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I am looking for a liberal "church" that is not right wing, conservative Christian. If there are any Unitarians around, I'd sure like to join or organize a gathering.

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I am looking for a liberal "church" that is not right wing, conservative Christian. If there are any Unitarians around, I'd sure like to join or organize a gathering.

If you need any help organising your gathering I would be only too happy to help you and your fellow Christians gather at the nearest airport with a one way ticket never to return.

No thanks required any time.

I am looking for a liberal "church" that is not right wing, conservative Christian.  If there are any Unitarians around, I'd sure like to join or organize a gathering.

Maerim, thank you for your suggestion, but presently that option is not vialbe for me. I don't want to open up any hate crap here, I'm just investigating, OK? Nither Jesus nor Buddha would feel that hate is the right way to go. Please take that on board.


I suspect that all you will be able to find in Thailand will be the more conservative Christian churches. Those are the ones that are most dedicated to evangelism. Sorry. Unitarians would sure be a breath of fresh Christian air in Thailand. You could always try the Catholic church. They are EVERYWHERE, it seems. They tend to emphasize social work, like running schools and hospitals, which are available to people of any religious orientation. Much more Christian. While the most publicized positions of the Catholic church are quite conservative, at least they aren't spending all their time trying to convert people.


> I am looking for a liberal "church" that is not right wing, conservative Christian.

Ask around at Thai temples.. (Wat Umong, etc..) They're not even Christian at all! :o

I mean, why only do things half-way.... When in doubt, chuck it out. :D



the Catholic church are quite conservative, at least they aren't spending all their time trying to convert people.

You are joking of course! Not trying to convert people what do think they are doing here?

Just distributing some of their wealth to the needy?

The Catholic church now has a new CEO the qualifications for this post is that you must be over 70 years of age, a mysoginist, a taste for airport tarmac (however this is an aquired taste but if you get the job my advice is aquire it quick) an ability to gloss over any child abuse carried by your employees and of course a complete ban on any birth control except the rhythm method.

In this day and age one would think perhaps the rhythm and blues method would be more fitting.

Of course being a member of the Hitler youth is an advantage as Hitler was Christian you know.


> Much more Christian. While the most publicized positions of the Catholic

> church are quite conservative, at least they aren't spending all their time

> trying to convert people.

I think a lot of it depends on the individual people you find there.. I once knew a guy who was into Thai boxing and running bars all night and generally misbehaving, but who was also a fun guy and catholic.. He went for confession at the Seven Fountain church, and reported the priest there sometimes had trouble not laughing out loud at his confessions.. This was like 10 years ago. I went to Seven Fountains last year and found it pretty dead now. Boring. Then last month they elected Pope Backward the 287th and that kind of was the last straw.

Still.. with a new crew at 7 Fountain it could once again turn into a happier place. :o



While the most publicized positions of the Catholic church are quite conservative, at least they aren't spending all their time trying to convert people.

neither are they helping anybody.

they might consider selling off some or all of the enormous wealth that have stashed away in their flashy churches and huge bank vaults and use the proceeds to really help some of the poorer members of their flock.

the unitarians at least are a pretty laid back bunch compared to the stubborn catholics in their frocks and silly hats.


I was wondering the same thing as the original poster, although Unitarian-Universalist denomination has the reputation as being the mostest liberalest. :o

The church near Narawat Bridge, the Church of Christ opposite Kad Kaew and Orchid Hotel - are they conservative?

I'm a gay pacifist Christian with Baptist and Mennonite background - so, it's kind of difficult to find a home nowadays.


I'm afraid this forum is possibly the wrong place to ask for Christian related advice, however I will make some enquiries and try to get some help for you.

Many of us here, especially in the North of Thailand have been witness to the severe damage that is constantly being caused by these evangelical missionaries. Many communities have had their hearts ripped out and the most severe sociological trauma is left behind when the missionaries pass through. Much of Chiang Mai's street life; homelessness, drug addiction, prostitution, AIDS Etc. can be laid squarely at the door of those who carve "Soul Notches" on their headboards. People are brainwashed: "Christ will provide", "Christ died to save you" Etc. and old, traditional beliefs, superstitions and prohibitions are scrubbed out of them as "Evil", to be replaced with a void. Christ patently does not provide a harvest, roof, clothing, watershed etc. etc. etc. All of which can be lost if the evangelical teachings are taken literally.

I apologise for my fellow contributors to Thai Visa, but you need to understand where we come from here.

As I wrote above, I will try to help, but I can make no promises. I fear you may be out of luck. However, posting here might enable you to find a group of like minded people to start your own group. (As long as you can acept the inevitable flames.)

(As long as you can acept the inevitable flames.)

Sounds like me for eternity, as least I have the choice of flying lessons and a harp

(sounds dreadful) or not bothering once week down at the god factory.

Nice compassionate religion Christianity either believe or be cast into eternal damnation, so hello eternal damnation just hope there is a bar there.


I feel I must reply as I am amazed at how much angst there is against a 'christian' query.

Firstly, it is incorrect to include all Christian believers with Catholicism. I cannot think of one doctrine that I share with that faith and I am a bible reading and believing Christian.

Secondly, to further illustrate the previous point, there is no Christian doctrine of eternal ###### fire to be cast into. The bible does not teach this, the doctrine was absorbed from Greek myth.

Thirdly, if a person makes a query, answer the query, don't use it as an opportunity to vent your spleen!

To the original poster: I can't help, but may you find what you are looking for.

Grace & Peace



i was under the impression that all religions (except judaism) operate on the carrot and the stick principle.

tow the line during life and you will be rewarded upon death , stray from the path and you will be punished after death.

(heaven and ###### , 72 virgins , re incarnation as a king or a cockroach)

(judaism has no such points system , you choose judaism because of the philosophy alone and not the expectation of reward or punishment )


Remember Christianity is a 'Jewish' religion. Jesus did not come to change the law and the prophets but to fulfill it. He said...

Mat 5.17 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."

Everything in the New Testament is foreshadowed in the Old Testament - it must all be read if you are to have an understanding of Christianity.

Grace & Peace



I wonder, who do you think has done more to #### up families in Thailand in the last twenty years?..

missionaries, or sex tourists(ism) ?

And who, of the two groups, do you think has maybe contributed more?

Not a statement, just a question. :o


This is a spurious statement (yes, a statement rather than a question). You cannot blame a philosopy for peoples behaviour. The bible warns us of man's capacity for evil - both Christian and/or Sex tourist.

Back to the original poster’s question, he wants to meet with people of the same faith as him, I’m sure he did not invite a bevy of prejudices…


I’m sure he did not invite a bevy of prejudices…

Nobody expects the Spanish inquistion either but if these people post on a public forum they must expect people like me who loathe and detest these "Christians" to have my say.

Vegetable rights and peace.


> I wonder, who do you think has done more to #### up families in

> Thailand in the last twenty years?..

> missionaries, or sex tourists(ism) ?

> And who, of the two groups, do you think has maybe contributed more?

Brilliant!!!!!!!!! Wow... That's the best "DJ Pat" ever, and it's not even by DJ Pat. :D

But seriously, let's not do this one here in the Chiang Mai subforum... . . or. . . ah.. . cannnnot .. . . resist.. must...answer...

Ok, target is 8 pages before the week is out. (Keep it respectful. :o )


I'm afraid this forum is possibly the wrong place to ask for Christian related advice, however I will make some enquiries and try to get some help for you.

Many of us here, especially in the North of Thailand have been witness to the severe damage that is constantly being caused by these evangelical missionaries. Many communities have had their hearts ripped out and the most severe sociological trauma is left behind when the missionaries pass through. Much of Chiang Mai's street life; homelessness, drug addiction, prostitution, AIDS Etc. can be laid squarely at the door of those who carve "Soul Notches" on their headboards. People are brainwashed: "Christ will provide", "Christ died to save you" Etc. and old, traditional beliefs, superstitions and prohibitions are scrubbed out of them as "Evil", to be replaced with a void. Christ patently does not provide a harvest, roof, clothing, watershed etc. etc. etc. All of which can be lost if the evangelical teachings are taken literally.

I apologise for my fellow contributors to Thai Visa, but you need to understand where we come from here.

As I wrote above, I will try to help, but I can make no promises. I fear you may be out of luck. However, posting here might enable you to find a group of like minded people to start your own group. (As long as you can acept the inevitable flames.


Thanks P1P. I don't mind the flames -(that's where the right wing think I belong, anyway!) Any help would be appreciated. ]

i was under the impression that all religions (except judaism) operate on the carrot and the stick principle.

tow the line during life and you will be rewarded upon death , stray from the path and you will be punished after death.

(heaven and ###### , 72 virgins , re incarnation as a king or a cockroach)

(judaism has no such points system , you choose judaism because of the philosophy alone and not the expectation of reward or punishment )

Try buddhism - you make your own heaven or ######, it's called karma.


maerim said "Nobody expects the Spanish inquistion either but if these people post on a public forum they must expect people like me who loathe and detest these "Christians" to have my say."

I ask, who are "these" Christians. You do not know me or the original poster! How can you know what we believe or stand for?

As for your opinion, you are entitled to it and you have the right to express it. However, the original poster has the right to ask for help on a topic (which was not to do with his faith) which would help him locate a place to meet with people of his faith. That's all.

Maybe we could have a forum to discuss Christian topics - now that would be good!



How many people are off topic here? The OP wants to know where the closest worship service might be to Unitarian, and I stated my situation.

We all know that Christianity has made enough mistakes to be hated forever, they've done this and that, etc. So have a few other organized religions we don't need to name. That's not the topic.

The people who 'vent their spleen' every time the subject comes up are often as unbalanced mentally as the religion they condemn.

> > missionaries, or sex tourists

Does this assume one can't one be both??  :D

Yes, I feel sure many would share similar positions :o:D

Thus the well known "Missionary Position"

What on earth did these heathen do without missionaries...

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