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I Can Finally Leave Thailand.


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The time for me has come, I can finally leave Thailand and be happy to leave. I have been living here the last 15 years. For the first couple of years really enjoyed it. But for the last 8 or so years i have not liked living here at all and couldnt wait to leave. But i had no choice other than to stay becuase my Son started school in Thailand so i wanted him to finish school in Thailand which this summer he will do.

Things i will miss in Thailand are : - Laid back lifestyle

But not much else

Thing i cant wait to leave behind in Thailand are : - Bad Food

Racism ( it is getting even worse day by day now ) Even my Son says so. Just from going to school he and all his friend ( most of them are half Thai / Half Farang ) they say how bad it can be . Most of them cant wait to leave Thailand and go to study in Uni in another country.

Also i have became like nearly every other Farang who lives here very lazy.

The whole ' lose of face ' rubbish talk. I hate it when people go on about this. The people who have most ' lose of face ' are us Farang who talk about it. Come on people ' Lose of Face ' what the hel_l does that mean to a adult ?? This is not a school play ground.

To be honest i will not miss Thailand at all. Before people start saying about money issues i may have ! I have fine for money . My sun has gone to one of the best international schools in Thailand for the last 15 years now. I own a very nice home here ( all in my Son's name ) Becuase Farang can 100 % not own land here.

I cant wait to get back to a normal country where people can live there lives and own whatever they want and not have to put up with double pricing and all the other bad and racist things that go on here. The only reason i would ever come back here would be to see my Son. But by the sounds of it he cant wait to leave Thailand to ( and he is Half Thai ! )

I jusy cant understand why Farangs keep coming to live here... ???

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I have been coming to, working in and living in Thailand for about 16 years now and I can understand a little of how you feel.

However for me, now retired with a 5 year old son, a good Thai wife with her own business who makes enough to support herself and our son when I die, I can't get enough of Thailand.

I like the food though at times it is too spicy and my body is unhappy with it I can always ask for mai phet kap and get it how I like it.

My wife owns our home and the 20 rai that we live on. I know it can never be mine but so what, I can't take it with me when I die anyway.

Up here in the central region out in the sticks I have not noticed any racism but mainly friendly Thais and not so many farangs an I don't live in a farang ghetto.

My neighbours are Thai and the 2 nearest farangs work offshore and come over 2 or 3 times a year.

Most of the farangs that I know in Thailand are not lazy as they have land and businesses and work hard at it and the others have worked 50 years or so like me and are retired.

I pay mostly the same prices as the locals do for anything I buy.

You say the only reason that you would come back to Thailand would be to see your son though he seems to want to go anyway.

He may have problems back in your home country.

Sorry to see you go but life is really what you make of it.

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For sure 15 years is a long time, so if you feel it's time to go, it is.

I have only lived here for 5 years, but had been travelling here for 20. Lived in my home country 40 years and was quite happy to come here as I love the food, and the government of my home country was a mess (GW Bush).

You talk about racism, but that is everywhere, I don't think you can single out Thailand there.

I wonder if you'll spend a year in your new location, then decide, maybe Thailand wasn't so bad after all.

Good luck to you.

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I agreed with everything the op said except.... no good food? That's the most outrageous statement ever. Besides Thai food (clean Thai food) being great, Bangkok has excellent restaurants from every country. I would never have such a high quality selction of international foods back home, one of the reasons I moved here was the excellent food.

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Don't know what it is, here for 20, fifteen in a row never left for twelve years and still can't get enough of it - love it all!

yeah there are some shortcomings, but I didn't come for them in particular, back "home" it's now -5C and 20" of snow -

welcome to the show ladies and gentlemen!

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I felt that way some years back. I remember sitting in the big bird on the runway at Don Muang and thinking how happy I was to be leaving. I really thought I would never return to Thailand. That was late 1996 and the Thai economy was sinking fast.

I arrived in S. Kalifornia and couldn't believe how much it had changed in only 5 years. Within 2 weeks I was planning how I could get back to Thailand. I lasted two years in So-Cal and could stand it no longer. The grass always looks greener. I plan on being here in Thailand until I cash in my chips. All I have to do is take a short trip back to the US to remind me how good I have it here.

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Good on you mate, I left January this year, althought I didn't stay as long as you. When it's time to go, no point in hanging around.

PS. You are probably going to get some stick from the Thai apologists on this forum :)


This does in fact explain many of your posts!

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For sure 15 years is a long time, so if you feel it's time to go, it is.

I have only lived here for 5 years, but had been travelling here for 20. Lived in my home country 40 years and was quite happy to come here as I love the food, and the government of my home country was a mess (GW Bush).

You talk about racism, but that is everywhere, I don't think you can single out Thailand there.

I wonder if you'll spend a year in your new location, then decide, maybe Thailand wasn't so bad after all.

Good luck to you.

You say your goverment was a mess with GW Bush. Ok thats fair enough and your opion. But are you telling me the Thai goverment is any better ??? Haha the Thai goverment is one of the most corrput and stupid goverments in the world. Hardly any of there polices make any sence to a person with a brain. It is like having a 10 year old child being head of a school !!

I dont think i will look back and think i made the wrong choice. I know some people get very angry when ever a farang says anything bad about thailand. I can understand that alot of the people who do get agnry have sent there life savings here on a failing business. Also Thailand at one time 5 or 10 years ago was a really really great country to live in. But now it is far from that and it is getting worse all the time. I my opion Most but not all Thai's feel farangs are welcome as tourists to spend there money here but they are not and never will be welcome to live here and mix in with the local Thai people.

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Ignore the knobhe_d comments about Thai/foreigners thanking you for leaving. Fact is, you've been here much longer than most, and have made the decision to leave. Unlike many here, you have clearly left yoursef in the position whereby you have all your options open. Many others don't or are just clouded in self delusion. The points that you make are fair (except the food :) ), and yes, things are less than perfect.

I am not wanting to leave at this time, but if the time comes when i am, i hope that i too have created a situation where my options are open.

It is possible though that a break from this place might just put it in a slightly better light.

Either way, good luck to you an your family

Edited by carmine
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You say your goverment was a mess with GW Bush. Ok thats fair enough and your opion. But are you telling me the Thai goverment is any better ??? Haha the Thai goverment is one of the most corrput and stupid goverments in the world. Hardly any of there polices make any sence to a person with a brain. It is like having a 10 year old child being head of a school !!

I dont think i will look back and think i made the wrong choice. I know some people get very angry when ever a farang says anything bad about thailand. I can understand that alot of the people who do get agnry have sent there life savings here on a failing business. Also Thailand at one time 5 or 10 years ago was a really really great country to live in. But now it is far from that and it is getting worse all the time. I my opion Most but not all Thai's feel farangs are welcome as tourists to spend there money here but they are not and never will be welcome to live here and mix in with the local Thai people.

a "chai yen-yen" approach by the OP, cool.

Yes and you are right the "lug khrung" kiddies feel the discriminations it in their schools a lot. I'm working a lot with kids and get increasingly complaints of how uncomfortable it gets for half Thai children. It wasn't like this 10 - 15 years ago.

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Agree with the earlier poster that its best if people who constantly complain or don't like Thailand to just leave- if they stay here their negative attitude is picked up by thai's who then may lump all farang's in the same boat. So to the OP, good move- makes sense for the OP and good for those of us who live here.

But i hope you are moving to a large city wherever you come from..the racism your half asian son will get in a rural community in the West is likely to be far worse than anything he experienced here.

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Agree with the earlier poster that its best if people who constantly complain or don't like Thailand to just leave- if they stay here their negative attitude is picked up by thai's who then may lump all farang's in the same boat. So to the OP, good move- makes sense for the OP and good for those of us who live here.

But i hope you are moving to a large city wherever you come from..the racism your half asian son will get in a rural community in the West is likely to be far worse than anything he experienced here.

And how may i ask have you enjoyed your two week holiday here? :)

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Agree with the earlier poster that its best if people who constantly complain or don't like Thailand to just leave- if they stay here their negative attitude is picked up by thai's who then may lump all farang's in the same boat. So to the OP, good move- makes sense for the OP and good for those of us who live here.

But i hope you are moving to a large city wherever you come from..the racism your half asian son will get in a rural community in the West is likely to be far worse than anything he experienced here.

It's not only about farangs but also for kids coming from Thai-Chinese relationships or any other. But then I have to say that Thai-Chinese couples and their kiddies display in average a better behavior, show more integrity and are hard working.

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Good on you mate, I left January this year, althought I didn't stay as long as you. When it's time to go, no point in hanging around.

PS. You are probably going to get some stick from the Thai apologists on this forum :)


This does in fact explain many of your posts!


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Best to post what you wont miss about thailand after 3 months on the other side. Just spent 3 weeks back in oz being invisible again hanging out with the boys at the same pub same table 20 years. Thanks for the thread think i will hop a flight to Phuket tomorrow just for a fun weekend. The boys back home plan a year ahead for that..

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OP good luck to you where ever you end up...

At 15 years here you have right to your opinion about Thailand.

Wouldnt worry too much about the Thai apologists remarks, who i am sure are only 1 retirement cheque from having to get on a plane because they cant afford to live here anymore, at least you have given yourself options and made a decision...

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I think that you have given yourself enough time after 15 years to figure out where you want to be, So chok dee OP. I hope once you are out of here, happiness will slowly start filling your heart. it is never good for the soul to be in a place that makes you miserable. :)

Edited by mizzi39
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Always a good laugh when the foreign watch dogs slam a poster for posting his/her negative feelings about Thailand. My opinion... everyone has their own view based on their experiences. Some come to Thailand and feel as if it is heaven on earth while others feel it is a cesspool of corruption and lies. As with all widely different views, the truth lies somewhere in between.

Good luck to the OP and I hope that where ever he ends up that his kids, himself and wife (is there a wife?) are very happy.


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Thsi what i do, i get burned out living here from time to time. When i get to that point i jump on a plane over to Phnom Penh

to 4-5 days and when i come back i am completely re-energized on Thailand and feel great!

You mean a visa run to PP?


I think you confuse "bored" with "burned out".

Takes a bit more than 4-5 days to get over it if you are burned out.

By the way, what kind of life style do you have here when you get burned out regularly?


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OP good luck to you where ever you end up...

At 15 years here you have right to your opinion about Thailand.

Wouldnt worry too much about the Thai apologists remarks, who i am sure are only 1 retirement cheque from having to get on a plane because they cant afford to live here anymore, at least you have given yourself options and made a decision...

You have said it spot on with this.

Most people have said good things to me and wished me good look and i thank them people for that.

But there does seem to be some farangs who live in Thailand that just cant appect that other farangs can say any bad words about the place. Most of these people have only been here a couple of years at the most and live in a little bubble or they just refuse to see the bad things that go on around them.

I just cant and never will be able to understand how some farangs seem to think it is fine when they get ripped off or charged double for something.

Everyone is entitled to there own opinion about living in Thailand. So to them people moaning about about anyone who says anything bad about living here... You need to wake up.

Yes there are good things about living here in Thailand. But in my opinion there are more bad things than good and it seems to be getting worse.

Once again thanks to everyone who has left kind comments

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