sum of money but it is choice what u do with it... choose your friends wisely; (choose right friends, those that dont cause u to get sucked under or make poor choices), live moderately....

and brush your teeth at least three times a day :D)



Over the last 30 years in London, my neighbours never even spoke with each other, all keeping themselves to themselves.

The odds were higher at being mugged by neighbours rather than receiving a good morning or would you like to come in for a cup of tea and a chat.

Over the years most of my white neighbours had either died or moved on, probably immigrating to Thailand and replaced by blacks and Indians. So most of my neighbours were foreigners, anyway.

I too yearn for home, but that was thrown into the dustbin of history long ago.

If I had a time machine and it became possible to travel back to my London of the 1960s, I`d be gone in a flash, but of course that`s not possible and in this case, the grass is browner on the other side.

I`ll stick with good old Thailand for now.


Your perception has probably changed since you've got 10 years older......different priorities now. I've only been here 3 years, I may slip into the "manillalover" torpor after 10 years...who knows?. Time to move on ole san.

get used to living as 'poor' so that when u do buy something 'luxury' u really feel it is that: luxurious. being jaded, all the honey style of living , in the end u also pay a price (how do u know bill gates is really happy?

Excellent point, and one that I wish more people would consider when complaining about living in Thailand.

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