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Maxnet Down In All Of Chonburi?

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Lost connection to the Internet this around 4pm afternoon, both in the office in town and at home on the dark side. Maxnet helpdesk claim it was all of Chonburi. Finally I was able to connect again around 7pm but now it is slooooow, only connecting with 1000/300 kbps - telephone line has a weird hum instead of a dialtone. Anyone else have similar problems?


Same same me.

My internet has been spotty for days, though. Lost it completely around 4, just got it back same same you, called maxnet, they said something about a fiber optic cable to Chonburi being cut.

Who knows?


True had the same problem earlier today,was down from morning till 2 Pm.They claimed it was all of pattaya.At the moment it is still slow.


It's getting worse and worse for me, now 553/371 kbps ... is supposed to be 3500/1000:


My phone still has no dial tone, instead there is a kinda loud hum.... Weird!


Same for me, down in the afternoon.

Had perfect ADSL connectivity at normal speeds, but did not get an IP address...

For Phil Conners, you additionally have a line problem. Either they messed up at the exchange (no dial tone) and the resulting noise messes up your ADSL, or the phone line got whacked somewhere along the way.

Strangely enough, a severed cable cuts the phone service, but as long as the severed ends are close enough, ADSL signal can still hop over, albeit likely at lower speeds!


^ Thanks Monty. I think if the line had got whacked I would hear nothing in the phone. What I hear is a loud white noise, as loud as a dial tone. Had the same problem last week but suddenly it was fixed, then it came back at the same time of the line problem yesterday. Have called TT&T but they are sooo slow to react.


Tuesday 9th February 2010

Time: 09.40hrs.

I live on the Darkside and my TT&T line failed on Sunday afternoon and its still down.

The PPP light on my Maxnet modem is unlit and I’m getting no sound when i listen to the phone line indicating the line is dead.

Rang TT&T three times the last call being yesterday afternoon with them telling the misses they would send an engineer out but as yet I’m still waiting.

The monthly bill is due to be paid tomorrow.

Only after the line comes alive will it be paid.

Tuesday 9th February 2010

Time: 09.40hrs.

I live on the Darkside and my TT&T line failed on Sunday afternoon and its still down.

The PPP light on my Maxnet modem is unlit and I’m getting no sound when i listen to the phone line indicating the line is dead.

Rang TT&T three times the last call being yesterday afternoon with them telling the misses they would send an engineer out but as yet I’m still waiting.

The monthly bill is due to be paid tomorrow.

Only after the line comes alive will it be paid.


Tuesday 9th, 11.30hrs

The Maxnet engineers have just been out and got me back on-line which took all of five minutes.

I've just done a speed test and here are the results:

Last Result:

Download Speed: 4995 kbps (624.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 480 kbps (60 KB/sec transfer rate)

Latency: 89 ms

Tuesday, February 09, 2010 11:43:51 AM


So what did they do to fix your problem?

Now you mention it, my line actually works fine during the day. Still only 2000/1000 where it should be 3500/1000 but at least it works. I still have the noise in the telephone though so apparently these are unrelated issues.

I have a good signal/noise at day around 28-30db but at night this drops to 5-6db and at the same time my connect speed drops to something like 500/250.

Still calling Maxnet daily, yes their English is not perfect but they are polite but useless, taking down the problem and nothing happens.


This is really weird.

I checked the line at the TT&T point on the soi and if I disconnect the line into my house the line is clear as a bell. As soon as I connect either of the wires to the line to the house I get a loud hum.

The line from the TT&T point to my house is a standard yellow 4-wire line as is normally used inside. It crosses the soi underground, goes up inside my house wall and comes out on the loft, all through plastic pipes (but who knows if they were closed properly underground). Total length of that wire is maybe 20-25 mtr.

I went as far as to disconnect everything at the internal distribution point but even with just that piece of wire with no other connections I get the hum.

Of course the line occasionally is close to electricity wires, but that has been the case for the last 4 years and have never been a problem before. Nothing else changed. Could this be caused by water in the underground tube? Any other ideas what's going wrong?

Regardless of the noise, my Internet connection remains ok during the day (right now S/N 23.8 down, 5.8 up) but goes to the dogs at night (less than 6 both down and up).

Anyone knows a good "sparky" who if necessary can replace the cables without it costing an arm and a leg?

So what did they do to fix your problem?

Now you mention it, my line actually works fine during the day. Still only 2000/1000 where it should be 3500/1000 but at least it works. I still have the noise in the telephone though so apparently these are unrelated issues.

I have a good signal/noise at day around 28-30db but at night this drops to 5-6db and at the same time my connect speed drops to something like 500/250.

Still calling Maxnet daily, yes their English is not perfect but they are polite but useless, taking down the problem and nothing happens.

They metered the line then connected a modem they brought with them which like mine did nothing.

After that one of them went outside for a few minutes to the box at the front of my house and removed the cover, he came back and logged into the engineers page on the computer and made a couple of alterations and ‘hey presto’ I was back on line.


Been offline since last Sunday, until yesterday (Thursday). Phoned the TTT 3bb call centre help line many times to be told there were no problems in my area, Soi Country Club. I read here that earlier that there were many problems from last weekend

After 4 days of about 10 calls to them, and a BKK number they gave to me, they sent 3 engineers this afternoon to check my land line which was dead. After checking it (and re wiring it) they said there were still no problems, and to get a private contractor out to check my wiring going into my house, for which they gave me a tel number of thier friend to re-wire the connection of my current wiring . They said that they could not check inside my house, and to call the number they gave me.

Strange, because after they re-wired the out side box, the connection worked again, although cutting off every few minutes as it has done for the last few weeks now.

On TTT 3bb 2m Premier paying 1,160 baht a month, and it sucks big time.

Speed checks to BKK are about not bad at 1.6 mbps download earlier, but the upload speed is very slow at about 0.02 mbps which is too low to use Skype, plus the connection drops out many times per hour.

Also torrents are almost at a stand still now.

I think it is time to find a new provider, but any recommendations?


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