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Apple Cider Vinegar


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I too, think using apple cider vinegar as a health aid is highly beneficial, but I have not been able to find it with the "mother". I've looked in Big C, Makro, Appi Plaza, and the other smaller grocery outfits, but no luck (in fact I look every place I go that might have it). I used to bring it from the States but I could not bring enough of it to last until the next trip, so I stopped using it.

You said it can be found at the "Villa". Is that in the Chiang Rai area? If so, where is it??


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As to the benefits of daily doses of vinegar with "mother, I suppose that is subjective, but I am personally convinced and have good reason to believe that the consistant use of it will bring down a persons' high blood pressure significantly, and burn away most of your daily intake of fat keeping it from entering your system and thereby goes far in keeping your weight under control. I keep close records and have found that for me the extent of my high blood pressure is directly related to how overweight I am.

My doctors in the US both say that such vinegar with "mother" is beneficial, and both also say that the Southeast Asian diet is the healthiest in the world. I took it to heart, eat only Thai food, and went from 248 lbs to an average of 184 lbs in just 4 months after coming here 6 years ago, and my BP went down to not that far above normal on average. If I could find vinegar with "mother" I would use it daily, and further improve my weight and BP. As to dosage, I just fill a coffee cup halfway, top up with water and drink it down morning and evening. I quickly adjust to the tangy taste and look forward to drinking it when I have it, but I think it must be used consistently every day.


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The 'Mother' is a gel-like substance which grows naturally on the surface of the cider vinegar, this was the culture used which converts the cider to vinegar. That's what gives it all the health benefits. It contains powerful enzymes and life-giving minerals, as well as natural malic acid which is so important in fighting body toxins.

"Unless Apple Cider Vinegar has the 'Mother' in it, the liquid is worthless" says Patricia Bragg, who has written books on the use of Cider Vinegar.

And no, i didnt know either, until i Googled it..sounds awful though :)


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apple cider vinegar daily is good for you but I give up.........what is mother?

The Mother is the slurry of amino acids that are not filtered out and give the vinegar a cloudy appearance , it is filtered out in the more commerical products like Heinz and those will not have the purposed health benefits.

Villa in Pattaya has the US "Bragg" brand so will assume the other branches stock it as well.

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Lemon Juice in Water and Honey combined with a PROPER Diet or better: controlled Calorie intake will do just the same!

Vinegar can have a negative effect on ones kidneys as hyperreninemia !

But then besides Health benefit's there are plenty of other uses to it:

See this:

Removes rust from various tools, bolts... coffestains from coffecups.. mold from shower/bathroom.. make foodisposers, sinks smellfree... misty spots on glassware..Kill bacteria in meat...Cheese will last longer if you store it in a vinegar soaked cloth....Prevent cracked hard boiled eggs.... clean food caked in the microwave...Remove chewing gum....earinfections, acidreflux..

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Lemon Juice in Water and Honey combined with a PROPER Diet or better: controlled Calorie intake will do just the same!

Vinegar can have a negative effect on ones kidneys as hyperreninemia !

But then besides Health benefit's there are plenty of other uses to it:

See this:

Removes rust from various tools, bolts... coffestains from coffecups.. mold from shower/bathroom.. make foodisposers, sinks smellfree... misty spots on glassware..Kill bacteria in meat...Cheese will last longer if you store it in a vinegar soaked cloth....Prevent cracked hard boiled eggs.... clean food caked in the microwave...Remove chewing gum....earinfections, acidreflux..

Can't disagree with your point on a healthy diet and less calorie intake but numerous studies show there are some proven health benefits from taking small amounts of ACV daily.

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As to dosage, I just fill a coffee cup halfway, top up with water and drink it down morning and evening. I quickly adjust to the tangy taste and look forward to drinking it when I have it, but I think it must be used consistently every day.


How big is your coffee cup? Small? Medium? Large?

I do believe that I'll try it too.

I just happen to love the taste of ACV.

I add it to Green Smoothies to give it a bit of a tang.

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As to dosage, I just fill a coffee cup halfway, top up with water and drink it down morning and evening. I quickly adjust to the tangy taste and look forward to drinking it when I have it, but I think it must be used consistently every day.


How big is your coffee cup? Small? Medium? Large?

I do believe that I'll try it too.

I just happen to love the taste of ACV.

I add it to Green Smoothies to give it a bit of a tang.

Surprised you refrigerate yours , anything that can strip paint can sure keep at room temperature :)

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Surprised you refrigerate yours , anything that can strip paint can sure keep at room temperature :)

Yeah, a paint stripper and marble eater... and it jumps out of fridges to boot... :D

This version is all natural (tastes like it too).

No chemicals, additives, or preservatives.

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The trick with ACV is that its acidic and can damage tooth enamel and cause stomach irritation.

I would recommend taking it with bicarbonate of soda aka baking soda. The base PH of the baking soda cancels the acidic PH of the ACV and if mixed properly can become a neutral 7 ph solution for consumption.

Once the ACV and Baking soda are in the body then very alkalizing to cells, organs, bones etc and beneficial for health.

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Ok, after googling...

Apparently every ACV has different levels of acidity. What I'm finding is a start of 1/4 tsp of baking soda to 2 tbsp ACV. Adjust.

This report is interesting: I started taking apple cider vinegar about 3 months ago, I mix 2 tablespoons of Bragg's ACV with 1/8 teaspoon baking soda... 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals... To date I have lost 20 pounds, have more energy and my joints feel better. This cocktail is recommended 5 days on, 2 days off.

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I think diluting it with water , or apple juice works pretty well.

The acidity is an important part of the function AFAIK.

Not sure about drinking half a coffee mugs worth.

The tonic is 2 tablespoons mixed into an 8 ounce glass of water with some natural honey mixed into for flavor.

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Did you guys actually see any benefits?

I used it for quite a long time but i can't say there was any noticeable difference.

I know of two direct benefit applications when used to heal toenail fungus.That stuff is hard to kill but the natural cider vinegar will heal it. It takes a while but it definitely works. Applied directly to the infected toenail daily.

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I have been drinking it every morning for the last two years and recently had my blood sugars (triglycerides) tested. They are better than they have ever been, and my cholesterol is down, and well within range. I am now stopping my medication, and will test again after 1 month. I drink a tablespoon of the S&W ACV, without the mother, cold, in water. I have also lost 12 kilos - 2 years ago over 6 months - but that was as a result of diet and exercise. It has remained off in two years, and I still exercise 4-5 times a week, and have maintained my reduced calorie intake.

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I have been drinking it every morning for the last two years and recently had my blood sugars (triglycerides) tested. They are better than they have ever been, and my cholesterol is down, and well within range. I am now stopping my medication, and will test again after 1 month. I drink a tablespoon of the S&W ACV, without the mother, cold, in water. I have also lost 12 kilos - 2 years ago over 6 months - but that was as a result of diet and exercise. It has remained off in two years, and I still exercise 4-5 times a week, and have maintained my reduced calorie intake.

Bravo ! :)

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Wonder how this ACV would react to one with a Hiatus Hernia, me!

As acidity seems to have contributed to this condition in the first place, I'm thinking the ACV may not be as beneficial, even though the other benefits outlined seem quite impressive.

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As to the size coffee cup I use, it is probably a "medium". It is between one of those small Nescafe cups that you see all around, and a big cup like you would use for a cup of instant soup.

It is my understanding from my doctor that the vinegar must have the "mother" for the health benefits. A good definition of this was given earlier in this thread.

As to the use of baking soda with it, I cannot dispute that it may be better used that way by some people. Our systems are not all exactly the same. But I have never had any gastric distress the way I take it, and see no need for it.

I am not recommending it for others, but if I had gastric problems as mentioned above, I might consider dropping one of the two tablets in an Alkia Seltzer pack into the cup, letting it fizzle and drinking it down to see what happens. Risk taker that I am, I think I will try this anyway at some point, just out of curiosity - maybe, if I can find some with "mther", I will try this the next time I have had some Lao Khao late in the evening causing some distress during the night. I have long been in the habit of keeping a stock of Alka Seltzer brought from the States for such eventualities, but eating Thai food I find I seldom need any otherwise.


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By the way, when I was living in Phuket I was able to get this vinegar with "mother" at a fair sized grocery store about a block west of the traffic circle at Chaloong. But now that I have relocated to near Chiang Rai I have not been able to find it and cannot bring enough back with me to last.

That place I really miss, because it carried several things I like and could otherwise not find, such as Grapefruit juice which I also believe in drinking every morning for health. Nowhere else in Thailand have I been able to find Grapefruit juice, and I would have thought they surely would be grown here. Thais do have the Pomello (and you can buy it's juice) which looks a lot like a Grapefruit but is bigger and more pithy. It is not the same, and tasts different. Grapefruit is also necessary for a proper Salty Dog (hehehe), and Pomello juice just doesn't make the grade...


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^^I usually load up with grapefruit juice when in BKK as it is available in most western type supermarkets...

don't know about the health benefits but it's a dynamite mixer with vodka...also good with soda in a tall glass first thing in the morning...

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Any packaged juice is not remotely healthy, and full of added sugar. Cannot more highly recommend doing your own juicing.

Read well, wasn't meant for a health drink - for entertainment only! :)

Yes, a good juicer is an advantage and makes a huge difference!

Just "cured" some yeast infection in my groin with apple cider vinegar gone in 3 days....!

Edited by Samuian
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Any packaged juice is not remotely healthy, and full of added sugar. Cannot more highly recommend doing your own juicing.

Read well, wasn't meant for a health drink - for entertainment only! :)

Yes, a good juicer is an advantage and makes a huge difference!

Just "cured" some yeast infection in my groin with apple cider vinegar gone in 3 days....!

A juicer strips out the roughage and leaves you with calories. But if you use the entire fruit to make green smoothies... well... now you are talking healthy.

And that's where Apple Cider Vinegar works for me.

Fruit (apples, papaya, mango, etc), leafy green veg, frozen winter fruits (makes it so the drink is not green), raw ginger, and two to four tablespoons of ACV. Blend.

samtam, congrats on tackling your yeast infection...

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  • 2 months later...

I drink it raw and also add a little drop to my cats water and to the parrots drinking water,it healed up one of the parrots feather plucked skin area.

I also mix a little to a spray bottle and spray the parrots to keep the feathers fresh looking.

Good for dogs also to ward off bugs

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