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Blackberry V Iphone


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Just had conversation with a friend over the whole blackberry iphone debate. He was against both :)

I must admit, I love my BB and am not so fussed by touch screens etc.

So, bring it on, (no flame wars tho!) which do you have and which do you prefer?

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And I just discovered how to solve the battery capacity problem ....

what solution have you found? This is the one thing that puts me off an Iphone.


Yes please explain, mine is good for less than a day if i use it for work

Apple store sells a kind of Jacket including a battery. When you install it, it covers your iphone, and bring an extra usage time. You charge both at same time. I have seen it at a friend's home, and will need to go and buy it....about 3,000 B

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I bought a little chargeable gizmo from Seacon Square for 450 baht. If I'm going out and I realise that the iPhone hasn't much charge in it I'll bring it with me and plug it in while travelling. You can use the phone while charging.

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I bought a little chargeable gizmo from Seacon Square for 450 baht. If I'm going out and I realise that the iPhone hasn't much charge in it I'll bring it with me and plug it in while travelling. You can use the phone while charging.

I bought one of these on eBay and I fried my iphone 3Gs with it, it simply stopped 5 seconds after connecting it, the battery became very hot for 15/20 minutes, and then it never restarted...


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I was talking of the item sold in the Apple Store (Central Dept Store). Cost about 3,000 Baht, and works great. My friend bought it and highly recommended

I bought a little chargeable gizmo from Seacon Square for 450 baht. If I'm going out and I realise that the iPhone hasn't much charge in it I'll bring it with me and plug it in while travelling. You can use the phone while charging.

I bought one of these on eBay and I fried my iphone 3Gs with it, it simply stopped 5 seconds after connecting it, the battery became very hot for 15/20 minutes, and then it never restarted...


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I've never had a BB but from what I can see, I wonder what makes this any better than any Nokia phone out there? I mean OK they've always had push email without the battery impact this has on, say, the iPhone, or others. But that's because they need special servers that make the mobile network send special messages to the BB, and so the whole thing only works for work email sponsored by your friendly mega corporation. Or am I completely off and it also works with any Gmail or other account? I thought you needed a special BB email server...

The iPhone of course has push email but it's quite the battery drain, equivalent to a constant very low data rate data connection.

iPhone, I can't live without. I have a few apps I am pretty much dependent on, and once you go touch, any other way of interacting with your phone, or even computer, seems like it was invented in the stone age. I often find myself sitting in front of my laptop with that large, comfortable keyboard and huge trackpad and wireless mouse and think: Why is this so complicated and stupid? Let alone a teeny tiny thumb pad on a phone...

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And I just discovered how to solve the battery capacity problem ....

what solution have you found? This is the one thing that puts me off an Iphone.


Yes please explain, mine is good for less than a day if i use it for work

Apple store sells a kind of Jacket including a battery. When you install it, it covers your iphone, and bring an extra usage time. You charge both at same time. I have seen it at a friend's home, and will need to go and buy it....about 3,000 B


OK, i thought it was something better than that, i use this one: http://www.lifetrons.ch/Products/Products-LT035E1.htm

very good and really need it if you use your iphone all day, whish they would make a phone where you could change battery, but they are not that smart,,, yet

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With my BB I get my Yahoo, Hotmail, GMail, Company PMCI mail, BB Mail and any others I want to add. Plus I have many chat programs on it.

Works great in and out of Thailand, the only problem is I am always connected to work where ever I go an everyone knows this so even when on Vacation I receive and send business emails and work issues. (I could turn it off, but being the only farung in our company it would cause many internal problems for sure)

Bottom Line BB suits me fine and I would not change to any other device.

Dan :)

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What about battery life on BB?

also the early model only had about 4 GB memory i think, what do they have now?

only like iphone because of the big and very clear screen, and all the gadget you can have, would not mind change if i can find one there is better, like to change phones.

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With my BB I get my Yahoo, Hotmail, GMail, Company PMCI mail, BB Mail and any others I want to add. Plus I have many chat programs on it.

Just out of curiosity - does Push mail work with the other services? E.g. Yahoo, Hotmail (really? - the BB can access hotmail, that doesn't even have POP access?!). Does it check every X minutes, or do you get new mails the instant they appear in the account? I guess it would be a bit hard to tell... I previously thought that BB push only works with BB Mail and corporate mail (over BB mail servers, but that's transparent to the users).

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Sometimes (Most times) I get my emails on my BB before it even gets to my in box on the computer...

Yes I get Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, BB Mail, My corp email and can load others if I wanted to. No Problems at all.

I have some chat programs I use such as windows live, Yahoo messenger, Google talk, AOL, ICQ and BB Messenger, Depends on whom I am chatting with.

I cannot say enough about the BB and like I said previously I have been using BB for years here in Thailand and use it 99% more than I do my laptop when I travel outside Thailand.


Dan :)

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With my BB I get my Yahoo, Hotmail, GMail, Company PMCI mail, BB Mail and any others I want to add. Plus I have many chat programs on it.

Works great in and out of Thailand, the only problem is I am always connected to work where ever I go an everyone knows this so even when on Vacation I receive and send business emails and work issues. (I could turn it off, but being the only farung in our company it would cause many internal problems for sure)

Bottom Line BB suits me fine and I would not change to any other device.

Dan :)

Dan, to get away from it all just turn of the EDGE. Settings, mobile networks, data services - switch to off.



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My bb battery is quite good, I do turn my phone off at night (why would you leave your phone on when sleeping?) and find that I need to charge my phone every few days. Hotmail, two yahoos and a gmail acct are all pushed to the bb as are all facebook messages.

I use the bb messenger to chat with other friends who have bb's as well (g esp likes it so he can keep tabs on me :))

camera isn't too bad but I have an unsteady hand and photos taken at night can end up blurry (yes facebook friends that is not alcohol induced!) . Its true, I am always connected, and I do check my phone constantly, but it frees me up quite a bit as well so I can get out and about more without feeling unconnected. god forbid we should feel unconnected :D

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As the proud owner of a MacBookPro, I was destroyed when my lovely wife bought me a Blackberry for my Birthday, instead of an iphone - I had after all dropped enough hints :) . But, within a couple of days I totally fell in love with my Edge (and my Wife :D again) and would not do without it. I don't even need to bother buying a "gizmo" to keep it charged either. God forbid should I ever loose it - my whole life seems to be contained in it now, one way or another :D .

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Fascinating, people still dont use an iphone? I was showing my friend some pics on my iphone, seamlessly flipping through them, he was shocked. Because then he whipped out his BB and we haltingly got through a few tiny pics, then the BB crashed..... we are talking ancient technology compared to star trek, you can't even compare the 2.

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External batteries really beat interchangeable batteries in a number of ways-- flexibility, not having to power down phone, etc.

Bold is better than the curve (more solid construction, little faster). I prefer the iPhone, because it keeps me from writing extremely long emails.

Negatives on the iphone: landscape keyboard obscures too much of screen to read back meaningful length of what you typed, phone pretty much needs to be charged every night, and some features just don't work right (outlook calendar invites can't be opened in the mail app, but will come into calendar app). Positives: web browsing experience significantly better, better photo & music management, consistent UI, and some pretty useful easy-to-find applications.

What I don't know is if you can put another SIM into your BB and still have data service. You couldn't before with the generation before the Bold, but haven't tried since. The way BB service was structured it ended up being more expensive than what you can do on an iPhone.

For the things I do gripe about on the iPhone, I don't think I will go back to BB or cross over to Android when it comes time to upgrade. Personally, I never liked the Nokia smart phones, so Symbian is out.

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