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Child Abuse And Sex Assaults In Thailand On The Rise


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In my wife’s family are two rape victims of incidents happening within one month in a small village in Isan.

A retarded 11 year old girl was lured to the house of a 70 year old man and brutally raped. She was bleeding like a pig in a slaughterhouse. The family took the girl to the nearest hospital, insisting that the practicing doctor secure DNA samples. The girl identified the rapist on several occasions with the police. She also identified the house where the crime took place. She is definitely not capable to construct a story like this. This was certified by the family’s doctor.

The sad outcome:

The doctor at the hospital did not take DNA samples, even though this is mandatory in a rape case with a minor involved! She insisted she was not asked for that...

The old man denied the crime. Hence, the police don’t bother anymore.

The son of the rapist threatened the family to sue them for defamation unless an exorbitant sum is paid…

Horrible stuff. Similar thing happened to my wife's aunt, 40 years old, and developmentally disabled. No help from hospital. Police wanted 20k up front before they'd act. Nothing happened. Village justice was meted out several months later. Along with a severe beating the guilty man was ostracized completely from the village in which he was born and raised. He killed himself a month after his beatdown.

I can't say I approve of the violent and brutal way this was handled by the young men of the village, but I can certainly understand how and why it happened.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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why cant certain things be banned online..............chat rooms for one,pornography of any kind another.There is nothing wrong with some censorship.Yes i know "but where do you draw the line" press freedom should not be unlimited in my opinion,especially where there is obvious harm to young people.

You sir are crazy according to me.

Nothing wrong with porn or chat, its not forced upon anyone. You dont get it without searching for it and even then its says you have to be 18 to enter a site. Usually young people don't get confronted with porn online unless they are searching for it. Its like buying alcohol illegal its forbidden but we don't ban all alcohol because some minors get it while it is illegal.

sorry robblok but I think here its you who is wrong? Children have way to easy access to porn sides in the internet! Remember when you was 14 or 16? honestly, in that age, if I have to make a decision if CLICKING YES or NO, I will have pressed the YES I AM 18 button.

Porn get sicker and sicker these days, when I was young the good old style was ok to watch. But today every women has to be shaved and do a_nal, its not normal to me anymore!

I was in High 5 a friendfinder webpage, just to check it out. There are young girls aged in their bio 14-16 years old from Thailand, posing in Bras and underwear, I bet they are easy targets for someone who can chat with them nicely and I wish they will be more educated in shools about the risks of that.

I doubt that the parents can control the kids, specially in Thailand. Kids which have a PC at home normally have hard working parents and they are just too busy or to ignorant to watch.

Education starts with the parents I honestly doubt there is any form of sex education in Thaischools

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In my wife's family are two rape victims of incidents happening within one month in a small village in Isan.

A retarded 11 year old girl was lured to the house of a 70 year old man and brutally raped. She was bleeding like a pig in a slaughterhouse. The family took the girl to the nearest hospital, insisting that the practicing doctor secure DNA samples. The girl identified the rapist on several occasions with the police. She also identified the house where the crime took place. She is definitely not capable to construct a story like this. This was certified by the family's doctor.

The sad outcome:

The doctor at the hospital did not take DNA samples, even though this is mandatory in a rape case with a minor involved! She insisted she was not asked for that...

The old man denied the crime. Hence, the police don't bother anymore.

The son of the rapist threatened the family to sue them for defamation unless an exorbitant sum is paid…

Cannot imagine a father not taking matters into his own hands in a situation like this, and

removing the offending appendage from the dirty old man.

This is why I want anything written down. The parents should have asked the doctor to order to take a DNA Sample in written form. Word of Mouth is not good enough. The old Guy may have made a higher donation to some "higher" people.

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In my wife's family are two rape victims of incidents happening within one month in a small village in Isan.

A retarded 11 year old girl was lured to the house of a 70 year old man and brutally raped. She was bleeding like a pig in a slaughterhouse. The family took the girl to the nearest hospital, insisting that the practicing doctor secure DNA samples. The girl identified the rapist on several occasions with the police. She also identified the house where the crime took place. She is definitely not capable to construct a story like this. This was certified by the family's doctor.

The sad outcome:

The doctor at the hospital did not take DNA samples, even though this is mandatory in a rape case with a minor involved! She insisted she was not asked for that...

The old man denied the crime. Hence, the police don't bother anymore.

The son of the rapist threatened the family to sue them for defamation unless an exorbitant sum is paid…

In a second case, just about 3 weeks later, a 16 year old girl was drugged at a party at a neighbor's family house and later brought to a different location. Here she was raped by a 16 year old boy and his friend. The rapist later admitted the crime and had the guts to approach the victim's family saying: in favor for not reporting the rape to the police he would be willing to marry the girl…

Who would like to have his daughter married to a 16 year old rapist?

None of the villagers is taking any position against the rapists, it's just business as usual. What the heck is wrong with these guys? If a society lacks all necessary to run a village according to some basic human norms, how do you expect them to run a country?

No need to say that all this is in no way related to the internet. The call for censorship needs a little more substance, I think.

This sems more likely than date rape on chatlines.Human rights are not at the top of this list in many villages,the same as most 3rd world areas of the world

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I would be infinitely more worried about my kids being fiddled with by the middle aged bloke next door than arranging a date on the internet.

Banning chat rooms is definitely not the answer. What happened to "never go alone to meet anyone from a chat room" and all the other kind of logical ways to protect oneself. Girls should know better than to interact and go to meet complete strangers. I don't suppose that your average teenage boy is some kind of sadistic rapist, but if he strikes up conversation with a teenage girl in a chatroom, and he asks her to meet him in a dark alley, who is being dumb here.

The societal issues of underage sex and protection are such taboo subject in this country, that the debate is already on 4th base (so to say) when they are debating internet chat rooms, when the reality is that half the 16 year olds in the country wouldn't even know how to use a condom or in any way think that possibly a girl has the right to say no. The legal system doesn't provide the necessary protections as mentioned in other posts either.

But, oooooooh, the big nasty internet is corrupting our youth whilst the nations daughters swing around poles. Am I the only one wondering about priorities here?

I would believe that 75% of the rapes that occur in this country are to women who know their assailants just like in the rest of the world, and that the internet has almost no influence on the statistics.

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why cant certain things be banned online..............chat rooms for one,pornography of any kind another.There is nothing wrong with some censorship.Yes i know "but where do you draw the line" press freedom should not be unlimited in my opinion,especially where there is obvious harm to young people.

You sir are crazy according to me.

Nothing wrong with porn or chat, its not forced upon anyone. You dont get it without searching for it and even then its says you have to be 18 to enter a site. Usually young people don't get confronted with porn online unless they are searching for it. Its like buying alcohol illegal its forbidden but we don't ban all alcohol because some minors get it while it is illegal.

sorry robblok but I think here its you who is wrong? Children have way to easy access to porn sides in the internet! Remember when you was 14 or 16? honestly, in that age, if I have to make a decision if CLICKING YES or NO, I will have pressed the YES I AM 18 button.

Porn get sicker and sicker these days, when I was young the good old style was ok to watch. But today every women has to be shaved and do a_nal, its not normal to me anymore!

I was in High 5 a friendfinder webpage, just to check it out. There are young girls aged in their bio 14-16 years old from Thailand, posing in Bras and underwear, I bet they are easy targets for someone who can chat with them nicely and I wish they will be more educated in shools about the risks of that.

I doubt that the parents can control the kids, specially in Thailand. Kids which have a PC at home normally have hard working parents and they are just too busy or to ignorant to watch.

Education starts with the parents I honestly doubt there is any form of sex education in Thaischools

You decide to go in yourself, besides your parents can put in filters. Why does everyone has to suffer because a few dont like it.

And i like your remark from before it was ok but now.. that is a real classic after you have had your fun it can be closed.

Like i said how about a ban on alcohol then ? more damage from that. How about the other posters that say correctly that more abuse comes from inside the family as from the internet.

Come on support your opinion with facts.. not with a gut feeling.

fact... most abuse comes from familiar people.. family friend ect

fact alcohol does help a lot with abuse more then internet.

Fact you can install filters that work ok but if the kids want to see it they try to circumvent it its like stealing its illegal and should not be done. Besides i don't see the problem of porn for a 16 yo. I doubt it will damage them at alll. A lot of alcohol however and your brains could be damaged.

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