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Red-Shirt Leaders Ready For Million-Man March


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I tend to agree that the likes of Abhisit and Korn can if given support and a modicum of luck be instrumental in moving the country forward. However, that window for them is starting to close and if they or those backing them dont move soon it will be lost.

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I don't remember the reds ever closing an airport before.

But you do remember the reds hijacking an oil tanker and attacking Bangkok locals with baseball bats last Songkran don't you?

A repeat of that activity is what worries people.

2 gas tanker not oil.

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The road to true democracy is voting for Thaksin Shinawatra because he is the only one supporting democracy.

Nonsense of course.However with the PAD movement with open elite support campaigning to restrict the franchise (I know they backtracked on this), it's easy to see how Thaksin seized the true democracy banner.The answer is surprisingly simple:treat all Thai people with respect and don't unfairly discriminate.I believe Abhisit/Korn understand this and gradually if they are are given a chance the baleful influence of Thaksin will wane.Trouble is the greed, stupidity and innate violence in the Thai elite is unpredictable.

Thaksin and democracy....he did the worst vote buying in Thai history. He also bought complete parties like the Newin group.

While the Democrats have an overall more or less clean record on vote buying.

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- Thai voters, at large, have done little to demand better representation, and done little to question the 'parties' in term of a solid and specific manifesto.

- Thai voters have passively accepted both the rampant vote buying and the massive corruption of the past, and the present.

Important and often over-looked factors that are pefectly exemplified by support for the reds.

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While the Democrats have an overall more or less clean record on vote buying.

I don't think any party can truthfully make this claim.

So FAR ... the party itself (by way of party executives) has not been caught buying votes on a major scale. They have had a few individuals that have gotten caught though!

So the issue is a clean record .. they pretty well have a clean record. Are they guilty of buying votes from a party standpoint? Maybe. Are some of their candidates guilty of the same offense? Absolutely.

Should ANY party be exempted when it comes to being investigated and disbanded if they (the party execs) get caught? No!

edit ----

To get back to the topic! If the turn-out at the red shirt stage behind Wat Pra Singh here in Chiang Mai last night is any indication of how many people they will get for their "Million Man March" --- they will only get the speaker and a couple of vendors! There was absolutely nobody there to listen to the guy on stage! Zero, Zilch, the big goose-egg, nada!

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I tend to agree that the likes of Abhisit and Korn can if given support and a modicum of luck be instrumental in moving the country forward. However, that window for them is starting to close and if they or those backing them dont move soon it will be lost.

Quote: "However, that window for them is starting to close and if they or those backing them dont move soon it will be lost."

It's obviously true that, in politics, things can change quickly, and unexpected 'things' can appear with no warning.

On the other hand, Abhisit is becoming bolder and demaning more accountability. And he's standing up more to Suthep (which he couldn't really do at first because it was Suthep (and Chuan) who paved the way for Abhisit to get into the driving seat).

Korn has strong support from a large percentage of the business community (those who see the big picture, rather than pure greed and selfishness), and Korn has recently won two prestigious international awards for his policies. And Korn has already (with Abhisit) laid a long term path for a more civil society where there is more equal opportunity and more sharing of the wealth.

Edited by scorecard
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While the Democrats have an overall more or less clean record on vote buying.

I don't think any party can truthfully make this claim.

So FAR ... the party itself (by way of party executives) has not been caught buying votes on a major scale. They have had a few individuals that have gotten caught though!

So the issue is a clean record .. they pretty well have a clean record. Are they guilty of buying votes from a party standpoint? Maybe. Are some of their candidates guilty of the same offense? Absolutely.

Should ANY party be exempted when it comes to being investigated and disbanded if they (the party execs) get caught? No!

edit ----

To get back to the topic! If the turn-out at the red shirt stage behind Wat Pra Singh here in Chiang Mai last night is any indication of how many people they will get for their "Million Man March" --- they will only get the speaker and a couple of vendors! There was absolutely nobody there to listen to the guy on stage! Zero, Zilch, the big goose-egg, nada!

For the democrats it is pretty easy to explain.

In the south they get elected anyway, so no need to waste money.

In Isaan and North they won't get elected so any money is wasted.

So they have much less reason for vote buying.

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I'll add a little more. In the event I described above the people said they did get paid 200Baht.

Becase of the conversation I detailed above my Thai son (adult) became curious and pretty angry about how they were treated, and he proceeded to ask a number of other people if they were aware of this happening.

The answer was more than yes, it seems that it's normal practice, put the poor on the bus, stop the bus somewhere in Bangkok and tell them to get off, bus drives away.


According to my ex girlfriend whom lives in a small village in Udon Thani and whom I am still good friends with is that the only they are being thought is that:

The road to true democracy is voting for Thaksin Shinawatra because he is the only one supporting democracy.

She left after attending 2 sessions.

Thank you guys for these specific on-the-ground reports.

To Waerth:

I know it may sound weird to say, but please extend my congratulations to your ex for having the intelligence to "drop out of school."

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I tend to agree that the likes of Abhisit and Korn can if given support and a modicum of luck be instrumental in moving the country forward. However, that window for them is starting to close and if they or those backing them dont move soon it will be lost.

Quote: "However, that window for them is starting to close and if they or those backing them dont move soon it will be lost."

It's obviously true that, in politics, things can change quickly, and unexpected 'things' can appear with no warning.

On the other hand, Abhisit is becoming bolder and demaning more accountability. And he's standing up more to Suthep (which he couldn't really do at first because it was Suthep (and Chuan) who paved the way for Abhisit to get into the driving seat).

Korn has strong support from a large percentage of the business community (those who see the big picture, rather than pure greed and selfishness), and Korn has recently won two prestigious international awards for his policies. And Korn has already (with Abhisit) laid a long term path for a more civil society where there is more equal opportunity and more sharing of the wealth.

Good post and its refreshing to see at least some discussion of the bigger picture as opposed to the one dimensional view that everything's explained by votebuying and Thaksin's wickedness..The Abhisit/Korn route is surely the way forward to redress the imbalances in Thai society.Even at one's most cynical it represents a smart attempt of the ruling class to preserve its interests, as opposed to the crazed greed of the generals, monopolist businessmen and feudalists.

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Red-shirt leaders ready for million-man march

The date both sides finally decided upon was February 20.

Have they started massing up yet today?

I think they postponed it to the 26th and than again to after 26.

Seems big boss did not transfer the money.

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Red-shirt leaders ready for million-man march

The date both sides finally decided upon was February 20.

Have they started massing up yet today?

I think they postponed it to the 26th and than again to after 26.

Seems big boss did not transfer the money.

Have they officially announced its postponement? I've not seen anything in that regard.

Do they think that no one will notice that a one million person rally didn't occur when they said it would?

Edited by spooner
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Red-shirt leaders ready for million-man march

The date both sides finally decided upon was February 20.

Have they started massing up yet today?

I think they postponed it to the 26th and than again to after 26.

Seems big boss did not transfer the money.

Have they officially announced its postponement? I've not seen anything in that regard.

Do they think that no one will notice that a one million person rally didn't occur when they said it would?

BKK Post has an article about Jatuporn telling that they did not receive the money decide the date yet. And that it will be AFTER 26 Feb.

But there are many different announcements. Seems they don't know what they should do.

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Maybe the red shirt schools forgot to teach them how to read a calendar?

My bet is money did not came....without money they need to downscale the people uprising to the usual 1000 commies. Like at the BKK bank.

That would fit to the rumors that Thaksin has money problems and no one want to borrow him money.

I hope it ends this way.....

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Maybe the red shirt schools forgot to teach them how to read a calendar?

My bet is money did not came....without money they need to downscale the people uprising to the usual 1000 commies. Like at the BKK bank.

That would fit to the rumors that Thaksin has money problems and no one want to borrow him money.

I hope it ends this way.....

On/Off - Off/On - On/Off - - - - - - - - - -

then someone pulled the plug.... tsssssssssssssssss...t!

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h90, Was Fewrat / Polax banned, or can we apply the same reasoning to his lack of activity?


Version 1:

yesterday they went to the BKK bank and today they think how to make 10.000 people out of the 800-1000. Not easy, even with Photoshop.

Version 2:

Thaksin did not pay the posting fee

Version 3:

there was this planned peoples uprising, with full support in all forum. As the spontaneous furious people uprising on the 26th is canceled due to lack of funds they can take a rest....

By the way yesterday in ASTV told that some red told already that the Yellow did attack them and in the fight Chamlong died. Just it never happened and Chamlong was in TV.

What double/triple game was that?? Did they hope the Yellow attack them? Or was it just BS????

Unfortunately I did not hear it myself and got only the second hand version from Mrs h90....

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h90, Was Fewrat / Polax banned, or can we apply the same reasoning to his lack of activity?

Yes, and at least one nick after poleax too. BudsobPidsanambin.

I think LiteBeer is waiting for him, judging from who looks at newbies nicks.

I guess that the baton has been passed from Dr. Pat Pong.

Or maybe he is busy on stage?

Seems I am expected to deplore his repeated bannings as politically motivated,

and so fostering a one sided view of Thailand based on those in power,

and not my own views. But he is far from the only one I've spared with,

who has a ban and gets cut off at the knees on returning.

At least Permanent Disorder has stopped beating our eyeballs to a pulp.

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h90, Was Fewrat / Polax banned, or can we apply the same reasoning to his lack of activity?

Yes, and at least one nick after poleax too. BudsobPidsanambin.

I think LiteBeer is waiting for him, judging from who looks at newbies nicks.

I guess that the baton has been passed from Dr. Pat Pong.

Or maybe he is busy on stage?

Seems I am expected to deplore his repeated bannings as politically motivated,

and so fostering a one sided view of Thailand based on those in power,

and not my own views. But he is far from the only one I've spared with,

who has a ban and gets cut off at the knees on returning.

At least Permanent Disorder has stopped beating our eyeballs to a pulp.

My idle curiosity craves to know ---- where were they posting from?

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h90, Was Fewrat / Polax banned, or can we apply the same reasoning to his lack of activity?

Yes, and at least one nick after poleax too. BudsobPidsanambin.

I think LiteBeer is waiting for him, judging from who looks at newbies nicks.

I guess that the baton has been passed from Dr. Pat Pong.

Or maybe he is busy on stage?

Seems I am expected to deplore his repeated bannings as politically motivated,

and so fostering a one sided view of Thailand based on those in power,

and not my own views. But he is far from the only one I've spared with,

who has a ban and gets cut off at the knees on returning.

At least Permanent Disorder has stopped beating our eyeballs to a pulp.

Actually why not let them have their say? and Koo whatever happened to her?

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h90, Was Fewrat / Polax banned, or can we apply the same reasoning to his lack of activity?

Yes, and at least one nick after poleax too. BudsobPidsanambin.

I think LiteBeer is waiting for him, judging from who looks at newbies nicks.

I guess that the baton has been passed from Dr. Pat Pong.

Or maybe he is busy on stage?

Seems I am expected to deplore his repeated bannings as politically motivated,

and so fostering a one sided view of Thailand based on those in power,

and not my own views. But he is far from the only one I've spared with,

who has a ban and gets cut off at the knees on returning.

At least Permanent Disorder has stopped beating our eyeballs to a pulp.

Actually why not let them have their say? and Koo whatever happened to her?

I don't know who any of these people are, and couldn't care less, but fully agree with your comment above. To me, it makes no sense to ban people because they have different views. At the end of the day, as my momma taught me a long time ago, "sticks and stones....".

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h90, Was Fewrat / Polax banned, or can we apply the same reasoning to his lack of activity?

Yes, and at least one nick after poleax too. BudsobPidsanambin.

I think LiteBeer is waiting for him, judging from who looks at newbies nicks.

I guess that the baton has been passed from Dr. Pat Pong.

Or maybe he is busy on stage?

Seems I am expected to deplore his repeated bannings as politically motivated,

and so fostering a one sided view of Thailand based on those in power,

and not my own views. But he is far from the only one I've spared with,

who has a ban and gets cut off at the knees on returning.

At least Permanent Disorder has stopped beating our eyeballs to a pulp.

Actually why not let them have their say? and Koo whatever happened to her?

I don't know who any of these people are, and couldn't care less, but fully agree with your comment above. To me, it makes no sense to ban people because they have different views. At the end of the day, as my momma taught me a long time ago, "sticks and stones....".

The question is if the are banned because of different views (which I don't think) or because they got several times banned already, re-register, register several names per user with the only purpose to make propaganda. Or worst it is a static IP from a promotion agency.

I know one case were Wikipedia articles about an Austrian political party was changed and the IP was always the same static IP from their headquarter.

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Are the marching right now?

If they believe they could say it was happening right now, they would,

but no one would believe them! :)

As to banning, well I am not having a problem with reasoned arguments.

But the mini troll comments wear thin very very fast.

Like a rabble rouser inciting a crowd to riot.

I just think some get banned for tweaking noses and others for stepping way over the line.

But once banned they are rather consistent that you had your warnings and that's it.

Come back as another nick and you just get the original ban re-applied.

Oh, I wasn't trying to start a thread on these issues, by the way.

Just commenting on Ferwerts coming back and some of the things he imparts my way,

and apparently Hammereds way too, just prior to making a commenting pass as another nick.

He feels it is 100% biased against red thought and not against other thought, inevitably labeled yellow.

I find that odd because I wonder why I haven't been banned yet. I am pretty sure 'some' don't like me...

Well in any case; tis the season to watch the dance troupe in the street make social commentary,

and it seems the season for this is cranking up at TV. What a surprise.

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I see Jatporn playing "Dr. Martin Luther King" didn't work out so well. Million people.....right. :)

Perhaps people are starting to get it through their heads - Thaksin isn't "for" you, me, or anybody else. Thaksin doesn't care about "democracy" either. Thaksin cares about Thaksin and Thaksin only. Anyone else who gets in his way is just roadkill.

On another note - how refreshing is it not to hear from Jakrabhop in so long? Haven't seen that big lip picture of him they always use either. Good for eyes and ears it seems.

As for banning - I agree with Animatic. :D

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