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Laying up a modern Toyota pick up for a long period of time.

Disconnect battery and stand on blocks, but are there any other recommendations?

Also can you suggest any way to immobilise the vehicle? (Can no longer remove the rotor arm in the distributor!)

Would the car suffer harm from a lay up of say one year?

Many thanks,



change engine oil and filter, auto-oil if more than 30k km since lst time

5 tyres storage pressure 45 psi

disconnect or remove ECU, or just one of the realys behind glove box to immobilise car

take out floormats

leave a small gap on windows to let moisture escape

rat poisen in engine bay, top of fuel tank, and inside car

no harm, just dusty :)

run the car a few days when returning, then replace engine oil/filter and brake fluid. brake fluids boiling point reduces to 160 C in only 2 years

have a nice trip


might be a good idea if you can to put the Battery on charge Via a timer Say 1/2 Hr per day

I did that with my car left it in the UK for 9 months No problems

If you are concerned about security You could always remove the wheels and take the wheel nuts with you.

Or dig a hole in your garden if you have one and put them in a plastic bag. that way you wont forget to bring them back.


Mr Hicks, it is my honour to suggest anything to yourself, but I hope this might be to some avail:

Buy ten large cans of Sonax if not WD40. After the vehicle is ready to hibernate, start with the engine bay and spray the light oil proliferantly into everything, then move to the undercarriage - the gearbox, the tailshaft, uni-joints, diff and back end - brakes, hubs wheels whatever. Spray spray spray until the ground beneath is soaked with sonax.

Then use the last can for a spray across the body, with attention to door hinges and seals, window seals, grille, bonnet, boot, everything but very lightly on the duco so it doesn't mess with the wax too much.

Just oil the bejesus out of it and it won't rust so much over a year of mysterious weather.

Sonax is good light oil that will last a year in favourtable winds...

take out floormats

Help me out here kbb, I'm not seeing this one.. :) Why remove the floor mats? Rats or mould?

Mould, moisture, smelly rusty.


Don't forget a new Forest-Fresh Magic Tree to hand from the mirror, and leave all the windows down by 10mm if it's a secure undercover space. Then she will smell as lovely as the day you left her when you return to polish off all that excess sonax, which won't be too hard but a light wipe over the panels after a year away.

Alternatively you could put her in safe keeping with an honest and respectable chaperone like myself. Send me a PM and I'll give you the address where you can drop her off and I will take care of the sonax maintenance for you. :D:D:D

take out floormats

Help me out here kbb, I'm not seeing this one.. :) Why remove the floor mats? Rats or mould?

yepp, mould. floormats on top of carpets gives mould between

rats. make sure the car is absolutely clean inside, no food under seats or anywhere. and then ratpoison

I d say 10mm is to much of a window gap. I would have only 5 mm and only on rearwindows which opens only the top of window. If car is stored outdoor, I would close the windows, and force the rubber air escape valves 5 mm open. On Vigo they are positioned in the back of cabin, 50 cm from floor, in front of bed. In addition, leave aircon/heater on fresh air, not recirculating, and you have circulation of air with windows closed. Open windows more efficient though, since hot moisture air is light thus want to escape in the top of cabin

I would also wax the car. Sonax/w40 and similar can harm rubber and o-rings, its not really an oil, more like a solvent.

New cars are sometimes stored outdoor for a couple of years before they are sold, no harm to exterior.


change engine oil and filter, auto-oil if more than 30k km since lst time

5 tyres storage pressure 45 psi

disconnect or remove ECU, or just one of the realys behind glove box to immobilise car

take out floormats

leave a small gap on windows to let moisture escape

rat poisen in engine bay, top of fuel tank, and inside car

no harm, just dusty :)

run the car a few days when returning, then replace engine oil/filter and brake fluid. brake fluids boiling point reduces to 160 C in only 2 years


Thanks for advice from everyone.

I'm a little puzzled about this idea on immobilisation. ECU? Relays? Arai na?

And I've no idea what the air escape valves are or how to find them.


  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldn't leave the windows open at all. You will find all sorts of ants and other insects living inside.

fill the fuel tank so as to avoid condensation was advice which used to be given, if I remember right.

in another climate yes. but in LOS 25-35 degrees, I would store it empty, to avoid old (perhaps sick) diesel.

run one or two tanks when come back and then clean fuelfilter for rust if steel tank.

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