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Massage Helps Pain


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I never really cared for or believed in massage but lately have had serious pain in back and leg from 2 herniated disks in back. I have not had too much relief from doctor or medication so today I went to massage as last resort. Lady who did massage was middle aged woman who has been doing massage she said for many years and is instructor at massage school in Chiang Mai. She could tell where my injuries were without me even telling her, and did massage much differently than other massage I have had. It was not painful at all for one thing and she even did massage on point in foot which caused pain in leg to go away. After massage I have less pain than I have had in months and it was not even expensive massage as it is Thai place. Sign is not even in Englsih. I definitely will go back and suggest other people suffering with pain give massage a try.

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It is so annoying when people like the OP do this !! Ok, you found a great place for massage, dental work, hamburgers, lawyer, flowers ..whatever ! Ok so don't just tell us about the experience tell us where the heck it is in clear detail so we don't have to have a 3 page thread to find out ..... eesshhhh!!!! Is that too logical ...? This happens soooo often on TV

Anyway yeah.... Where is it and some landmarks please

Please tell us more!
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Yes I am sorry about that. I found out while I was writing this posting that I had to go somewhere immediately and could not give directions then but I had intended to ASAP. The place is on Maejo-Sansai Road on left side heading out of CM. It is first building in row of shops right before Wawee coffee.It is 3 story bldg. Right side of building is in driveway to Buathong muban. There is pink colored sign out front in Thai. First floor is a bueauty salon and massage is on second floor. You can get foot massage at beauty salon or body massage on second floor. Thai massage is 150 bt for 1 hour. They are very friendly and will give you coffee or tea while you wait. Open 8am-7pm.

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Not only did I fail to give directions but gavee wrong price. I went back today and price is 120 bt/hr. for Thai massage. 80 bt/hr for foot massage. 250 bt/hr for oil massage. Telephone number owner named Marisa is 0852849118. Sorry once again.

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I got knocked off my bike at an intersection in May 2549(2006) and was rendered unconcious by a red-lighter I never met on the corner of Tiwanon and Chaengwattana, Nonthaburi.

I woke up three hours later in the hospital just before midnight, but had to check out quick for my visa run to Cambodia that next day.

I made the ride to the border and back to Rayong that day, and when I found out that the good Dr Kom was working for the Rayong Orchid after all that time away, I made a booking in rather sorry shape.

She fixed my old body up that Sunday morning like no doctor ever had before. Part of it might have been the Wat Po training she shelled out 3,500 baht for since we'd last met, but there's a certain kind of tactile understanding that requires an hands on approach to pain and injury, and I refer to the back and shoulders here, in case some fools get the wrong idea of what I mean. A good Thai massage is more beneficial to serious injury than the crap that western scientists like to rant about.

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....... price is 120 bt/hr. for Thai massage. 250 bt/hr for oil massage.

I've often wondered why oil massage is so much more. Not likely they use 130 bt of oil per hr, is it?

I know why, but it is against forum rules to say. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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....... price is 120 bt/hr. for Thai massage. 250 bt/hr for oil massage.

I've often wondered why oil massage is so much more. Not likely they use 130 bt of oil per hr, is it?

I know why, but it is against forum rules to say. :D

Then I've been getting cheated on my oil massages :)

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Not only did I fail to give directions but gavee wrong price. I went back today and price is 120 bt/hr. for Thai massage. 80 bt/hr for foot massage. 250 bt/hr for oil massage. Telephone number owner named Marisa is 0852849118. Sorry once again.

would it be possible to get the name of the person who helped your pain? I too have similar problems and get tired of trying out place after place..... if i could get a name, then i could request that particular masseuse.


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....... price is 120 bt/hr. for Thai massage. 250 bt/hr for oil massage.

I've often wondered why oil massage is so much more. Not likely they use 130 bt of oil per hr, is it?

Its messier. They use more towels. Possibly the sheets will need changing. When you think about the laundry costs its not such a high mark up.

Also, we are not school kids, would be nice to be able to have a thread about things like massage without having to always read stupid innuendos. Sorry, but it kinda gets old.

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Also, we are not school kids, would be nice to be able to have a thread about things like massage without having to always read stupid innuendos. Sorry, but it kinda gets old.

You are right Eek, it is sad but it is not about being school kids. The cost for surgery to remove the brains from below the waist and reinstall them above the neck is quite high these days so we are simply stuck with a lot of invalids.

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Zippy the name of the masseuse is Nok. Also I agree about the schoolkids business. There would be less misunderstanding if people who could just say what they think.

thanks... i will give them a call asap and book an appointment.... hope to get some relief too! I have been diagnosed with a boatload of ailments by western docs and after years of no results, i had a thai massage in SFO, by a very well trained falang, who specialized in nerve work. He relieved me off all my pain over the course of about 30 treatments in a year or so. I have been pain free for a couple of years now, but having recently moved from USA to CM, changing my way of life, my financial situation and generally just adjusting to everything... i have a fair bit of discomfort lately.

thanks for the tip

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glad it worked for you Zippy. I felt the same way as you but I went back next 2 days and she did it whole different way second day than first and felt even better plus not painful while she was doing it seco nd day. What I could not understand was she touched places on back and knew that these were where herniated disks were without me telling her, but when I went to hospital they could only tell after MRI. Then doctor told me to just lay in bed for a month which would make me crazy for one thing, and plus I had more pain from lying in bed than from walking around.

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Now that I have been going to the Thai massage place regularly, the pain in my back and legs is much, much less. I do not understand this, however. I have herniated disk, which is a bone problem. I thought massage was mostly for muscle problems. But point is I do not know how or why this works, but it does. I know this is not one of cases where cure works because person believes it will work, because I did not believe it would, only went because my wife kept insisting it would help and I just wanted to keep her quiet and plus I was in enough pain I was willing to try anything at that point.

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Now that I have been going to the Thai massage place regularly, the pain in my back and legs is much, much less. I do not understand this, however. I have herniated disk, which is a bone problem. I thought massage was mostly for muscle problems. But point is I do not know how or why this works, but it does. I know this is not one of cases where cure works because person believes it will work, because I did not believe it would, only went because my wife kept insisting it would help and I just wanted to keep her quiet and plus I was in enough pain I was willing to try anything at that point.

believe me... i have plenty of x-rays from usa that show all my "true" medical problems. Refusing surgery, not being comfortable with cortisone and other types of pain shots, and getting very very tired of YEARS of pain medication, i ended up with a thai masseuse in USA (alluded to above) that basically cured me. I know have only occasional pain the can usually be remedied (as it was this time) with a few good, correct thai massages that focusses on the nerves.....

as you say... who cares.... it works for me!

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Does she doe house calls - - Hang Dong is a bit of a way from there

and I don't fancy driving with my back the way it is!


i suggest calling the owner (info is posted above) and finding out? The owner is very conversant in english and i believe married to a falang. The massage is on the "up and up" and no funny stuff going on there.... i am also under the impression that there is only one masseuse, so perhaps a scheduling and/or house fee may come into play.

all the best....be sure to tell her exactly what you need help with... i found that to be extremely beneficial. Too many massages in thailand are just general "tonic" massages.... this woman can do very targeted and effective work.

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well, i am just naturally confused around CM, only here 6 months....

but heading north on old Mae Jo road, you pass a few U-turn thingys (not 2, as someone stated)..... and then it is on the opposite side of the road, right next to the Waree Coffee shop - which is a very large sign.

there is the entrance to a Mooban on the road alongside the massage place.

again.... we called the owner and asked her for exact directions.... and even then we got lost and called her from the main hwy....i think that is 1001.... but beware, as rimping market is ALSO on 1001, just a different 1001.... don't forget...this is thailand

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