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Pattaya Publicity


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Given Pattaya is now a high-end 5 star family resort, I was delighted to see a recent press report of that inestimable piece of Pattaya PR, the bed race, on a Chinese website which attracted my attention for a number of reasons which I set out below.

1. “Pattaya, Thailand’s top tourist destination, prepared its 90 (sic) mile beach road for its international bed race”.

I like the ‘Thailand’s top tourist destination”, which it almost certainly is I reckon (outside of Bangkok), much to the chagrin of Phuket and Chiang Mai, and probably TAT themselves and most Thais.

2. “The organizers hope this event will help promote Pattaya as a family destination”.

Well, it might, but probably not anytime soon, and if you think about it, beds are the last thing Pattaya should be trying to forge a new image around. Usually there is a nightly bed race in Pattaya, in every hotel in town, involving hordes of priapic males trying to get laid.

3. “Niels Colov, Bed Race Organizer said "Pattaya International Bed Race 2010 is to show that Pattaya has a lot to offer. It has more than the stereotype of being a beer bar city that lonely guys came and looked for girls and so on. It's becoming in the last five years a family destination."

Let’s hope nobody out there is reading the reports of regular nocturnal nookie on the beaches. Otherwise these claims may be very hard to swallow.

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Well said, GJK, I know that people like Niels Colov are trying to build up Pattaya and they get little thanks for it. They are trying to attract a movie festival, concerts and various other activities that will benefit all the residents. A great deal of time and effort went into organising the bed race and a lot of money was raised to assist local charities.

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^such events don't benefit ALL residents, and I would guess do not benefit most foreign residents.

To me they're a pain in the arse 'cos of the additonal traffic problems on the already overloaded road system.

Pattaya needs to improve into a place that is capable of hosting international events before bringing them here.

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I think that it is great for anyplace to try and improve. Some of the problems with Pattaya: too many stray dogs roaming around, infrastructure which cannot cope with current levels, uneven and filthy sidewalks, disregard for noise levels in some areas and other things too numerous to mention.

On the plus side: Great town for walking! Up and down beach road, with side trips up various sois. That is a huge plus in my book.


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Well said, GJK, I know that people like Niels Colov are trying to build up Pattaya and they get little thanks for it. They are trying to attract a movie festival, concerts and various other activities that will benefit all the residents. A great deal of time and effort went into organising the bed race and a lot of money was raised to assist local charities.

I too will reply to yours, as I think our friend's second post won't be with us for much longer than his first.

I support any charitable functions in Pattaya, even a bed race.

That isn't my point. Well I had two points:

1. If we lure people to Pattaya by misrepresenting the true nature of the town, saying it is a family destination, when it absolutely is not, unless you take your kids around the city centre blindfolded, we will have a lot of shocked families and chidlren roaming around. Let's present it as a family destination if and whenever it becomes one.

2. There is a lot more wrong with Pattaya than a charity bed race can solve. Real and difficult issues such as an inefficient police force, no zoning for bars, no planning controls, rampant corruption, stuff that really matters, which cannot simply be swept under the bed, but which need to somehow be cleaned up by the Thais themselves, before the city can change its nature, assuming that will ever be possible - or desirable to the Thais that matter; namely those who profit the most from it.

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Some of the Pattaya Attractions.......put's your point number 1 there into perspective sharecropper :)

Floating Market

Mini Siam

Underwater World

Lakeland Waterski




Kite Surfing

Mini Golf

20 + Golf courses

Shooting ranges 3+


Laser Tag

Elephant trekking 3 +

Microlight Flights

Para Sailing

Sea Fishing

Para Motor

1000 +shopping venues

Cinemas 4+

Indoor Bowling

Outdoor Bowling

Go kart racing – beginner, intermediate, professional – 3 + tracks

Motorcycle racing – professional tuition at Highside tours

Local and world level motor racing at Prince Bira circuit

Jewlery and Gem trading

Silverlake Vineyard

Pattaya Beach

Jomtien Beach

Tailor made clothes

Sanctuary of truth

Crocodile farm + Million year stone park

Kheow Khaow Open Zoo

Sri Racha Tiger Zoo

Alangkarn Theatre

Tiffany Show

Alcazar show

Bottle art museum

Horseshoe point

Pony Trekking

Lake / Lagoon Fishing

Polo – World class

Three Kingdoms Theme park

World class Hospitals

Cosmetic surgery

Eye surgery

Dental Clinics

Jet Skiing

Remote control Boat racing

Remote control Car racing

Miniture aero flying clubs

Expat clubs

50 + Car & Motorcycle dealerships

50 + Banks

1000+ ATM machines

International supermarkets 8+

40,000 + Hotel rooms

3000 + Bars

1000 + Massage emporiums

1000 + Open air markets daily

Wat Yan Temple + 100’s of other Temples

Khaow Chee Chan Budda image

Immigration centre

Reasturants – full range, Typical Thai to McD’s and all the Pizza In between!!

Cheap Seafood

Good Weather

Tattoo Studio’s

Beauty Salons 5000+!!!

Ripleys Believe It Or Not

Pony and Trap rides

Worlds biggest jewelry store

Pattaya Park Tower

Pattaya Park

International Schools

Masons Lodge

Main Dealer car showrooms

Second hand Car showrooms


2,3,4,&5 Star hotels


Dolphin Park and Resort nearing completion in Huay Yai

Kaeren (Long neck) village coming soon in Huay Yai

Balloon flights (seasonal)

1 Hour from international airport

15 Mins from domestic airport

Louis Tussauds Waxworks museum

Nong Nooch tropical gardens

Siriporn Orchids

Virayah Sien (Chin Temple & museum)



Muay Thai Boxing shows & training


Flight of the Gibbon

Ko Larn

Ko Si Chang

Saha Farms House

And apparently, there is a small square mile in South Pattaya where you can buy Sexual Services – whatever next!!????

Not bad for a little fishing village eh??

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LennyW - not a bad list. You should get a job at 1337!

But I won't be taking my kids to see gun ranges, 3,000 bars, hospitals, and definitely NOT the expat clubs! :D

Wise move! :)

I can just imagine me at 1337 - "Hello!!, What?? if you dont like it <deleted> off then!!!" Short job methinks!! :D

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Any publicity is good publicity!! :)

Heaps of families running around.... not sure what would surprise little ones. Oh daddy - look all the people drinking in bars. :D

When my 15 year old daughter was here in August she was offered the usual array of drugs on Beach Road and we were asked twice, as we walked near Royal Garden, did we want to go and see a sex show.

When she's here I try to show her the best side of Pattaya, and not the sleazy side of it, and I wasn't really happy being presented with these offers.

"Oh daddy that nice man just offered me some coke, and what's that woman doing with a cigarette up her front bottom on that card the man is showing us"?

"Never mind dear. tomorrow I'll take you to the Masons Lodge that Lenny W tipped me off about".

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Heres a few more to add to last nights list.....

Bungee Jump

Parachute Jump

Jurassic Garden

Health Spa’s

Fitness Centres

Submarine trips


Martial Arts training



Golf driving ranges

All of these, and the list last night are just off the top of my head, observed in my day to day life here,

Be good if someone could alphabetise these and leave a permanent list on ThaiVisa that could be added to by all memebrs, no bullshit - no good or bad - just a list of things to see and do here, people can make up their own minds???

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Is the OP joking with this statement: "Given Pattaya is now a high-end 5 star family resort....."

Really, come on.......is this a joke by a troll or do some people actually believe this?

The high-end 5 star family resort development ploy has failed miserably.

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Is the OP joking with this statement: "Given Pattaya is now a high-end 5 star family resort....."

Really, come on.......is this a joke by a troll or do some people actually believe this?

The high-end 5 star family resort development ploy has failed miserably.

I was being ironic as most of the rest of the post demonstrates.

Whilst there are some succesful 5 star resorts (as in hotels) here, Pattaya is not yet a 5 star resort (as in destination).

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With all the attraction mentioned you all forgot that Pattaya is the only City I know where you can test the off road abilitys of your car all over town.

If you travel from the south to the north here you will be coverd in dirt and dust from the road. They actually could have the Paris Dakar Rally over here.

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