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If You Hadnt Come To Thailand!


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if you hadnt come to thailand what would you be doing now?

what country would you be in, what kind of work would you be doing, do you miss it. what kind of existence would you be leading. do you think you will ever go back to it. what things do you miss, if any i.e. food, restuarants mates, the pub, saturday nights out, family, special times of the year etc...

are there any kind of benefits you miss about your home country, talking about being able to communicate in your own mother tongue, actually going to a live sporting or music event. rather than having to wait until sometimes the early hours of the morning, thing like that. things like that.

just interested, no biggy!

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I would still be on the gold Coast doing the exact same work Iam doing now, dont really miss it as pretty much anything I had there I have here, I do dread the day I will have to return home though as its getting real expensive over there and Big Brother is watching even harder than before.

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I reckon I would be in South or Central America. Or possibly Dead as a result of too much kavorting around.

Possibly, I would be in Vale with my Mate Marcus Snowboarding on our annual trip. Instead, I am getting photos from his Iphone to show me what I am missing. Payback for the weekday shots of me playing golf sent to his office.

No regrets.

I miss Pork and Apple sausage sandwiches and drinking good wine inexpensively. I'm past the fancy cars now, thank god. I miss slightly saner road users but I wouldn't trade Thailand's system for the police state back in Blighty.

I'd probably be driving a modern compact car (BMW 1 series?) living in a modest house working around the clock to take my mind off the fact that most people around me are clones. I'd be avoiding clubs and bars in favour of Good DVD easily Sourced. and the Odd night at the Movies. I would have continued my RYA certification in sailing and would probably have begun the Padi courses too.

I'd be 2 inches slimmer around the waist and I'd probably still enjoy nice clothes and quality fabrics. I would probably be dating too. If not in a relationship then alternating between a few married (no strings) women.

I'd probably be thinking about getting old and maybe even thinking about retirement still. I'd be thinking of ways to find a buyer for my company or to generate enough interest for an IPO.

I'd probably have the same hair cut. Better diet. More alcohol (but with reasonable levels) And the same number of friends.

Interesting thread, thanks.

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Interesting topic as I never planned to stay in Thailand, it was a spur of the moment decision between two contracts to come to Thailand on a very short term contract and nearly 9 years later still here....

I suppose if I hadnt come here, I would have ended up in Equatorial Guniea, as I was offered a job there not long after I took the position I am in now....

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Had an extremely passionate black girlfriend in Mozambique. Would probably be dead with a big smile on my face by now.

Sorry - that probably infringes some TV racial stereotyping rule, but I do understand why they say 'tried black, not going back' :)

But Thailand is way more interesting long term than Mozambique

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I had originally tried to study abroad in Japan, scheduling conflicts. Then i signed up for Korea, but not enough people were interested. So as i sat in my last semester some profs came in talking about Thailand, didn't need the credits, but I said screw it, 4 months in Thailand sounds great.

Came home, graduated with a degree in family psych and promptly moved back to Thailand to teach. Now I am in the US studying Biology Education while my wife (Thai) begins her MS ED Early Childhood education degree.

Honestly, if I didn't make it to Thailand, I would just be another one of the masses, the overweight, depressed sods working in the US rat race.

Now I have a goal to work towards, a career I love, and wonderful wife with whom I can return with to a country we both love.

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I would not have stayed in the UK regardless. I took a chance on here, but otherwise i would have returned to live in Argentina to be with family there.

Probably doing much the same as im doing now, just there.

I miss some things in the UK, but not enough to want to go back. Certainly dont wish to be back where i was before i left.

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If I hadn't come to Thailand I would have still been living at the foot of New Zealand...(the arsehol_e of the world as Mick Jagger descibed it). Best seafood (Bluff Oysters, Fiordland Crays, Southern Blue Cod) in the world washed clean by the Southern Ocean, paradise if you are a hunter and fisherman, vegetables and fruit with some of the purest taste in the world, and Central Otago wineries 90 minutes up the road at Queenstown after ski-ing. Mick must have struck it on a day when it is blowing and raining in tandem directly of the Antartic. :)

Now moved to a warmer part of New Zealand for the Thai's that have arrived in our house, as we build secure bases for everyone in both countries, with the hope of being living back in Thailand in about five years with both of us working until then.

What I miss most? Thailand. Even with all the mess, hassle, dirty old dirt, traffic jammed highways, tea money etc. etc. etc. the kaos just makes it all even more enjoyable.

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I'd be back in the "land of the free and the home of the brave", drinking Senior Coffee at MacDonald's & listening to brain dead geezers talk about their grandchildren or their golf scores. I could have a racy social life, if I got lucky, cleaning out Grandma's garage or maybe taking her to her doctor's appointment or picking up her prescriptions. Maybe get arrested leering at "sweeties" at the shopping mall.

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if you hadnt come to thailand what would you be doing now?

The question reminds me of that old comedy skit with Jose Imanis (spelling?) playing the part of the nerd they are planning to send into space. When asked what he intended to do in space his reply was.... "I plan to cry a lot."

After my second marriage ended I had an option of giving up sex, or visiting Thailand. I enjoy sex, so I chose the later. Options for sex for a 60 year old single man in North America are zero. For a healthy male, the options are unlimited here in Thailand. If I wanted to I could be married within a week, but I wouldn't want to inflict myself on some lovely lady who will still be in her prime when I finally turn into an old man. Coming here probably extended my life another 10 years. Besides that, it is much cheaper to live a full life on less, and I get to enjoy the sunshine for 5 months when it is raining back home.

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if you hadnt come to thailand what would you be doing now?

The question reminds me of that old comedy skit with Jose Imanis (spelling?) playing the part of the nerd they are planning to send into space. When asked what he intended to do in space his reply was.... "I plan to cry a lot."

After my second marriage ended I had an option of giving up sex, or visiting Thailand. I enjoy sex, so I chose the later. Options for sex for a 60 year old single man in North America are zero. For a healthy male, the options are unlimited here in Thailand. If I wanted to I could be married within a week, but I wouldn't want to inflict myself on some lovely lady who will still be in her prime when I finally turn into an old man. Coming here probably extended my life another 10 years. Besides that, it is much cheaper to live a full life on less, and I get to enjoy the sunshine for 5 months when it is raining back home.

:):D .....a very honest answer Ian, at least you didnt say you came here for the culture and temples as some people do.... :D

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I really miss the aussie ladies back home, oh yes and the RSL clubs.On a serious note i do miss vegemite,aussie beer,and a good steak plus wine at a reasonable price.If i was home i would still be working,here i dont have to.I do miss my family though,but return every year for a visit,and they visit me here,so not so bad.

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I'd still be struggling into the City on the packed Central Line from Holland Park, tolerating banal sales meetings while some self-important gimp with a mickey mouse degree drones on about "spearheading the drive to develop the interests of the company in the months going forward" :D , doing a fiver (or more) on a sarnie at Pret a Manger and spending weekends at overpriced Notting Hill bars talking to overweight, farang birds with corned beef legs whose every endeavour in life is geared towards getting a kid into the school at the top of the Times' Best Education Guide and impressing their friends with the latest soft furnishings from Ikea.

'Kin 'ell . . . just remembered why I'm so lucky to be here. I'm off out on the lash :)

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I'd still be struggling into the City on the packed Central Line from Holland Park, tolerating banal sales meetings while some self-important gimp with a mickey mouse degree drones on about "spearheading the drive to develop the interests of the company in the months going forward" :D , doing a fiver (or more) on a sarnie at Pret a Manger and spending weekends at overpriced Notting Hill bars talking to overweight, farang birds with corned beef legs whose every endeavour in life is geared towards getting a kid into the school at the top of the Times' Best Education Guide and impressing their friends with the latest soft furnishings from Ikea.

'Kin 'ell . . . just remembered why I'm so lucky to be here. I'm off out on the lash :)

Deja vu!

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if you hadnt come to thailand what would you be doing now?

The question reminds me of that old comedy skit with Jose Imanis (spelling?) playing the part of the nerd they are planning to send into space. When asked what he intended to do in space his reply was.... "I plan to cry a lot."

After my second marriage ended I had an option of giving up sex, or visiting Thailand. I enjoy sex, so I chose the later. Options for sex for a 60 year old single man in North America are zero. For a healthy male, the options are unlimited here in Thailand. If I wanted to I could be married within a week, but I wouldn't want to inflict myself on some lovely lady who will still be in her prime when I finally turn into an old man. Coming here probably extended my life another 10 years. Besides that, it is much cheaper to live a full life on less, and I get to enjoy the sunshine for 5 months when it is raining back home.

Respect to you for your honesty. Seems a perfectly reasonable to me

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I'd still be struggling into the City on the packed Central Line from Holland Park, tolerating banal sales meetings while some self-important gimp with a mickey mouse degree drones on about "spearheading the drive to develop the interests of the company in the months going forward" :D , doing a fiver (or more) on a sarnie at Pret a Manger and spending weekends at overpriced Notting Hill bars talking to overweight, farang birds with corned beef legs whose every endeavour in life is geared towards getting a kid into the school at the top of the Times' Best Education Guide and impressing their friends with the latest soft furnishings from Ikea.

'Kin 'ell . . . just remembered why I'm so lucky to be here. I'm off out on the lash :)

Oh my God, it's all coming back to me :D

Edited by carmine
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I'd still be struggling into the City on the packed Central Line from Holland Park, tolerating banal sales meetings while some self-important gimp with a mickey mouse degree drones on about "spearheading the drive to develop the interests of the company in the months going forward" :D , doing a fiver (or more) on a sarnie at Pret a Manger and spending weekends at overpriced Notting Hill bars talking to overweight, farang birds with corned beef legs whose every endeavour in life is geared towards getting a kid into the school at the top of the Times' Best Education Guide and impressing their friends with the latest soft furnishings from Ikea.

'Kin 'ell . . . just remembered why I'm so lucky to be here. I'm off out on the lash :)

Another City boy - I would be Thameslinking into my legal job in the City, hating it with a vengeance, pulling 18 hour days, taxis home late at night through deserted London streets (which I used to love), fantasising as I walked down Farringdon Road on my way to work, or along Cheapside, about how I would escape when the time was right.

Thankfully it was, one day.

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if you hadnt come to thailand what would you be doing now?

The question reminds me of that old comedy skit with Jose Imanis (spelling?) playing the part of the nerd they are planning to send into space. When asked what he intended to do in space his reply was.... "I plan to cry a lot."

After my second marriage ended I had an option of giving up sex, or visiting Thailand. I enjoy sex, so I chose the later. Options for sex for a 60 year old single man in North America are zero. For a healthy male, the options are unlimited here in Thailand. If I wanted to I could be married within a week, but I wouldn't want to inflict myself on some lovely lady who will still be in her prime when I finally turn into an old man. Coming here probably extended my life another 10 years. Besides that, it is much cheaper to live a full life on less, and I get to enjoy the sunshine for 5 months when it is raining back home.

:):D .....a very honest answer Ian, at least you didnt say you came here for the culture and temples as some people do.... :D

They have culture and temples here??? :D:D:D

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.i would have had a lot more money in the bank if i had not come here 22 years ago !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i would have a lot less money in the bank because of paying income tax if i had not come here 6 years ago :)

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