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Thaksin Faces Criminal Case If Guilty On Feb 26


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Snark all you want. Your writing style is overly complex and too fully of hyperbole to make anyone invest the time to decifer. Clear and to the point wins the day, every time.

If "overly complex" don't read it!

To enlighten you: hyperbole n. A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.

Rings a bell?

Edited by Samuian
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Every day that is crossed off the calendar towards Feb 26 is another day of pressure on the Reds whether to throw caution to the winds (again) and try for another push towards civil war to overthrow the legal process and by the way sneak Thaksin in to 'restore order' (and that's a bad joke Thai style). You can bet your bottom dollar that Thaksin will be constantly counting up the loyal police and army leaders he can rely on. The only thing that keeps him and his thugs in check is that the mathematics are currently against them. Remember that one of his final moves before the coup was to try and put his cronies into positions of army power and declare check mate. Stupidly he was too arrogant to disguise his moves and now he tries to get back in the game.

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The thread title is "Thaksin Faces Criminal Case If Guilty On Feb 26". That seems the sensible, democratic, thing to do. No man is above the law. If the court finds him guilty of abuse of power then he should face criminal charges. What is so wrong with that? Yet we get his supporters on here saying not so, and dragging up the PAD, what others have or have not done, and what else Thaksin has or has not done. In short, applying the same cheap diversionary tactics as they do on most threads. Why should he not face criminal charges if found guilty? Putting him above the law would be an extremely warped view of democracy coming from those who claim to be its upholders.

I totally agree with this post. Well done Sir :)


BIG problem as mentioned earlier is that if the person accused isnt in Thailand and ignores calls to come back?? What Then?

I see here one thing HAVING to be changed so that if you donot want to come to court to defend yourself, you are asumed to be guilty...

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Well, I got you dumbing it down for the rest of us, mission accomplished. I'm a big boy - feel free to educate me all you like.

Samuians not english 1st language,

and he leans toward irony and sarcasm a bit much.

But if you look at his posts from that angle he makes good sense.

He tends to point to the absurdity more than most, which some times makes it less clear,

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