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If You Get Frustrated Some Times......


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Fly to Thailand, where we have nothing to lament over!

Im in Thailand and let me tell you the Thai cops worry me a whole lot more than their Aussie counterparts :D

You might have the misfortune to learn oneday. I hope you don;t have to go through what I have had to, and I realise that you'll naturally blame me before you can even begin to comprehend the untold truth of these matters, but trust in your best judgment then, and may God be with you, 'cause you just lost me, so goodluck with your future. I look forward to it.


Anyway, hope is not lost while there's still Peru, Nicaragua, Africa ... :)

Can someone please translate this for me and explain <deleted> this rooster is on about? :D

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Long time reader first time poster.

At the end of the day its horses for courses. We all have our reasons why we prefer one place over another but i would have to also say that to say outright that place Thailand is "Better than <insert place here>" (and vice versa) is misguided at best.

What tickles your fancy is all very much personal - i for one still find aussieland to be my home. If you dont, more power to you enjoy your time here :)

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Just driving 1 Kmh over will not cause you to lose you licence unless you already have other offences. Sorry but I have seen few fatal accidents right outside my house caused by speeding, maybe this does not bother some people but I am not too happy about seeing someone die in front of me and can't do anything to help them.

Actually, it DOES cause you to lose your licence. As he stated, he was in Thailand and didn't know the fine had been issued. They suspend your licence eventually, if you do not pay the fine.

1 KMH over limit did not cause it, failing to have his mail forwarded and/or dealing with it is the problem.

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You could always give him the benefit of the doubt, since you don't know what actually happened.

Their own administrative errors meant that they never sent me the ticket .

I had a minor version of this when the cretinous owner of the taxi depot I worked for signed a Statutory Declaration that my address was an address I hadn't lived at for years, and which I had updated with him twice. I had also told him that when I was in Thailand to send mail ( my GST statement ) to my sister's address. Naturally I did not receive the fine until I returned and got hit with a late fee.

It was the SECOND time he had done this. In bigger bureaucracy, the left hand often does not know what the right is doing.

Edited by Latindancer
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When I go back I'm gonna drink some good cheap wine, a range of different beers, quality international food, catch up with some good live sport, but yes, I will be thankful when I get back to Thailand.

Hey kurnell..better make sure you buy that return ticket back to LOS before you start on that lot...

Standard carton of beer, nothing fancy..now up around the 1300 baht mark

And dont even ask about prices in pubs and clubs,

I shouted a girl one of those small bacardi breezer bottles the other night..$7.90 = 230 baht :D

basic meal in a restaurant: 650 baht and still pretty ordinary


you better get back here then before you go broke :D

You know me so well Sam :D

Yes, i am on my best behaviour here in Oz. Cutting back on the grog was no great trouble, but im finding my most addictive Thai habit was having 2 or 3 massages per week..

Call me a cheap charlie but im not to keen to fork out the $50 per hour it costs here :D

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Living in Thailand spoiled my trip to spain! The fact that a five minute taxi ride cost $25 US , the complete lack of public transportation leaving me stranded at 6 am in the cold rain , having a trip to 7/11 cost 5x as much, and each mean being $15 US or more as opposed to at least $2. Also, everyone was rude, and the biggest thing of all, most clubs charged $20 US on entrance and each drink was at leat $15!

Made me realize why I like Thailand at least! couldn't wait to leave.

Oh yea, and like the guy above me, daily massages are the nuts. Got a few massages in Spain, cheapest one being about $75/hr and it was terrible.

Also, the very common scammers / thieves in Spain were even MORE common than in Thailand, but they were aggressive, as opposed to passive-aggressive ones in Thailand

Edited by czGLoRy
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As a curious American I wonder about the pronunciation on the word "whinge". Of couse we in America have bastardized a lot of the "King's English" and we say "whine" and that ryhmes with wine. Not trying to be any stranger than I am already, just always wondered about how you guys pronounce "whinge".

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As a curious American I wonder about the pronunciation on the word "whinge". Of couse we in America have bastardized a lot of the "King's English" and we say "whine" and that ryhmes with wine. Not trying to be any stranger than I am already, just always wondered about how you guys pronounce "whinge".

As in "hinge" or "cringe".

I think there is an element of "cringeing" implicit in "whinge"

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