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The Other Side Of The Coin, Bad Falang


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Nice to see some decent posts about thai women for a change, Really gets old seeing some of the posts on here, you know the ones she did this and that and screwed me royal, but we never get to hear her side of the story now do we ? I recently replied to a post and just tried to bring up the point of his story being one sided and the insults flew. Bad people are everywhere. And yes I too dont have many western friends here just because of the disrespect most of them have for the locals.

There are good and bad thai woman, depends where you are looking in a bar you wont meet many good ones. Still many older guys want girls half their age and then its usualy not love from their side.. so the guy gets screwed.

I am happy with my current wife / gf made a mistake with my first wife (thai) but i dont hold it against all thai woman as many guys do.

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different strokes for different folks.

Its the ones in denial that I find the best sport. Everyone around can see it for what it is but they cant take out to e rose tinted contact lenses.

We are all different and I confess, I dumped this forum for a few years due to finding the "bad farang" element. So glad to have come back to it now I see it is more balance than I had given it credit for. A good few posts really have made me really take notice.

Raise a glass to the good falang! :)

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He wouldn't pay for her taxi fare in the early morning...and no buses.....she has to walk!....kee neow farang na.

This toe rag will get whats due at some point...it all goes around....maybe his wife, all smiles...the perfect and dutiful thai woman........the key word there folks is WOMAN, hel_l hath no furry etc etc, may take a while to rise to the service, but when it does who knows?.....she'll make Lorena bobbitt look like a vegetarian

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How do you recognise these white trash as most of them are in Thailand/Pattaya,are they dangerous ???

you will recognise them by their behaviour,particularly in the bars and particularly their behaviour towards thai ladies,as was the point being made by the original poster.If i have offended your sensibilities then i apologise,it is a term used to describe people who have no regard as to how they treat other people and in my time living in pattaya i have witnessed it many times,much to my disgust, not necessarily by farang long time residents but mostly by the holiday sex tourists.

Correct. Not only in the bars but everywhere. They shout at cashiers in stores, argue with staff just about anywhere and treat Thai people as being stupid if they cant understand English.

They wander around with huge guts hanging over shorts, often with no shirt and the "badge of the lout" the tattoo is often in evidence.

Its good to see threads such as this which redress the balance. Let me take it further. Often the mantra is "Farang good, bar-girl bad". To anyone who says this I ask "how many bar girls do you know socially".

What I mean by that is knowing outside the scenario of being a customer or potential customer of her services when she is working at the bar, which is not a social encounter.

It is false to judge someone as bad just because they are effective at doing their job, which is acting as though they are emotionally attached to the customer, which of course they are not and usually never will be. To do the job well involves an element of deception in a similar way to an actor hired to endorse a product on TV may never even use that product. Its part of the pitch.

Not to say all bar girls are totally honest and virtuous of course, but they get unfairly labelled as universally bad, when they are usually just trying to make some money for their family back home.

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white trash is white trash,they are everywhere,and mostly in thailand,many a poor thai girl will put up with this because of perceived money,yet a lot of these guys dont really have a pot to p-ss in,and they are here cos western women would n't have a bar of them.Sad but true,just go to pattaya,thats where most of them are holed up.


seems like most of the posts are farangs getting stitched up by thai women and taking all their millions of bahts.Lucky i havent got any mates in Pattaya who havent got a pot to peepee in,in fact they are all youngish,happy wealthy guys with family.so thats knocked your post in the head sunshine.

you sound very anti Pattaya and hate white trash,is that racial???

on the contrary sunshine i really like pattaya,used to live there,but yes i do hate white trash.Is it racial?not really,its just a term,in the USA they are called trailer trash.

Because they cant afford a house and live in a CARAVAN/TRAILER,you condemn them.You dont seem a very nice person,

In England white trash is spoken by black guys about white,so very racial in uk

Erm, not the England I come from - at least in a life time there I have never heard the term other than on TV - "Trash" is an American term for starters ("Rubbish" being the English equivalent). None of my black friends, or asian firends ever used the term in my hearing - they used the same term as me "scum".

So, I can't concur that it is racial. Indeed, as this is Asia its, if anything, descriptive. "White Trash", "Trailer Trash", "Scum", "Hooligans" etc all just releates to the dregs of society. We all see enough of them here - usually tourists - so easy to recognise.

...and to other posts so far...

Not sure the assertation that going to bars is the same as going to gogo bars or hanging around with Pro's. Persoanlly I love to pop to my local here, meet up with friends, chat to nice tourists, newbies and regulars. I just choose my bars - and chose my local. Its not difficult to find bars without hookers hanging from the rafters.

I don't partake, and never have, of the nightime servicing here (or anywhere) - that's my choice - and I don't care if you do or not - but I do agree that boasting about it within a few minutes of meeting someone is a real turn off (in a plutonic sense) - and though one tries not to judge, it does lower that person in my estimation. I mean, its not like its hard to find a paid-4-bonk here is it? What's to boast about?

Talking about bars - I was sitting outside my local the other evening having a coke (working early the next day) when a Thai girl walked past and a tall young white guy came running up from behind and really slapped her backside and laughed. She moaned and rubbed her bum as he took up pace beside her. A similar couple trailed behind. I was rather appalled, but I also thought that he was lucky there were no Thai guys around or he may have found that he had more bruises in the morning than her.

To the Op I have known 3 couples over the years where the white husband has beaten his wife, one where the guy was a sex maniac (wanted to have sex everywhere with her - literally - and boast about it publically in front of her - incidently just after their daughter was born he was arrested and imprisoned in the UK for pedophillia! porn, not active, but his PC was full of the crap), many where the husbands go on trips for days at a time whoring (one of them is in his eighties and has a wife half his age which puts up with it - even though he was hospitalised twice when collapsing on the job!).

I also know a few couples where the Thai women bleed their husbands dry, are still on the game (blind husbands) and have strings of affairs - and in only one case is the husband abroad regularly. Also, many cases where the Thai husband beats his Thai wife (usually while drunk) and spends most of their money in bars and brothels. In one case a Thai neighbour to my MIL about 12 years back (an elisted Navy guy) gave both his Thai wife and 11 year old daughter HIV he had picked up from prositiutes - both were sexual transmissions (last I heard he was still in Bkk Hilton, but may have died by now).

There are just bad people everywhere.

Edited by wolf5370
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The OP and Lioness bring up some very valid points. There are often very good reasons why some of the women who work in Thai bars have turned hard as nails. They've had to deal with these creeps on a steady basis and have learned not to trust anyone. As sad as it is, that would sour anyone on a meaningful relationship. And, unfortunately, the bad ones sour it for the good guys and gals.

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7% of women (3.9 million) are physically abused by their partners, and 37% (20.7 million) are verbally or emotionally abused.

Every 9 seconds a woman is physically abused by her husband.

95% of assaults on spouses or ex-spouses are committed by men against women.

30% of women presenting with injuries to the emergency department had injuries caused by battering.

From 7% to 26% of pregnant women are abused.

42% of murdered women are killed by their intimate partners.

Source :http://www.asafeplaceforhelp.org/batteredwomenstatistics.html


1 in 4 women may experience violence in their relationships with men (Women's Aid Federation [England] report, 1992)

100,000 women per year seek treatment in London for violent injuries received in the home (Punching Judy, BBC1 TV programme, 1989)

A few stats which make sad reading.......for Thai and any other ladies..........

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