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my wife is saying that we are supposed to first translate our thai marriage certificate and our daughters birth certificate into english and then italian and then have that italian translation taken to the ministry of affairs to be 'stamped'... but this sounds strange to me, as, why would the Thai government have any business stamping documents that are not in Thai language? I think we are probably supposed to have a Thai language copy 'stamped' at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then to have a separate translation into italian for the embassy.... This is the way its done in the Western countries...

Can someone please clarify asap.

Also, what is the fastest turn around service for getting a document stamped that anyone knows of and what is the cost? thank you.

the purpose of this is to apply for EU (Italian) citizenship for my daughter ((Not to register our marriage))


Sounds as if your wife has it right to me. The MFA is the only authority that can authenticate the Thai original document for international use. Normally this is a simple Thai/English translation and registration but suspect you need it in Italian so the extra step/translation is required for the bundle provided the MFA stamp.

As for time/costs do not know.


I got my marriage certificated stamped by the MFA.

1. I had my Thai marriage certificate translated into English.

2. The MFA then stamped the English translation of the Thai marriage certificate.

As far as cost/time, I don't remember.

I believe she might be correct. I question that I have is why translate it into English, unless the MFA doesn't accept the Italian translation. If this is the case, then the MFA would not stamp the Italian version either. If this is also the case, then does the Italian government accept the stamped English translation?


The Thai MFA can, I believe, certify translations as correct, whether from another language into Thai or vice versa.

I don't see the need for an English translation, though. Maybe best if you check with the Italian embassy to see what they require.

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