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Casual Work/job Search In Cm


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Hey there Chiang Mai!

I'm wondering if anyone knows of any casual work/job opportunities in Chiang Mai for a foreigner on an O-Visa. Are there any places that would consider employing a person for a short-term (i.e. 3-5 months) on a casual basis?

I've heard that it might be difficult due to the massive amount of paper work that potential employers need to process and are not very keen on shrot-term employment. But I'm still interested in knowing if someone knows about something.

I'm only looking for something that would pay the rent and allow some spending money while I'm here (i.e. 10,000-20,000Baht/month).



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Can you be any more vague?

First of all to work legally you need to get the company to sponsor your work permit. You cannot work legally without a work permit. I have never heard of any place giving a work permit for 3 months.

What is the basis of your non O visa. If it is retirement visa, then you are not allowed to work at all.

What kind of work are you qualified for?

If you are looking for teaching jobs in Chiang Mai, good luck. You won't be making much if you are part time and if you are full time, you will be working a lot of hours for a little extra.

Not many part time gigs would pay 20,000 baht a month.

Again, you should be more specific and give as much information that you can, to get accurate responses.

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You're more likely to maybe (maybe!) find some work if you come here and then look. Because of visa concerns, you will not really be able to get answers this way on the forum rt now, other than that it would be illegal. And also frankly, the job market here is pretty saturated with expats, and then the $$ in CM is not spectacular either. Part time work might get you more like 5,000- 10,000 baht if you set your mind to really getting it.

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Hi again,

thank you all for the responses, it's good to get some feedback. Yes my initial topic discussion was very vague, however I was only looking for general ideas for job oportunities/areas. I know how bureaucratic it can be to get a work permit in Thailand as I did a one year stint in 2006 here as an intern for one of the intl. schools in CM.

I'm here on a non-immigrant VISA until June (as planned so far) staying with my folks in CM, as I've recently completed my undergraduate degree in Sport and Exercise (Management and Coaching) from New Zealand last Nov. I'm a Swedish citizen.

I'm currently volunteering at Lanna Intl. School where my folks work, but would like to possibly get some sort of a paid job while I'm here (until June when I've planned to go back to Sweden to live and work).

I'm not expecting a job in my area of sports coaching as it would be a long shot and for the short time I'll be here it would be pointless.

Thanks though for the replies!

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Hi again,

thank you all for the responses, it's good to get some feedback. Yes my initial topic discussion was very vague, however I was only looking for general ideas for job oportunities/areas. I know how bureaucratic it can be to get a work permit in Thailand as I did a one year stint in 2006 here as an intern for one of the intl. schools in CM.

I'm here on a non-immigrant VISA until June (as planned so far) staying with my folks in CM, as I've recently completed my undergraduate degree in Sport and Exercise (Management and Coaching) from New Zealand last Nov. I'm a Swedish citizen.

I'm currently volunteering at Lanna Intl. School where my folks work, but would like to possibly get some sort of a paid job while I'm here (until June when I've planned to go back to Sweden to live and work).

I'm not expecting a job in my area of sports coaching as it would be a long shot and for the short time I'll be here it would be pointless.

Thanks though for the replies!

Well..with all that info now revealed you appear to have a good grip on the situation..why the initial vague post..beyond me!

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Like in every country, there are jobs that you can get and are paid in cash. Yes, it is illegal but it happens everywhere. I know of foreigners here who have worked the following short-term jobs without a work permit or proper visa:

1. Swimming Teacher

2. Coach / Trainer

3. Instructor (ESL, First Aid, Nursing)

4. Restaurant Workers (including at a well known Sushi restaurant).

5. Consultant (Marketing, business, etc)

6. Website design or computer programmer

I'm not saying that it is right or wrong but the simple fact is that there are many short-term jobs that foreigners can get here in Chiang Mai if they take some initiative and are a little creative.

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