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"non" Immigrant B Visa

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I have a complicated problem. I have an American passport with a non Immigrant "B"(multiple entry). I just came back from Nakhon Phanom via Thakek to do a border hop. When returning to Thailand, the Thai guy kept pointing at my VISA at the "this VISA must be utilized before Jan 12, 2010" and said that my VISA is expired and gave me only 15 days for me to leave the country. I already have plans and a flight to leave Thailand in April back to Hawaii to renew my Non Immigrant VISA since this is when my school shuts for the end of the school year. Can anyone suggest what type of VISA can I get from the Thai Embassy in Laos that will allow me to stay in Thailand another couple months and I can still use my work permit which is good until March 31, 2010? And, will this situation conflict with me renewing my non Immigrant VISA dates when I go back to Hawaii to renew it in April?

Thanks So Much In Advance,


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You can get a double entry tourist visa in Vientiane.

They are free at the moment.

That can be utilized with extension to 6 months.

You can not work on tourist visa even if you have a work permit.

To get a non-immigrant B visa in SEA you need the following paperwork:

Non-Immigrant B visa (MFA)

Thanks for the information. I ran up to Vientiane on Thursday and on Friday was issued a Non Immigrant VISA. Wheww!!!! Now Im in the clear again......

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You can get a double entry tourist visa in Vientiane.

They are free at the moment.

That can be utilized with extension to 6 months.

You can not work on tourist visa even if you have a work permit.

To get a non-immigrant B visa in SEA you need the following paperwork:

Non-Immigrant B visa (MFA)

Thanks for the information. I ran up to Vientiane on Thursday and on Friday was issued a Non Immigrant VISA. Wheww!!!! Now Im in the clear again......

Single or multiple entry?

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Dear Jon,

The only type of visa you can operate a work permit on is the Non-Immigrant B visa or the Non-Immigrant O visa based on marriage. As you already have a work permit in place it will straightforward for you to obtain a Non-Immigrant B visa. You will require company documents including the shareholders list and company affidavit as well as a sponsor letter in order to obtain the Non-Immigrant B visa. If you apply through a Thai consulate or embassy in South East Asia you will receive a 90 day Non-Immigrant B visa, which will be sufficient to tie you through until your intended trip to Hawaii in April.

Best regards,

Legal Advisor

Sunbelt Asia Co. Ltd


[email protected]

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This is a new question but directly related to the non B issue. I have a non B multiple which is due for the 90 day hop on the 14 of march, I am expecting to be out of the country for a short while just before this and so I thought it was working out perfect. A friend who works for a company in Bangkok that advices and helps foreigners with visa's told me I need a reentry permit before I leave or my non B will be void on return. On the other hand when doing the 90 day check it or whatever its called I am not to leave the country but only to go to the border immigration, not the immigration office in town here, but one at the border where they would restamp the same as when I always did my 90 check here in town. Some of this goes against my understanding and experience but in a way I understand how multiple entry as the Thai government thinks about it doesn't mean multiple entry as I do. Any one crystal on this?

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If permission to stay is based on multiple entry Non-B visa entry, will have to do border runs every 90 days. On re-entry will receive new 90 day permission to stay as long as the visa is valid.

Sounds like your friend is talking about extension of stay, issued by Thai immigration, which is something different. That requires 90 day address reporting to immigration and a re-entry permit before leaving the country to keep current permission to stay alive.

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Your post is not clear as to what you actually have as you say visa but talk about 90 day reports without leaving country.

Do you have a multi entry visa issued by a Consulate that is valid until some date in the future? Is your current stamp a 90 day permitted to stay issued by a border entry point after return from another country?

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